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Hitendra Vaghela hiten26
Data science consultant @blackswan

BlackSwan Berlin

Alexandr Stoian robotiku
Trusted Shops

Trusted Shops Köln

Marcel Herbers trumhe

TrustedShops GmbH Cologne

Apoorv Doddamane apoorvdoddamane2406
DevOps Engineer at Trusted Shops

Trusted Shops Düsseldorf, Germany

Johanna Groten jogroti

Trusted Shops GmbH Cologne

Marcel Münchrath TSMarcel

Trusted Shops GmbH Cologne

Said Tahali saidtahali

Trusted Shops Köln

Wiktoria van Harneveldt wiktoriavh
Software Engineer

@trustedshops Germany

Marco Klein Hobart2967
"What you get, when you are missing out on something, is experience." - Full-stack software engineer with a great passion for developing products end to end.

@belonio Cologne, Germany

MichaelJ71 MetalRocks71

Student at DCI Leipzig

Denys BEZUHLYI denys202

202 ecommerce Paris