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ONNX-TensorRT Changelog

TensorRT 10.4 GA Release - 2024-9-5

For more details, see the 10.4 GA release notes.

  • Added support for tensor axes for Pad operations
  • Added support for BlackmanWindow, HammingWindow, and HannWindow operations
  • Improved error handling in IParserRefitter
  • Fixed kernel shape inference in multi-input convolutions

TensorRT 10.3 GA Release - 2024-8-7

For more details, see the 10.3 GA release notes.

  • Added support for tensor axes inputs for Slice nodes
  • Updated ScatterElements importer to use an updated plugin

TensorRT 10.2 GA Release - 2024-7-10

For more details, see the 10.2 GA release notes.

  • Improved error handling with new macros and classes
  • Minor changes to op importers for GRU and Squeeze

TensorRT 10.1 GA Release - 2024-6-10

For more details, see the 10.1 GA release notes.

  • Added supportsModelV2 API
  • Added support for DeformConv operation
  • Added support for PluginV3 TensorRT Plugins
  • Marked all IParser and IParserRefitter APIs as noexcept
  • Shape inputs can be passed to custom ops supported by IPluginV3-based plugins by indicating the input indices to be interpreted as shape inputs by a node attribute named tensorrt_plugin_shape_input_indices.

TensorRT 10.0 GA Release - 2024-4-25

For more details, see the 10.0 GA release notes.

  • Added support for building with with protobuf-lite
  • Fixed issue when parsing and refitting models with nested BatchNormalization nodes
  • Added support for empty inputs in custom plugin nodes

TensorRT 10.0 EA Release - 2024-4-1

For more details, see the 10.0 EA release notes.

  • Added new class IParserRefitter that can be used to refit a TensorRT engine with the weights of an ONNX model
  • kNATIVE_INSTANCENORM is now set to ON by default
  • Added support for IPluginV3 interfaces from TensorRT
  • Added support for INT4 quantization
  • Added support for the reduction attribute in ScatterElements
  • Added support for wrap padding mode in Pad

TensorRT 9.3 GA Release - 2024-2-8

For more details, see the 9.3 GA release notes for the fixes since 9.2 GA.

  • Added native support for INT32 and INT64 types for ArgMin and ArgMax nodes
  • Fixed check for valid zero_point values in QuantizeLinear and DequantizeLinear nodes

TensorRT 9.2 GA Release - 2023-11-8

For more details, see the 9.2 GA release notes for the fixes since 9.1 GA.

  • Added support for Hardmax
  • Fixed type inference for few operators to use native ONNX types

TensorRT 9.1 GA Release - 2023-10-18

For more details, see the 9.1 GA release notes for the fixes since 9.0 GA.

  • Added new ErrorCode enums to improve error logging
  • Added new members to IParserError to improve error logging
  • Added static checkers when parsing nodes, resulting better reporting of errors

TensorRT 9.0 GA Release - 2023-9-5

For more details, see the 9.0 GA release notes for the fixes since 9.0 EA.

  • Added support for FP8 and BF16 datatypes.
  • Fixed a bug that previously caused If nodes to fail import due to branch output size mismatch
  • Improved support for importing ONNX Local Functions

TensorRT 9.0 EA Release - 2023-8-4

For more details, see the 9.0 EA release notes for the fixes since 8.6 GA.

  • Added support for INT64 data type. The ONNX parser no longer automatically casts INT64 to INT32.
  • Added support for ONNX local functions when parsing ONNX models with the ONNX parser.
  • Breaking API Change: In TensorRT 9.0, due to the introduction of INT64 as a supported data type, ONNX models with INT64 I/O require INT64 bindings. Note that prior to this release, such models required INT32 bindings.
  • Updated ONNX submodule to v1.14.0.

TensorRT 8.6 GA Release - 2023-5-1

For more details, see the 8.6 GA release notes for the fixes since 8.6 EA.

  • Added support for N-D Trilu
  • Removed old LSTM importer
  • Updated ONNX submodule to v1.13.1.

TensorRT 8.6 EA Release - 2023-3-13


For more details, see the 8.6 EA release notes for new features added in TensorRT 8.6.

  • Added support for GroupNormalization, LayerNormalization, IsInf operations
  • Added support for INT32 input types for Argmin, Argmax, and TopK
  • Added support for ReverseSequence operators with dynamic shapes
  • Added support for TopK operators with dynamic K values
  • Added OnnxParserFlag enum and setFlag interfaces to the ONNX parser to modify the default parsing behavior
  • Added metadata tracking, now ONNX node metadata will be embedded into TensorRT layers


  • All cast operations will now use the new CastLayer over the pervious IdentityLayer.

TensorRT 8.5 GA Release - 2022-11-2


For more details, see the 8.5 GA release notes for new features added in TensorRT 8.5

  • Added the RandomNormal, RandomUniform, MeanVarianceNormalization, RoiAlign, Mod, Trilu, GridSample and NonZero operations
  • Added native support for the NonMaxSuppression operator
  • Added support for importing ONNX networks with UINT8 I/O types


  • Fixed an issue with output padding with 1D deconv
  • Fixed an issue when flattening 1D tensors
  • Fixed an issue when parsing String attributes from TRT plugins
  • Fixed an issue when importing If subgraphs with shared initializer names
  • Fixied an issue when importing Loop subgraphs with INT_MAX trip counts


  • Removed onnx2trt binary. See the for alternative binaries to run ONNX model with TensorRT.

TensorRT 22.08 Release 2022-8-16


  • Updated TensorRT version to 8.4.2
  • Updated ONNX submodule version to 1.12
  • Updated operators support documentation


  • Fixed handling of no-op Flatten operations
  • Fixed allowZero logic in Reshape operation


  • Deprecated onnx2trt binary. This will be removed in the next release of TensorRT.

TensorRT 8.4 GA Release - 2022-6-6


For more details, see the 8.4 GA release notes for new features added in TensorRT 8.4

  • Added native FP16 support for importing and manipulating FP16 initializers
  • Added support for Shrink
  • Added support for Xor
  • Added dynamic shape support for ArgMax and ArgMin
  • Added dynamic shape support for Range for floating point types


  • Fixed an issue in tensor name scoping in ONNX models with nested subgraphs
  • Fixed misc issues when dealing with empty tensors
  • Fixed the operations in the Celu importer function
  • Removed unnecessary reshapes in the GEMM importer function

TensorRT 8.2 GA Release - 2021-11-23


See the 8.2 EA release notes for new features added in TensorRT 8.2.


  • Removed duplicate constant layer checks that caused some performance regressions
  • Fixed expand dynamic shape calculations
  • Added parser-side checks for Scatter layer support

TensorRT 8.2 EA Release - 2021-10-04


  • Added support for the following ONNX operators:
    • Einsum
    • IsNan
    • GatherND
    • Scatter
    • ScatterElements
    • ScatterND
    • Sign
    • Round


  • Updated Gather and GatherElements implementations to natively support negative indices
  • Updated Pad layer to support ND padding, along with edge and reflect padding mode support
  • Updated If layer with general performance improvements.

TensorRT 8.0 Release - 2021-07-02


  • Rehauled resize operator, now fully supporting the following modes:
    • Coordinate Transformation modes: half_pixel, pytorch_half_pixel, tf_half_pixel_for_nn, asymmetric, and align_corners
    • Modes: nearest, linear
    • Nearest Modes: floor, ceil, round_prefer_floor, round_prefer_ceil
  • QuantizeLinear/DequantizeLinear updates:
    • Added support for tensor scales
    • Added support for per-axis quantization
  • Added support for multi-input ConvTranpose
  • Added support for generic 2D padding
  • Added experimental support for NonMaxSuppression


  • Moved RefitMap API to core TensorRT.
  • Added Datatype column to

21.05 Container Release - 2021-05-17


  • Added library only build target #659
  • Added support for negative gather indices #681
  • Added support for DOUBLE-typed inputs and weights through downcast to float #674
  • Added support for optional plugin fields in FallbackPlugin path #676


  • Updated license #657


  • Fixed index offset calculation in GatherElements #675
  • Clarified dynamic shape support for ReverseSequence

21.03 Container Release - 2021-03-09


  • Added opset13 support for SoftMax, LogSoftmax, Squeeze, and Unsqueeze
  • Added support for the EyeLike operator
  • Added support for the GatherElements operator



21.02 Container Release - 2021-01-18


  • Added support for the ReverseSequence operator #590
  • Updated parse() and supportsModel() API calls with an optional model_path parameter to support models with external weights #621
  • Added support for the Celu operator
  • Added support for the CumSum operator
  • Added support for the LessOrEqual operator
  • Added support for the LpNormalization operator
  • Added support for the LpPool operator
  • Added support for the GreaterOrEqual operator
  • Added support for dynamic inputs in onnx_tensorrt python backend
  • Added FAQ section for commonly asked questions


  • Fixed relative path imports for models with external weights [#619]#619
  • Fixed importing loops operators with no loop-carried depedencies #619
  • Worked around unsupported BOOL concats through casting #620
  • Fixed compilation error with GCC9 #568


  • Removed onnx_tensorrt/ as it is no longer needed

20.12 Container Release - 2020-12-17


  • Added to properly install onnx_tensorrt python backend
  • Added 4D transpose for ONNX weights #557


  • Fixed slice computations for large slices #558

TensorRT 7.2.1 Release - 2020-10-20


  • Added support for parsing large models with external data
  • Added API for interfacing with TensorRT's refit feature
  • Updated onnx_tensorrt backend to support dynamic shapes
  • Added support for 3D instance normalizations #515
  • Improved clarity on the resize modes TRT supports #512
  • Added Changelog


  • Unified docker usage between ONNX-TensorRT and TensorRT.


  • Removed deprecated docker files.
  • Removed deprecated