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new webserver release script, basic-cli release script updates #361

new webserver release script, basic-cli release script updates

new webserver release script, basic-cli release script updates #361

name: devtools nix files test - macos
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
name: devtools-test-mac
runs-on: [self-hosted, macOS, ARM64]
timeout-minutes: 120
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Only run all steps if flake.lock or flake.nix changed
id: checklock
run: |
if git diff --name-only ${{ github.event.before }} ${{ github.sha }} | grep 'flake'; then
echo "A flake file was changed. Testing devtools nix files..."
echo "flake_changed=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "No flake file was changed. No need to run tests."
echo "flake_changed=false" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: test devtools/flake.nix
if: env.flake_changed == 'true'
id: devtools_test_step
run: |
sed -i '' "s|/home/username/gitrepos/roc|$(realpath .)|g" devtools/flake.nix
cat devtools/flake.nix
mkdir -p ../temp
cp devtools/flake.nix ../temp
cp devtools/flake.lock ../temp
cd ../temp
git init
git add flake.nix flake.lock
nix develop --show-trace
- name: Print tip on fail
if: env.flake_changed == 'true'
run: |
echo "The devtools test failed, this can likely be fixed by"
echo "locally deleting devtools/flake.lock and following the"
echo "instructions in devtools/ This will create a"
echo "new flake.lock you should use to replace the old devtools/flake.lock"