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129 lines (129 loc) · 8.14 KB

File metadata and controls

129 lines (129 loc) · 8.14 KB
  • v0.5.1
    • Support for julia 1.0+ versions. Removed REQUIRE file and created Project.toml
  • v0.5.0
    • Rewrite some line/ray/line-segment intersection code.
    • adjust! has been renamed reconcile!
      • For many array-like methods on paths, there is now a keyword argument that lets you specify whether you want to reconcile the path immediately or defer. This is useful when speed is a concern and you are chaining operations.
    • Implement code to automatically handle path intersections: Paths.intersect!
    • Path termination: Paths.terminate!
    • Style translation: and Paths.translate.
    • Node/segment/style splitting: Paths.split.
    • Add some default colors: 21--29 is a red gradient, 31--39 is green, 41--49 is blue.
  • v0.4.0
    • Julia 1.0 compatibility.
    • Rectangles.isproper has a slightly different definition. Rectangles are considered proper if they have non-zero area now.
    • flatten now has a keyword argument name instead of an optional argument. It now also has a depth keyword argument that can be used to control how far down the cell hierarchy to flatten. flatten! also has the depth keyword argument.
    • Fixed a bug where rotations would be corrupted when loading GDS files.
    • Fixed a bug where x-reflections could be corrupted when loading GDS files.
    • Added some basic interactive display for use with the Juno IDE.
    • Can now save a variety of graphics formats reliably (png, eps, pdf, svg).
  • v0.3.0
    • Last release to support Julia 0.6.
    • Added TaperTrace, TaperCPW, etc.
    • Fix annoying "absolute angle" bug which caused weird rotations when viewing pattern output in some GDS viewers.
    • Other bug fixes, improved rendering output, etc.
  • v0.2.0
    • LCDFonts module added. Try out lcdstring! for your text rendering needs.
    • Redesign rendering pipeline.
      • It is no longer allowed to pass keyword arguments to Rectangle or Polygon constructors. These no longer include metadata; they are just geometry.
      • GDS-II layer and datatype are captured by a GDSMeta object. This is passed to render! when rendering polygons, paths, etc. to a cell.
      • render! must receive a Meta object.
    • Rectangles are no longer mutable, so centered! has been removed.
    • Polygons are no longer mutable.
    • Bug fixes: closed issues 11, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21.
    • Bug fix: Cell(::AbstractString, ::Unitful.LengthUnits) method was broken.
    • Bug fix: meander! works again, method signature changed a bit.
    • Bug fix: in CompoundSegment (such as obtained using simplify!), there was a bug with generating the simplified path function (field f of a CompoundSegment). For inputs to f greater than the path (or segment) length, the expected behavior is to continue in a straight line at the angle obtained at the end of the path (or segment).
    • NoRender(x) can take a parameter specifying a fake "width" for attachments.
    • Fixed promotion logic with Rectangles.Undercut when different units were passed in.
    • Loosened signature of a CellArray constructor method.
    • Path style0 keyword not supported anymore. You must specify a style the first time you call straight! or turn! on a path.
    • Performance improvements.
  • v0.1.0
    • Breaking change: attach! expects a value from zero to the segment length, not 0 to 1. This will also be true for functions passed to Paths.CPW or Paths.Trace.
    • Breaking change: minimum and maximum no longer defined for polygons; use lowerleft and upperright instead.
    • Breaking change: some of the methods in src/tags.jl may have had changes to their method signatures.
    • Breaking change: flatten always returns a Cell, never an array of Polygons. The behavior of flatten! (which modifies a Cell) is unchanged.
    • Implement our own rendering algorithms. This enables continuous integration testing and gives finer control on the output.
      • Dependency on gdspy for rendering has been removed.
    • Begin using ContextUnits from Unitful.jl 0.2 for better unit handling. Devices.jl now defines its own length units which you can access with using Devices.PreferMicrons or using Devices.PreferNanometers. The following length units are defined: fm, pm, nm, μm, mm, cm, dm, m.
    • Angle units °, rad are exported by default.
    • Switch over to the registered Clipper.jl package now that the necessary changes have been made upstream.
    • Turn on automatic doc builds. Documentation improved and features auto-generated graphics.
    • QR code functionality has been removed to avoid dependency on pyqrcode. It could appear again in a separate package if desired.
    • Rename SimpleCornerStyle to SimpleTraceCorner.
    • Added a convenience method to attach! for using ranges.
    • Experimental SVG export. Cells preview in the Plots pane using the SVG renderer if using Juno in Atom.
  • v0.0.5
    • Added some options to interdigit.
    • extent is now exported from the Paths module.
    • Bug fix: replaced old tformrotate with Rotation.
    • Bug fix: attachments now render according to the documentation when using attach! with where=0.
    • Bug fix: update to adapt to changes in StaticArrays.jl.
    • Added NoRender style.
    • Allow GDS importing without units.
    • Modify signature of pecbasedose method.
  • v0.0.4
    • Bug fixes: CellReference and CellArray were copying their referenced cells instead of retaining a reference to the original object. flatten for CellArrays was not using the calculated coordinate shifts.
    • uniquename moved to Cells module and exported for users.
  • v0.0.3
    • Bug fixes.
    • Added XReflection and YReflection transformations.
  • v0.0.2
    • Introduced GDS-II import capability. After using FileIO, load will return a dictionary with string keys (names of cells) and Cell values.
    • Introduced sharp bends in paths via corner!.
    • Added unit support.
    • Made constructors for CellArray and CellReference more intuitive and easier to use. The syntax has changes slightly; more things are keyword arguments now, with synonyms accepted so you don't have to remember exactly what the keyword argument was called.
    • When rectangles have integer coordinates, it is not always the case that they can be centered. Since center! implies that an object will be modified, and center is expected to return the center of a rectangle, we disambiguated by making centered and centered!. The former will return a centered copy of the rectangle, possibly with floating-point coordinates if it could not be centered with integer coordinates. The latter will attempt to center the provided rectangle and throw an InexactError() if it was not possible. center will still return the center of a rectangle, which may have floating-point coordinates even if the rectangle itself had integer coordinates.
    • Made clipping and offsetting more reliable (and documented them).
    • Switched from AffineTransforms.jl to CoordinateTransformations.jl. See the documentation (under Abstract polygons) for usage instructions, the syntax has changed.
    • Switched from FixedSizeArrays.jl to StaticArrays.jl for our Point implementation. Syntax should remain largely the same. This switch was made for compatibility with Julia 0.5 and is an improvement.
    • Rotations are now consistently specified in radians if no unit is given. Units may however be provided if you want to use degrees.
  • v0.0.1
    • Initial release used to generate our first qubit.