diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c7ca033..9ed630d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
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+Easy way to compile markdown into documents.
*NOTE: I have a new motivation to clean up this project.
Please let me know if you find it useful.*
@@ -15,245 +17,10 @@ Maybe it's a blog, research paper, book draft, or just a set of notes.
You don't want to think about typesetting details.
You just want to throw your ideas in some plain text files and call `make`.
-This package makes it very easy to compile text taken in
-to valid xhtml or to a pdf via LaTeX.
-It can be used to make simple webpages quickly,
-for example:
-This same document compiled to a pdf can be found here:
-- make
-- LaTeX (texlive/mactex)
-- python >= 3.8
-- pandoc >= 2.13
-- [pandoc-crossref](https://github.com/lierdakil/pandoc-crossref)
-- matplotlib (for pagecount and wordcount plots)
-- xpdf (pdfinfo command for pagecount)
-On my Mac, I used to install the missing dependencies through
-but beginning with OS 10.11, I started using
-First, if you are on a Mac, you should install
-through the Apple app store to get `make` and basic build utilities.
-Some basic requirements I had to install with *homebrew*
-were the following, and I got [pip](https://pip.readthedocs.io/en/stable/installing/)
-and used it to install somethings:
- brew install wget
- brew install xpdf
- sudo python get-pip.py
- sudo pip install scipy
- sudo pip install matplotlib
- sudo pip install pandas
-Then, with *homebrew*, the main packages to install are
- brew cask install mactex
- brew install pandoc
- brew install pandoc-citeproc
- brew install pandoc-crossref
-Instead of homebrew, some years ago, with *macports* I installed
- sudo port selfupdate
- sudo port install texlive-latex texlive-latex-recommended texlive-latex-extra texlive-math-extra
- sudo port install pandoc
- sudo port install hs-cabal-install
- cabal update
- cabal install pandoc-citeproc pandoc-crossref
-If something doesn't work for you, please let me know!
-I'll do my best improve the documentation and make
-the software more robust as time allows.
-TODO: Rewrite install instructions for Ubuntu and Mac.
-I'm sorry.
-### html
-- [disqus comments](disqus.com)
-- mathjax LaTeX rendering
-- google analytics tracking
-- automatically generates an `index.md`
-If you want to write your own `index.md`,
-then put the same markdown in `index.txt`.
-### pdf
-- LaTeX
-- fancyheader
-### both
-- appendices
-- bibtex bibliographies
-- footnotes
-- multiple authors
-- word- and page-count plots (see below)
-Getting started
-- Clone/fork this package and possibly rename the `markdown-memo`
- directory as your project.
-- Put some `*.md` files in that directory.
-- In those files, just start writing the `h1` heading.
- There's no need for additional markup or html.
- Examples of [Markdown](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/)
- syntax are
- Section 1
- =================================
- Sub-section 1
- ---------------------------------
- [Lorem ipsum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorem_ipsum)
- dolor sit amet, duo ut putant verear, nam ut brute utroque.
- Officiis qualisque conceptam te duo, eu vim soluta numquam, has ut aliquip
- accusamus. Probo aliquam pri id. Mutat singulis ad vis, eam euismod pertinax
- an, ea tale volumus vel. At porro soleat est. Debet facilis admodum an sed,
- at falli feugiat est.
- 1. one
- 1. two
- 1. three
- You can do latex in-line, $e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0$, like that.
- Or equations:
- \begin{equation}
- \int_{\partial\Omega} \omega = \int_{\Omega} \mathrm{d}\omega \,.
- \end{equation}
-- Edit the metadata in `meta.yaml`.
-- Call `make` to generate valid xhtml.
-- Call `make pdf` to generate a pdf document.
-- Call `make clean` to delete temporary LaTeX files.
-- Call `make realclean` to additionally delete the output html and pdf files.
-I use an image of my email to hide it from text crawlers.
-Please replace `img/my-email.png` with a screenshot of your
-email address instead of mine,
-or just remove the use of the image in `meta.yaml`.
-Customize the files in `templates/` to adjust the format
-of the output html and pdfs files to your needs.
-If you want to put the html online, perhaps a solution for you,
-because it's free and easy, would be to host the pages at github.
-See: [pages.github.com](https://pages.github.com/).
-Special files
-There are a few special files that help steer the execution of markdown-memo
-or are otherwise exceptional.
-- `README.md` - This file. Please empty this file and adapt it to your project.
-Primary files edited by the user:
-- `meta.yaml` - The main metadata file controlling the project in many ways.
-- `*.md` - Any other user-created Markdown files, the markup of your document.
-Optional files:
-- `index.[md,txt]` - The top-level, root file of your project. By default, if `index.txt` is missing,
- a table of contents is generated for `index.md`, otherwise (the user-written) `index.txt`
- is copied to be the `index.md`.
-- `bib_index.md` - Call `make bib_index.md` to generate this file. It is to help incoorporate citations
- into your document by being an automatically generated list of the references, with footnotes,
- created from the available bibliography files in `bibs/`.
-- `order.txt` - Optionally, the user can create this file, which should have a list of
- Markdown files used in the document, one-per-line, in the order as to be used for the
- navigation buttons in the html template. By default, building the html will generate this
- file if it doesn't already exist, with the Markdown files listed in alphabetical order.
- If one names the Markdown files something like `01-first-section.md`, `02-second-section.md`, etc.,
- then the order should be handled automatically.
-Disqus integration
-You can choose to append a comments section at the end of your html.
-Just register a user name and the site name with [disqus.com](disqus.com).
-Then in the `meta.yaml`, set `disqus: true`, and set your `disqus_shortname`.
-More info
-The documentation in this README is expanded on in the markdown-memo example:
-Word count
-Note that word-count and page-count plots are generated when you call `make pdf`.
-You might want to keep these around in the `README.md` for your document.
-![Page count over time.](wordcount/pages.png)
-![Word count over time.](wordcount/words.png)
-Wish list / TODOs
-- ~~Automatically generate an index.md with a TOC.~~
-- ~~Find and replace the default figure environment to be `\begin{figure}[tph]` instead of `\begin{figure}[htbp]`.~~
-- ~~Add conditionals to the `Makefile` such that `templates/refs.md` is only added for documents that have references.~~
-- ~~Write a script to generate a md file with footnotes and citations defined given a bibliography (`make_bib_index.py`).~~
-- ~~Find and replace such that LaTeX figures use pdf figures while html uses raster png/jpg.~~
-- ~~Optionally make a TOC automatically in the html.~~
-- ~~Make links to previous and next sections (if they exist) in the navigation box in the html.~~
-- ~~Finish the basic documentation in the markdown-memo example document.~~
-- ~~Make a template that works with [REVTeX](https://journals.aps.org/revtex).~~
-- ~~Make a template that works with [JHEP](https://jhep.sissa.it/jhep/help/JHEP_TeXclass.jsp).~~
-- ~~Hack equation references to be done the same as figure and table references. `[@eq:stokes]` → `eq.\ $\eqref{eq:stokes}$`~~
-- ~~PlotTable float~~
-- Allow tables to be given as csv files.
-- Fix TOC spacing issues with REVTeX.
-- Fix Author issues with JHEP.
-- Make the use of tmp files more robust.
-- Test and explain the installation and requirements better on different systems.
-- Fix TOC issues when calling `make ohtml`.
-- Explain `make html` vs `make ohtml` in the documentation.
-- Get tables to be normal `\begin{table}[bph]` instead of the `longtable` environment.
-- References to labels on other pages unfortunately don't work in html.
-- ~~Add some basic CI.~~
-- Rewrite install instructions above.
-- Fix `install_for_mac`.
-- Make better dark template.
-- Clean up the yaml conventions.
-- Rewrite a more simple and clean version of the whole thing.
See also
-- [rreece.github.io/sw](http://rreece.github.io/sw/)
- [rreece.github.io/sw/markdown-memo](http://rreece.github.io/sw/markdown-memo)
- [kprussing.github.io/writing-with-markdown](http://kprussing.github.io/writing-with-markdown/)
- [pandoc.org/README.html](http://pandoc.org/README.html)
@@ -272,11 +39,5 @@ Author
Ryan Reece ([@rreece](https://github.com/rreece))
-Created: July 29, 2014
+Created: October 26, 2023
-Copyleft 2014-2023 Ryan Reece