All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- #51 Ensure that idle HTTP client connections are closed after collecting metrics.
- Corrected the import path to reflect the actual repository.
- #43 Ensuring that the logging reflects a custom bind port. Previously the logging was being setup in
which was before the flags are parsed.
- #41 Added the following AAA metrics.
- aaa_auth_success
- aaa_auth_fail
- aaa_auth_only_http_success
- aaa_auth_only_http_fail
- aaa_current_ica_sessions
- aaa_current_ica_only_connections
- #37 Added LBVS and GSLB VS state metric.
- #13 Error when trying to retrieve stats for servicegroups which have multiple members, where each member is the same server but on different ports. We now include the port as a label to avoid duplicates.
- VPN Virtual Server (NetScaler Gateway) stats.
- Minimising the number of API requests needed to retrieve Service Group member stats by getting all service group members for a specific service group in one go. We still have to query for every single service group, but it cuts down the number of API requests by over 50% on the assumption that each service group has multiple members.
- Refactored the filenames to better reflect the functions contained within them.
- Debug logging is now hidden behind the
- Multi query endpoint. You no longer need to run a single instance per NetScaler you want to monitor. The exporter now supports Prometheus targets so only one instance is required.
- Return a 500 status code, and error message, if the NetScaler target cannot be contacted.
- Refactored exporter code into separate package for maintainability reasons.
- Option to specify a NetScaler to scrape from the command line. Using Prometheus scrape targets is now the only way.
- Collection of GSLB Service metrics.
- Collection of GSLB Virtual Server metrics.
- Collection of Content Switching Virtual Server metrics.
- Make now also builds Linux x64 executables.
- Option to ignore certificate errors. This can be useful when the NetScaler uses a self-signed certificate which will error without this flag. It should be used sparingly, and only when you fully trust the endpoint.
- The following metrics replace their equivalent rate/s.
- total_received_mb
- total_transmit_mb
- http_responses
- http_requests
- interfaces_received_bytes
- interfaces_received_bytes
- interfaces_received_packets
- interfaces_transmitted_packets
- interfaces_jumbo_packets_received
- interfaces_jumbo_packets_transmitted
- interfaces_error_packets_received
- The following metrics are not needed as Prometheus can calculate them from their equivalent totals.
- transmit_mb_per_second
- received_mb_per_second
- http_requests_rate
- http_responses_rate
- interfaces_received_bytes_per_second
- interfaces_received_bytes_per_second
- interfaces_received_packets_per_second
- interfaces_transmitted_packets_per_second
- interfaces_jumbo_packets_received_per_second
- interfaces_jumbo_packets_transmitted_per_second
- interfaces_error_packets_received_per_second
- virtual_servers_hits_rate
- virtual_servers_requests_rate
- virtual_servers_responses_rate
- virtual_servers_request_bytes_rate
- virtual_servers_reponse_bytes_rate
- service_throughput_rate
- service_request_rate
- service_responses_rate
- service_request_bytes_rate
- service_response_bytes_rate
- service_virtual_server_service_hits_rate
- servicegroup_requests_rate
- servicegroup_responses_rate
- servicegroup_request_bytes_rate
- servicegroup_response_bytes_rate
- Log entries are no longer sent to a file. Instead they are logged to stdout in logfmt format.
- NetScaler API bug meant that trying to retrieve stats from a service group member which used a wildcard port (65535 in API and CLI, * in GUI) resulted in error. Skipping these members until the bug is resolved.
- Authentication to the NetScaler now only happens once per scrape; the session cookie is saved and re-used in future requests. When the scrape finishes, the session is disconnected. Previously each API request was authenticated individually.
- Exporting Service Group metrics
- Added service state; 1 if service is up and 0 for any other state.
- Added model_id which represents, on the VPX line at least, the maximum licensed throughout of the appliance. For example a VPX 1000 allows for 1000 MB/s.
Initial release