We care about what we consume and how it could change our future. Making the right choice today would give us future winning points in saving our environment.
Displays relevant information about CO2 emission for the products in Migros grocery online shop. Similar to the energy efficiency index (EEI) we want to show in easy was what are the products with the least impact using categories A, B, C.
Chrome browser extension which simulates the emission index data.
We didn't have any previous experience in building browser extensions and came from different industry.
Managed to complete the prototype in a short period of time.
- Learned much more about environmental impact and real footprint for the products we consume on daily basis.
- Browser permissions for building extensions API
- Replace fake index data with real evaluation service
- Find options how we could partially replace high CO2 emission products with their better alternatives
- Allow a user to exclude unwanted products and optimize overall experience (e.g. no products with lamb are further shown)
- Add other values to the index e.g required water, miles to transport etc.