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Shiba 5h1b

@ShibaAtHome Planet X

Waviest WaviestBalloon
Self-taught full-stack developer who lives in England

England, Great Britian

Tyler DominusTrax

United States of America

6blindy mogolicoo
hii i code


Michael Phillips Fish-Sticks
Professional programmer specializing in low level environments.

Headhunter LLC

Frog Froglett


Elephpant nolanwhy
I know HTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP, and a tiny bit of Python.

@SigmacellHQ France

Spafuji thespafuji
πŸ‘‹ Hi, I'm Spafuji! dscrod: @spfj

@Luadux Germany

axel axellse
full stack developer

@pyrretsoftware Sweden

Lewin Kelly Heliodex
Svelte, TS, Luau, Go etc. The Unlicense is the greatest piece of text that humanity has ever been blessed with. 🟩 πŸ’š

@tp-link-extender Scotland

yosoof yosoof3
computer nerd, graphic designer, nixos user, and best of all master yapper my only other account is @yosoof4
Vyon Vyon
Developer of many kinds
Jack W. Jack5079
Developer, UI designer, linux user πŸ’”, founder of @mollersuite :trollface:


Matt Hargett matthargett
dad, husband, songwriter, gaymer. music: LI: Twitter:

San Francisco, CA

supex supexian
I'm supex, and I code stuff on @Asrake-Science Learning web development semi-fluent in .js

@Asrake-Science Bavaria, Germany

powerful mike 6zip
i figured this dev stuff would have been less of a pain
Nisan nodiuus
i know

United States