diff --git a/modules/local/staramr/main.nf b/modules/local/staramr/main.nf index 83bd0c7..788591a 100644 --- a/modules/local/staramr/main.nf +++ b/modules/local/staramr/main.nf @@ -29,20 +29,21 @@ process STARAMR_SEARCH { def prefix = task.ext.prefix ?: "${meta.id}" def is_gzipped = contigs.getName().endsWith(".gz") ? true : false def genome_uncompressed_name = contigs.getName().replace(".gz", "") + def genome_filename = "${meta.id}.fasta" """ if [ "$is_gzipped" = "true" ]; then gzip -c -d $contigs > $genome_uncompressed_name fi - #Change name of input genome to sample name to allow irida-next output of metadata - mv $genome_uncompressed_name ${meta.id} + #Change name of input genome to allow irida-next output of metadata + mv $genome_uncompressed_name $genome_filename staramr \\ search \\ $args \\ --nprocs $task.cpus \\ -o ${prefix}_results \\ - $meta.id + $genome_filename cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml "${task.process}":