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Releases: pester/Pester


10 Dec 15:13
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  • Fixed a bug where mocking Get-Command would result in infinite recursion. [GH-437]


10 Dec 15:12
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  • Fixed a bug with mocking dynamic parameters on latest Windows 10 / PSv5 builds. [GH-419]
  • Fix for NUnit XML export on .NET core. [GH-420]
  • Added Set-TestInconclusive command. [GH-421]
  • Mocking improvements for calling original commands with begin/process/end blocks. [GH-422]
  • Case insensitive replacement of Test in help [GH-428]
  • Improve stack trace and exception console output [GH-426]
  • Added support for intercepting module-qualified calls to a mocked command. [GH-432]
  • Improved Assert-MockCalled to allow it to be passed an alias as the -CommandName.


08 Sep 15:22
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  • Fixed a bug where mocking New-Object would cause a stack overflow. [GH-405]


08 Sep 15:22
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  • Fully qualified calls to Get-Content within Mocking code, to avoid triggering client's mocked versions of that command. [GH-362]
  • Fixed a scoping error when calling the original command if no parameter filters match the call. [GH-362]
  • Added Ignore alias for -Skip on the It command, and updated NUnit output to flag these tests as Ignored instead of Skipped, for better integration with things like TeamCity. [GH-368]
  • Added support for Unicode to Should Contain. [GH-378]
  • Added support for side-by-side installations to chocolateyInstall.ps1. [GH-401]


24 May 01:21
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  • Fixed Describe's handling of TestName filter when multiple strings are passed to Invoke-Pester's -TestName parameter.
  • Failing BeforeEach or AfterEach will fail the test [GH-326]
  • Added BeOfType operator to the Should command. [GH-327]
  • Fixed BeforeEach / etc parsing in PSv3+ so breakpoints and automatic variables ($PSCommandPath, etc) will work properly. [GH-333]
  • Fixed bug in 'Should Be' when comparing strings, and null or empty strings are piped in to the Should command. [GH-333]
  • Added some calls to Write-Progress in the It command. [GH-322]
  • Bug fix when mocking functions that are in the global scope; the original functions were being lost when the Describe block ended. [GH-323]
  • Improved failed assertion output from Assert-MockCalled; now behaves more like Should. [GH-324]
  • Added -ExclusiveFilter parameter to Assert-MockCalled. Works like -ParameterFilter, except there also must not be any calls to the mocked command which do not match the filter.
  • Added the "bin" folder to the PATH environment variable when installing from Chocolatey. Also removed the hard-coded -OutputXml and -Strict parameters from this file; only -EnableExit is always used from the bat file now. [GH-281]
  • PassThru object (when used in conjunction with -CodeCoverage) now includes information about Hit commands in addition to Missed commands. [GH-341]
  • Improvements to support for mocking advanced fynctions with dynamic parameters. [GH-346]
  • Fix for PowerShell v2 bug when mocking commands that have an -ArgumentList parameter with validation attributes. [GH-354]
  • Fixed stack trace output when the call to Should is in a file other than the file that contains the It block. [GH-358]


15 Apr 18:19
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Minor fix for mocking when client code overwrites the $ExecutionContext built-in variable.


15 Apr 11:59
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Minor fixes to Mocking:

  • Mocking AD cmdlets was producing errors due to how their Dynamic Parameters are returned. This has been fixed.
  • Mocking functions is now more robust in situations where the mocked function has potentially unresolved parameter sets at the time the dynamicparam block is evaluated, or where the mocked function has defined parameters named $ExecutionContext or $MyInvocation.


19 Mar 11:06
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28 Jan 05:44
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Preparing v3.3.5 release

Snippets directory included in nuspec package.  (Has also been added to the PowerShellGet publish step in the CI build.)


22 Jan 19:59
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Same as v3.3.2; just sorting out some upload problems with PowerShellGet and our CI job.