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Guide to sesync-ci/*-lesson Repositories

The lessons maintained by the SESYNC-CI organization are held in separate repositories that nonetheless share common files. The tree shown below shows files from the lesson-style repository that are shared (merged) into all lessons. These files shall only be modified in the lesson-style repository.

 ├── bin/
 │   ├── build_worksheet.R (under development)
 │   ├── build_rmd.R
 │   └── (under development)
 ├── data -> /nfs/public-data/training
 ├── docs/
 │   ├── _archive.yml
 │   ├── _config.yml
 │   ├── assets/css/
 │   ├── Gemfile
 │   ├── _includes/
 │   ├── _layouts/
 │   └── _views/
 ├── LICENSE (under development)
 └── Makefile

The Makefile includes operations for building and publishing lessons. You can call the following targets from the command line. In RStudio, the "Build All" button runs the default Makefile target.

  • make preview (default) to build docs/_site locally during development
  • make slides run the bin/build_* scripts that populate docs/_slides
  • make upstream merge updates made in the upstream lesson-style repository
  • make archive DATE="yyyy-mm-dd" freeze the lesson in the docs/_archive collection
  • make release zip the handouts for attachment to a GitHub release

Sometimes the "Build All" button in RStudio results in a failure or halted execution. This can be due to a caching problem with knitr not reloading packages when it uses cached chunks. The solution is to delete the cache folder in the top-level and rebuild.

Each lesson repository will include the above files in addition to lesson metadata and content wholly contained within the following files:

 ├── docs/
 │   ├── assets/images/
 │   ├── _data/lesson.yml
 │   └── _slides/
 ├── slides/
[├── worksheet*.*]
[├── *.Rproj]

Developing a lesson primarily involves writing "slides" (e.g. as Markdown or RMarkdown files), creating worksheets that will be distributed along with any data through a handout, and updating the metadata in docs/_data/lesson.yml.

Lesson Content

Each file in the top-level slides folder is a lesson section. Each file must be written in either Markdown (with a ".md" extension), RMarkdown (with a ".Rmd" extension), or Jupyter Notebook (with a ".ipynb" extension). A single lesson can use multiple types, if the code in each has no interdependencies. Rendered slides will be generated as Markdown within docs/_slides.

Data for the lesson goes in the /nfs/public-data/training folder on SESYNC's research storage server, which is symlinked to data in each lesson. References to data in lesson code shall be via the relative path data/. Figures produced during build go automatically to docs/assets/images, and any additional images must go there too. Archived, HTML versions of the lesson go automatically to docs/_archive.

A *.Rproj is optional but convenient for starting an R session with the appropriate working directory. A handouts.Rproj file will be included in the handouts associated with any lesson having a *.Rproj file and a .R or .Rmd worksheet. All handouts (including data and worksheets) must be listed in the docs/_data/lesson.yml.

Please note the following useful details about how content is rendered:

  • Code chunks within a document are rendered to either look like content within a text editor or content typed directly into the interpreter/console. The console-look is the default. To achieve the editor-look in a Rmd script, add handout = i to the code chunk options, replacing i with the (zero-indexed) position of the worksheet in the list of handouts. Alternatively, explicitly set the title="{{[i] }}" attribute to a Markdown chunk.
  • If an expression in a code chunk generates results, it may render as multiple code chunks with the result interspersed. Prefer to only end code chunks with expressions that print output or generate plots.
  • Vertical slide breaks are introduced with === on a line by itself.
  • Paragraphs followed by {:.notes} on a line by itself, with no blank line after the paragraph, only show up in non-slideshow views.
  • Every file in slides must begin with YAML frontmatter fenced above and below by ---.

Creating a new lesson

Create a new, public repository owned by the SESYNC-CI organization: use a short hyphenated name, provide a description that can be exported as a human readable lesson title (e.g. on SESYNC's lessons tab), and do not include a README, LICENSE, or any commit whatsoever.

Locally clone the lesson-style repository into a suitably named *-lesson folder, rename the branch and remote, and checkout a new master:

git clone [email protected]:SESYNC-ci/lesson-style.git $LESSON-lesson
cd $LESSON-lesson
git remote set-url origin [email protected]:SESYNC-ci/$LESSON-lesson.git
git push

Go to the lesson repository's GitHub settings and select master/docs as the GitHub Pages source. Update the repository's description with the website address*-lesson and verify the page exists.

  • Note: the domain redirect may be discontinued. If so, use*-lesson instead.

Create a file at the top of your *-lesson repository, following this template:

## Lesson Title

brief lesson description for potential students

## Instructor Notes

tips on running the tutorial for instructors

## Cyberhelp @SESYNC

The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) curates and runs
tutorials on using cyberinfrastructure in pursuit of the Center's scientific
mission. Visit []( to learn more about
SESYNC and [SESYNC's cyberhelp site]( for more
tutorials and ideas.

Create a YAML file called docs/_data/lesson.yml specifying lesson-specific variables following this template:

title: ...       # the lesson's title
handouts:        # a list of handouts, e.g. worksheets and data
 - ...
tag: ...         # current handout release version
lesson: ...      # the number of the lesson (for /instructor view)
lifecycle: alpha # status for lifecycle badge 
badgecolor: pink # color for lifecycle badge
warning: true    # whether to include note about lifecycle status
instructor: ...  # the name of the instructor (for /instructor view)
authors:         # a list of those writing the lesson
 - ...
sorter:          # an ordered list of slides (file names without extension)
 - ...           # contained in the top-level "slides" folder

Use the following guide for lifecycle variables:

lifecycle badgecolor warning
alpha pink true
beta blue true
stable green false
archived gray true

Files within the "slides" folder become a vertical stack of slides in a Reveal.js presentation. Stacks are concatenated horizontally in the order specified by the sorter array in docs/_data/lesson.yml.

Preview a Lesson

Each lesson is a Jekyll site, automatically deployed by GitHub when pushed but also possible to build and view locally. The following instructions work with a *-lesson repository opened as a project on

From RStudio, choose "Build All" from the "Build" tab. This builds a static Jekyll site if any of the content has been updated since the last site build. To view the built page in a browser under the default port, use the servr R package:


If needed, additionally specify an initpath value of 'instructor/', 'course/', or 'slideshow/'.

If the default port is in use, try a different port, e.g.:

servr::httw('docs/_site', port = 4322)

For the site to load correctly, you must update the RSTUDIO_PROXY environment variable using the next line of code and then force the site to build again.


In order to force the site to build again, you may need to delete the entire docs/_site directory manually. Rebuilding is necessary because the RSTUDIO_PROXY environment variable is a hash that is generated within your Rstudio session every time Rstudio restarts, and it is hard-coded into the file paths for the images and stylesheets. If this is not done, the images will appear as "broken links" in the slideshow, and the slides will be formatted incorrectly.

Additional notes on previewing

  • It's always a good idea to delete cache from the lesson's root directory before building.
  • For lessons that rely on htmlwidgets such as leaflet, it's a good idea to delete docs/assets/htmlwidgets somewhat regularly. This can avoid issues with the build, although it can make for slower builds because some dependencies are big.
  • Important note: If you display the lesson as a slideshow in the viewer pane using server::httw('docs/_site', initpath = 'slideshow/'), the images do not display. This is a feature, not a bug! The idea is for the instructor to generate the plots and other images and display them in their "Plots" tab, not on the slide.

Releases and Handouts

Before teaching a lesson: Bump the tag value in docs/_data/lesson.yml. This will be the version number for the GitHub release. Then, run make release to create a file in the lesson's root directory. Next, create a release on GitHub, using the tag value as the version, with (created through make release) attached. To get the file contents for the release description, use tree on the unzipped handouts directory. Copy and paste the output of tree handouts into the release description.

After teaching a lesson: A lesson should be archived after any event in which it is presented—either in a workshop or à la carte setting.

Archive the lesson html using the makefile. The archive is built (i.e. processed into HTML) page copied into docs/_archive. For example:

make archive DATE="2020-07-21"

To manually archive an html, copy the html from _site into _archive. Add the following header to the html file:


The archive actually depends on two releases, and both must exist on GitHub:

  • The lesson's repository needs a release corresponding to tag.
  • The upstream lesson-style repository must have a release matching the string found in the styleurl value in docs/_archive.yml.

When preparing the first release, be sure to include all data and worksheets in a binary attachment and use the tree command to generate a file tree of the zip's contents.

Lesson Lifecycle

Lesson status should be categorized as Alpha, Beta, Stable, or Archived according to the lifecycle definitions. Assign these categories in 3 places:

  1. set variables in the lesson repository docs/_data/lesson.yml
  2. copy a badge from below to top of lesson
  3. add or move the lesson repository on the GitHub curriculum page.

These assignments are for internal tracking, but the lesson.yml will also modify the default lesson view to include the lifecycle badge and a note at the top of the page (if warning: true).

Additionally, make sure to link/unpublish lessons as follows:

  • For beta and stable lessons, ensure lesson is linked from cyberhelp lessons page by adding a file in lesson/_posts/.
  • For archived lessons, turn off github pages in -lesson repository settings and add to instructor notes (in lesson "This lesson is archived" and either "and was replaced with the following lesson: ...", "Active lessons covering similar material include: ... ", or similar.

Alpha [![lifecycle](](

Beta [![lifecycle](](

Stable [![lifecycle](](

Archived [![lifecycle](](

Working Upstream

The repository lesson-style is intended to be upstream of all *-lesson repositories, but configuration as such must be achieved in a local clone (i.e. not on GitHub). This upstream remote will be configured on the first call to make upstream. Modifications to the upstream branch shall be meant for all lessons. A change to docs/_layouts/default.html, for example, should be commited to the upstream branch and pushed to the master branch of the upstream remote (i.e. to the lesson-style repository on GitHub):

git checkout upstream
git add docs/_layouts/default.html
git commit
git push upstream HEAD:master

Prefer to make changes directly to the lesson-style.

In some (older) lessons, make upstream may fail. To merge changes made within the lesson-style repository into a lesson, run git pull upstream master from the master branch. The upstream commits may not have a shared history with the master branch; it is okay to merge using --allow-unrelated-histories.


Add repositories to the Instructors team page on GitHub with Write permission for members of the Instructors team to push changes on lessons.