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File metadata and controls

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Trunk Server

This is the software behind OpenMhz. For a while I had thoughts that I should see if I could make a business out of OpenMHz. I have come to realize though that I don't really want to run a business, I like building things a lot more.

In that vein, let's building some awesome things. Help me make OpenMHz better. Take the code and build a scanning site for your community. Add those features you have always been looking for. We can do better together!

  • Luke

If you are using this project as part of a business, please become a sponsor. A lot of time and effort went into building this


This code is pretty poorly commented, I am going to work on that. I am also going to use the Wiki to document the project. Please add to the documentation as you learn things.

There are a bunch of experiments lurking in the code. There is some code for adding in Stripe payments. I was going to role out the concept of paid accounts with additional features. There is also a half completed effort to allow more than one user to be associated with a system.

I haven't done a great job of keeping all the packages up to date... and I never got around to adding tests. Both of these would be great things for folks to go after.


The Prod environment expects you to be using HTTPS for your domains. It is pretty easy to use Let's Encrypt to grab Certs for the domains you are using. If not, just run things using the script.

Path Forward

It would be great to get the code to a place where there is base code and people can add customization on top of that. They would probably fork the base code, add additional features and design and then rebaseline the code as new things are added to the mainline.


There are a lot of different components that make up the system. All of the server code is written in NodeJS and the frontend code uses React. Each of the different system components is run as a seperate container. A docker-compose script is used to start everything up. Right now, it is being operated on a single machine. It wouldn't be too hard to split it over a couple machines using Kubernetes. Semantic UI React is being used to create all of the UI components.

  • account: this frontend / server handles user account creation and profiles. When a user logins, they are re-directed to this app.
  • admin: a logged-in user uses this frontend / server to manage their systems.
  • backend: this just a server with no web frontend. It provides the API for uploading, filtering and fetching calls. It should also handle all of the metdata around a call.
  • frontend: the frontend / server that general public use to look through systems and listen to calls.
  • mongo: all of the metadata around calls is stored here, along with the user and system information.
  • nginx: proxies all of the calls to the correct server and handles the HTTPS certs.

Easy Install

NOTE: This may no longers be the easy method... I haven't updated the Ansible scripts in a while. Use at your own peril!! PRs wanted if you fix them up. I put together an Ansible Script to help make it easier to setup an OpenMHz server. You still need to get yourself a Droplet from Digital Ocean, a Domain Name and some storage. The scripts helps download and build everything.


You can run things in 2 different modes, test and prod. The big difference is that prod expects all of the calls to be https and gets cranky when they are not. I have gotten test to run fine on my laptop, so that is probably a good starting point.

DNS Entries

You should have a domain name pointing to the IP address of the server you are going to use. CNAMEs also need to be created for the various services. Create the CNAMEs below with your DNS host:

  • api
  • account
  • admin
  • www

After doing this, you should have the following domains:,,,

S3 Storage

Currently, both test and prod expect to use S3-based storage instead of local storage. Switching to use local storage would be relatively easy - but for the sake of testing, let's just say use something S3-compatible. Make sure that ~/.aws/credentials has the credentials you'd like to use with your S3-compatible storage provider.. IE:

aws_access_key_id = [..]
aws_secret_access_key = [..]

Automatically renewing SSL Certificates

SSL certs are automatically fetched from Let's Encrypt using the CertBot tool. The approach taken is based on this Medium post and accompanying GitHub repo.

You do need to jump start the process and do an initial fetch. To get started, make sure you have your prod.env file filled out. If you don't, copy prod.env.example to prod.env and fill in the details. Make sure DOMAIN_NAME and REACT_APP_ADMIN_EMAIL are correct and are the version you want to use in production. Those values will be used when requesting an SSL cert from Let's Encrypt.

This script uses Let's Encrypt's Certbot tool.

In the main directory of the Trunk Server repo, run the following commands:

source prod.env
docker compose -f certbot-compose.yml up

Check the output from CertBot - and when it is done, just hit ctrl + c to exit.

And then run the following to make sure everything has stopped:

docker compose -f certbot-compose.yml down


The configurations for both test and prod come from environment variable files that are read in before the containers are started. Copy the example files and fill in the required info:

cp test.env.example test.env
cp prod.env.example prod.env

Fill in:

  • MailJet information
  • S3 information
  • Site name
  • Admin Email (The email will appear to come from this email. You should make sure it matches the domain MailJet is configured for)
  • How many days calls will be archived for.... this is just a UI thing, you need to create some S3 rules to make sure they are deleted


./ - sets up docker-compose to run with the correct environment variables for testing

./ - sets up docker-compose to run with the correct environment variables for production

If you are having trouble with Docker Compose not building the images, try adding "--parallel 1". There may have been too many builds happening at once.

Service I Like

  • 💻 I use Digital Ocean and they have been pretty great. If you need hosting, give them a try and use my referal code: You get $100 of credit to use in 60 days.

  • 💾 If you need storage, give Wasabi a try. The have been mostly reliable and you can't beat the price:

  • 📨 I use Mailjet... and you need to also. It makes it easy to send out email address confirmations:

  • 🔒 I use Let's Encrypt. It works.

Local Testing

Local DNS

It helps to have similar subdomains mapping to localhost/ I used the domain openmhz.test. Feel free to use this, or come up with something clever. If you do something different, make sure you use that instead in the commands below.

On MacOS, make the changes in: /etc/hosts

# Host Database
# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
# when the system is booting.  Do not change this entry.
##       localhost       openmhz.test account.openmhz.test api.openmhz.test admin.openmhz.test media.openmhz.test

Then load these values into local DNS: sudo dscacheutil -flushcache; sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

  • In root dir, run: ./ build
  • ./ up -d

You can then browser to:

  • openmhz.test
  • admin.openmhz.test

Interesting Note: Safari 13+ does not like the .test TLD and doesn't seem to want to store cookies from the TLD. It seems to work fine in production when you are using a real TLD. I guess use Chrome for local testing or a different TLD for testing, like local.

Debugging Node Servers using Dev Containers

VS Code makes it easy to work on code running in a Docker container - whether it is on your machine or on a remote host. The Dev Container extension lets you edit files running inside a Docker container. Install the Remote Explorer extension to work with remote hosts over SSH.

If you are editing on a remote host, first use the Remote Explorer to get to that machine.

Now, launch all of the containers using ./ up -d. The Account, Admin, Frontend and Backend node servers will all be started using Nodemon. When you make a change to any of the server related files, the server will reload. This makes it easy to edit and test against running code in a full deployment. To go to one of these Containers, open the Remote Explorer extension from the sidebar, select Dev Containers from the dropdown in the upper right of the sidebar, and then choose the Container you wish to work on.

Debugging React Apps using Hot Reloading

If you are trying to make changes to any of react frontends, it is a huge pain to have to compile to site and rebuild the container each time you make a change. Instead, simply run the react app in development mode. This will work for the frontends for the:

  • admin frontend
  • account frontend
  • frontend... frontend

First, start up all of the containers as described above. You will still the backend APIs they provide.

Now go into the respective sub directory for the component you are interested in and run:

source ../test.env
yarn install #only need to do this the first time, it installs the Node packages locally
yarn start

This should build the frontend and open a browser. In order to have all the cookies work correctly, you have to use the same domain name. Make sure you have setup the local domains as described above. Then goto the base domain, for me that is openmhz.test, at port 3000 openmhz.test:3000

Upgrading a "Frontend" server

Managing MongoDB

MongoDB is used in the backend to store data. It is pretty fast, flexible and has worked well enough for me. All of the files that MongoDB uses to store the DB are in the /data directory, which gets mapped into the container. Mapping this directory makes sure that the data persists each time you run the mongo container.

Working with the MongoDB Container

From the Host OS run:

docker exec -i -t $(docker ps -a | grep mongo | awk '{print $1}') /bin/bash

Then launch the mongo CLI tool and find any users you have created

use scanner

Now swap out the ObjectId for the user, and then run this command. It will make it so you don't need to confirm the email.

   { "_id" : ObjectId("63a620d0a63b087b005f6726") },
     $set: { "confirmEmail" : true },
     $currentDate: { lastModified: true }

There are a few scripts included with the container:

  • clean.js This script removes all Calls that are over 30 days old
  • totals.js Lists different system stats

Compact a collection

When you run clean.js it doesn't actually remove the files off storge. You can use this command from the mongo cli tool.

First, launch the tool: mongo Then switch to the scanner db: use scanner And then the compact command on the Calls collection:


This blocks all calls to the DB, so the site will not work while this is being run.

Add an Index

Adding an index will make it quicker to search calls by date, talkgroup and whether there are stars.

First, launch the tool: mongo Then switch to the scanner db: use scanner And then add an index:

db.calls.createIndex( {shortName: 1, time: -1, talkgroupNum: 1})

Upgrading MongoDB

It is a huge pain to upgrade MongoDB in place. It turns out to be easier to dump backup of the database, wipe everything out and then restore into a new database for the latest version of Mongo.

Rough Playbook (use common sense, I may not have this exact):

  • get into the shell of the mongo container
  • mongodump --uri="mongodb://" --db scanner --out /data/db/backup
  • exit contianer and go back to host machine
  • cd data/db
  • rm * erase everything... but not the sub-directories because that is where the backup is
  • upgrade to the latest version of mongo
  • build and launch the mongo container, which will create an empty DB
  • get into the shell of the mongo container
  • mongorestore --db scanner --drop /data/db/backup/scanner

Privlege Port Error

Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint trunk-server-nginx-1 (ec995a6333ce5b9869b9070e380d01b81333fdb3f2734bb93922c1ef7d84314d): Error starting userland proxy: error while calling PortManager.AddPort(): cannot expose privileged port 443, you can add 'net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start=443' to /etc/sysctl.conf (currently 1024), or set CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE on rootlesskit binary, or choose a larger port number (>= 1024): listen tcp4 bind: permission denied

Setting up Logging

I have had good luck with Loggly. Their free tier provides enough capabilities for most small sites. The Docker Logging Driver works well and is easy to install:

Move a site to a new server

Here is the general list of things to do:

  • Copy over ~/.aws
  • Copy over ~/.secrets
  • Do a mongodump on old machine
  • Scp the mongo backup to the new machine
  • Launch the MongoDB container on the new machine
  • Do a mongorestore
  • Launch all the conatiners
  • Change the Floating IP to point to the new machine