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File metadata and controls

655 lines (587 loc) · 25.7 KB

Devices: Disk Driver

At this point, we've seen how xv6 virtualizes memory and the processor to give each user process the illusion of a contiguous, near-infinite memory space and a dedicated CPU to run it; we've also seen how xv6 mediates interactions between most of a computer's hardware components and user processes via system calls. But there's one more piece of hardware that's critically important for an OS that we haven't looked at yet: the disk. All that's left in the kernel code for us to look at is how xv6 manages data storage on the disk and how it presents that data to users in a simplified way.

The function of a disk is to provide persistence for an operating system. RAM is volatile memory: it gets erased when the machine is turned off, so any data stored there is fleeting. A disk allows an OS to store and retrieve data across shut-offs. The disk driver we'll go over in this post allows the xv6 kernel direct access to that device so it can read and write data to it.

But unlike other devices, a simple driver isn't enough here. We don't just need to be able to read and write data; we'd like to present users with a simplified, accessible framework to navigate that data. Imagine using a computer where you had to specify which byte of the disk to read or write, then remember that yourself in order to access it again later. It's madness! Enter file systems; "files" don't really exist in any real sense on a disk, but the OS can provide the illusion of discrete, individual files in order to simplify access to data.

We also need to make sure concurrent accesses of the same file don't risk corrupting the file (or even the entire file system). We need to separate out kernel data (like the kernel code itself) from user data on the disk, so that a malicious user process can't just overwrite arbitrary kernel code. Finally, there's that oh-so-famous line about Unix systems, "everything is a file". We'll need a way to present "everything" in the elegant abstraction of a file.

All of these abstractions and security checks will require far more code than a simple driver to implement them, so before we go on to the driver, let's check out how xv6 will organize its file system to get a preview of what's ahead.

File System Organization

Laying the abstraction of a complete file system on top of a physical disk will require several steps. xv6 does this using seven layers. From bottom (direct hardware interaction) to top (user-facing code), they are:

  • Disk driver: reads and writes blocks on an IDE hard drive.
  • Buffer cache: caches disk blocks in memory and synchronizes access to them.
  • Logging: provides atomic disk writes to mitigate the risk of a crash.
  • Inodes: turns disk blocks into individual files that the OS can manipulate.
  • Directories: creates a tree of named directories that contain other files.
  • Path names: provides hierarchical, human-readable path names in the directory tree structure.
  • File descriptors: abstracts OS resources like pipes and devices as files to provide a unified API for user programs.

That's a lot of work to do now, but it'll pay off! The kernel will do all this labor so that users are free to be lazy later on and can live in blissful ignorance of the fact that their precious little files actually exist as nothing but ones and zeroes in totally arbitrary locations on the disk.

Note that hard drives are usually divided into sectors, which are physical divisions (originally referring to literal geometric sectors), traditionally of 512 bytes. Operating systems can then collect these into larger blocks which are multiples of the sector size. xv6 uses 512-byte blocks for simplicity so that the sector and block sizes match up; I'll use the two terms interchangeably.

On the disk, block 0 usually contains the boot sector, so it's not used by xv6 (but remember the Makefile -- xv6 actually stores the boot loader and kernel code on an entirely separate physical disk). Block 1 is called the superblock because it contains metadata about the file system like its total size, the size of the log, the number of files, and their location on the disk. Then the log starts at block 2 and on.


If you've read any of the previous optional posts on device drivers, you know that interacting directly with the hardware means all kinds of opaque code with seemingly-arbitrary port I/O and cryptic magic numbers. Drivers are also specific to the actual (or virtual) hardware in the machine that xv6 will run on, so it tends to be less useful for showing general OS concepts -- hence why all the other device driver posts were optional. That being said, the disk driver nicely rounds out the rest of the file system code, so I recommend checking it out, but if you're short on time or bored with all the talk about hardware specs, feel free to skip to the summary section below.

Reading and writing disk data is super slow, so the second layer in the file system is the buffer cache, which will store copies of disk blocks in memory for faster access. But we still have to read from the disk to create that buffer, and we still have to write any modified data to the disk once we're done, so we still need a layer below the buffer cache to do that. That layer is the disk driver; its purpose is to copy data from the disk to the in-memory cache and vice versa. A single block is represented in the cache as a struct buf, defined in buf.h.

struct buf {
    int flags;
    uint dev;               // device number
    uint blockno;           // block number (same as sector number)
    struct sleeplock lock;  // sleep-lock to protect buffer reads and writes
    uint refcnt;            // how many processes are using this buffer
    struct buf *prev;       // for use with buffer cache doubly-linked list
    struct buf *next;       // for use with buffer cache doubly-linked list
    struct buf *qnext;      // for use with disk driver queue
    uchar data[BSIZE];      // data stored in the buffer

#define B_VALID 0x2
#define B_DIRTY 0x4

The two constants defined at the bottom are used in the flags field; B_VALID indicates that a buffer has been read from disk and should accurately reflect the sector's contents on the disk, and B_DIRTY says we've modified the buffer but haven't yet updated the on-disk version of a file, so we need to write the buffer to disk soon.

We'll see later on that the buffer cache uses a doubly-linked list of buffers; the prev and next fields are used there. However, the disk driver also maintains its own queue of buffers that are waiting to be read from or written to the disk; that's implemented as a singly-linked list using the qnext field.


We've already seen some code to read and write disk data in the boot loader; I know it's been a while, so you can check that out again if you want. We can't reuse the code there for a few reasons, though: (1) the boot loader has to be compiled separately from the kernel, so we can't access any of the functions there, and (2) we need to store data in the buffer cache, so we can't even copy- paste the code we used before since the boot loader barely even knows what memory is, let alone a buffer cache.

ATA Programmed I/O Mode

Modern disk drivers usually talk to the disk via direct memory access (DMA), but to keep things simple xv6 is just gonna talk to it with port I/O. That's much, much slower, and it requires active participation by the CPU (which means it can't do anything else at the same time), but hey, xv6 thinks it's 1995, remember? So PIO mode is still (relatively) cutting edge. Either way, extreme performance isn't the goal here, so we'll just have to suck it up.

Okay, let's do a super-quick summary. inb is a C wrapper for an x86 assembly instruction that reads a single byte of data from a port; outb writes a byte to a port. The disk controller chip has primary and secondary buses; the primary bus sends data on port 0x1F0 and has control registers on ports 0x1F1 through 0x1F7. Port 0x1F7 doubles as a command register and a status port with some useful flags we can check in order to know what the disk is up to; we saw some of those before, but I'll give you the full list now.

  • Bit 0 (0x01) - ERR (indicates an error occurred)
  • Bit 1 (0x02) - IDX (index; always set to zero)
  • Bit 2 (0x04) - CORR (corrected data; always set to zero)
  • Bit 3 (0x08) - DRQ (drive has data to transfer or is ready to receive data)
  • Bit 4 (0x10) - SRV (service request)
  • Bit 5 (0x20) - DF (drive fault error)
  • Bit 6 (0x40) - RDY (ready; clear when drive isn't running or after an error and set otherwise)
  • Bit 7 (0x80) - BSY (busy; drive is in the middle of sending/receiving data)

The disk driver defines some of these with preprocessor macros at the top of the file.

#define SECTOR_SIZE 512
#define IDE_BSY     0x80
#define IDE_DRDY    0x40
#define IDE_DF      0x20
#define IDE_ERR     0x01
// ...

We also saw one command example in the boot loader: sending 0x20 to port 0x1F7 tells the disk to read a sector and send it to us through data port 0x1F0. Now we'll also use commands to write a sector, as well as to read or write multiple sectors at once.

// ...
#define IDE_CMD_READ    0x20
#define IDE_CMD_WRITE   0x30
#define IDE_CMD_RDMUL   0xc4
#define IDE_CMD_WRMUL   0xc5
// ...

If, for some reason beyond mortal comprehension, you decide you want to know more about the eldritch secrets of ancient hard drives, you can read this resource on ATA disks.

After those constants, we find three static global variables: a spin-lock for accessing the disk, the queue of buffers waiting to be synchronized with their on-disk counterparts, and a boolean to track whether xv6 is running with only disk 0 (boot loader and kernel) or with disk 1 (user file system) as well.

// ...
static struct spinlock idelock;
static struct buf *idequeue;
static int havedisk1;
// ...


This function takes an integer checkerr argument that should be a boolean and waits for the disk to be ready to receive more commands. If checkerr is true, it'll also check whether the status port includes any error flags.

It starts by reading from the disk's status port and looping until the busy flag is not set but the ready flag is. The bitwise-OR IDE_BSY | IDE_DRDY combines both flags, and the bitwise-AND tests whether either one is set in r.

static int idewait(int checkerr)
    int r;
    while (((r = inb(0x1f7)) & (IDE_BSY | IDE_DRDY)) != IDE_DRDY)
    // ...

Now if checkerr is nonzero we have to check that neither the error nor the drive failure flag is set in the status port. If either one is set, we'll return -1; we'll return 0 otherwise.

static int idewait(int checkerr)
    // ...
    if (checkerr && (r & (IDE_DF | IDE_ERR)) != 0) {
        return -1;
    return 0;


This function is called by the kernel's main() during set-up to initialize the disk. We start by initializing the disk lock, then tell the I/O interrupt controller to forward all disk interrupts to the last CPU. We talked about the ioapicenable() function in detail in the post on interrupt controllers.

void ideinit(void)
    initlock(&idelock, "ide");
    ioapicenable(IRQ_IDE, ncpu - 1);
    // ...

Then we wait for the disk to be ready to accept commands (ignoring any error flags that may be present).

void ideinit(void)
    // ...
    // ...

We said above that disk 0 should contain the boot loader and kernel, so we can assume any machine running xv6 should have that present. However, we need to make sure disk 1 is present; the Makefile includes some configurations like make qemu-memfs under which xv6 can run without a dedicated disk for the file system, storing files in memory instead.

Port 0x1F6 is used to select a drive. Bits 5 and 7 should always be set, and bit 6 picks the right mode we need to indicate a disk. Bit 4 determines whether we want to select disk 0 or disk 1. So we can select drive 1 by setting bits 5-7 (0xE0 when combined), then bit 4 (1 << 4).

void ideinit(void)
    // ...
    outb(0x1f6, 0xe0 | (1 << 4));
    // ...

Now we need to wait for disk 1 to be ready; we need to handle this as a special case since waitdisk() can't check a specific disk for us, and because an absent disk 1 would make the while loop there continue forever. So we'll check the status register 1000 times; if it ever reports that it's ready, we'll set havedisk1 to true and break, but otherwise we'll assume disk 1 isn't present and leave havedisk1 as zero (i.e., false).

void ideinit(void)
    // ...
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
        if (inb(0x1f7) != 0) {
            havedisk1 = 1;
    // ...

Finally, we'll switch back to using disk 0 by changing the fourth bit of the register at port 0x1F6.

void ideinit(void)
    // ...
    outb(0x1f6, 0xe0 | (0 << 4));


This is the core function that will read or write a buffer to or from the disk. It's a static function, so it can only be called by other functions in this file; ideintr() and iderw() will both use it as a helper function. It takes a pointer to a buffer, so the first thing to do is make sure that pointer isn't null. We'll also make sure the buffer's block number is within the maximum limit set by FSSIZE, defined in param.h as 1000.

static void idestart(struct buf *b)
    if (b == 0) {
    if (b->blockno >= FSSIZE) {
        panic("incorrect blockno");
    // ...

Next we need to figure out which disk sector to read from or write to. Since xv6 uses blocks that are the same size as a sector, this should just be b->blockno, but we'll add a conversion here in case that gets changed later on (especially if we want higher disk throughput).

static void idestart(struct buf *b)
    // ...
    int sector_per_block = BSIZE / SECTOR_SIZE;
    int sector = b->blockno * sector_per_block;
    // ...

If each block fits exactly one sector, then we'll need to use the single-sector read and write commands; otherwise we should use the multi-sector versions of those commands. We'll set read_cmd and write_cmd to the right versions. We'll also make sure that there are no more than 7 sectors per block.

static void idestart(struct buf *b)
    // ...
    int read_cmd = (sector_per_block == 1) ? IDE_CMD_READ : IDE_CMD_RDMUL;
    int write_cmd = (sector_per_block == 1) ? IDE_CMD_WRITE : IDE_CMD_WRMUL;
    if (sector_per_block > 7) {
    // ...

Now let's wait for the disk to be ready, ignoring any error flags.

static void idestart(struct buf *b)
    // ...
    // ...

Okay, now it's time to brace yourself, because this next part is a hot mess of port I/O operations with lots of magic numbers. First we'll tell the disk controller to generate an interrupt once it's done reading or writing by setting the device control register at 0x3F6 to zero. Then we'll tell it how many total sectors we want to read or write by writing that number (AKA sector_per_block) to port 0x1F2.

static void idestart(struct buf *b)
    // ...
    outb(0x3f6, 0);                 // generate interrupt when done
    outb(0x1f2, sector_per_block);  // number of sectors to read/write
    // ...

Before sending the read or write command, we have to tell the disk which sector to read from, using our sector variable from above. Let's take a second to talk about hard drive geometry. A hard drive consists of a bunch of stacked circular surfaces, where each surface has a corresponding head that changes its position to read or write from the right place on the disk. Each surface has a number of tracks: concentric circles that contain data. If you pick a track number (i.e. pick a distance from the center of the surfaces) and collect all those tracks from all the surfaces, you get a cylinder.

A sector number acts as a kind of address with each part specifying a different geometric component, similar to how linear addresses contain a page directory index, page table index, and offset. The eight most significant bits (24 through 31) identify the drive and/or head that the sector is located on (plus some flags); bits 8 through 23 identify the cylinder, and bits 0 through 7 pick a sector within that cylinder. Altogether, these define a 3D coordinate system that uniquely identifies all sectors on a machine's disks.

Port 0x1F3 is the sector number register, ports 0x1F4 and 0x1F5 are the cylinder low and high registers, and port 0x1F6 is the drive/head register. We can write the sector number as sector & 0xFF; the cylinder low and high numbers can be recovered by bitshifting sector down by 8 and 16, respectively.

static void idestart(struct buf *b)
    // ...
    outb(0x1f3, sector & 0xff);             // sector number
    outb(0x1f4, (sector >> 8) & 0xff);      // cylinder low
    outb(0x1f5, (sector >> 16) & 0xff);     // cylinder high
    // ...

Now for the drive/head register, we'll use b->dev to get the block's device and (sector >> 24) to get the head it's on. Finally, we'll set bits 5-7 as required (and as mentioned above in ideinit()) with 0xE0. Then we can bitwise-OR all of these together and write them to port 0x1F6.

static void idestart(struct buf *b)
    // ...
    outb(0x1f6, 0xe0 | ((b->dev & 1) << 4) | ((sector >> 24) & 0x0f));
    // ...

Okay, that was the worst of it! Deep breath now. The last part is just sending the actual read or write command. But how do we know which one we're supposed to do? The only argument is a pointer to a buffer b, not any sort of boolean that might tell us which to carry out. Well, remember the buffer flag B_DIRTY? That one indicates that a buffer has been modified and needs to be written to disk. If that flag is set, reading from the disk would overwrite any changes, which probably isn't what we want. So let's just assume that the B_DIRTY flag means we should write to disk, and the absence of that flag means we should read from disk.

static void idestart(struct buf *b)
    // ...
    if (b->flags & B_DIRTY) {
        outb(0x1f7, write_cmd);
        outsl(0x1f0, b->data, BSIZE / 4);
    } else {
        outb(0x1f7, read_cmd);

Here outsl() is another C wrapper for an x86 instruction; this one writes data from a string, four bytes at a time.

That's it! This is by far the most cryptic function in the disk driver; the last two are relatively easy now.


We saw in idestart() that we set up the disk to send an interrupt whenever it's done reading or writing data. Back when we looked at trap.c, we saw that the trap() function directs all disk interrupts to the handler function ideintr(). It's time to check that one out now.

We'll start by acquiring the disk's spin-lock; note that we don't use a sleep- lock because this is an interrupt handler function, so interrupts should be disabled while it runs.

void ideintr(void)
    // ...

If we got an interrupt, then it usually means the disk is done with the most recent request. Those requests are stored in the global idequeue linked list, with the current request at the front of the queue. So we'll get the head of the queue as b, then set idequeue to point to the next buffer in the queue. If the head is null, then we'll just return early.

void ideintr(void)
    // ...
    struct buf *b;
    if ((b = idequeue) == 0) {
    idequeue = b->next;
    // ...

The read command in idestart() didn't specify where to read the data to, so we do that now. We'll check if the B_DIRTY flag was set; if it wasn't (i.e. the operation was a disk read), then we'll wait for the disk to be ready (without any errors, using idewait(1) instead of idewait(0) as we have before) and read the data into b->data.

void ideintr(void)
    // ...
    if (!(b->flags & B_DIRTY) && idewait(1) >= 0) {
        insl(0x1f0, b->data, BSIZE / 4);
    // ...

Next, we set the B_VALID flag with a bitwise-OR and clear any B_DIRTY flag with a bitwise-AND and a bitwise-NOT. Then we'll wake up any user process that went to sleep on a channel for this buffer after requesting a disk I/O operation.

void ideintr(void)
    // ...
    b->flags |= B_VALID;
    b->flags &= ~B_DIRTY;
    // ...

Finally, we'll get the disk started on the next operation, for the next buffer in the queue.

void ideintr(void)
    // ...
    if (idequeue != 0) {
    // ...


The idestart() function is static, so it can't be called by anything outside of this file; we need to provide a mechanism for both kernel and user threads to read and write disk data. That's what iderw() does. Note that processes should never call this function directly; it only gets called by the code for the buffer cache layer of the file system. In other words, processes will use system calls like open(), read(), write(), close(), etc., which in turn will use functions from higher layers of abstraction, which in turn call functions from lower layers, and so on, until they reach the buffer cache, which calls iderw() to finally read/write directly from/to the disk.

By the time a process gets to iderw(), it should already be holding a sleep- lock b->lock for the buffer b it wants to read or write, and either the B_DIRTY flag should be set (to write to disk) or the B_VALID flag should be absent (to read from disk). We'll start off with some sanity checks for those, and make sure that we're not trying to read from disk 1 if it's not present on this machine. Then we'll acquire the disk's spin-lock.

void iderw(struct buf *b)
    if (!holdingsleep(&b->lock)) {
        panic("iderw: buf not locked");
    if ((b->flags & (B_VALID | B_DIRTY)) == B_VALID) {
        // B_VALID is set, so we don't need to read it; B_DIRTY is not set, so
        // we don't need to write it
        panic("iderw: nothing to do");
    if (b->dev != 0 && !havedisk1) {
        panic("iderw: ide disk 1 not present");

    // ...

There may be other buffers waiting in line in the disk queue, so we have to append this buffer b to the end of idequeue. We can do that by setting b->qnext to null, then creating a variable pp to traverse the entire queue. When pp points to the last element, we'll set its qnext field to point to b.

void iderw(struct buf *b)
    // ...
    b->qnext = 0;

    // Traverse the queue
    struct buf **pp;
    for (pp = &idequeue; *pp; pp = &(*pp)->qnext)

    // Append b to end of queue
    *pp = b;

    // ...

That traversal might look confusing as all hell, so let's take a closer look. It defines pp as a double pointer: a pointer to a pointer to a struct buf. (If you've seen the interview of Linus Torvalds where he talks about good style with linked lists, it's similar to the code there; there's a nice summary here.) pp starts off equal pointing to idequeue, i.e. the head of the linked list. Each iteration checks that pp points to a valid (non-null) pointer, i.e. the loop will end when we reach the end of the list. The body of the loop is empty, so none of the iterations actually do anything; the purpose of the for loop is just to update pp several times. At the end of each iteration, pp is updated to point to a pointer to the next buffer in the queue.

Suppose the last buffer in the queue is end. At the end of the for loop, pp will hold the address of end->qnext, so *pp = b sets end->qnext = b. The double indirection makes it easy to update the last buffer in the queue; without it, we would have to stop the loop one step earlier when pp points to end instead of end->qnext then be careful to update the actual buffer at the end of the queue instead of just updating the local variable pp. All in all, it's just an elegant way to write a linked list traversal in a single line.

Okay, so now our buffer b is at the end of the queue. If there are others in front of it, then ideintr() will make sure that each disk interrupt starts the disk on the next operation. But what if b is actually the only buffer in the queue? In that case, the disk isn't running yet, so we need to get it started ourselves.

void iderw(struct buf *b)
    // ...
    if (idequeue == b) {
    // ...

At this point, we can be confident that the disk will either start our request now or get to it eventually (if there are other requests in the queue). This process just has to wait for the disk to finish, so we'll put it to sleep until the buffer has been synchronized with the disk. We'll check that by making sure the B_VALID flag is present but B_DIRTY is not set. The call to sleep() will release idelock and reacquire it before returning.

void iderw(struct buf *b)
    // ...
    while ((b->flags & (B_VALID | B_DIRTY)) != B_VALID) {
        sleep(b, &idelock);
    // ...


The disk driver handles direct communication with the hard drive, issuing orders to read or write sectors. It exposes two API functions, ideintr() and iderw(). The former is called by trap() to handle disk interrupts, while the latter is called by the code for the buffer cache layer of the file system to update blocks in the buffer cache with their corresponding sectors on disk. Next up we'll look at the buffer cache itself, as well as the logging layer, which provides crash recovery.