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File metadata and controls

134 lines (114 loc) · 6.06 KB

EmonCMS file system

EMONCMS_WWW /var/www/emoncms location of the core package and of the main modules (admin, dashboards, config)
EMONCMS_DATADIR /var/opt/emoncms timeseries database directories
EMONCMS_DIR /opt/emoncms location of symlinked modules (postprocess, sync) and of uploaded tar.gz archives when importing a backup
OPENENERGYMONITOR_DIR /opt/openenergymonitor location of EmonScripts, emonhub and of created backup archives
EMONCMS_LOG_LOCATION /var/log/emoncms log location for emoncms logs
emoncms.log is main emoncms log, managed with the EmonLogger PHP class

main dependencies

web server Apache2
relational databases mysql or maria
key:value database redis-server data buffering for timeseries and backgroud processing for service-runner
message broker mosquitto
data engine language php with extensions pear (for pecl needs)
gd dev, common
mosquitto (

EmonCMS systemd services

all systemd services have to be symlinked in /etc/systemd/system

emoncms_mqtt.service -> /var/www/emoncms/scripts/services/emoncms_mqtt/emoncms_mqtt.service
emonhub.service -> /opt/openenergymonitor/emonhub/service/emonhub.service
feedwriter.service -> /var/www/emoncms/scripts/services/feedwriter/feedwriter.service
service-runner.service -> /var/www/emoncms/scripts/services/service-runner/service-runner.service

MariaDB and Redis services are in lib/systemd/system, but they are compiled...

mysqld.service -> /lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service
mysql.service -> /lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service
redis.service -> /lib/systemd/system/redis-server.service
phpmqtt input (PHP) listen to payloads published to the mosquitto broker on topic emon
scriptpath EMONCMS_WWW/scripts/services/emoncms_mqtt/emoncms_mqtt.php
Servicepath EMONCMS_WWW/scripts/services/emoncms_mqtt/emoncms_mqtt.service
globals $log , $mysqli, $redis, $user, $feed_settings, $mqtt_server $mqttsettings, $mqtt_client,
$feed, $input, $process
non globals $connected, $subscribed, $last_retry, $last_heartbeat, $count
log uses emoncms main log file
journalctl -f -u emoncms_mqtt
specific conf file no
feedwriter (PHP) writes input data from redis-buffer to disk in order to feed the timeseries database
scriptpath EMONCMS_WWW/scripts/feedwriter.php
Servicepath EMONCMS_WWW/scripts/services/feedwriter/feedwriter.service
globals $log, $feed_settings, $mysqli, $redis
$user, $feed
log uses emoncms main log file
journalctl -f -u feedwriter
specific conf file no
Service-runner (Python) trigger background workers from modules (update, backup, sync, postprocess)
scriptpath EMONCMS_WWW/scripts/services/service-runner/
Servicepath EMONCMS_WWW/scripts/services/service-runner/service-runner.service
log uses systemd log file
journalctl -f -u service-runner
specific conf file no
emonhub (Python) listen on serial port or ethernet and publish to mosquitto broker topic emon
scriptpath OPENENERGYMONITOR_DIR/emonhub/src/
Servicepath OPENENERGYMONITOR_DIR/service/emonhub.service
log log file is in /var/log/emonhub
journalctl -u emonhub -n 30 –no-pager
specific conf file /etc/emonhub/emonhub.conf
emonPiLCD (Python) manages the emonpi LCD screen
scriptpath OPENENERGYMONITOR_DIR/emonpi/lcd/
Servicepath OPENENERGYMONITOR_DIR/emonpi/lcd/emonPiLCD.service
log log file is in /var/log/emonpilcd
journalctl -u emonPiLCD
specific conf file no

EmonCMS modules

admin module integrated into the core package - does not have its own git repo
place EMONCMS_WWW/Modules/admin
globals $mysqli,$session,$route,$updatelogin,$allow_emonpi_admin, $redis, $openenergymonitor_dir, $admin_show_update, $path
$log, $log_location, $log_enabled, $log_level
background workers none
log uses emoncms main log file
specific conf file no
config web interface to supervise and configure emonhub
place EMONCMS_WWW/Modules/config
globals $route, $session, $redis, $homedir
non globals $emonhub_config_file, $emonhub_logfile, $restart_log
Also in model : $logfile, $config_file, $restart_log_name
background workers
log /var/log/emoncms/emonhub-restart.log
specific conf file no
dashboard Dashboard Module
place EMONCMS_WWW/Modules/dashboard
globals $mysqli, $session, $route, $path
background workers no
log no
specific conf file no
graph main graph module with averaging on the fly
place EMONCMS_WWW/Modules/graph
globals $session,$route,$mysqli,$redis, $path
background workers no
log no
specific conf file no
backup import/export all timeseries+mysql database
place EMONCMS_DIR/modules/backup
globals $route, $session, $path, $redis, $linked_modules_dir, $log_location
background workers ?
service-runner bash file why ? All things related to service-runner are in controller
log EMONCMS_LOG_LOCATION/exportbackup.log
specific conf file config.cfg which has to be set up during installation
sync connect to distant EmonCMS machines to retrieve feeds
IOT flavoured alternative to backup
place EMONCMS_DIR/modules/sync
globals $linked_modules_dir,$path,$session,$route
$log in model
background workers launching sync_run.php in CLI
also uses emoncms main log file
specific conf file no
postprocess postprocess feeds - calculation module
place EMONCMS_DIR/modules/postprocess
globals $linked_modules_dir,$session,$route,$mysqli,$redis,$feed_settings, $log_location
background workers launching postprocess_run.php in CLI
Postprocess_run.php scans the redis postprocessqueue and start process functions
log EMONCMS_LOG_LOCATION/postprocess.log
specific conf file no