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Ahmad Zaklouta Ahmad-Zaklouta
Interested in FPGA, VHDL, C programming, and ARM

Synective Labs Stockholm

Ruturaj Shitole rutu-sh

George Washington University Arlington, Virginia

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Markus Eicher MarkusEicher
Try using technology making the planet better bit by bit. Always curious and eager to learn. Ready to help if I can. Exploring things that uplift humanity.


A Master Student at SYSU

Sun Yat-sen University China

Pavel Skripkin pskrgag
Software Engineer @ KasperskyOS

@KasperskyLab Moscow

Matheus Cardoso cardoso
A developer who is obsessed with DevX and developing things to improve development experience. Does it halt?


Wentao Zhang whentojump
Ph.D. student @xlab-uiuc. Prev SJTU. Intern @efeslab. Computer science, systems.

Urbana, IL

Parth Panchal parrthpanchal
Embedded Software Engineer

Verdemobility India Pvt. Ltd. India

Rhynu Hez Sigma711
A man keen on coding. A cofounder of @InfraSail. A fan of C, C++, Go, Rust and server-end & database technique.

@Baidu @taichi-dev @InfraSail @TranswarpCN Arlington, Virginia, U.S.

Songsongzai ZiweiSong96
I want to tuodan

City University of Hong Kong