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Kevin Ormbrek edited this page Mar 8, 2014 · 17 revisions

You can incorporate jrobotremoteserver into your project or use it as a standalone jar.

Table of Contents

Programmatic Usage

    public class ServerLauncher {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            RemoteServer server = new RemoteServer();
            server.putLibrary("/", new MyLibrary());
            server.putLibrary("/other", new MyOtherLibrary("42"));

Embedded Usage

How to add a servlet to a servlet container varies. Here is an example for Tiny Java Web Server:

    import java.util.Properties;
    import Acme.Serve.Serve;
    public class ServerSetup {
        private Serve server = null;
        public void startServer() throws Exception {
            server = new Serve();
            Properties properties = new Properties();
            properties.put("port", 9999);
            server.arguments = properties;
            RemoteServerServlet servlet = new RemoteServerServlet();
            servlet.putLibrary("/", new MyLibrary());
            server.addServlet("/jrobotremoteserver", servlet);

Standalone Usage

First configure the CLASSPATH to include your libraries and jrobotremoteserver. Then do something like this:

 java org.robotframework.remoteserver.RemoteServer --library org.example.MyLibrary:/ --library org.example.MyOtherLibrary:/other --port 8270

Status Page

Once the remote server has launched, you can see a status page in a web browser. The page displays what libraries are served on which ports, and is served on every port in use. For example, go to http://localhost:8270/ if you have a library assigned to port 8270.

Stopping the Server

You can stop the server in one of several ways:

  1. Execute keyword Stop Remote Server from Robot Framework (can be disabled)
  2. Raise a keyboard interrupt in the console -- CTRL + C
  3. Call RemoteServer.stop()
  4. Call XML-RPC method stop_remote_server() (disabled if the first option is)

Adding as a Maven Dependency


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