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Experiments on Link Prediction

Repo Description
🧪 neighborhood-link-prediction-openmp Design of OpenMP-based Parallel Neighborhood-based Link prediction approaches.

Experiments on Community Detection

Repo Description
🧪 leiden-communities-openmp Design of OpenMP-based Parallel Leiden algorithm for community detection.
🧪 louvain-communities-openmp Design of OpenMP-based Parallel Louvain algorithm for community detection, that prevents internally disconnected communities.
🧪 louvain-communities Comparing approaches for community detection using Louvain algorithm.
🧪 rak-communities-openmp Design of OpenMP-based Parallel Label Propagation Algorithm (LPA) algorithm, aka RAK, for community detection.
🧪 rak-communities Single-threaded CPU-based Raghavan Albert Kumara (RAK) algorithm, aka Label propagation Algorithm (LPA), for community detection.
🧪 labelrank-communities-dynamic Performance comparison of static vs dynamic LabelRank algorithm, that is used for community detection in graphs.
🧪 labelrank-communities-openmp Comparing approaches for community detection using OpenMP-based LabelRank algorithm.
🧪 labelrank-communities Comparing approaches for community detection using LabelRank algorithm.
🧪 copra-communities-openmp Multi-threaded OpenMP-based Community OVerlap PRopagation Algorithm (COPRA) for community detection.
🧪 copra-communities Single-threaded CPU-based Community OVerlap PRopagation Algorithm (COPRA) for community detection.
🧪 slpa-communities Single-threaded CPU-based Speaker-listener Label Propagation Algorithm (SLPA) for community detection.

Experiments on Barrierfree PageRank

Repo Description
🧪 pagerank-barrierfree-openmp-dynamic Design of OpenMP-based Lock-free Dynamic PageRank algorithm for link analysis.
🧪 pagerank-barrierfrees-openmp-dynamic Design of OpenMP-based statically scheduled Barrier-free Dynamic PageRank algorithm for link analysis.
🧪 pagerank-barrierfrees-openmp Design of OpenMP-based statically scheduled Barrier-free PageRank algorithm for link analysis.

Experiments on Levelwise PageRank

Repo Description
🧪 pagerank-levelwise-multi-dynamic Comparision of OpenMP and CUDA-based, Monolithic and Levelwise Dynamic PageRank algorithms.
🧪 pagerank-levelwise-cuda-dynamic Design of CUDA-based Levelwise Dynamic PageRank algorithm for link analysis.
🧪 pagerank-levelwise-cuda Design of CUDA-based Levelwise PageRank algorithm for link analysis.
🧪 pagerank-levelwise-dynamic Design of Levelwise Dynamic PageRank algorithm for link analysis.
🧪 pagerank-levelwise Design of Levelwise PageRank algorithm for link analysis.

Experiments on PageRank

Repo Description
🧪 pagerank-minimize-inequality Comparison of heuristics for minimization of inequality in ranks of vertices obtained with the PageRank algorithm.
🧪 pagerank-multiple-damping Comparing performance of single vs block multiple damping factor based ranks for PageRank algorithm.
🧪 pagerank-datatype Comparison of PageRank algorithm using various datatypes.
🧪 pagerank-dead-ends Comparing strategies of handling dead ends with PageRank algorithm for link analysis.
🧪 pagerank-cuda-dynamic Design of CUDA-based Parallel Dynamic PageRank algorithm for measuring importance.
🧪 pagerank-cuda-optimization Exploration of optimizations to CUDA-based PageRank algorithm for link analysis.
🧪 pagerank-cuda Design of CUDA-based PageRank algorithm for link analysis.
🧪 pagerank-nvgraph-dynamic Comparision of Dynamic nvGraph PageRank with Static approach.
🧪 pagerank-nvgraph Comparision of nvGraph PageRank with CPU-based implementations.
🧪 pagerank-openmp-dynamic Design of OpenMP-based Parallel Dynamic PageRank algorithm for measuring importance.
🧪 pagerank-openmp Design of OpenMP-based PageRank algorithm for link analysis.
🧪 pagerank-dynamic Design of Dynamic PageRank algorithm for link analysis.
🧪 pagerank-optimization Exploration of optimizations to PageRank algorithm for link analysis.
🧪 pagerank Design of PageRank algorithm for link analysis.
🧪 pagerank.js Design of PageRank algorithm for link analysis in JavaScript.

Experiments on Parallelization

Repo Description
🧪 mmap-access-pattern-openmp Design a fast parallel memory access pattern for a memory-mapped file with mmap().
🧪 core-performance-openmp Measure the performance of individual cores with OpenMP.
🧪 prefix-scan-cuda Design of an efficient algorithm for parallel prefix-scan of a large array of values on GPUs.
🧪 pthread-block Design of pthread-block as a replacement for OpenMP threads.
🧪 hello-mpi A basic "Hello world" example to output text to console from nodes over a network using MPI.
🧪 hello-cuda A basic "Hello world" or "Hello CUDA" example to perform a number of operations on NVIDIA GPUs using CUDA.

Experiments on Graph Operations

Repo Description
🧪 graph-pagerank-distribution Obtain the PageRank distribution of a static graph (in MTX format).
🧪 graph-degree-distribution Obtain the degree distribution of a static graph (in MTX format).
🧪 graph-openmp OpenMP-based Parallel Graph implementation.
🧪 graph-csr-openmp Design of high-performance OpenMP-based parallel Graph Edgelist and Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) loader, aka GVEL.
🧪 hybrid-csr Comparing space usage of regular vs hybrid CSR.
🧪 pair-bitset Design of bitset for storing key-value pairs.

Experiments on Vector Operations

Repo Description
🧪 vector-atomic-access Compare ways to access elements of a vector atomically.
🧪 vector-max-cuda Performance of sequential vs CUDA-based vector element max.
🧪 vector-multiplication-cuda Comparing approaches for CUDA-based vector multiplication.
🧪 vector-multiplication-openmp Comparing performance of sequential vs OpenMP-based element-by-element vector multiplication.
🧪 vector-sum-cuda Comparing performance of sequential vs CUDA-based vector element sum.
🧪 vector-sum-openmp Comparing performance of sequential vs OpenMP-based vector element sum.
🧪 vector-sum Comparison of vector element sum using various data types.
🧪 vector-search Comparing approaches for searching an element in a vector.