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Testing on AWS using encrypted reports


To test the aggregation service with support for encrypted reports, you need the following:

Once you've submitted the onboarding form, we will contact you to verify your information. Then, we'll send you the remaining instructions and information needed for this setup.
You won't be able to successfully setup your AWS system without completing the onboarding process!

To set up aggregation service in AWS you'll use Terraform.

Set up AWS client

Make sure you install and set up the latest AWS client.

Set up Terraform

Change into the <repository_root>/terraform/aws folder. See clone the repository if you have not cloned the repository so far.

The setup scripts require Terraform version 1.2.3. You can download Terraform version 1.2.3 from or at your own risk, you can install and use Terraform version manager instead.

If you have the Terraform version manager tfenv installed, run the following in your <repository_root> to set Terraform to version 1.2.3.

tfenv install 1.2.3;
tfenv use 1.2.3

We recommend you store the Terraform state in a cloud bucket. Create a S3 bucket via the console/cli, which we'll reference as tf_state_bucket_name. Consider enabling versioning to preserve, retrieve, and restore previous versions and set appropriate policies for this bucket to prevent accidental changes and deletion.

Download Terraform scripts and prebuilt dependencies

Note: The prebuilt Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for the aggregation service is only available in the us-east-1 region. If you like to deploy the aggregation service in a different region you need to copy the released AMI to your account or build it using our provided scripts.

If you like to build the Amazon Machine Image including the enclave container, as well as the Lambda jars in your account, please follow the instructions in build-scripts/aws. This will skip running bash and run bash instead. Continue with the next deployment step after building and downloading your self-build jars.

The Terraform scripts to deploy the aggregation service depend on 5 packaged jars for Lambda functions deployment. These jars are hosted on Amazon S3 ({version}/{jar_file}) and can be downloaded with the <repository_root>/terraform/aws/ script. The script downloads the terrafrom scripts and jars which will be stored in <repository_root>/terraform/aws. License information of downloaded dependencies can be found in the

Run the following script in the <repository_root>/terraform/aws folder to download the prebuilt dependencies.


Note: The above script needs to be run with bash and does not support sh*

For manual download into the <repository_root>/terraform/aws/jars folder you can download them from the links on our releases page.

To copy the AMI to another account and/or region, follow the steps below.

  1. Open the EC2 console at
  2. In the navigation pane, choose AMI under images.
  3. Select the AMI aggregation-service-enclave_[VERSION]--[DATETIME]. It will be under "Public Images" category.
  4. To copy the AMI, select the "Actions" -> "Copy AMI" for the selected AMI.
  5. [Optional] Change the Destination Region if another one is preferred.
  6. Click on "Copy AMI".

Set up your deployment environment

We use the following folder structure <repository_root>/terraform/aws/environments/<environment_name> to separate deployment environments.

To set up your first environment (e.g dev), copy the demo environment. Run the following commands from the <repository_root>/terraform/aws/environments folder:

mkdir dev
cp -R demo/* dev
cd dev

Make the following adjustments in the <repository_root>/terraform/aws/environments/dev folder:

  1. Add the tf_state_bucket_name to your by uncommenting and replacing the values using <...>:

    # backend "s3" {
    #   bucket = "<tf_state_bucket_name>"
    #   key    = "<environment_name>.tfstate"
    #   region = "us-east-1"
    # }
  2. Rename to <environment>.auto.tfvars and add the ...assume_role... values using the information you received in the onboarding email. Delete the line that reads assume_role_parameter = "arn:aws:iam::example:role/example" Leave all other values as-is for the initial deployment.

    environment = "<environment_name>"
    coordinator_a_assume_role_parameter = "arn:aws:iam::<CoordinatorAAccountID>:role/a_<YourAccountID>_coordinator_assume_role"
    coordinator_b_assume_role_parameter = "arn:aws:iam::<CoordinatorBAccountID>:role/b_<YourAccountID>_coordinator_assume_role"
    alarm_notification_email = "<[email protected]>"
    • environment: name of your environment
    • coordinator_a_assume_role_parameter: IAM role for Coordinator A given by us in the onboarding or upgrade email
    • coordinator_b_assume_role_parameter: IAM role for Coordinator B given by us in the onboarding or upgrade email
    • alarm_notification_email: Email to receive alarm notifications. Requires confirmation subscription through sign up email sent to this address.
    • region: The region of the AMI. It is set to "us-east-1" by default. If the AMI is self-built or is copied to another region, then this value needs to be updated.

    Note: If you want to use an instance type other than the default one specified in the configuration, we recommend using an instance type with single NUMA node. Memory and CPUs for the enclave must be from the same NUMA node; however, a single NUMA node on AWS EC2 has a maximum of 48 cores. Please refer to sizing guidance for instance type recommendations. For AWS instance specific questions, please contact AWS support.

  3. Follow this step if you self-build your AMI and jars or copy the AMI (self-build or prebuilt AMI) to your account

    If you self-build your AMI and jars or copied the AMI to your account, you need to copy the contents of the file into a new file remove the file afterwards.

    To copy without symlink, run the following in the <repository_root>/terraform/aws/environments/dev folder

    cp -L

    Then delete the symlinked file:


    And change the line ami_owners = ["971056657085"] to ami_owners = ["self"] in your

  4. Once you've adjusted the configuration, run the following in the <repository_root>/terraform/aws/environments/dev folder

    Install all Terraform modules:

    terraform init

    Get an infrastructure setup plan:

    terraform plan

    If you see the following output on a fresh project:

    Plan: 193 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

    you can continue to apply the changes (needs confirmation after the planning step)

    terraform apply

    If your see the following output, your setup was successful:

    Apply complete! Resources: 190 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
    create_job_endpoint = "POST https://<frontend_api_id>.execute-api.<aws_region>"
    frontend_api_id = "xyz"
    get_job_endpoint = "GET https://<frontend_api_id>.execute-api.<aws_region>"

    The Terraform scripts create createJob and getJob API endpoints:

    • Create Job Endpoint: https://<frontend_api_id>.execute-api.<aws_region>
    • Get Job Endpoint: https://<frontend_api_id>.execute-api.<aws_region>

    These are authenticated endpoints, refer to the Testing the System section to learn how to use them.

    If you run into any issues during deployment of your system, please consult the Troubleshooting and Support sections.

Testing the system

To test the system, you'll need encrypted aggregatable reports in Avro batch format (follow the collecting and batching instructions accessible by the aggregation service.

If your inputs are larger than a few hundred MB, we suggest sharding the input reports and domain file into smaller shards.

  1. Create an S3 bucket for your input and output data, we will refer to it as data_bucket. This bucket must be created in the same AWS account where you set up the aggregation service. * Consider enabling versioning to preserve, retrieve, and restore previous versions and set appropriate policies for this bucket to prevent accidental changes and deletion.

  2. Copy your reports.avro with batched encrypted aggregatable reports to <data_bucket>/input.

  3. Create an aggregation job with the createJob API.

    POST https://<frontend_api_id>

        "input_data_blob_prefix": "input/reports.avro",
        "input_data_bucket_name": "<data_bucket>",
        "output_data_blob_prefix": "output/summary_report.avro",
        "output_data_bucket_name": "<data_bucket>",
        "job_parameters": {
            "attribution_report_to": "<your_attribution_domain>",
            "output_domain_blob_prefix": "domain/domain.avro",
            "output_domain_bucket_name": "<data_bucket>"
        "job_request_id": "test01"

    Note: This API requires authentication. Follow the AWS instructions for sending an authenticated request.

  4. Check the status of your job with the getJob API, replace values in <...>

    GET https://<frontend_api_id>.execute-api.<deployment_aws_region>

    Note: This API requires authentication. Follow the AWS instructions for sending an authenticated request. Detailed API spec

Updating the system

Run the following in the <repository_root>.

git fetch origin && git checkout -b dev-v{VERSION} v{VERSION}
cd terraform/aws
cd environments/dev
terraform apply

Note: If you use self-built artifacts described in build-scripts/aws, run bash instead of bash and make sure you updated your dependencies in the jars folder.


  • The following error message points to a potential lack of instance availability. If you encounter this situation, run terraform destroy to remove your deployment and run terraform apply again.

    Error: Error creating Auto Scaling Group: ValidationError: You must use a valid
    fully-formed launch template. Your requested instance type (m5.2xlarge) is not
    supported in your requested Availability Zone (us-east-1e).
    Please retry your request by not specifying an Availability Zone or choosing
    us-east-1a, us-east-1b, us-east-1c, us-east-1d, us-east-1f.
  • The following error message points to a potential lack of sufficient elastic VPC IPs quota in your deployment region. Request a quota increase or decrease the number of subnets created for the aggregation service VPC to resolve the issue. To stay within the default quota you can decrease the number of subnets, by setting vpc_availability_zones = ["a","b","c","d","e"] in your <name>.auto.tfvars.

    Error: Error creating EIP: AddressLimitExceeded: The maximum number of addresses has been reached.
        status code: 400, request id: 2c7a924c-c807-4714-8d77-8558a463c68b
        with module.operator_service.module.vpc[0].aws_eip.elastic_ip["us-east-1a"],
        on ../../modules/vpc/ line 277, in resource "aws_eip" "elastic_ip":
        277: resource "aws_eip" "elastic_ip" {