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Releases: onfido/onfido-sdk-ui


03 Oct 16:02
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  • UI: Added hover and active state styles for clickable UI elements (buttons, links)
  • Public: Added onError callback. Callback that fires when one of the following errors occurs: timeout errors, authorization errors, server errors and invalid and expired token errors.


  • Public: Disable console warning for client integrations that override only some strings for a supported language. If they provide partial translations for an unsupported language, warning is still displayed.
  • Public: Only upgrade to patch versions of See issue here


  • UI: Accessibility - Make camera feed view accessible to screen readers
  • UI: Accessibility - More descriptive ARIA label for camera shutter button
  • Public: Fixed user being able to submit verification multiple times on coming back to desktop from the cross device flow if integrator has opted to exclude the complete step in SDK setup
  • Public: Fix wrong cross device redirection when user is already on mobile (iOS 10)


09 Sep 10:01
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  • UI: User can now drag and drop images on desktop uploader
  • Public: option to configure click on overlay behaviour when SDK presented modally using shouldCloseOnOverlayClick option
  • Internal: Added basic automated tests for accessibility features
  • UI: Accessibility - Make Liveness screens accessible to screen readers
  • UI: Accessibility - Make Cross Device phone number input accessible to screen readers
  • Internal: Added automated testing for features using camera stream
  • Public: Added useMultipleSelfieCapture option for the face step. By enabling this configuration, the SDK will attempt to take multiple applicant selfie snapshots to help improve face similarity check accuracy.
  • Internal: Fetch URLs from JWT when present, otherwise use defaults


  • Public: Unbundled dependencies for npm. This also fixes the current issue with imports (tested on Next.js, Create-react-app and Storybook) and solves #615, #668, #733
  • UI: Changed camera permission screen design
  • Internal: Disable source maps for NPM build. Source maps will still be enabled for /dist build
  • Internal: Upgraded Preact for compatibility with latest version of React DevTools


  • Public: Fixed user seeing the video capture intro screen, followed by selfie capture screen instead of x-device intro screen when video capture is enabled but device has no camera
  • Public: Fixed wrong message displaying on the Cross Device "End of Flow" screen
  • Public: Fixed footer overlapping Proof of Address document type list at the bottom of the container
  • Public: Fixed user seeing front side of previously uploaded 2-sided document in Proof of Address upload step


18 Jul 15:53
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5.2.3 - 2019-07-18


  • Public: Removed tarball as a way to import wpt library. The package is now imported as a dev-dependecy and is pointing at the new Woopra repository on github.


26 Jun 10:45
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  • Internal: Better automation of the release process
  • UI: Accessibility - Make screenreader navigation work in modal mode


  • Public: Use tarball when importing wpt library


  • Public: Fixed bug where double clicking on Send Link button then skips straight to Complete screen
  • Public: Fixed scrollbar appearing on some machines/devices


30 May 16:01
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  • UI: Accessibility - Announce validation error on cross-device SMS link screen


  • UI: Accessibility - Update all visually obvious lists to use the relevant HTML list elements


  • Public: When glare is detected, onComplete callback returns doc id


23 May 14:07
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  • UI: Accessibility - Make H1 readable by screen readers
  • UI: Accessibility - Make buttons/links readable by screen readers, allow tabbing to them
  • UI: Accessibility - Sort out order of items when tabbing through the content of each step
  • UI: Accessibility - Announce page transition when screen changes
  • UI: Accessibility - Make capture previews readable by screen readers
  • UI: Accessibility - Announce enlargement of captured image in preview
  • UI: Accessibility - Announce camera alerts
  • UI: Accessibility - Announce validation errors and warnings on confirm screen


  • Internal: Make Permission screen and Recovery screen buttons visible on small devices
  • Internal: The third party analytics (Woopra) is now imported via a dummy window in order not to pollute the shared global window


  • Public: Handle non JSON error responses and return a Connection Lost error to the user
  • UI: Make sure "full screen" mode is off when navigating away from enlarged preview
  • UI: Make sure all buttons have a type of a "button" set
  • Internal: Fixed vulnerabilities on some dev dependencies


01 Apr 12:48
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  • Public: Fixed issue where the user is prompted to submit the same document capture twice and fixed broken custom input UI by adding higher CSS specificity
  • Internal: We are using an updated version of server, which allows for better horizontal scalling.


  • Public: If the SDK is initialised with only one document type, users will not see the document selection screen, instead they will see the capture screen straight away.


18 Mar 17:51
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  • Public: Prepopulate the user's mobile phone number, when specified through the userDetails.smsNumber option
  • Public: Send through details (such as ids) of the uploaded files, in the onComplete event
  • Public: Added forceCrossDevice option to document step. The feature forces users to use their mobile to capture the document image. It defaults to false. Not available on the Proof of Address flow.
  • Public: Upload fallback for the face step can be disabled by using the option { uploadFallback: false }. The default value is true (feature released in 3.1.0 as Internal)
  • Internal: Add an internal-only warning for internal-users of the cross-device flow (a warning entirely stripped in production)


  • Public: ES style import interface has been changed to a more standard one
  • Internal: Changed the way that blob/base64 files and images are rendered and passed through the system
  • Internal: Changed CSS units to be consistently em (but still tied to px at our root, until we can fix our media queries)
  • Public: More meaningful error message for upload fallback disabled on face step
  • Internal: Map colours and use less variables instead of hard-coding colour values
  • UI: Fixed issue with footer overlapping content, prevent buttons from disappearing below viewport, prevent images from overlapping buttons.
  • Internal: Rebranding of background, border and primary colors.
  • Internal: Woopra tracker now points at the latest tag of
  • Internal: Upgraded to webpack 4, removed import/export transpilation. Reduced bundle size as result.


  • Public: Users entering the cross-device flow twice would have been able to request an SMS message without re-entering their mobile number correctly (the form could submit when still blank)
  • Internal: Fix a bug that potentially allowed 3rd party tracking scripts to (in some very specific conditions) continue to send Onfido tracking events, after calling .tearDown()
  • Public: Users could previously see a flicker of other screens when loading any flow involving the camera. This should now no longer occur, except in rare circumstances (where permissions/capabilities have changed since last render)
  • Public: Workaround an iOS Safari issue that causes a possible browser crash when mounting the webcam component multiple times


28 Jan 15:44
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  • Public: Added Proof of address poa step where users can capture their proof of address documents. This is a beta feature.
  • Internal: Further device metadata submitted to Onfido API
  • Internal: Upload fallback for the face step can be disabled by using the option { uploadFallback: false }. The default value is true
  • Internal: Added multi-frame capture for the standard variant of the face step (only for camera capture).


  • Internal: Cross device client can now only be opened on mobile browsers. Users trying to open the link on a desktop browsers will see an error.
  • Internal: Removed unused development dependencies which had known vulnerabilities


19 Dec 16:26
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  • Internal: Fixed an infinite loading loop that happened when video liveness is enabled and if, and only if, users transitioned from a desktop browser that support video liveness to a mobile browser that does not support video liveness