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The Perl Weekly Challenges, #113

Solving The Perl Weekly Challenges with FunctionalPerl

Christian J., 23 May 2021

I've started solving The Perl Weekly Challenges, and of course my main attention is on seeing how FunctionalPerl fits. Sometimes a functional approach will be a clear match (or so I think), sometimes solutions without FunctionalPerl will be just as good and I won't contest it, sometimes I won't see how it's going to be useful and I might end up just using the repl and some bits during developments but not in the final solutions, sometimes I might be using FunctionalPerl just because I can.

Since I'm the author of FunctionalPerl and it's not widely used yet, my main task here will have to be to explain the bits of the FunctionalPerl libraries that I'm using in my solutions.

I already solved one task from The Weekly Challenge - 111, 111-1-search_matrix, but didn't submit it. It led me to create a new module FP::SortedPureArray, which represents an array sorted according to some comparison function, and offers a method for a binary search that was what that challenge required (for efficiency with large matrices, anyway).

On to the new tasks.


Task #2: Recreate Binary Tree

I solved this task first, so I'm also going to write about it first. The task description is here, my solution is here (functional-perl repository) and here (perlweeklychallenge repository). I'm going to copy the important pieces of the script only, for the full context open one of these links.

Trees and functional progamming are a good match if the trees don't have circular links. In this case, the nodes can be immutable data structures, for changes new node instances can be allocated which share the unmodified children with the previous instance, thus only little data needs to be copied, while still leaving the old version of the tree around unmodifed, which is what functional programming requires. Often trees in the imperative world have links back to the parents, though, i.e. cycles, which aren't a problem in Perl if weakening or destructors are used correctly, but which violate the purely functional approach—how would you re-use the child nodes if you create a new modified parent, but the children are still pointing to the previous version of the parent? But algorithms that need access to the parent nodes can instead maintain linked lists to the parents while diving down the tree (separate from the tree), thus parent links don't actually need to be stored in the tree even if you think you need them. Anyway, this is a digression, the given task is very simple, none of this parent business applies.

package PFLANZE::Node {
    use FP::Predicates qw(is_string maybe instance_of);
    *is_maybe_Node = maybe instance_of("PFLANZE::Node");

    use FP::Struct [
        [\&is_maybe_Node, "left"],
        [\&is_string,     "value"],
        [\&is_maybe_Node, "right"]
    ] => ("FP::Struct::Show", "FP::Struct::Equal");

I'm using FP::Struct for class construction like I do for all of my current functional code—I'm still improving and gaining experience with it and it's too early for me to know whether or how to introduce the features I want into Moose or another class builder. I like its simplicity, but obviously I'm very biased. The FP::Struct importer simply takes an array of field definitions, each of which can either be a string (the field name), or an array of [\&predicate, "fieldname"], where the predicate is a function of one argument that must return true for any value that is to be stored in field fieldname (otherwise FP::Struct's constructor and setters will throw an exception).

After the field definitions come parent classes; FP::Struct::Show automatically implements the show function from FP::Show, which shows Perl code that creates the data in question, which is useful in the repl (from FP::Repl) during development; FP::Struct::Equal implements the equal function from FP::Equal, which is used in the tests.

You might be asking why I'm not using overload for these: for show my answer is that it is stringification specifically for debugging, not for the general case. Say you've got a class Path representing a file system path, you construct it via Path("/foo/bar") (Path is a constructor function here, as I'm about to explain), and you want that path be stringified to "/foo/bar" so you can transparently use it in Perl's open or whatever. But the repl should show you Path("/foo/bar"), as that is what constructs such an object, and not "/foo/bar", as the latter would evaluate to a plain string, and if you entered that back into the repl passing it to some function call it would likely behave differently.

With regards to equal, one answer is that I'm gaining experience to see. Partial other answers could be that Perl has just numeric and string comparison to overload, and numeric comparison doesn't apply in general and string comparison is going to be suffering from the same issue as above.

    use FP::Predicates qw(is_string maybe instance_of);
    *is_maybe_Node = maybe instance_of("PFLANZE::Node");

To get back to this part: as described above, we need predicate functions, functions of one argument of any type that should return true iff that argument satisfies the right type or other properties.

FP::Predicates offers a set of such predicate functions. is_string 1 returns true (since numbers and strings are interchangeable in Perl), is_string [1] returns false [3]. instance_of("PFLANZE::Node") returns a function (a code ref in Perl speak) that returns true if and only if the argument is an object that satisfies ->isa("PFLANZE::Node"). maybe takes a predicate function and returns a new predicate function that not only accepts what the original function accepts, but also the undef value:

is_string(undef) #false
my $is_maybe_string = maybe \&is_string;
$is_maybe_string->("foo") # true
$is_maybe_string->([1]) # false
$is_maybe_string->(undef) # true

Perl has multiple 'namespaces' according to types (I'm not talking about packages), code, scalar, array, hash, IO, as you're surely aware. Instead of setting a lexical scalar variable, we can set the package variable for code via sending the coderef to the package variable glob:

*is_maybe_string = maybe \&is_string;
is_maybe_string("foo") # true
is_maybe_string([1]) # false
is_maybe_string(undef) # true

So in the case of the script,

    *is_maybe_Node = maybe instance_of("PFLANZE::Node");

is creating a is_maybe_Node subroutine that accepts Node objects, but also undef; we will use undef to represent the "no further subtree" case.

I'm going to explain more about the maybe terminology further down.


This concludes the class (constructs any missing accessor methods etc.; the _END_ could potentially be made optional by automatic action on the end of scope, I haven't investigated the details yet).


This imports the Node and Node_ functions, which are nicer to use and read constructors for the class: Node($a, $b, $c) is the same as PFLANZE::Node->new($a, $b, $c), Node_(value=> $b, right=> $c) is the same as PFLANZE::Node->new(undef, $b, $c). Functional languages are generally enforcing the use of uppercase initials for constructors (and for type names), and lowercase initials for everything else, which makes it unambiguous which function calls are to constructors. Perl doesn't enforce that but I'm generally following the same pattern. In functional programming languages, constructors really only allocate the space for the instance and directly embed the arguments in it, and FP::Struct is no different. To do any other computation (than calling the predicate functions to verify the acceptability of the values) before constructing the instance, you write a function/procedure with a different name (with a lowercase initial), that does the computation and then calls the instance constructor at the end.

One nice benefit of having constructors like Node as a function is that they can be passed as a reference easily, as in something like ->map(\&Node) (as can be seen further down—BTW yes, the map method here passes 3 arguments to the function, which is unusual, and should probably have a different name).

The algorithm is simple in that from each node's value, the sum of all the nodes' values has to be subtracted. Thus first walk over the tree building the sum, then walk agan to create the nodes with the new values. I've added a method map to the Node class (really PFLANZE::Node, but I'm shortening it in my talking to the last package name segment, like the constructor names do), which takes a function that will be passed the left and right nodes already mapped, and the old value:

    sub map ($self, $fn) {
        my $l  = $self->left;
        my $r  = $self->right;
        my $l2 = defined($l) ? $l->map($fn) : undef;
        my $r2 = defined($r) ? $r->map($fn) : undef;
        $fn->($l2, $self->value, $r2)

This method should probably get a different name, like fold, I haven't found the time yet to see what the commonly used naming is. Summing and recreating can then both use this method.

my $in = Node(Node(Node(undef, 4, Node(undef, 7, undef)), 2, undef),
    1, Node(Node(undef, 5, undef), 3, Node(undef, 6, undef)));

This constructs our input tree. The formatting of this code could be better, but that's what perltidy gives me with the best set of configurations that I could figure out.

TEST { equal $in, $in->map(\&Node) } 1;

TEST is from Chj::TEST. The invention here is that I put tests into the same file as the implementation, and they will still only be run when running run_tests (and optionally aren't even kept in memory). It also implies a comparison, TEST { $expr } $result is pretty much (except for reporting the values for $expr and $results if they don't match) the same as ok equal($expr, $result) put into a separate file with Test::More loaded.

This particular test checks that the map method, when simply passed the constructor, recreates an equivalent tree.

I've implemented the summing and recreating as functions instead of putting them into the Node class as methods, since they are pretty specific to this task, whereas the Node class could potentially grow into a generic binary tree library.

sub tree_sum($t) {
        sub ($l, $value, $r) {
            $value + ($l // 0) + ($r // 0)

TEST { tree_sum $in } 28;

The Node map method passes undef for the $l and $r arguments if there's no respective child node in the original node, that's how I can use // 0 to get the sum for empty subtrees.

sub tree_recreate($t) {
    my $sum = tree_sum($t);
        sub ($l, $value, $r) {
            Node($l, $sum - $value, $r)

TEST { tree_recreate $in }
Node(Node(Node(undef, 24, Node(undef, 21, undef)), 26, undef),
    27, Node(Node(undef, 23, undef), 25, Node(undef, 22, undef)));

And there is the result as requested by the task. One could write a formatter method that would print the ASCII representation as used in the task description, but I'm continuing to the other task.

Task #1: Represent Integer

The task description is here, my solution is here (functional-perl repository) and here (perlweeklychallenge repository).

You are given a positive integer $N and a digit $D.

Write a script to check if $N can be represented as a sum of positive integers [all] having $D at least once [in their decimal representation]. If check passes print 1 otherwise 0.

The description is ambiguous about whether the same integer can be used multiple times or not. For example, the number 200, when $D is 9, can be represented by 9 + 191 but also by for example 29 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9. It's not clear whether the latter solution is forbidden. My solution assumes that it is allowed.

Is there some kind of mathematical insight that can be used here? Not being a math geek, I don't know. So for me, at least for now, it's going to be some kind of brute force search of combinations, while potentially finding some smart decisions that can be taken to make it less costly.

First let's get the valid numbers:

sub valid_numbers ($N, $D) {
    purearray grep {/$D/} (1 .. $N)

Nothing unusual aside the purearray call; this is a constructor function from FP::PureArray making a "pure array", which is just a Perl array blessed to FP::_::PureArray and changed to immutable. This gives me easy access to all the utility methods that come from FP::PureArray and sequences (FP::Abstract::Sequence) in general.

To make development easier, I wanted to see what solution that my search finds. So instead of returning just a boolean (like '' and 1), it returns either the chosen numbers that sum up to $N, or undef. This is still usable in a boolean context in Perl. I'm using undef over '' or 0 for the false value as that is more explicitly "not a result", and I'm following a convention of prefixing the names of functions that return either some value or nothing with maybe_. This convention should make it visually clear to other programmers that they are not necessarily getting a result back. Functional languages generally use a Maybe or Optional type for representing this pattern, with e.g. a Just wrapper for values and the Nothing in absence of a value, which is safer in that the programmer explicitly has to deal with the potential non-existence of a value, and in that they are wrappers, meaning they can nest. I haven't been tempted enough to create such a type in FunctionalPerl yet, if I do it will probably be called FP::Maybe. For now, the Hungarian notation will have to suffice (and given existing Perl code there will always be a need to deal with such cases, which is why the need for that convention will never go away):

sub maybe_representable ($N, $D, $prefer_large = 1,
    $maybe_choose = $MAYBE_CHOOSE)
    __ 'Returns the numbers containing $D that sum up to $N, or undef.
        If $prefer_large is true, tries to use large numbers,
        otherwise small (which is (much) less efficient).';

(Note that the prefer_large logic and efficiency claim is wrong here, see footnote [1].)

You may wonder what the __ bit is there. It comes from FP::Docstring. It's my (hacky, without requiring core interpreter changes) way to attach documentation to subroutines in a way that it can be retrieved at runtime, usually from the repl. It allows for more convenience while coding. Example:

$ ./113-1-represent_integer --repl
main> docstring \&maybe_representable 
$VAR1 = 'Returns the numbers containing $D that sum up to $N, or undef.
        If $prefer_large is true, tries to use large numbers,
        otherwise small (which is (much) less efficient).';

Or simply have the repl show what the code ref represents:

main> \&maybe_representable 
$VAR1 = sub { 'DUMMY: main::maybe_representable at "./113-1-represent_integer" line 221'; __ 'Returns the numbers containing $D that sum up to $N, or undef.
        If $prefer_large is true, tries to use large numbers,
        otherwise small (which is (much) less efficient).' };

The code at ... above is:

    my $ns = valid_numbers($N, $D);
        //= ($prefer_large and not $ENV{NO_OPTIM})
        ? \&maybe_choose_optim_2
        : \&maybe_choose_brute;
    $maybe_choose->($N, $prefer_large ? $ns->reverse : $ns)

I originally had a maybe_choose function, before I went on and renamed that to maybe_choose_brute and added maybe_choose_optim_1 and then maybe_choose_optim_2 as I got new ideas on how to improve performance. The maybe_representable function above selects the right function: explicitly passing false for $prefer_large (or setting NO_OPTIM=1) will switch from the optimized variant to the initial slow one, which finds a different solution. That's not particularly interesting except to see how it works by looking at the corresponding results in the tests (like the list(29, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9) case I mentioned in the beginning). The optimized variants require $ns to be sorted in descending order, which is why maybe_representable reverses it in that case. [1], [2]

On to my quest to find a good algorithm:

Dumb approach

The dumb approach is to combine any valid numbers (numbers from $ns) until we find a match (they sum up to $N). We don't know how many numbers we'll need, though, so I figured I couldn't use the cross product (cartesian product) of say two $ns. I've since realized that one could of course first try the cross_product of two $ns, then if that fails, three, etc., like:

use FP::Stream qw(stream_cartesian_product)
# stream_cartesian_product only works on `list` or `stream`,
# so convert the purearray to list first:
my $ns = $ns->list;
check(stream_cartesian_product $ns, $ns)
or check(stream_cartesian_product $ns, $ns, $ns)
or check(stream_cartesian_product $ns, $ns, $ns, $ns)

Instead, I just basically hand coded a cartesian product that automatically extends itself to additional levels until that level is shown to be exhausted (finds no match):

sub maybe_choose_brute ($N, $ns) {
    __ 'Choose a combination of numbers from $ns (repetitions allowed)
        that added together equal $N; undef if not possible. This
        solution is brute force in that it is picking additional
        numbers from the left end of $ns, one after another,

    sub ($chosen) {
        my $check = __SUB__;
        warn "check (brute): " . show($chosen) if $verbose;
        my $sum = $chosen->sum;
        if ($sum == $N) {
        } elsif ($sum > $N) {
        } else {
                sub ($n) {
                    $check->(cons($n, $chosen))

(I don't know why perltidy chooses not to put the } on the third-last line 4 spaces further to the left, so that it would line up with the sub ($chosen) { line. Anyone knows how to improve this? Please tell.)


You may not be familiar with __SUB__ from use feature 'current_sub'—if you are, skip this section.

This is the best way for a local function to get access to itself, so that it can be self-recursive. Note that the following wouldn't work as the sub is evaluated in the context before $check is introduced and thus wouldn't have access to it:

my $check= sub ($chosen) { ... sub { .. $check .. } .. };

This would work but leads to a cycle and thus memory leak (which could be remedied by using an additional variable and then weakening the self-referential variable, but __SUB__ is going to be faster and less to write):

my $check;
$check= sub ($chosen) { ... sub { .. $check .. } .. };

Same problem with my sub check ($chosen) { ... }.

Also note that __SUB__ has to be assigned to a lexical variable ($check) here, as we're only using it inside another nested sub, thus __SUB__ in there would be that other sub instead.

(Maybe Perl should introduce something like this

my rec $check = sub ($chosen) { ... sub { .. $check .. } .. };

but I haven't thought about it deeply. Or perhaps make the my sub syntax self-recursive but work without the cycle?)

The algorithm

The idea is to check a set of chosen numbers: if their sum is equal to $N, we have found the solution and simply return that set. If the sum is larger than $N, then there is no point adding any additional number, and we can return undef to signal that there is no solution with those choices. If we haven't reached $N yet, we need to add another number from $ns and check again. We do this for all numbers from $ns until we find a match. That latter bit is being carried out by the any method which is implemented for all types implementing FP::Abstract::Sequence, which includes the purearray that $ns is. Shown again here:

            sub ($n) {
                $check->(cons($n, $chosen))

What any does is, it iterates through the object ($ns in this case), passes each of the elements to the function that was passed to the method (sub ($n) { .. } in this case), and if that function returns a true value, returns that same value itself (i.e. stopping the iteration). Examples:

purearray(20, 30, 40)->any(sub($v) { $v == 30 }) # returns 1
purearray(20, 30, 40)->any(sub($v) { $v == 31 }) # returns ''
purearray(20, 30, 40)->any(sub($v) { $v == 30 and "y" }) # returns "y"

Our local $check function is returning undef if there is no result, and the set of numbers making a successful search in the other case. Thus any returns the same. Thus maybe_choose_brute returns the same, which is what we want. (I should perhaps have used a better name for $check, perhaps $maybe_choose, to maintain the Hungarian notation locally, too.)

Linked lists

The remaining bit to explain here is cons: this is from FP::List and constructs a new list by prepending $n to the existing list $chosen. Unlike pushing or unshifting to an array, which mutates the array and is visible to all code that has a reference to it, this doesn't mutate $chosen. Both the list before prepending $n and the one after exist at the same time, which is important since if $check->(cons($n, $chosen)) fails to find a result, any will go on and in the next attempt, $chosen must be the original list since we want to prepend another $n to it. Also, cons is efficient (it is O(1)) unlike copying whole arrays. FP::List implements singly linked lists.


This calls our local sub and passes it the empty list: null is the equivalent of [] but for FP::List (list() is giving the same).

Just to be clear, both FP::List and FP::PureArray are implementing sequences (the FP::Abstract::Sequence protocol), and they are interconvertible:

main> purearray(10,11,13)->list
$VAR1 = list(10, 11, 13);
main> $VAR1->purearray
$VAR1 = purearray(10, 11, 13);

The difference is that list offers efficient incremental adding of elements, whereas purearray is using more efficient data storage and offers efficient access to any random position:

main> $VAR1->[1]
$VAR1 = 11;

Whereas list does not offer array indexing (it offers a ref method to access any element, but that is less efficient the longer the list is).


Basically what this means is we're starting off the search with no numbers chosen at all: $chosen will be the empty list at the beginning. Then off it goes calling any on $ns to add the first number to it, when that fails, add another one, until the sum is too large, at which point it backtracks and continues trying the other numbers until it finds a match or has run out of numbers from $ns to try, at which point it backtracks more, until it finds a match or runs out of any combinations to try.

You can enable the warn statement by setting VERBOSE=1, and disabling the optimized algorithm:

$ VERBOSE=1 NO_OPTIM=1 ./113-1-represent_integer --repl
main> maybe_representable 25, 7
check (brute): list() at ./113-1-represent_integer line 63.
check (brute): list(17) at ./113-1-represent_integer line 63.
check (brute): list(17, 17) at ./113-1-represent_integer line 63.
check (brute): list(7, 17) at ./113-1-represent_integer line 63.
check (brute): list(17, 7, 17) at ./113-1-represent_integer line 63.
check (brute): list(7, 7, 17) at ./113-1-represent_integer line 63.
check (brute): list(7) at ./113-1-represent_integer line 63.
check (brute): list(17, 7) at ./113-1-represent_integer line 63.
check (brute): list(17, 17, 7) at ./113-1-represent_integer line 63.
check (brute): list(7, 17, 7) at ./113-1-represent_integer line 63.
check (brute): list(7, 7) at ./113-1-represent_integer line 63.
check (brute): list(17, 7, 7) at ./113-1-represent_integer line 63.
check (brute): list(7, 7, 7) at ./113-1-represent_integer line 63.
check (brute): list(17, 7, 7, 7) at ./113-1-represent_integer line 63.
check (brute): list(7, 7, 7, 7) at ./113-1-represent_integer line 63.
$VAR1 = undef;

As you can see, the list in $chosen grows on the left side, then changes elements at the left end, then backtracks (e.g. from list(7, 7, 17) to list(7)). After trying list(7, 7, 7, 7), it gives up, as list(7, 7, 7, 7)->sum is 28, larger than 25, thus $check returns undef, and any has reached the end of numbers from $ns on all 4 levels involved here, thus the final result is undef, too.

(You can also see, that the algorithm checks both list(7, 17) and list(17, 7), which is of course pointless given that addition is commutative.)

main> maybe_representable 24, 7
check (brute): list() at ./113-1-represent_integer line 63.
check (brute): list(17) at ./113-1-represent_integer line 63.
check (brute): list(17, 17) at ./113-1-represent_integer line 63.
check (brute): list(7, 17) at ./113-1-represent_integer line 63.
$VAR1 = list(7, 17);

In this case, $check found a match with list(7, 17), which it returns, which ends any on two levels and returns the same as the final result.

Optimize by looking ahead one level

One thing we can realize is that the dumb approach, as long as $chosen->sum is too small, tries out all numbers from $ns until it finds one that completes a match, or completes one indirectly (with more numbers added on top). What if we first checked if the missing difference is a number that's in $ns without walking all of $ns sequentially? We can build a hash table with the values from $ns, so that such a check is cheaper.

This won't make things faster if $ns is as small as just the two values 7 and 17 as in the examples from the task, but will help if $N and thus $ns is large.

sub maybe_choose_optim_1 ($N, $ns) {
    __ 'Choose a combination of numbers from $ns (repetitions allowed)
        that added together equal $N; undef if not possible. This
        solution uses a hashtable to check for each additional number;
        i.e. it tries to minimize the number of numbers taken from
        $ns (it is still searching depth-first).';
    my %ns = map { $_ => 1 } $ns->values;

%ns is going to provide for the indexed check.

    sub ($chosen) {
        my $check = __SUB__;
        warn "check (optim 1): " . show($chosen) if $verbose;
        my $sum     = $chosen->sum;
        my $missing = $N - $sum;

$missing is how much is missing, and we're using that first to see if we're done without adding more numbers, or are at a dead end (we have overshot the target already), or whether we can simply take $missing as the new number to add since it's a valid one itself, and be done.

        if (not $missing) {
        } elsif ($missing < 0) {
        } else {
            if (exists $ns{$missing}) {

At this point, $missing is a valid number, and it's what's missing, so we're done, we just need to add $missing to $chosen:

                cons $missing, $chosen
            } else {

Otherwise we need to try all numbers in $ns, just like in maybe_choose_brute:

                    sub ($n) {
                        $check->(cons($n, $chosen))

Timing the search with this new algorithm didn't yield much of an improvement, though.

One thing to observe is that the algorithm does go deep first (it tests the next level (via recursion) before returning and letting any pick the next number on the upper level): this prioritizes solutions that are composed of more numbers over those consisting of fewer numbers. And that means that more levels of linear searches through $ns have to happen than if the search were breadth-first.

Also, on any particular level, the call to any is stupidly checking numbers in $ns even if they are all leading to too large of a number—any isn't aware of the fact that $ns is ordered, and that after reaching a particular point in $ns where $check->(cons($n, $chosen)) finds that the sum is too large, all subsequent attempts will lead to too large sums, too.

NOTE: while writing this blog post I noticed that $ns->reverse in maybe_representable is actually counter productive for the maybe_choose_optim_1 algorithm (for the numbers that I tested). Intuitively I had thought that larger numbers should be checked first, as that would lead to shorter number sets as results even in the depth-first algorithm. But what seems to happen is that when looking from the smaller numbers, adding them incrementally will quickly lead to a case where the $missing check in %ns will give a success. Somewhat fascinating.

Doing a breadth-first search, and stopping early

(Note: I'm going to describe how this approach works basically two times: in the next two paragraphs, and then again in the code. If you don't get what I'm saying here maybe try going ahead and read the code explanations; then come back. Maybe it makes more sense that way.)

Achieving the two stated aims as described in the previous section, while still using "standard library functions" (of FunctionalPerl, methods like map) is possible via a feature called lazy evaluation: evaluating a value only when actually needed. When programming imperatively, once can code the program so that it simply never evaluates things it doesn't need to, like by exiting a loop early. When using functions on sequences like map or take_while, as we'll do, then there's no way to exit them via a return statement—after all, they get a function as an argument, and returning from that function would just, well, return from that function. But by using lazy evaluation, if from the list that map generates we only use part, the remainder will never be generated. This is like an iterator, which is the imperative way to generate values on demand. In pure functional programming we can achieve both short-cutting approaches, the early return, and the iterator, with just one feature, the lazy evaluation.

And, correspondingly, FunctionalPerl, offers a single building block to build lazy evaluation on, the lazy { ... } syntax from FP::Lazy. It's actually just a subroutine with a & prototype, and simply wraps the code block in an object that can be forced to run later by passing it to the force subroutine, or by calling the force method on. This is then used as a building block in lazy sequences (called "streams"): they use lazy inside their methods (like map, filter, reduce, take, take_while). Depending on whether a sequence is lazy or not, those methods (and more) have different implementations. In general, a lazy sequence yields a lazy sequence, and non-lazy ones (like a list or purearray) yield a non-lazy one, unless explicitly meant to return a lazy sequence. For lists, prefixing the method with stream_ will yield a lazy result; so, list(10,20,30)->stream_map(\&expensive_code) will return a lazy sequence and the expensive code is only called for elements (up to those) which are actually accessed.

I'm going to use both the lazy sequences and the lazy syntax here. The first to stop walking $ns early, and the second to delay the recursion to deeper levels (to choose an additional number) until after the previous level has finished checking all other cases—in other words, to achieve the breadth-first search approach.

The code already has explanations, hopefully they make it clear already (note the footnote [2] which I've also inserted into the code here—this is a bug, I've left it in as it is in the submitted version):

sub maybe_choose_optim_2 ($N, $_ns) {
    __ 'Choose a combination of numbers (repetitions allowed) from $ns
        which must be sorted in decrementing order[2] that added together
        equal $N; undef if not possible. This solution does a
        breadth-first search (and uses the hashtable check to see if
        there will be a match with the next level like

    # We want to use lazy evaluation to allow for the descriptive
    # solution below, thus turn the purearray to a lazy list:
    my $ns = $_ns->stream;

    my %ns = map { $_ => 1 } $_ns->values;

    sub ($chosen) {
        my $check = __SUB__;
        warn "check (optim 2): " . show($chosen) if $verbose;

        # Given an additional choice of a number $n (out of $ns) on
        # top of $chosen, decide whether there's a solution either
        # with the given numbers or when adding one more missing
        # number by looking at %ns; or whether the chosen numbers are
        # adding up to too much already (in which case undef is
        # returned), or the search needs to resume via recursively
        # calling $check. The latter case is not carried out
        # immediately, but returned as a lazy term (a promise), to
        # allow to delay diving deeper into the next recursion level
        # to *after* checking all numbers in the current level
        # (breadth-first search).

        # Using FP::Either's `Right` to indicate an immediate
        # solution, `Left` to indicate a case that needs recursion
        # (and only potentially yields a result), undef to signify a
        # dead end.

        my $decide = sub ($n) {
            warn "decide: checking $n on top of " . show($chosen) if $verbose;
            my $chosen  = cons $n, $chosen;
            my $missing = $N - ($chosen->sum);
            if (not $missing) {
                Right $chosen
            } elsif ($missing < 0) {
            } else {
                if (exists $ns{$missing}) {
                    Right cons($missing, $chosen)
                } else {
                    Left lazy {

        # Since $ns are sorted in decrementing order[2], if $decide
        # returns undef, any subsequent number will fail, too, so we
        # can stop further checks; `take_while` will only take the
        # results up to that point.

        # Since $ns is a stream (a lazily computed list), the
        # following `map` and `take_while` steps are lazy, too;
        # $decide will never be evaluated for $n's that are smaller
        # (coming further along in the reverse-ordered[2] $ns) than any
        # $n that can lead to a solution.

        my $decisions = $ns->map($decide)->take_while(\&is_defined);

        # Check for immediate solutions (solutions on our level)
        # first, if that fails, get and evaluate the promises to
        # recurse (go deeper):

        my $solutions  = rights $decisions;
        my $recursions = lefts $decisions;
        unless ($solutions->is_null) {
        } else {

rights and lefts are from FP::Either, and take a sequence containing Either, and return a sequence containing just the Rights, or Lefts, correspondingly, but stripped of the wrapping.

In a sense, thanks to doing breadth-first search, we're back at the approach using stream_cartesian_product that I hinted at above: checking all the combinations of two lists first; then all the combinations with three lists, etc. Although maybe_choose_optim_2 will be faster since it optimizes one of the combinations via %ns. That could also be encoded in the search over the combinations, though, so I should probably see whether nicer code couldn't be written by using that approach. There's no time before submitting the solutions, though, so I'll have to see later.

Haskell version

After writing the last Perl version above, I decided to rewrite it in a "real" functional programming language: Haskell. You can find it here. There's a Makefile to build it, but you can also load it in GHCi. It has few dependencies, the only non-bundled one is probably HUnit, in Debian it's the libghc-hunit-dev package.

I'm not a very fluent Haskell programmer, so don't assume my code is good style. Also I've consciously kept the style close to the Perl version, so that it's easy to compare.

If you're new to Haskell, the new things compared to the Perl version are:

  • Static type signatures for functions: those are the lines with :: in them. Type names and constructors always have an uppercase initial, normal function names and variables must start with a lowercase initial.

    Fun bit: because I can't use variable names with uppercase initials, I translated $N to n in the Haskell version. But I also have $n in the Perl code, and translated that to n as well. Of course now some code that originally referred to $N started to refer to what was $n in Perl. I stared and poked at the code for quite a while until I figured out why what I translated "1:1" didn't give me the same result. (One nice advice from IRC was that I should have compiled my code with -Wall, which warns about variable shadowing.)

  • There are no commas between function arguments. Parens are used for grouping only; i.e. they would be written around function calls including the function name, not after the function name. foo(bar($x), baz($y)) becomes foo (bar x) (bar y).

  • sub ($i) { ... } becomes \i -> ....

  • [a,b,c] in Haskell creates a linked list, like list($a,$b,$c) in FunctionalPerl, not an array as you're used to. The cons function from FunctionalPerl corresponds to the : operator in Haskell. The special null function from FunctionalPerl that returns the empty linked list corresponds to the empty list [] in Haskell.

  • The my keyword becomes let. But there's a difference: whereas my $l = cons 1, $l; ... in Perl means, introduce a new variable $l which shadows the previous $l and prepends a 1, let l = 1:l in ... in Haskell means, prepend a 1 to the same l that we're introducing. This doesn't just sound like a cycle, but it is: it creates the list that ends with its own beginning, looping 1s infinitely. But in simpler terms: let in Haskell is always recursive, like the my rec that I kind-of suggested Perl could maybe benefit from. But because there is no non-recursive let in Haskell, if I really want to translate my $l = cons 1, $l, I have to introduce a new variable name, like let l' = 1:l. The apostroph can be part of variable names and is used to mean a new variable related to the old name (like derivatives in math).

  • Haskell doesn't have undef, instead I'm using the Maybe type—remember, I mentioned that above, here you can see it in action. It means that e.g.

    Right $chosen


    Just (Right chosen')

    because we have to explicitly wrap the value to become a Maybe type. undef becomes Nothing. The catMaybes function takes a list of Maybes, and returns the elements that are Justs (i.e. dropping the Nothings), but take the values out of the wrappings again.

  • pattern matching:

    unless ($solutions->is_null) {
        my $solution = $solutions->first;


      case solutions of
        (solution:_) -> ...
  • I'm using Data.Set instead of a hash table, Set.fromList is converting the list to a set, Set.member checks whether a value is in the set.

  • Haskell is using lazy evaluation by default, everywhere. That's why

    Left lazy {

    becomes simply

    Left (check chosen')

It should now be straight-forward to see the equivalence of the implementations.

Interestingly, the Haskell version, compiled with -O2, is only about twice as fast as the Perl implementation. But to be fair, my Perl version is using an array to hold $ns, wheras I use the linked list in Haskell, and a hash table in Perl, whereas Data.Set is a tree in Haskell. Also, since the algorithm finds most solutions with only very few iterations, what we're mostly benchmarking is the setting up of the initial data: the creation of 1..$N, conversion to strings, filtering according to $D, conversion to the hashmap/Set. This is very optimized in the Perl core, and probably somewhat less so (compared to other things) in Haskell. I'm also using Integer in the Haskell version which is safe against wraparounds, but more costly; replacing it with Int makes it about 1.5x faster, and is just about as safe as Perl's ints are (propagation to floating point numbers would break things, too, if it weren't academic on a 64-bit machine).

Like mentioned in the previous section, the code could probably be written shorter by using the cartesian product or similar, I may look into it. Also, someone on IRC posted me this solution which is much shorter, although it runs about half as fast as mine.


Aside of the assignments to ($mydir, $myname), which are needed to handle the compile time vs. run time phasing (which exactly does have a bit of the evil-ish taste of spaghetti execution flow of imperative programming), there is just one single variable mutation in either of the two Perl scripts. Can you spot it?

Answer (rot13): Vg'f va znlor_ercerfragnoyr va gur ercerfrag_vagrtre fpevcg: gur znlor_pubbfr inevnoyr vf orvat birejevggra.

There are zero data structure mutations, and the only I/O that the Perl scripts are doing are via the repl and run_tests calls.

The advantage of that is that data consistently only ever travels in one direction, from function arguments to function results. This means that the movement of data is immediately evident from just the lexical structure of the program—the dynamic behaviour of the program cannot change that.

But note that I'm saying that data flow direction is straight-forward; I don't say the same about evaluation order. Once lazy evaluation is used, evaluation order depends on the dynamic behaviour of the program.

But while we don't necessarily understand the evaluation order easily, it doesn't matter for the correctness of the result. The correctness of the result only depends on data flow, not on evaluation order. If the program finishes, the result is more easily shown to be correct in a functional program. A functional programming approach does not help analyzing whether the program finishes or takes forever or runs out of memory (except indirectly to some extent by more easily finding data correctness issues, since bogus data can also be a source of erratic evaluation order). It shouldn't hurt, either, but I'm not going to make claims here. In any case, it's definitely different, and the tooling to debug evaluation order in programs with lots of lazy evaluation may be worse in Perl than in Haskell (although there is some [4]), so I suggest to be careful and not go over board with that. Use lazy { } and streams only where needed to enable a purely functional programming style. Using lazyT instead of lazy to make sure you're getting the right types of data can also help.


[1] While writing this blog post, I realized that the second algorithm actually runs faster with the non-reversed list. Also see [2]. I'm leaving the code now as submitted.

[2] Also while writing this blog post, I realized that the third algorithm is actually written to expect the list in non-reversed order for the short-cutting to work. D'oh. It may not really matter, though, it happens to be fast anyway in all cases that I tried. One could search for cases for which that is not the case, though.

[3] Perl is designed to allow to treat anything (except for the undef value if use warnings FATAL => 'uninitialized' is used) as a string (non-strings will automatically be coerced into one). So should is_string accept anything then, even the [1] in the example? On one hand, yes, or it will artificially restrict acceptance of values for which the program would work just fine. On the other hand, the purpose of restricting values is to detect usage errors, thus the answer is also "no, sort of". Perhaps one solution is to offer ways to configure the program/module so that a check using is_string will accept references, too, either with or without warning. Another could be to verify if references are objects that have a stringification overload, and deny them otherwise.

[4] There is some tooling provided by FP::Lazy and FP::noLazy: for one, you can enable capture of backtraces in promises via $FP::Lazy::debug = 1 (or setting the DEBUG_FP_LAZY env var to 1), also, you can disable laziness temporarily while debugging (although you may have to be selective since that can make the program run out of memory): globally by setting $FP::Lazy::eager = 1 or by setting the DEBUG_FP_LAZY env var to eager, in the local module via using FP::noLazy instead of FP::Lazy, or on each individual lazy expression by using lazy_if instead of lazy. Tell me if you'd like me to demonstrate these approaches in a post or video.



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