This release of version 12 is an alpha preview release and not yet ready for production or regular use. It should only be used with dedicated test servers, test data - and test devices.
- in the new browsing experience, some features are not yet available:
- breadcrumb title
- spaces do not yet show a member count or provide access to a list of members
- subscription of spaces can't be turned on/off yet
- handling of detached drives with user data in them (see OCVault.detachedDrives)
- support for OC10 sharing is incomplete: federated shares support missing
- spaces support for Shortcuts
- static login/branded login UI
- full inline progress reporting when account databases are updated on first login
- progress reporting in active connections
- reinstate Key Commands
- BrowserViewController
- disposal of view controllers
- swipe gesture support (+ animation)
- Presentation view after installing is missing
- "Cut"/"Paste" only working in space scope
- UI rendering picking an account for photo uploads on iPhone: prompt full length, button super-compressed.
- dragging an entire space on top of another starts a full copy of the space, which eventually fails halfway through
- pre-population of accounts using infinite PROPFIND is not supported
location picker replaces folder picker
- supports picking
- accounts
- spaces
- folders
- returns an OCLocation
- allow passing "quick locations" to present on top in a group
- track and re-offer last-picked / recent locations (via account's KVS)
- quick access to personal and other spaces
- integrate favorites as group
- use for preferences and share extension
- supports picking
improved bookmark setup / editing
- browsing UI for ALL certificates stored in a bookmark's store, not just the primary certificate
account list
- allow grouping accounts (i.e. Home / Work)
- replace simple list with modern CollectionViewController-based UI
available offline
- allow creating available offline item policies from smart searches - or directly from the search UI
make sync smarter, f.ex.:
- a file that is updated locally multiple times only should be uploaded once, not once for every update
- a file or folder that is scheduled for upload / creation - and then deleted, should not be uploaded then deleted
- a file scheduled for upload in a folder that is then deleted should not be uploaded then deleted
make sync more resilient
- more rigid dependency tracking -> stuck sync actions waiting for a request to return should no longer be possible as a result
- allow users to manually reschedule sync actions (=> maybe only after implementing cross-process progress reporting)
progress reporting sync across processes
- app -> FP
- FP -> app
- possibly use dedicated OC KVS + OCProgress for that
support for versions
photo uploads
- needs better error reporting / handling
- photos vanished from photos between upload request and when it is its turn
- report to user, drop silently, retry (how often/long?)?
- other errors
- report to user, drop silently, retry (how often/long?)?
- photos vanished from photos between upload request and when it is its turn
- needs better error reporting / handling
more expressive "Empty folder" message display, based on new .message item type
show spinner while recreating a scene via "Open in new window"