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MG2 Test Notes

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Initial notes [2017-06-15 Thu]

Refactor Python scripts.

Break into smaller functions.

Change variant scripts (e.g. to leverage this.

Improve and variants thereof.

Add netCDF output capability to scripts.

Test for poor Q/QR convergence under various conditions.

Fix rain evaporation time step.

Turn off rain evaporation entirely.

Change precipitation fraction method.

Decide what output to add to measure nr conservation limiter activity.

Allow Python script to handle arbitrary numbers of input columns.

Change Python script temperature updating.

The script should change to mimic what the physics_update and geopotential functions do for every MG2 substep.

Decide on a strategy for more parallel processing.

Figure out system for archiving/organizing plots.

Daily notes [2017-06-15 Thu]

Turning off rain evaporation

Turn off (non-ice) processes that affect rain number.

This is for deciding whether any one process can be “blamed” for the fact that the asymptotic range does not extend to timesteps larger than ~15-30 seconds. Evaporation has already been tried.

Turn off autoconversion.

This may not be very informative, since the only rain will presumably be from previous timesteps.

Turn off self-collection.

Daily notes [2017-06-16 Fri]

Turning off self-collection

  • This seems to get rid off the “kink” in the convergence plots for Q and QR, though both variables seem to show sub-first-order convergence.
  • The “bumpiness” in the plots makes it hard to estimate the convergence from a couple of points. However, the following output was produced by the current diagnostic:
    • Estimated median convergence rate for variable Q: 0.958888081956
    • Estimated mean convergence rate for variable Q: 0.383736110988
    • Estimated median convergence rate for variable QC: 1.25114515978
    • Estimated mean convergence rate for variable QC: 1.08667639075
    • Estimated median convergence rate for variable QI: 1.19099540874
    • Estimated mean convergence rate for variable QI: 1.15282041008
    • Estimated median convergence rate for variable QR: 0.493678862123
    • Estimated mean convergence rate for variable QR: 0.429452252071
    • Estimated median convergence rate for variable QS: 1.1424212205
    • Estimated mean convergence rate for variable QS: 0.694204680647
    • Estimated median convergence rate for variable T: 0.997614837595
    • Estimated mean convergence rate for variable T: 0.379149412583

Come up with a better convergence rate diagnostic.

Turning off autoconversion

Changing the precipitation fraction method

Turn off sedimentation entirely.

  • CLOSING NOTE [2017-06-21 Wed 14:00]
    This trial seems unnecessary for now, since the NR limiter bug discovered on [2017-06-20 Tue] seems to account for the strange NR conservation issues.

Should self-collection use rho**2 instead of rho?

  • CLOSING NOTE [2017-06-21 Wed 14:01]
    Answer is no: number would be multiplied by rho on both sides, so assuming a roughly constant density w.r.t. time, one of the ones on the RHS will cancel with a rho on the LHS.

Daily notes [2017-06-19 Mon]

Rain number hypothesis

  • Due to required LLNL training and broken A/C in the office, spent most of this day working offline, trying to interpret results.
  • Sent this email summarizing current thoughts about rain number convergence:

One of the processes in the microphysics is the “self-collection” of rain, which is currently calculated like this:

nragg = -8._r8*nric*qric*rho

nragg is effectively the tendency on nric. Now, rho is ~1, and qric is limited to be <= 0.01. Chris’s plots show that, at least at coarse timesteps, we actually hit that limiter, so qric actually is on the order of magnitude of 10^-3 to 10^-2 at least some of the time.

If you imagine a case where rain is heavy (qric is about 0.01), and we idealize by saying that self-collection is the only active process in a grid cell, the equation for rain number here looks roughly like:

dN/dt = -0.08 * N

Using the forward Euler method will only be stable on this equation for timesteps < 25 seconds, and IIRC, it will only lead to a monotonic decay if the timestep is <= 12.5 seconds.

The attached plots show some evidence that this instability is responsible for some of the issues we’ve seen, though it’s not a 100% confirmation. What’s being plotted in each one is the timestep vs. the 2-norm of the “error” (with respect to a 1s timestep reference case), for a number of different cases. Looking at timesteps_QR.eps, there are some cases where there’s a “kink” in the graph, i.e. the solution doesn’t start to converge until a timestep of ~10s or smaller is used. If self-collection is turned off (timesteps_QR_nocollect.eps), that kink is not present, and though the rate of convergence may be sub-first-order, for a given case it still appears to follow some power law.

I also did a test where I changed the “precip_frac_method” option. One effect of this is to significantly reduce qric in most cases; the kink in QR also goes away in this case (timesteps_QR_max_overlap.eps).

I also looked at water vapor (Q). Because it is coupled to QR via evaporation, it also shows this distinctive “kink” (timestep_Q.eps). If self-collection is turned off, the kink goes away. If the precip_frac_method is changed, the kink becomes much less pronounced, and is not visible in all cases.

There’s some further evidence that the issue affects rain number and mass first, and then affects water vapor only indirectly via evaporation. The “noevap” plots I’ve attached show a case where rain evaporation is turned off, which effectively decouples Q from QR (at least, it does for grid cells with no cloud). In this case, the water vapor (Q) shows no kink, but the kink for rain mass (QR) is highly exaggerated.

Daily notes [2017-06-20 Tue]

Test case evaluation

  • A particular test case that shows a strong “kink” in the Q convergence plots is in column 856 of the ACME-derived data file.
  • This test case was examined at 1s and 15s time steps.
  • The following quantities were plotted over vertical level and time:
    • All forms of water mass (Q and all hydrometeor mixing ratios).
    • Temperature
    • NR
    • Rain evaporation rate (mass tendency)
    • Rain sedimentation rate (mass tendency)
    • Rain autoconversion rate (mass tendency)
    • Rain accretion rate (mass tendency)
    • Self-collection rate (number tendency)
    • Ratio used to scale rain number tendencies for conservation
    • Precipitation fraction
  • The last three outputs mentioned above had to be added to MG2, as they are not output in the original code.
  • Differences were also plotted between the 15s and 1s values.
    • The relevant beginning-of-timestep values were used for state variables, i.e. the 1s run was sliced with a stride of 15.
    • For other variables, the 1s values were averaged over 15s intervals to compare with the values from the 15s run.
  • Relevant code and data are in ./plots_20170620.

Bug in NR limiter

Consider the following lines from MG2:

dum = ((-nsubr(i,k)+npracs(i,k)+nnuccr(i,k)+nnuccri(i,k)-nragg(i,k))*precip_frac(i,k)- &

if (,k)) then
   ratio = (nr(i,k)/deltat+nprc(i,k)*lcldm(i,k)/precip_frac(i,k))/ &
   ! More stuff...
end if

The factor of precip_frac that’s used in the calculation of ratio should apply to the whole expression (both nr and nprc), not just nprc.

Bug fix test

  • Fixing this bug seems to cause the 15s case to behave similarly to the 1s one.
  • Relevant code and data are in ./plots_20170620, with the _bugfix suffix.

Convergence plots with bug fixed

  • With the bug fix, convergence plots for Q, T, and hydrometeor masses were recomputed.
  • The “kink” feature has largely gone away in these plots.
  • Relevant code and data are again in ./plots_20170620. The code has the bugfix suffix, whereas the plots have no special suffix (they simply start with timesteps).

Daily notes [2017-06-21 Wed]

Investigate test case that doesn’t converge with nr conservation fix.

Add different “norms” for convergence plots, e.g. total water mass.

See if the qric/qsic “limiters” should instead change precip_frac.

The variables qric and qsic are limited to no more than 10 g/kg when they are calculated. However, these high values typically arise when the in_cloud precipitation fraction calculation produces an unreasonably low value, and so this limiter can be understood as implementing one of two possible “band-aid” solutions to this issue:

  1. The limiter can be understood as a way of declaring that some of the rain is outside the area represented by precip_frac. In this case, nric and nsic should be modified as well. Under this interpretation, it is reasonable that some of the rain does not undergo processes like self-collection; it is more dubious that the “sparse” rain outside of the main precipitation area would not evaporate.
  2. The limiter can alternately understood as changing the precipitation fraction, i.e. fixing an unreasonable value coming from the in_cloud calculation. In this case, the precip_frac itself should be changed, and this should happen before nric and nsic are calculated, as well as before all of the process rates.

Regardless of the interpretation of this limiter, it does not seem like limiting the masses alone, without changing the number, is the best option, particularly because this artificially decreases the particle sizes.

Daily notes [2017-06-22 Thu]

Non-convergent test case

Plot details

  • Test case was investigated at 1s and 5s time steps.
  • Plotted variables include:
    • All forms of water mass (Q and all hydrometeor mixing ratios).
    • Temperature
    • NR and NS
    • Rain evaporation rate (mass tendency)
    • Rain sedimentation rate (mass tendency)
    • Rain autoconversion rate (mass tendency)
    • Rain accretion rate (mass tendency)
    • Ratio used to scale snow mass tendencies for conservation
    • Snow precipitation fraction
  • The conservation ratio had to be added as an output to MG2.
  • Differences were also plotted between the 15s and 1s values.
    • The relevant beginning-of-timestep values were used for state variables, i.e. the 1s run was sliced with a stride of 5.
    • For other variables, the 1s values were averaged over 5s intervals to compare with the values from the 5s run.
  • Plots are in ./plots_20170622.


  • Non-convergence in humidity seems to be the result of increased sublimation of snow in the 5s case. The reason for this difference in the sublimation rate is unclear.
  • QS is not as affected, because snow is continually being generated, falling, turning to rain, and hitting the surface. At any given moment the excess sublimation has only a small effect on current snow mass, but Q and PRECT are more affected, since changes in these values come from the sublimation differences integrated over time.
  • Snow fraction (freqs) changes significantly in the 5s run at the same time as snow evaporation changes; there is likely a link accounting for this shared discontinuous behavior.

Daily notes [2017-06-26 Mon]

More on the non-convergent test case

Plot details

  • Test plots from Thursday created again with some variations.
  • This time, the bug fix for NR conservation was implemented (no significant changes were seen as a result, however).
  • Plotted variables included all of the previous ones, plus:
    • Locations where QI and QC were nonzero (>= qsmall).
    • Log base ten of QI (for the purpose of determining how far above qsmall it was in the 1s case).
    • The strength of the limiter on qsic that limits it to 0.01 kg/kg.
    • The rate of accretion of ice onto snow (mass tendency).
    • Total tendency on QI.
  • The QI/QC-based plots had beginning-of-timestep values plotted as usual for state variables, whereas the other plots used averages for the difference plots.
  • Plots and code in ./plots_20170626.


  • A small difference in QI between the runs leads to a large difference in precipitation fraction, due to the limiter used in the in_cloud precipitation fraction calculation method.
  • Because of this, the limiter on qsic triggers only in the 1s case.
  • This means that less mass is available to participate in various processes for the 1s case, and in particular there is less sublimation of snow.

Possible changes to precipitation fraction calculation

  1. Derive precip_frac from cloud fraction inputs alone; this is basically “punting” on the issue by having MG2 simply diagnose the precipitation fraction based on what the macrophysics hands it, without updating it to account for changes in state variables.
    • Pros:
      • Simple.
      • Guaranteed to “work”, in the sense of preventing runs with slightly different time resolutions from using wildly different precipitation fractions.
    • Cons:
      • May change answers significantly (?).
      • May not be defensible in a broader context, i.e. the microphysics is largely responsible for “understanding” precipitation, with the macrophysics likely not designed with precipitation in mind.
  2. Calculate precip_frac as a weighted average of cloud fraction at this level and precip_frac on the level above, with weights depending in some fashion on the ratio of flux due to sedimentation to local precip production.
    • Pros:
      • Depending on weights chosen, can have arbitrarily good smoothness properties.
      • Justifiable on physical/statistical grounds, though some assumptions must be spelled out to justify a given set of weights with any real rigor.
    • Cons:
      • Not clear that this is always right; some precip may be “hanging around” from previous timesteps, so that current process rates are not the whole story.
      • Chicken-and-egg problem: precip_frac can’t be determined from local process rates if those rates depend on precip_frac, except by one of these methods:
        • Numerical root-finding (prohibitively expensive)
        • Using previous timestep information (inconvenient to code, requires more information to restart exactly, requires “bootstrap” on first timestep)
  3. Use a weighted average based not on process rates, but on the local value of QR/QS vs. QR/QS in the level above (simple, but may be less rigorous than using the actual rates).
    • Pros:
      • Arbitrarily good smoothness.
      • Physically/statistically justifiable with the right assumptions.
      • Perhaps the easiest such option to implement.
      • May end up being similar to current method in many cases.
    • Cons:
      • Degree to which the “one-level-above” QR/QS is taken into account implicitly reflects a judgment about the speed with which that precipitation falls into the current level, unless code is reordered to explicitly calculate fallspeeds at the level above before calculating precip_frac at lower levels.
      • Still some potential temporary problems with precipitation “hanging around”, i.e. even if the level above has run out of precipitation, the precipitation on this level may have ultimately come from above.
        • However, it seems likely in this case that the microphysics will converge if both the spatial and time scales are refined.

Daily notes [2017-07-10 Mon]

Convergence With Mass Gradient Precipitation Fraction

  • New mass_gradient precipitation fraction calculation method implemented.
  • qsmall used as the “nudge” parameter for stability.
  • Constant parameters set to alpha=0.5, beta=0.5.
  • Usual convergence plots generated.
  • See plots_20170710.
  • Interpretation: Most variables in most test cases now converge to first order. QR has some weird spikes in the worst case for timesteps >= 120s, but there are no more issues with non-convergence down to sub-minute timescales. Q and T may be converging at a sub-first-order rate in some cases.

Daily notes [2017-07-12 Thu]

QR spike issue

  • Looked at “outlier” that appeared to cause the QR convergence plot spike.
  • See plots_20170712.
  • Interpretation: Due to the fall speed not being updated frequently enough, the sedimentation code is causing rain mass to “bunch up” in certain levels, where it then falls at a constant rate of one level per time step.