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User configuration to support the Practicalli Spacemacs book.
- recommended layers for use for enhanced Clojure development experience
- numerous tweaks for general Spacemacs usage
- snippets (code and configuration templates) for clojure and markdown languages
Practicalli Spacemacs - install spacemacs details installation and pre-install requirements.
Please follow the contributing guide for all Practicalli books and configurations. Thank you.
section includes additional configuration and is defined across several files to make it easier to manage updates to the configuration over time and avoid merging changes with your own customisation.
Loaded configuration files:
- clojure-mode options, evil-cleverparents enable, portal tap> on nrepl & keybindings, custom elisp functionstheme-config.el
- theme and mode-line configurationorg-config.el
- notes and task faces and workflowversion-control-config.el
- git, Magit and Forge configuration (predominantly forge config)user-config.el
- general config tweaks
defines a custom prompt for eshell, although this configuration file is not loaded. Practicalli now uses vterm to use the operating system shell in a terminal popup window.
The load-file
function includes the code from each file during startup. Comment the load-file
expression if that configuration is not required, or add your own configuration files to easily extend the Practicalli configuration without having to merge changes.
is main Spacemacs configuration file (although a $HOME/.spacemacs) file will supersede this configuration and should therefore be removed.
Discuss this guide on #practicalli channel of the Clojurians Slack community
Clojurians community - Getting Help shows other ways to get help with Clojure.
The majority of my work is focused on the Practicalli series of books and videos and an advisory role with several communities
Thank you to Cognitect, Nubank and a wide range of other sponsors for your continued support
Thank you