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Leander Furumo LBlend

@unioslo Norway

Jon Petter Wiig jpwiig
Applied computer science student and lowkey computer science enthusiast. I live by blowing stuff up and fixing it



University of Agder

simsine simsine
very silly programmer


Tore M. Hirth Torehirth
Currently studying Front-End Development at Noroff Higher Vocational School.

Bergen, Norway

Eirik Habbestad Helleve habbis
Hi I am a big fan of open source and Linux.
Brage Sekse Aarset braaar
I like TypeScript and open source!

@bjerkio Jyväskylä, Finland

Glenn promise

@biaw @countr @project-blurple Norway

Ørjan Jacobsen orjanj
Cybersecurity enthusiast | IR @Telenor | MSc INFOSEC student | holds BSc Cyber Security | volunteering as dev @gathering.

@TelenorNorway Oslo, Norway