This file includes a history of past releases. Changes that were not yet added to a release are in the changelog.d/ folder.
[Bugfix] Make plugin compatible with Python 3.12 by removing dependency on
. (by @regisb) -
💥[Feature] Upgrade Python version to 3.12.3. (by @jfavellar90)
💥[Feature] Upgrade to Redwood. (by @jfavellar90)
- 💥 [Feature] Upgrade to Quince.
- [Improvement] Add a scriv-compliant changelog. (by @regisb)
- [Improvement] Removing the notes permissions container in favor of a global single permissions container. (by @jfavellar90)
- [Improvement] Added Makefile and test action to repository and formatted code with Black and isort. (by @CodeWithEmad)