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126 lines (76 loc) · 5.77 KB

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126 lines (76 loc) · 5.77 KB

license - apache 2.0


A simple bash script to generate .rosinstall files 'from the past'.


This bash script is a wrapper around rosinstall_generator that accepts one additional argument: a date in the past.

Using this datetime stamp, it will try to generate a .rosinstall file using rosinstall_generator and a clone of ros/rosdistro as that repository was at the date specified.

The .rosinstall file can then be used to build the set of ROS packages that will approximate the 'state of ROS' as it was at the time the issue was reported ('approximate', as we only revert rosdistro, not the rosdep database, nor the base OS).


This tool generates and re-uses rosdistro cache files, which will be stored in $HOME/.robust-rosin. This cache is seeded from the rosin-project/rgtm_rosdistro_caches repository, but only upon the first use of the tool. As the cache repository is updated every now and then, be sure to git pull it if you want to make use of the available caches.

Usage ISO8601_DATETIME ROS_DISTRO [ other rosinstall_generator args ]

Example invocation to generate a .rosinstall file based on an issue opened on the yujinrobot/kobuki_core tracker on the 1st of March 2017 (note reuse of the cache):

user@machine:~$ \
  '2017-03-01T08:57:20Z' \
  kinetic \
  kobuki_ftdi \
  --deps --deps-only --tar > deps.rosinstall
Requested timepoint: '2014-07-28T09:14:56Z' (1406538896)
Resetting local rosdistro clone ..
Previous HEAD position was 2b0f84c... jsk_common: 1.0.33-0 in 'hydro/distribution.yaml' [bloom]
Switched to branch 'master'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Determined rosdistro commit: 2b0f84cf (authored: 1406540365)
Reverting to ros/rosdistro@2b0f84cf
Cache already exists for (distro; stamp) tuple, skipping generation
Updating local rosdistro index.yaml to use cache from the past ..
Invoking: rosinstall_generator --rosdistro=kinetic kobuki_ftdi --deps --deps-only --tar
Using ROS_DISTRO: kinetic

Note: be prepared to press RET or ENTER a few times for some repositories that no longer exist, or are now private repositories (and for which git would now need a password).

This will generate the deps.rosinstall file containing all dependencies (and only the dependencies) of the kobuki_ftdi package in ROS Kinetic at the time that yujinrobot/kobuki_core/issues/29 was reported.

If a rosdistro cache was not already available for the timepoint and ROS version requested, one will be generated using the closest available cache as a starting point.


In order to be able to run this, the following need to be present:

  • Docker
  • git
  • sed
  • date
  • Python 2

Most of the runtime infrastructure will be installed into a Docker image.

The script will also check for the presence of these tools and programs.

Setup and installation

Installation consists of cloning the Github repository to a suitable location.

Make sure to have the required Python modules available to you: check requirements.txt or run pip install -r requirements.txt (using a virtualenv is recommended).

Now run the script in the docker sub directory. This should build a Docker image containing the runtime infrastructure.

At this point setup is complete and the tool can be used.

For convenience the directory containing may be placed on the PATH.


The current implementation can only go back to 22nd of April, 2013 (on that date updates to various packages including rosdistro and rosinstall_generator was rolled out for REP-137 compliance).

It (obviously) cannot provide information on repositories that no longer exist (this becomes more of a problem the further back in time one goes).

Future work

  • probably rewrite in Python
  • extend support to version 2 and earlier versions of rosdistro (and related tools)
  • silence rosdistro_build_cache a bit
  • distribute this tool in a Docker image
  • integrate with OSRF Legacy ROS Docker images


Some frequently asked questions and answers.

Git keeps asking for my credentials

This is mostly seen with repositories which used to be on Github.

Github sends the same response to your git client (which is used when the rosdistro cache is created) for repositories which are private and those which no longer exist (likely a security feature). There would be no need to enter any actual credentials, as your username & password will not bring back repositories which no longer exist.

Press RET or Enter a few times until the script continues with the next repository.

Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS too far in the past

This error is printed whenever the script is asked to go back to a date that is beyond what is currently supported (22nd of April, 2013).

No packages/stacks left after ignoring not released

After figuring out the rosdistro commit, the script uses rosinstall_generator to generate a .rosinstall file with all the dependencies of the specified PUT. For this to work, the PUT itself must have been released (and thus registered in rosdistro) at the date and time that the time machine was asked to go back to.

Make sure this is the case if running into this error. Realise that the package may not have been released at the time the bug was reported (if using the issue URL as input to the time machine).