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OpenAFS Buildbot Configuration


This repository contains the Ansible playbook, configuration, and customization for the OpenAFS Buildbot Coordinator. OpenAFS Buildbot hosting is generously provided by MIT.

The afsbotcfg.yml playbook updates the buildbot coordinator. This playbook imports the buildbot_master role from the OpenAFS Buildbot Collection to install and configure the buildbot coordinator.

The buildbot configuration is located in the YAML files under the inventory directory. User and worker passwords are encrypted with ansible-vault. The buildbot master.cfg file is generated by Ansible from the master.cfg.j2 template file.

Buildbot customization code is located in the src/afsbotcfg directory. The playbook creates the afsbotcfg Python package from these source files and installs the afsbotcfg package on the buildbot.

Development and local testing is supported with Ansible Molecule. You will need a virtualization provider supported by Molecule (such as Vagrant) to run the Molecule tests. SSH to the buildbot nor the vault key are required to run the Molecule tests (except for the master-with-vault scenario).


  • GNU Make
  • Python 3.9+
  • python-virtualenv package


Before running the playbook or the molecule tests, create a Python virtualenv and install the required Ansible and Molecule package versions in the virtualenv. The setup make target is provided to create the virtual environment and install Ansible and Molecule packages in it. The buildbot is not installed on the controller, and so buildbot packages are not need on your local machine.

$ make setup [AFSBOTCFG_PYTHON=<path-to-python3>]

See Environment variables to specify local configuration before running make setup. See Molecule driver configuration to specify the virtualization provider used by Molecule to run the local tests.

Running the playbook

If you made any changes, run make test to do a local lint check and Molecule test before running the playbook.

$ make test

Run make ping to check ssh connectivity with the buildbot.

$ make ping

Run make buildbot to run the Ansible playbook.

$ make buildbot


Ansible Molecule scenarios are provided to run tests locally for testing and development. SSH access to the Buildbot server is not required to run the molecule tests. Except for the master-with-vault scenario, the vault key is not required to run the tests.

Activate the Python virtualenv created by make setup and run Molecule as usual.

$ . .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) $ molecule list  # Show available scenarios.
(.venv) $ molecule test -s <scenario-name>
(.venv) $ deactivate

Molecule driver configuration

The molecule scenarios are setup to use Vagrant by default. If you are using a different virtualization provider, update the file molecule.json with the required Molecule driver settings and then run make setup again to update your project directory.

If you already have molecule.json file outside your project directory you wish to use, set the AFSBOTCFG_MOLECULE_JSON environment variable to the path of your molecule.json file and run make clean and the make setup to update your project.

$ export AFSBOTCFG_MOLECULE_JSON=$HOME/my-molecule-driver-config.json
$ make clean
$ make setup

See the molecule.json.sample for a sample molecule driver configuration file for the required keys in your local configuration file.

Environment variables

The following environment variables can be used to customize the Makefile processing.

Name Description Default value
AFSBOTCFG_PYTHON make setup Python interpreter path python
AFSBOTCFG_MOLECULE_JSON Molecule driver config file path molecule.json
AFSBOTCFG_MOLECULE_SCENARIO make test, make check scenario master-with-vault
AFSBOTCFG_MOLECULE_HOST make login host afsbotcfg-master
AFSBOTCFG_LOGDIR make buildbot log directory logs
NO_COLOR Disable Makefile color output

The AFSBOTCFG_PYTHON variable specifies the path of the local python interpreter used by make setup to create the project local Python virtualenv. This is separate from the Ansible anisble_python_interpreter inventory variable to set the Python interpreter path used by Ansible on the remote nodes.

Tip: Use direnv to avoid cluttering your shell profile. direnv can also create the project local virtualenv and invoke the make setup to install the required Python packages and generate the other project local files. Example:

$ cat .envrc
export AFSBOTCFG_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.9
export AFSBOTCFG_MOLECULE_JSON=$HOME/molecule-proxmox.json
export AFSBOTCFG_MOLECULE_SCENARIO=master-with-vault
export AFSBOTCFG_MOLECULE_HOST=afsbotcfg-master

# Create the virtualenv and install packages the first time we cd to the project directory.
layout python $AFSBOTCFG_PYTHON

$ direnv allow

Tip: Add a pre-commit git hook to run make lint.

$ echo "#!/bin/sh" > .git/hooks/pre-commit
$ echo "make lint >> .git/hooks/pre-commit
$ chmod +x ./git/hooks/pre-commit

Use git commit --no-verify if you need to skip the lint check for some reason.