If you have a bugfix or a new feature you want to contribute, please fork on Github and make your own feature branch:
git clone [email protected]:you/cucumber-rails.git git checkout -b 87-add-chinese-translation
The feature branch should contain a ticket number (if appliccable) and a descriptive name that aligns with the ticket name.
Before you change anything, you should make sure you can run all the Cucumber features for Cucumber-Rails. You need rvm.
sudo gem install rvm rvm install ruby-1.8.7-p249 ruby-1.9.1-p378
rake cucumber
This takes a long time because a lot of gems have to be installed. (This is done while running the cucumber features)
TODO: Rename rails3.feature to rails.feature and make it work on Rails2 with smarter stepdefs. TODO: Document tags and what they do TODO: Fix or remove cucumber.rb.erb (for Rails 2). It has obsolete gem references. Maybe copy the test config instead and apply regexen? TODO: Have several require lines in env.rb, so people can remove individual ones if defaults don’t work (like database_cleaner)