This project contains a few supporting files for building Spring Security OAuth2 client that work well with the Canvas LMS by Instructure. There is documentation of their OAuth2 setup which may be helpful in understanding this library.
This project is release to the central maven repository and can be added as a maven dependency to another project:
To build this library use Apache Maven:
mvn install
This will build a JAR that can be used as a dependency in another project.
This project is deployed to the central repository, once ready to release you can have the release plugin tag everything:
mvn -Prelease release:clean release:prepare
then if that completes successfully a release bundle can be pushed to the staging area of the Sonatype OSS repository with:
mvn -Prelease release:perform
We don't automatically close the staged artifacts so after checking that the files are ok you can login to the repository and release it.
This project is Apache 2 licensed.