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Lab - Getting Started with OpenShift for Developers


Audience Experience Level Beginner
Supported Number of Users Up to 100 per cluster
Average Time to Complete 90 minutes

This workshop is intended to give you a hands on introduction to using OpenShift from the perspective of a developer.

Containers are a standardized way to package apps with all of their dependencies to simplify deployment and speed delivery. Unlike virtual machines, containers do not bundle to the operating system. Only the application code, run time, libraries, and settings are packaged inside of containers. Thus, containers are more lightweight, portable, and efficient as compared to virtual machines.

For developers looking to kickstart their projects, OpenShift enables efficient application development through streamlined workflows and validated integrations.


  • Using the OpenShift command line client and web console.
  • Deploying an application using a pre-existing container image.
  • Working with application labels to identify component parts.
  • Scaling up your application in order to handle web traffic.
  • Exposing your application to users outside of the cluster.
  • Viewing and working with logs generated by your application.
  • Accessing your application container and interacting with it.
  • Giving access to other users to collaborate on your application.
  • Deploying an application from source code in a Git repository.
  • Deploying a database from the OpenShift developer catalog.
  • Configuring an application so it can access a database.
  • Setting up web hooks to enable automated application builds.
  • Additional topics may also be covered relevant to the specific programming language used by the applications being deployed.

There are 4 programming language variants of the workshop:

  • Java
  • Node.js
  • Python
  • .NET C#

Components Used

The full workshop contains several components:

  • Etherpad - So users can claim a username
  • A GOGS server and GOGS repositories for each user
  • Nexus - Currently only used by the Java version of the workshop
  • OCP Ops View - An instance of the ops-view cluster visualizer
  • An instance of the homeroom workshop chooser application and the 4 starter lab guides (Java, Node.js, Python, PHP) from this repository.

An example of the Java lab guide can be found here.

Deploying the Workshop

This workshop is designed to be deployed from Red Hat Product Demo System (RHPDS).

Deploying on Red Hat Product Demo System

Upon logging into RHPDS, highlight the Services sidebar, and select the Catalogs menu. The workshop is found in the catalog under the Workshops folder and is named OCP4 - Getting Started Workshop. The City or Customer field in the provisioning form will be used to create a GUID that will be visible to the participants in the cluster URLs.

Follow the directions in the Running the Workshop section to begin the workshop itself.

Note: It will take up to 75 minutes to deploy the OCP4 cluster via RHPDS.

Deploying to an OpenShift Cluster

The recommended way to deploy this workshop is directly from the RHPDS catalog as described above. If you'd like to deploy it manually, you can order the base OpenShift 4.8 Workshop and deploy the Getting Started workshop via the instructions below.


  • An OpenShift 4.8 Workshop cluster from Red Hat Product Demo System (RHPDS). This cluster is available in the catalog in the Workshops folder and is named OpenShift 4.8 Workshop.
  • Install the OpenShift Pipelines Operator onto this OpenShift 4.8 Workshop cluster in all namespaces.

AgnosticD is used to deploy the workshop, which provides a deploying infrastructure to build and configure application environments.

  1. First, using the oc login command, log into the OpenShift cluster where you want to deploy the workshop. You need to log in with cluster admin permissions.

  2. Next, clone the AgnosticD repository (or your fork of it, if you are making changes):

git clone
  1. In your terminal, cd into the agnosticd repository:
cd agnosticd

Python headers (Python.h) are required. On Mac OS X you should have it already in place if you have installed Python with Homebrew.

On Fedora:

sudo dnf install python3-dev
  1. Setup Virtual Env:
python3 -mvenv ~/virtualenv/ansible2.9-python3.6-2021-01-22
. ~/virtualenv/ansible2.9-python3.6-2021-01-22/bin/activate
 pip install -r

This will get you a bash shell into an AgnosticD enabled virtual env. In this environment, you'll be able to run or test AgnosticD workloads.

  1. cd into the ansible directory:
cd ansible
  1. Set you environments GUID
  1. Run the following script to deploy all the components of the starter workshop. Change the value of num_users and user_count to match the number of users you want to provision for the workshop. (Note: these values must both be the same ie if you want to provision 20 users for your lab set "num_users": 20, "user_count": 20). The target hosts and ocp username can be left as the defaults or change them if needed.
workloads=("ocp-workload-etherpad" \
           "ocp-workload-gogs" \
           "ocp4-workload-nexus-operator" \
           "ocp-workload-gogs-load-repository" \

for WORKLOAD in ${workloads[@]}
  ansible-playbook -c local -i ${TARGET_HOST}, configs/ocp-workloads/ocp-workload.yml \
      -e ansible_python_interpreter=python \
      -e ocp_workload=${WORKLOAD} \
      -e guid=${GUID} \
      -e project_name=${WORKSHOP_PROJECT} \
      -e etherpad_project=${WORKSHOP_PROJECT} \
      -e gogs_project=${WORKSHOP_PROJECT} \
      -e ocp4_workload_nexus_operator_project=${WORKSHOP_PROJECT} \
      -e project_name=${WORKSHOP_PROJECT} \
      -e ocp_username=${ocp_username} \
      --extra-vars '{"num_users": 5, "user_count": 5, "ACTION": "create"}'

Running the Workshop

Starting the Workshop for Participants

Once the deployment finishes, navigate to the OpenShift Console. If you provisioned the workshop using the RHPDS OCP4 - Getting Started Workshop, you will receive a email with the student and your administrator login credentials once deployment is complete.

In the left-side menu of the OpenShift Console, go to Networking -> Routes and change the project at the top of the page to labs.

  • The etherpad route is for the Etherpad deployment. Append /p/workshop to the end of this route and share that URL with lab participants so they can claim a username.
  • The homeroom route is the one that launches the workshop chooser. Give this URL to lab participants after they've claimed a username.

If you need to provide the direct URL to any Routes, the structure of the URL is as follows.

  • A GUID was created as a custom attribute of your RHPDS lab. This GUID is used in two parts of your cluster's domain name: the base domain and the cluster name.
  • The Route URLs are in the form of
    If your GUID is, for example, abc-1234, and the route name is myroute, the Route URL will be

Deploying the Lab Guides Only

Note: For this workshop, you will typically want to deploy the full workshop, per the instructions above. Deploying the lab guides only is normally only done if you are making changes to the lab guide content and want to quickly verify and view your changes.

  1. To deploy the lab guides only, first clone this Git repository (or your fork of it, if you are making changes) to your own machine. Use the command:
git clone --recurse-submodules

The --recurse-submodules option ensures that Git submodules are checked out. If you forget to use this option, after having cloned the repository, run:

git submodule update --recursive --remote
  1. Next create a project in OpenShift into which the workshop is to be deployed. You must be logged in as cluster admin to deploy the guides.
oc new-project workshops
  1. From within the top level of the Git repository, now run:

The name of the deployment will be lab-getting-started.

  1. You can determine the hostname for the URL to access the workshop by running:
oc get route lab-getting-started

When the URL for the workshop is accessed you will be prompted for a user name and password. Use your email address or some other unique identifier for the user name. This is only used to ensure you get a unique session and can attach to the same session from a different browser or computer if need be. The password you must supply is openshift.


The deployment created above will use an image from for this workshop, a container automation platform, based on the ocp-4.8 branch of the repository.

To make changes to the workshop content and test them, edit the files in the Git repository and then run:


This will replace the existing image used by the active deployment.

If you are running an existing instance of the workshop select "Restart Workshop" from the menu top right of the workshop environment dashboard.

When you are happy with your changes, push them back to the remote Git repository.

Deleting the Workshop

To delete the spawner and any active sessions, including projects, run:


To delete the build configuration for the workshop image, run:



As Homeroom is EOL, new developments are now based on Antora. A Stand-alone version to run on any OCP cluster is available here