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241 lines (201 loc) · 14.8 KB

File metadata and controls

241 lines (201 loc) · 14.8 KB
Author 吴景
Date 2020-03-27
Email [email protected]

1.Program Objectives

Image module provides functions to store and obtain images information, including the following functions:

Read operation:

  • query whether the image exists
  • obtain image information according to ID or name
  • return image ID according to image name
  • obtain all image information
  • obtain image information according to Digest
  • load and reload the stored content from disk
  • read and have the specified ID Associated metadata
  • read-only big-data related methods (get big-data content, size, digest, names)

Write operation:

  • create image
  • set image name
  • delete image records
  • clear all image records
  • set image pull time
  • add image name, store image information to disk
  • update metadata associated with specified ID
  • store big-data

2.Overall Design

	class ImageStore
	class ROImageStore
	<<interface>> ROImageStore
	class DataStructure
	<<member>> DataStructure
	ImageStore : +image_create
	ImageStore : +image_set_names
	ImageStore : +image_delete
	ImageStore : +image_wipe
	ImageStore : +image_set_loaded_time
	ImageStore : +image_add_name
	ImageStore : +save
	ImageStore : +image_set_metadata
	ImageStore : +image_set_big_data
	ROImageStore : +image_exists
	ROImageStore : +image_get
	ROImageStore : +image_lookup
	ROImageStore : +images
	ROImageStore : +image_by_digest
	ROImageStore : +image_load
	ROImageStore : +image_metadata
	ROImageStore : +image_big_data_size
	ROImageStore : +image_big_data_digest
	ROImageStore : +image_big_data_names
	DataStructure : map_t *image_lock
	DataStructure : pthread_mutex_t lock
	DataStructure : char *dir
	DataStructure : image_store_images **images
	DataStructure : size_t images_len
	DataStructure : map_t *idindex
	DataStructure : map_t *byid
	DataStructure : map_t *byname
	DataStructure : map_t *bydigest
	DataStructure : bool loaded
	ImageStore <|-- ROImageStore
	ImageStore <|-- DataStructure

3.Interface Description

Function int new_image_store(bool daemon, bool readonly, const char *dir, image_store_t *image_store)
Effect traverse the json file in the image directory, load the metadata of the image and add it to image_store
Input parameter bool daemon, bool readonly, const char *dir
Output parameter image_store_t *image_store
Return value success: 0 failure: -1
Function int (*create)(const char *id, const char **names, size_t names_len, const char *layer, const char *metadata, timestamp time, const char *searchable_digest, image_store_t *image_store, image_storage_images *image);
Effect generate image metadata based on input, add it to image_store and persist it to disk
Input parameter const char *id, const char **names, size_t names_len, const char *layer, const char *metadata, timestamp time, const char *searchable_digest, image_store_t *image_store
Output parameter image_storage_images *image
Return value success: 0 failure: -1
Function int (*set_names)(const char *id, const char **names, size_t names_len, image_store_t *image_store);
Effect set the name list of the image according to the input, add it to the image_store and persist it to disk
Input parameter const char *id, const char **names, size_t names_len, image_store_t *image_store
Output parameter NA
Return value success: 0 failure: -1
Function int (*delete)(const char *id, image_store_t *image_store);
Effect remove image id from image_store memory and delete related files from disk
Input parameter const char *id, image_store_t *image_store
Output parameter NA
Return value success: 0 failure: -1
Function int (*wipe)(image_store_t *image_store);
Effect delete all images from image_store memory and delete related files from disk
Input parameter image_store_t *image_store
Output parameter NA
Return value success: 0 failure: -1
Function int (*set_loaded_time)(const char *id, timestamp loaded, image_store_t *image_store);
Effect set the load time for the specified image in image_store memory and persist to disk
Input parameter const char *id, timestamp loaded, image_store_t *image_store
Output parameter NA
Return value success: 0 failure: -1
Function int (*add_name)(const char *id, const char *name, image_store_t *image_store);
Effect add image names, duplicate names are automatically removed from the list and persisted to disk
Input parameter const char *id, const char *name, image_store_t *image_store
Output parameter NA
Return value success: 0 failure: -1
Function int (*save)(const image_store_t *image_store)
Effect persist memory data in image_store to disk
Input parameter const image_store_t *image_store
Output parameter NA
Return value success: 0 failure: -1
Function int (*set_metadata)(image_store_t *image_store, const char *id, const char *metadta);
Effect set the metadata information of the specified image in image_store and persist it to disk
Input parameter image_store_t *image_store, const char *id, const char *metadta
Output parameter NA
Return value success: 0 failure: -1
Function int (*set_big_data)(image_store_t *image_store, const char *id, const char *key, const char *data);
Effect Find the big_data file with the specified key of the specified image in the image_store and write the data to the disk and persist it to the disk
Input parameter image_store_t *image_store, const char *id, const char *key, const char *data
Output parameter NA
Return value success: 0 failure: -1
Function bool (*exists)(const char *id, const image_store_t *image_store);
Effect determine whether the specified image exists in image_store
Input parameter const char *id, image_store_t *image_store
Output parameter NA
Return value success: 0 failure: -1
Function int (*get)(const char *id, const image_store_t *image_store, image_storage_images *image);
Effect copy the specified image information from image_store
Input parameter const char *id, const image_store_t *image_store
Output parameter image_storage_images *image
Return value success: 0 failure: -1
Function int (*lookup)(const char *name, const image_store_t *image_store, char **id);
Effect convert image name to ID
Input parameter const char *name, const image_store_t *image_store
Output parameter char **id
Return value success: 0 failure: -1
Function int (*images)(const image_store_t *image_store, image_storage_images **images, size_t *len);
Effect get all image information in image_store
Input parameter const image_store_t *image_store
Output parameter image_storage_images **images, size_t *len
Return value success: 0 failure: -1
Function int (*by_digest)(const image_store_t *image_store,const char *digest, image_storage_images **images, size_t *len);
Effect get the image list information of the specified digest from image_store
Input parameter const image_store_t *image_store,const char *digest
Output parameter image_storage_images **images, size_t *len
Return value success: 0 failure: -1
Function int (*load)(image_store_t *image_store);
Effect traverse the json file in the image directory from the specified directory and load the metadata of the image and add it to image_store
Input parameter NA
Output parameter image_storage_images **images, size_t *len
Return value success: 0 failure: -1
Function int (*metadata)(const image_store_t *image_store,const char *id, char **metadata);
Effect get the metadata information of the specified image from image_store
Input parameter const image_store_t *image_store,const char *id
Output parameter char **metadata
Return value success: 0 failure: -1
Function int (*big_data)(const image_store_t *image_store,const char *id, const char *key, char **bigdata);
Effect get the big_data content of the specified key of the specified image from the image_store
Input parameter const image_store_t *image_store,const char *id, const char *key
Output parameter char **bigdata
Return value success: 0 failure: -1
Function int (*big_data_size)(const image_store_t *image_store,const char *id, const char *key, int64_t *big_data_size);
Effect get the big_data size of the specified key of the specified image from image_store
Input parameter const image_store_t *image_store,const char *id, const char *key
Output parameter int64_t *big_data_size
Return value success: 0 failure: -1
Function int (*big_data_digest)(const image_store_t *image_store,const char *id, const char *key, char **big_data_digest);
Effect get the digest of the big_data of the specified key of the specified image from the image_store
Input parameter const image_store_t *image_store,const char *id, const char *key
Output parameter char **big_data_digest
Return value success: 0 failure: -1
Function int (*big_data_names)(const image_store_t *image_store,const char *id, char ***big_data_names, size_t *big_data_names_len);
Effect get the name list of the specified image from image_store
Input parameter const image_store_t *image_store,const char *id
Output parameter char ***big_data_names, size_t *big_data_names_len
Return value success: 0 failure: -1

4. Detailed Design

The Images module mainly manages the images.json image information file, manifest image data index file in the $driver-images directory, And the image configuration file saved with the base64 of the image configuration file as the file name.

Images module mainly includes the following operations:

Create image: Image management and layer management are separate. To create an image, you must first create all the corresponding layers, and then add the top layer information, image name, and image configuration. The image ID and other information can be saved to the corresponding file. At the same time, it is necessary to save a copy of basic information data in the memory, so that the data can be quickly returned when some interface calls are made (this is implemented when necessary).

Add image name: Save the newly added image name to the images.json file, pay attention to deduplication of the name.

Get data: Get various data saved by this module, including configuration files, included layer data and other information, which can be found through the three files saved in the images module (using images.json as an index search in turn). For some other information, such as the data of a layer, etc., you can directly call the interface of the layer to return the data.

Delete Image: Directly delete the corresponding folder.