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Open Movement File Synthesizer


This repository contains the source code for the omsynth tool, which can be used to synthesize Open Movement .CWA files.

The omsynth tool is intended for use to generate synthetic data for testing purposes.

Obtaining the tool

A pre-built binary for Windows is available from (extract the contents of the .ZIP file to a directory):

On Linux, Mac (XCode required) or Windows WSL, you can use this single line command to build an omsynth binary in the current directory:

mkdir && curl -L -o && unzip -d && make -C && cp .


From a source file $DATASET.csv you can synthesize an Open Movement CWA file $DATASET.cwa as follows:

./omsynth $DATASET.csv -out $DATASET.cwa

Alternatively, drag the $DATASET.csv over the _omsynth-auto script (Windows batch file or Bash script). This will run the omsynth executable with the required parameters, and will generate the output file $DATASET.synth.cwa.


  • -packed if you would like a "packed" CWA file (the default is -unpacked).
  • -scale 1 can be used to change the input scaling factor (e.g. for raw AX3 units, "1/256")
  • -range 8 can be changed to a different sensor range (2/4/8/16 g).
  • -gyro -1 creates a file produced from a device with no gyroscope (e.g. AX3), while -gyro 0 creates a file with a disabled gyroscope, or set to a specific gyroscope range (125/250/500/1000/2000 dps).

File format

The input file format has an optional header line of either:

Time,Accel-X (g), Accel-Y (g), Accel-Z (g)


Time,Accel-X (g), Accel-Y (g), Accel-Z (g), Gyro-X (d/s), Gyro-Y (d/s), Gyro-Z (d/s)

...and subsequent data lines of either:




Where T is a timestamp in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.fff, Ax/Ay/Az are the accelerometer axes in units of g, and Gx/Gy/Gz are the gyroscope axes in units of degrees/second.

The output file format is an Open Movement .CWA file, the format of which is specified at: cwa.h.

Splicing a .CWA file

.CWA files are designed to be written once by AX Devices to be an accurate record of what was recorded -- and are not designed to be edited. While it should be possible to export .CWA data to .CSV, edit the .CSV data, then synthesize a new .CWA file with the omsynth tool, this process is not lossless, and is not recommended.

If you really must edit a .CWA file (e.g. to remove a portion of sensitive data), then the best approach would be to splice the original file.

The simplest way would be to download and extract the archive and, at the command line, run the cwa-splice.cmd script (Windows only), which has the following usage:

cwa-splice <input.cwa> [--output spliced.cwa] [--overwrite] [first-block last-block]...

Where the first-block and last-block numbers can be determined by pressing Shift+Alt while moving the cursor over the preview graph in the OmGui software. The last-block can be omitted on the final segment to include the remainder of the input.

Manually splicing a .CWA file

You can splice your own file with the Unix dd tool (available on Windows through UnxUtils, extract the archive, the binary is at /usr/local/wbin/dd.exe). Note that:

  • The header is in the first 1024 bytes (0-1023 inclusive), and should be preserved.
  • Data is encapsulated in chunks of 512 bytes ("sectors"), and must only be spliced between sectors.

For example, the following commands will extract sector 10 to 20 from cwa-data.cwa:

# Extract the file header (2 sectors)
dd bs=512 if=cwa-data.cwa of=cwa-data.cwa-header count=2

# Extract the file data, at the skip offset 10 (+2 to move it after the header), and 20 count number of blocks
dd bs=512 if=cwa-data.cwa of=cwa-data.header.cwa skip=12 count=20 of=cwa-data.cwa-data

# Non-Windows concatentation
cat cwa-data.cwa-header cwa-data.cwa-data cwa-data.spliced.cwa

# Windows-only concatentation
copy cwa-data.cwa-header /b + cwa-data.cwa-data /b cwa-data.spliced.cwa /b

To detemine the Block Number to use, you can use press Shift+Alt while moving the cursor over the preview graph in the OmGui software. Remember to add 2 to the skip value to account for the file header.

If you want all of the remaining data after a specific offset, omit the count=20 argument.