The OUYA Everywhere initiative delivers Cortex
to gamers wherever they play - whether or not they bought a box from us. We're the open guys, right? So why lock Cortex
in a box? Even a beautiful one? Cortex
is about games and game developers, not about the way you get it.
- It's important to keep your
updated to take advantage ofOUYA Everywhere
to make your game compatible withForge TV
, andXiaomi
consoles. Theouya-sdk.jar
is provided in theODK
download in the developer portal and is updated with eachOTA
OUYA Everywhere has engine-specific documentation for supported engines.
- OUYA Everywhere on Construct 2
- OUYA Everywhere on Corona
- OUYA Everywhere on HTML5
- OUYA Everywhere on Java
- OUYA Everywhere on Marmalade
- OUYA Everywhere on MonoGame
- OUYA Everywhere on Unity
- OUYA Everywhere on Unreal
In order to help games be as portable as possible there are a set of new APIs available:
While most games will work smoothly across all different devices, sometimes it may be necessary to specifically identify what hardware the game is running on.
The simplest way to tell if the game is running on an Cortex
supported device is:
public boolean isRunningOnOUYASupportedHardware();
Be sure to check after the OuyaFacade
has been initialized. This will return true on an officially support device, such as the Forge TV
, M.O.J.O.
console. On other devices it will return false. This method will work correctly as support for new devices are added in the future.
For most purposes, the above method should suffice. However for games that require more precise device identification, this method also exists:
// DeviceHardware information
public static class DeviceHardware {
public boolean isSupported();
public String deviceName();
public DeviceEnum deviceEnum();
// OuyaFacade.getInstance().getDeviceHardware()
public DeviceHardware getDeviceHardware();
// Example method for checking device
private void checkDevice() {
OuyaFacade ouyaFacade = OuyaFacade.getInstance();
if (null != ouyaFacade) {
DeviceHardware deviceHardware = ouyaFacade.getDeviceHardware();
if (null != deviceHardware) {
String deviceName = deviceHardware.deviceName();
if (deviceName == "M.O.J.O.") {
} else if (deviceName == "OUYA") {
} else if (deviceName == "Razer Forge") {
} else if (deviceName == "Xiaomi") {
This will provide more specific device information:
- whether it is officially supported
- the user-visible device name
- an enum for games to do hardware-specific checks against
For the corresponding device enum value, it is possible for this to be UNKNOWN, and yet isSupported() to return true. This can happen if new hardware support has been added, yet this game has been compiled against an older ODK which doesn't have an enum entry for the new hardware.
As new console systems are added, it can become cumbersome for each game to manage the images for the varied controller buttons. To alleviate this issue, there is the following API:
static public ButtonData getButtonData(int ouyaButton);
static public class ButtonData {
public Drawable buttonDrawable;
public String buttonName;
Simply pass in the button to query (eg: OuyaController.BUTTON_O or OuyaController.BUTTON_MENU) and a ButtonData class will be returned. The returned Drawable will be a 160x160px image (which you can rescale if you like) that you can show in your UI. The buttonName string will be the localized name of the button (eg: the name for OuyaController.BUTTON_O will be "O" on the OUYA and "A" on the M.O.J.O.). If you pass in a button value for which there is no data, buttonName and buttonDrawable will be null.
String buttonName = "O";
final OuyaController.ButtonData buttonData = OuyaController.getButtonData(OuyaController.BUTTON_O);
if (buttonData != null && buttonData.buttonName != null) {
buttonName = buttonData.buttonName;
final String message = "Press " + buttonName + " to get started!";
All current OuyaController.BUTTON_* contants have valid button data (including ones for the D-pad). Very useful for tutorials or button legends.
Using this API will keep your game looking correct as new console hardware support is added -- without any recompilations!
One common issue with Android games is supporting different controller hardware. We've created an API
which will remap input from various controller manufacturers to the standard OUYA
button layout. The remapping logic is provided by the Cortex
Framework, and will be constantly updated to add support for more and more controllers.
The easiest way to take advantage of this is by simply extending from the OuyaActivity
class in the ODK
. This will do a couple things automatically for you:
- remap controller input to the standard
layout - update
This is achieved by:
import tv.ouya.console.api.OuyaActivity;
public class MyGameActivity extends OuyaActivity {
Of course, if you happen to override onCreate/onDestroy/dispatchKeyEvent/dispatchGenericMotionEvent, then be sure to call OuyaActivity's
base methods.
With this in place, you can now handle events in onKeyDown/Up/onGenericMotionEvent and not need to worry about what controller hardware the gamer may be using:
public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
boolean handled = false;
// Check the keycode itself
if (keyCode == OuyaController.BUTTON_O)) {
handled = true;
// Check state via the OuyaController methods -- the OuyaActivity
// class automatically updates OuyaController for you as well!
OuyaController c = OuyaController.getControllerByDeviceId(event.getDeviceId());
if (c != null) {
return handled || super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);
If you are unable to extend the OuyaActivity
(eg: the game engine you are using requires you to extend their activity class), you can still leverage the input remapping, but will need to call the methods manually. They are:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
protected void onDestroy() {
public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent keyEvent) {
boolean handled = false;
if (OuyaInputMapper.shouldHandleInputEvent(keyEvent)) {
handled = OuyaInputMapper.dispatchKeyEvent(this, keyEvent);
return handled || super.dispatchKeyEvent(keyEvent);
public boolean dispatchGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent motionEvent) {
boolean handled = false;
if (OuyaInputMapper.shouldHandleInputEvent(motionEvent)) {
handled = OuyaInputMapper.dispatchGenericMotionEvent(this, motionEvent);
return handled || super.dispatchGenericMotionEvent(motionEvent);
For developers who choose to use a single apk across multiple storefronts (Cortex
, Google Play
, Amazon
, etc), it can be important to identify which system the game was installed from -- especially now that some Cortex
supported platforms also support Google Play
. One way to detect where your APK was installed from is by using PackageManager.getInstallerPackageName:
final String installedFrom = getPackageManager().getInstallerPackageName(getPackageName());
if ("".equals(installedFrom)) {
// From Google Play
} else if ("".equals(installedFrom)) {
// From Amazon
} else if (OuyaFacade.getInstance().isRunningOnOUYASupportedHardware()) {
// From OUYA
Note that if you install your development builds via adb install mygame.apk
then PackageManager.getInstallerPackageName will return null.
The Cortex
installer package name has a few different possibilities based, which is why suggest using the OuyaFacade.isRunningOnOUYASupportedHardware
Versioning is critical for every application so that reviewers and users are playing on the right build of your app or game.
Every time a build is submitted for review, the version identifier in the manifest should be changed to a number that is higher than the previous version.
See the Android
documentation for more details about Versioning Your Applications.
It will be necessary to increment the android:versionCode
and android:versionName
attributes within the manifest
element for each build.
For example, the first time a build is submitted, the versionCode
and versionName
might look like this.
android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.1">
The next time the build is submitted, the versionCode
and versionName
should be set higher than the previous version in order to submit an update.
android:versionCode="2" android:versionName="1.2">
After submitting submitting an APK
to a store you may find that your game is automatically supported on thousands of devices.
Manipulating the AndroidManifest.xml
is a way to automatically filter the list of supported devices down to a managable level.
Increase the android:minSdkVersion
and android:targetSdkVersion
to Cortex
levels will filter out a large set of legacy devices.
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="16" android:targetSdkVersion="21" />
On the Google Play Store
, specify that your game requires a gamepad-controller
by setting android:required
to false
. This will cause the controller required
label to appear in the listing.
On the Amazon Store
, specify that your game requires a gamepad-controller
by setting android:required
to true
. (This is the opposite of Google Play Store.) This will cause the controller required
label to appear in the listing.
On Android TV
devices, specify leanback
is required. This will reduce the supported-devices down to Android TV
android:required="true" />
Set touchscreen
required to false
which will skip automated tests on your game that check if touch input is supported.
android:required="false" />
After an APK has been built, the AAPT
tool can be used to get the package name
and versionCode
from the APK
. The AAPT
tool can be found within your Android SDK
folder in the latest build tools
NVIDIA CodeWorks for Android installs AAPT
in the c:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\build-tools\23.0.2\aapt.exe
folder by default.
The following will output the APK details from the command-line.
"c:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\build-tools\23.0.2\aapt" dump badging game.apk
The above command will print something similar to the following.
package: name='' versionCode='1' versionName='1.1' platformBuildVersionName='6.0-2438415'
application: label='GameName' icon='res/drawable/app_icon.png' banner='res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/app_banner.png'