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phaseField FAQ's

Stephen DeWitt edited this page Feb 10, 2017 · 4 revisions


Question: Why is my code slow? Or, why is debug mode slow?

Are you in debug mode?. Debug mode is only for development. Run in release mode (make release; make run).

Please note that the default setting when you "make" your program is for debug compilation. For production jobs, you should to call "make release" to switch to optimized mode.

Question: I have both pvtu and vtu output files, which should I open in Visit/Paraview?

If your program generates *.pvtu files, then open pvtu files in the visualization software instead of vtu files. pvtu files are text files which have pointers to the vtu files generated by each processor in a parallel job.

Question: Why is only a small portion of my problem domain is shown by the visualization package?

This may be expected if you have pvtu files pointing to vtu files from a previous job which were run with different number of processors. Delete existing pvtu, vtu files and run your job.
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