Releases: omni/tokenbridge-contracts
Releases · omni/tokenbridge-contracts
TokenBridge Contracts 6.0.0
Merge the develop branch to the master branch, preparation to v6.0.0 This update for the `master` branch contains the changes made to address findings discovered during a security audit: * [Fix] Stricter preconditions for payInterest (#623) * [Fix] Fix offset in comments (#624) * [Fix] Use fixed lower call gas limit (#627) * [Fix] Separate XDaiForeignBridge contract with compound and GSN support (#626) * [Fix] Update GSN interface (#628) * [Fix] Block ERC20 selectors in AMB requests (#630) * [Other] Bump package and contracts interfaces version prior to 6.0.0 (#629)
TokenBridge Contracts 6.0.0-rc1
Merge the develop branch to the master branch, preparation to v6.0.0-rc1 This set of changes includes the following improvements and fixes: * [Improvement] EIP2612 permit (#618) * [Fix] Make _sendMessage internal (#613) * [Other] Fix coverage (#606) * [Other] Remove unused upgrade dir (#339 * [Other] Bump package version before 6.0.0-rc1 (#619)
TokenBridge Contracts 6.0.0-rc0
Merge the develop branch to the master branch, preparation to v6.0.0-rc0 This set of changes includes the following improvements and fixes: * [Improvement] AMB Home-to-Foreign async calls (#570), closes #492 * [Improvement] Add GSN support for erc20-to-native bridge mode (#571) * [Fix] Fix issues with packages versions and linter (#600) * [Other] Bump package version before 6.0.0-rc0 (#598)
TokenBridge Contracts 5.7.0-rc1
Merge the develop branch to the master branch, preparation to v5.7.0-rc1 This set of changes includes the following improvements and few fixes: * [Improvement] Earn interest on locked tokens using Compound Protocol (#590) * [Other] Remove deprecated bridge types (#595) * [Other] Bump contracts and package version before 5.7.0-rc1 (#597)
TokenBridge Contracts 5.7.0-rc0
Merge the develop branch to the master branch, preparation to v5.7.0-rc0
TokenBridge Contracts 5.6.0
Merge the develop branch to the master branch, preparation to v5.6.0
TokenBridge Contracts 5.6.0-rc0
Merge the develop branch to the master branch, preparation to v5.6.0-rc0
TokenBridge Contracts 5.5.0
Merge the develop branch to the master branch, preparation to v5.5.0
TokenBridge Contracts 5.5.0-rc0
Merge the develop branch to the master branch, preparation to v5.5.0-rc0
TokenBridge Contracts 5.4.1
Merge the develop branch to the master branch, preparation to v5.4.1