- header-ul trebuie sa fie rendered server-side
- make the play button & volume icon a bit smaller && make the volume slider width constant
- implement random station functionality
- when selecting a station, the player should start automatically
- implement add to favorite functionality
- implement stations groups
- sort all stations to left
- make the stations thumbnail a bit smaller
- add current played song as head meta (maybe Google will pick them and display in search results)
- create a page for each station (and simulate a page redirect when clicking on a station)
- create a sitemap with all the stations
- create a subdomain for each station (just the player + the latest articles)
- allow the user to add a shortcut on desktop for the app
- create am embeddable player
- add SEO meta for all the reviews
- make the website mobile responsive
- refresh the station metadata every 5 seconds
- implement add to favorite each station
- optimize the website for maximum performance on
- implement HLS player on website
- populate station description from API
- allow the user to leave a review (/api/v1/review)
- create a pop-up so that the user can share Radio Crestin with their friends
- enable server side rendering and push the website to a very fast CDN
- link each station to the correct Facebook page by using the link from API
- improve the website audio player to allow the user to select which stream should be played for that station (hls/proxy/original)
- when a stream is failing, fall-back to the next stream automatically
- when a station is playing, send this signal to backend (send station_id every 15 seconds)
- add facebook page as SEO meta field
- SEO meta field - current playing
- send the listened station every 1 minute (/api/v1/listen)
- sum up to station listeners the radio_crestin_listeners value when the user is listening using the HLS or proxy
- allow the user to report a problem (also, send current timestamp, his IP and all the console logs) Backend:
- start station when clicking on the thumbnail
- make sure that we're not abusing the shoutcast endpoints
- limit the maximum number of requests to graphql to 5 per second
- whitelist all of our servers IPs on Aripi Spre Cer
- implement a system to suggest what to listen next based on the amount of time the station was listened by users
- zero downtime docker deployment using docker swarm
- "aggregate" listeners events & clean up them
- enable gzip compression also for api responses
- add audio normalization ( or maybe something on the client side
- add more stations
- upload hls to edge CDNs (for now we will let Bunny to pull the data, later on we might want to sync the files directly to Bunny..)
- add aripi spre cer monitoring based on shoutcast metadata