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Init & Finalize

Sangmin Seo edited this page Feb 10, 2017 · 1 revision


Argobots code should include the initialization function, ABT_init(), before using other Argobots functions and the finalization function, ABT_finalize(), after using all Argobots functions. If ABT_init() and ABT_finalize() are paired, they can be used more than once in a program.



int ABT_init(int argc, char **argv)
  • Initialize the Argobots execution environment.
  • Parameters
    • [in] argc: the number of arguments
    • [in] argv: the argument vector
  • Return values
    • On success, ABT_SUCCESS is returned.
    • On error, a non-zero error code is returned.
  • Details
    • ABT_init() initializes the Argobots library and its execution environment. It internally creates objects for the primary ES and the primary ULT.
    • ABT_init() must be called by the primary ULT before using any other Argobots functions. ABT_init() can be called again after ABT_finalize() is called.


int ABT_finalize(void)
  • Terminate the Argobots execution environment.
  • Return values
    • On success, ABT_SUCCESS is returned.
    • On error, a non-zero error code is returned.
  • Details
    • ABT_finalize() terminates the Argobots execution environment and deallocates memory internally used in Argobots. This function also contains deallocation of objects for the primary ES and the primary ULT.
    • ABT_finalize() must be called by the primary ULT. Invoking the Argobots functions after ABT_finalize() is not allowed. To use the Argobots functions after calling ABT_finalize(), ABT_init() needs to be called again.


int ABT_initialized(void)
  • Check whether ABT_init() has been called.
  • Return values
    • If ABT_init() has been called, ABT_SUCCESS is returned.
    • If ABT_init() has not been called, ABT_ERR_UNINITIALIZED is returned.
  • Details
    • ABT_initialized() returns ABT_SUCCESS if ABT_init() has been called. Otherwise, it returns ABT_ERR_UNINITIALIZED.


The simplest Argobots code can be written like the example below.

#include <abt.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    ABT_init(argc, argv);
    return 0;