From 13486ad0833b39c3ae6e0e404612d460a80e5169 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TheJackiMonster Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2023 22:31:33 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Update translation files Signed-off-by: TheJackiMonster --- i18n/manuskript_ar_SA.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_ca.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_ca@valencia.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_da.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_de.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_el.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_en_GB.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_eo.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_es.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_fa.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_fi.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_fr.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_he.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_hr.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_hu.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_id.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_it.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_ja.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_ko.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_mr.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_nb_NO.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_nl.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_pl.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_pt.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_pt_BR.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_pt_PT.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_ro.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_ru.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_sk.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_sv.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_ta.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_tr.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_uk.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_zh_CN.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- i18n/manuskript_zh_HANT.ts | 385 +++++++++++++++++---------------- 35 files changed, 7000 insertions(+), 6475 deletions(-) diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_ar_SA.ts b/i18n/manuskript_ar_SA.ts index b6aa77a2..5e86bf1f 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_ar_SA.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_ar_SA.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General عام - + Title عنوان - + Subtitle عنوان فرعي - + Series سلسلة - + Volume مجلد - + Genre النوع الأدبي - + License الترخيص - + Author المؤلف - + Name الاسم - + Email البريد الإلكتروني - + Summary الملخص - + Situation: الموقف: - + Summary: الملخص: - + One sentence جملة واحدة - + One paragraph فقرة واحدة - + One page صفحة واحدة - + Full كامل - + One sentence summary ملخص بجملة واحدة - + One paragraph summary ملخص بفقرة واحدة - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph وسع كل جملة من ملخص بفقرة واحدة الخاصة بك لفقرة - + One page summary ملخص بصفحة واحدة - + Full summary ملخص كامل - + What if...? ماذا لو ... ؟ @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ الشخصيات - + Names الأسماء - + Filter مرشح - + Basic info معلومات بسيطة - + Importance الأهمية - + Motivation الدافع - + Goal الهدف - + Conflict النزاع - + Epiphany الالهام - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">جملة واحدة <br/>ملخص</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">فقرة واحدة<br/>ملخص</p></body></html> - + Notes ملاحظات - + Detailed info معلومات مفصلة - + Plots الحبكات @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ الحبكة - + Character(s) الشخصية/ات - + Description وصف - + Result الناتج - + Resolution steps خطوات الوصول لنتيجة @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ العالم - + Populates with empty data إملاً ببيانات فارغة - + More أكثر - + Source of passion مصدر الشغف - + Source of conflict مصدر النزاع @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ النقاط العريضة (الملخص) - + Editor محرر - + Debug إيجاد الأخطاء @@ -402,631 +402,631 @@ FlatData - + Persos - + Labels عناوين - + &File &ملف - + &Recent &أخيرة - + &Help &مساعدة - + &Tools &أدوات - + &Edit &تحرير - + &View &عرض - + &Mode &الأسلوب - + Cheat Sheet &برشامة الغش - + &Navigation &تنقل - + &Open &فتح - + &Save &حفظ - + Sa&ve as... حفظ بصيغة... - + &Quit إغلاق - + &Show help texts عرض نصوص المساعدة - + &Spellcheck المدقق الإملائي - + &Labels... عناوين... - + &Status... الحالة.... - + Tree شجرة - + &Simple بسيط - + &Fiction خيال - + Index cards بطاقات فهرسة - + S&ettings ضبط - + &Close project إغلاق المشروع - + Co&mpile معالجة - + &Frequency Analyzer محلل التكرار - + Book information معلومات الكتاب - + &About حول - + About Manuskript حول مانيوسكربت - + Manuskript مانيوسكريبت - + Project {} saved. * {} لم يتم إيجاده في ملف المشروع. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. تنبيه: المشروع {} لم يتم حفظه. - + Project {} loaded. المشروع {} تم تحميله. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. المشروع {} تم تحميله مع بعض الاخطاء. - + (~{} pages) (~{} صفحة) - + Words: {}{} كلمات: {}{} - + Book summary ملخص الكتاب - + Project tree شجرة المشروع - + Metadata البيانات الوصفية - + Story line حبكة القصة - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. أدخل معلومات عن كتابك وعن نفسك. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) الموقف بشكل مبسط، بصيغة 'ماذا لو ...؟'. مثلاً: 'مذا لو كان أخطر وأشر السحرة غير قادر على قتل طفل؟' (من رواية هاري بورتر) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. خذ وقتك لتفكر في ملخص من جملة واحدة (~50 كلمة) ثم توسع بها لتصبح فقرة، ثم صفحة، ثم ملخصاً كاملاً. - + Create your characters. انشأ شخصياتك. - + Develop plots. طور الحبكات. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. قم بناء العوالم. إنشاء تدرجاً من أشياء عامة إلى التفاصيل الصغيرة. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. انشأ الخطوط العريضة لإبداعك. - + Write. اكتب. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. معلومات إيجاد الأخطاء. مفيدة أحيانا. - + Dictionary قاموس - + Nothing لا شيء - + POV وجهة نظر (POV) - + Label عنوان - + Progress الإنجاز - + Compile معالجة - + Icon color لون الأيقونة - + Text color لون النص - + Background color لون الخلفية - + Icon الأيقونة - + Text النص - + Background الخلفية - + Border الحدود - + Corner الزوايا - + Add plot step أضف خطوة حبكة - + &Import… استيراد… - + &Copy نسخ - + C&ut قص - + &Paste لصق - + &Split… تجزيء… - + Sp&lit at cursor تجزيء عند مؤشر الفأرة - + &Move Up تحريك للأعلى - + M&ove Down تحريك للأسفل - + Dupl&icate إنشاء نسخة أخرى - + &Delete حذف - + &Rename إعادة تسمية - + Organi&ze ترتيب - + M&erge دمج - + &Format صيغة - + &Header هامش رأسي - + &Level 1 (setext) - + Level &2 - + Level &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 - + Level &3 - + Level &4 - + Level &5 - + Level &6 - + &Bold عريض - + &Italic مائل - + &Strike يتوسطه خط - + &Verbatim اطناب - + Su&perscript نص علوي - + Subsc&ript نص سفلي - + Co&mment block كتلة تعليقية - + Clear &formats إزالة التنسيقات - + &Comment line(s) سطور تعليق - + &Ordered list قائمة مرقمة - + &Unordered list قائمة غير مرقمة - + B&lockquote كتلة اقتباس - + Remove selected plot step(s) إزالة خطوات الحبكة المحددة - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? الملف {} غير موجود. هل قمت بنقله أو حذفه؟ - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck تثبيت {}{} لإستخدام التدقيق الإملائي - + {} has no installed dictionaries {} لا يملك قواميس مثبتة - + {}{} is not installed {}{} غير مثبت - + Save project? حفظ المشروع؟ - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? حفظ التغييرات على المشروع "{}" قبل الإغلاق؟ - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. ستفقد تغييراتك إن لم تقم بحظها. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. النسخ 5.11 و 5.12 من PyQt / Qt معروفة بالتسبب بمشاكل قد تجعلك تفقد بيانات. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. PyQt {} و Qt {} هي مايتم استخدامه. - + Proceed with import at your own risk استمر بالإستيراد على مسؤوليتك - + Allow POV - + Search - + &Technical Support - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... - + Locate log file - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. - + Sorry! - + This session is not being logged. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. - + Error! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. @@ -1051,55 +1051,70 @@ الحالة - + &Targets - + Draft and session word count targets - + Value - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3064,22 +3079,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main - + Secondary - + Minor - + **Plot:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_ca.ts b/i18n/manuskript_ca.ts index 2a860193..8b4bae91 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_ca.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_ca.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General - + Title - + Subtitle - + Series - + Volume - + Genre - + License - + Author - + Name - + Email - + Summary - + Situation: - + Summary: - + One sentence - + One paragraph - + One page - + Full - + One sentence summary - + One paragraph summary - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph - + One page summary - + Full summary - + What if...? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ - + Names - + Filter - + Basic info - + Importance - + Motivation - + Goal - + Conflict - + Epiphany - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + Notes - + Detailed info - + Plots @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ - + Character(s) - + Description Descripció - + Result - + Resolution steps @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ - + Populates with empty data - + More - + Source of passion - + Source of conflict @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ - + Editor - + Debug @@ -402,639 +402,639 @@ - + Persos - + Labels - + &File - + &Recent - + &Help - + &Tools - + &Edit - + &View - + &Mode - + &Navigation - + &Open - + &Save - + Sa&ve as... - + &Quit - + &Show help texts - + &Spellcheck - + &Labels... - + &Status... - + Tree - + &Simple - + &Fiction - + Index cards - + S&ettings - + &Close project - + Co&mpile - + &Frequency Analyzer - + Book information - + &About - + About Manuskript - + Manuskript Manuskript - + Project {} saved. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. - + Project {} loaded. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. - + (~{} pages) - + Words: {}{} - + Book summary - + Project tree - + Metadata - + Story line - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. - + Create your characters. - + Develop plots. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. - + Write. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. - + Dictionary - + Nothing - + POV - + Label - + Progress Progrés - + Compile Compilar - + Icon color Color de la icona - + Text color Color del text - + Background color Color de fons - + Icon Icona - + Text Text - + Background Fons - + Border Vora - + Corner Cantonada - + Add plot step Afegeix un pas de trama - + &Copy &Copia - + C&ut - + &Paste &Enganxa - + Sp&lit at cursor - + &Move Up &Amunt - + M&ove Down - + Dupl&icate - + &Delete &Suprimir - + &Rename - + Organi&ze - + M&erge - + &Format - + &Header &Capçalera - + &Level 1 (setext) &Nivell 1 (setext) - + Level &2 Nivell &2 - + Level &1 (atx) Nivell &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 - + Level &3 Nivell &3 - + Level &4 Nivell &4 - + Level &5 Nivell &5 - + Level &6 Nivell &6 - + &Bold &Negreta - + &Italic &Cursiva - + &Strike - + &Verbatim - + Su&perscript - + Subsc&ript - + Co&mment block - + Clear &formats - + &Comment line(s) - + &Ordered list - + &Unordered list - + B&lockquote - + Remove selected plot step(s) - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck - + {} has no installed dictionaries - + {}{} is not installed - + Save project? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. - + Proceed with import at your own risk - + Allow POV - + Cheat Sheet - + Search - + &Import… - + &Split… - + &Targets - + Draft and session word count targets - + &Technical Support - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... - + Locate log file - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. - + Sorry! - + This session is not being logged. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. - + Error! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. @@ -1059,45 +1059,60 @@ Estat - + Value - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3062,22 +3077,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main - + Secondary - + Minor - + **Plot:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_ca@valencia.ts b/i18n/manuskript_ca@valencia.ts index c886af49..5e12de21 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_ca@valencia.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_ca@valencia.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General - + Title - + Subtitle - + Series - + Volume - + Genre - + License - + Author - + Name - + Email - + Summary - + Situation: - + Summary: - + One sentence - + One paragraph - + One page - + Full - + One sentence summary - + One paragraph summary - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph - + One page summary - + Full summary - + What if...? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ - + Names - + Filter - + Basic info - + Importance - + Motivation - + Goal - + Conflict - + Epiphany - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + Notes - + Detailed info - + Plots @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ - + Character(s) - + Description - + Result - + Resolution steps @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ - + Populates with empty data - + More - + Source of passion - + Source of conflict @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ - + Editor - + Debug @@ -402,639 +402,639 @@ - + Persos - + Labels - + &File - + &Recent - + &Help - + &Tools - + &Edit - + &View - + &Mode - + &Navigation - + &Open - + &Save - + Sa&ve as... - + &Quit - + &Show help texts - + &Spellcheck - + &Labels... - + &Status... - + Tree - + &Simple - + &Fiction - + Index cards - + S&ettings - + &Close project - + Co&mpile - + &Frequency Analyzer - + Book information - + &About - + About Manuskript - + Manuskript - + Project {} saved. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. - + Project {} loaded. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. - + (~{} pages) - + Words: {}{} - + Book summary - + Project tree - + Metadata - + Story line - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. - + Create your characters. - + Develop plots. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. - + Write. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. - + Dictionary - + Nothing - + POV - + Label - + Progress - + Compile - + Icon color - + Text color - + Background color - + Icon - + Text - + Background - + Border - + Corner - + Add plot step - + &Copy - + C&ut - + &Paste - + Sp&lit at cursor - + &Move Up - + M&ove Down - + Dupl&icate - + &Delete - + &Rename - + Organi&ze - + M&erge - + &Format - + &Header - + &Level 1 (setext) - + Level &2 - + Level &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 - + Level &3 - + Level &4 - + Level &5 - + Level &6 - + &Bold - + &Italic - + &Strike - + &Verbatim - + Su&perscript - + Subsc&ript - + Co&mment block - + Clear &formats - + &Comment line(s) - + &Ordered list - + &Unordered list - + B&lockquote - + Remove selected plot step(s) - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck - + {} has no installed dictionaries - + {}{} is not installed - + Save project? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. - + Proceed with import at your own risk - + Allow POV - + Cheat Sheet - + Search - + &Import… - + &Split… - + &Targets - + Draft and session word count targets - + &Technical Support - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... - + Locate log file - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. - + Sorry! - + This session is not being logged. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. - + Error! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. @@ -1059,45 +1059,60 @@ - + Value - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3062,22 +3077,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main - + Secondary - + Minor - + **Plot:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_da.ts b/i18n/manuskript_da.ts index bf82be36..5a025f49 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_da.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_da.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General - + Title - + Subtitle - + Series - + Volume - + Genre - + License - + Author - + Name - + Email - + Summary - + Situation: - + Summary: - + One sentence - + One paragraph - + One page - + Full - + One sentence summary - + One paragraph summary - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph - + One page summary - + Full summary - + What if...? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ - + Names - + Filter - + Basic info - + Importance - + Motivation - + Goal - + Conflict - + Epiphany - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + Notes - + Detailed info - + Plots @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ - + Character(s) - + Description Beskrivelse - + Result - + Resolution steps @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ - + Populates with empty data - + More - + Source of passion - + Source of conflict @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ - + Editor - + Debug @@ -402,614 +402,614 @@ - + Persos - + Labels - + &File - + &Recent - + &Help - + &Tools - + &Edit - + &View - + &Mode - + &Navigation - + &Open - + &Save - + Sa&ve as... - + &Quit - + &Show help texts - + &Spellcheck - + &Labels... - + &Status... - + Tree - + &Simple - + &Fiction - + Index cards - + S&ettings - + &Close project - + Co&mpile - + &Frequency Analyzer - + Book information - + &About - + About Manuskript - + Manuskript Manuskript - + Project {} saved. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. - + Project {} loaded. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. - + (~{} pages) - + Words: {}{} - + Book summary - + Project tree - + Metadata - + Story line - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. - + Create your characters. - + Develop plots. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. - + Write. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. - + Dictionary - + Nothing - + POV - + Label - + Progress - + Compile - + Icon color - + Text color - + Background color - + Icon - + Text - + Background - + Border - + Corner - + Add plot step - + &Copy - + C&ut - + &Paste - + Sp&lit at cursor - + &Move Up - + M&ove Down - + Dupl&icate - + &Delete - + &Rename - + Organi&ze - + M&erge - + &Format - + &Header - + &Level 1 (setext) - + Level &2 - + Level &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 - + Level &3 - + Level &4 - + Level &5 - + Level &6 - + &Bold - + &Italic - + &Strike - + &Verbatim - + Su&perscript - + Subsc&ript - + Co&mment block - + Clear &formats - + &Comment line(s) - + &Ordered list - + &Unordered list - + B&lockquote - + Remove selected plot step(s) - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck - + {} has no installed dictionaries - + {}{} is not installed - + Save project? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. - + Proceed with import at your own risk - + Allow POV - + Search - + &Technical Support - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... - + Locate log file - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. - + Sorry! - + This session is not being logged. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. - + Error! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. @@ -1034,70 +1034,85 @@ Status - + Cheat Sheet - + &Import… - + &Split… - + &Targets - + Draft and session word count targets - + Value - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3062,22 +3077,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main - + Secondary - + Minor - + **Plot:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_de.ts b/i18n/manuskript_de.ts index ef434eaf..ee2103ce 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_de.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_de.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General Allgemein - + Title Titel - + Subtitle Untertitel - + Series Serie - + Volume Band - + Genre Genre - + License Lizenz - + Author Autor - + Name Name - + Email E-Mail - + Summary Zusammenfassung - + Situation: Situation: - + Summary: Zusammenfassung: - + One sentence Ein Satz - + One paragraph Ein Absatz - + One page Eine Seite - + Full Ausführlich - + One sentence summary Zusammenfassung in einem Satz - + One paragraph summary Zusammenfassung in einem Absatz - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph Erweitern Sie jeden Satz Ihrer Ein-Absatz-Zusammenfassung zu einem eigenen Absatz - + One page summary Zusammenfassung auf einer Seite - + Full summary Ausführliche Zusammenfassung - + What if...? Was wäre wenn ...? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ Charaktere - + Names Namen - + Filter Filter - + Basic info Basisinformationen - + Importance Bedeutung - + Motivation Motivation - + Goal Ziel - + Conflict Konflikt - + Epiphany Schicksal - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Zusammenfassung<br/>in einem Satz</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Zusammenfassung<br/>in einem Absatz</p></body></html> - + Notes Notizen - + Detailed info Details - + Plots Handlungsstränge @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ Handlungsstrang - + Character(s) Charakter(e) - + Description Beschreibung - + Result Lösung - + Resolution steps Lösungsschritte @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ Welt - + Populates with empty data Wird mit leeren Daten aufgefüllt - + More Mehr - + Source of passion Quelle der Leidenschaft - + Source of conflict Quelle des Konflikts @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ Struktur - + Editor Textverarbeitung - + Debug Debug @@ -402,621 +402,621 @@ Projektdaten - + Persos Charaktere - + Labels Labels - + &File &Datei - + &Recent &Zuletzt verwendet - + &Help &Hilfe - + &Tools &Werkzeuge - + &Edit &Bearbeiten - + &View &Ansicht - + &Mode &Modus - + Cheat Sheet Spickzettel - + &Navigation &Navigation - + &Open &Öffnen - + &Save &Speichern - + Sa&ve as... Sp&eichern als ... - + &Quit &Schließen - + &Show help texts &Zeige Hilfetext - + &Spellcheck &Rechtschreibprüfung - + &Labels... &Labels... - + &Status... &Status ... - + Tree Baum - + &Simple &Einfach - + &Fiction &Fiktionaler Text - + Index cards Karteikarten - + S&ettings E&instellungen - + &Close project &Projekt schließen - + Co&mpile Ko&mpilieren - + &Frequency Analyzer &Häufigkeitsanalyse - + Book information Buchinformationen - + &About &Über - + About Manuskript Über Manuskript - + Manuskript Manuskript - + Project {} saved. Projekt {} wurde gespeichert. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. WARNUNG: Projekt {} nicht gespeichert. - + Project {} loaded. Projekt {} geladen. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. Projekt {} wurde mit einigen Fehlern geladen. - + (~{} pages) (~{} Seiten) - + Words: {}{} Wörter: {}{} - + Book summary Buchzusammenfassung - + Project tree Projektbaum - + Metadata Metadaten - + Story line Handlung - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. Gib Informationen über dein Buch und dich ein. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) Die Ausgangssituation, in Form von „Was wäre wenn ...?“ Fragen. Beispiel: „Was wäre wenn der gefährlichste böse Zauberer nicht einmal ein Baby töten könnte?“ (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. Nehmen Sie sich Zeit, sich einen Satz auszudenken (~15 Wörter), der Ihr Buch zusammenfasst. Dann erweitern Sie ihn zu einem Absatz, dann zu einer ganzen Seite und abschließend zu einer ausführlichen Zusammenfassung. - + Create your characters. Erschaffen Sie Ihre Charaktere. - + Develop plots. Entwickle Handlungsstränge. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. Erbaue Welten. Erstelle Hierachien breitgefächterter Kategorien, bis hin zu spezifischen Details. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. Arbeiten Sie die Struktur Ihres Meisterwerks aus. - + Write. Schreibe. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. Debuginformationen. Manchmal hilfreich. - + Dictionary Wörterbuch - + Nothing Keine - + POV Perspektive - + Label Label - + Progress Fortschritt - + Compile Kompiliere - + Icon color Iconfarbe - + Text color Textfarbe - + Background color Hintergrundfarbe - + Icon Icon - + Text Text - + Background Hintergrund - + Border Rahmen - + Corner Ecke - + Add plot step Füge Handlungsschritt hinzu (Strg+Enter) - + &Copy &Kopieren - + C&ut A&usschneiden - + &Paste &Einfügen - + Sp&lit at cursor Am Mauszeiger auf&teilen - + &Move Up &Nach oben - + M&ove Down N&ach unten - + Dupl&icate Dupl&izieren - + &Delete &Löschen - + &Rename &Umbenennen - + Organi&ze Verwal&ten - + M&erge Zusamm&enführen - + &Format &Format - + &Header Übersc&hrift - + &Level 1 (setext) &Level 1 (setext) - + Level &2 Level &2 - + Level &1 (atx) Level &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 L&evel 2 - + Level &3 Level &3 - + Level &4 Level &4 - + Level &5 Level &5 - + Level &6 Level &6 - + &Bold &Fett - + &Italic &Kursiv - + &Strike Durchge&strichen - + &Verbatim &Wörtlich - + Su&perscript H&ochgestellt - + Subsc&ript &Tiefgestellt - + Co&mment block Ko&mmentarblock - + Clear &formats &Formatierung löschen - + &Comment line(s) &Kommentarzeile(n) - + &Ordered list Ge&ordnete Liste - + &Unordered list &Ungeordnete Liste - + B&lockquote &Blockzitat - + Remove selected plot step(s) Ausgewählte Plot-Schritt(e) entfernen - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? Die Datei {} existiert nicht. Wurde sie verschoben oder gelöscht? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck Installieren Sie {}{} um die Rechtschreibprüfung zu nutzen - + {} has no installed dictionaries {} hat keine installierten Wörterbücher - + {}{} is not installed {}{} ist nicht installiert - + Save project? Projekt speichern? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? Änderungen an Projekt „{}“ vor dem Schließen speichern? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. Wenn Sie nicht speichern, gehen Ihre Änderungen verloren. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. Es ist bekannt, dass PyQt / Qt in den Versionen 5.11 und 5.12 Abstürze verursacht, wodurch Daten verloren gehen könnten. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. Sie verwenden PyQt {} und Qt {}. - + Proceed with import at your own risk Wenn Sie fortfahren, könnte das einen Absturz und Datenverlust zur Folge haben - + Allow POV Erlaube POV - + Search Suche - + &Technical Support &Technischer Support - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. Wie man technischen Support für Manuskript erhält. - + &Locate log file... &Zeige Log-Datei... - + Locate log file Zeige Log-Datei - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. Zeige die diagnostische Log-Datei für die aktuelle Session. - + Sorry! Ups! - + This session is not being logged. Diese Session wird nicht protokolliert. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! Eine Log-Datei ist in Verwendung! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. Die Log-Datei "{}" wird weiterhin beschrieben bis Manuskript beendet wurde. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. Sie wird nun in deinem Datei-Manager angezeigt. Allerdings sollte sie nicht verwendet werden bis Manuskript geschlossen wurde. - + Error! Fehler! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten beim Versuch die aktuelle Log-Datei im Datei-Manager anzuzeigen. @@ -1041,65 +1041,80 @@ Status - + &Import… &Importieren… - + &Split… &Aufteilen… - + &Targets &Ziele - + Draft and session word count targets Ziele bezüglich Wortanzahl für Entwürfe und die Sitzung - + Value Wert - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! Keine Einträge! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3065,22 +3080,22 @@ Wörtern an plotTreeView - + Main Primär - + Secondary Sekundär - + Minor Nebensächlich - + **Plot:** {} **Handlungsstrang:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_el.ts b/i18n/manuskript_el.ts index 45564db4..1054d04f 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_el.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_el.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General - + Title - + Subtitle - + Series - + Volume - + Genre - + License - + Author - + Name - + Email Ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο - + Summary Περίληψη - + Situation: Κατάσταση: - + Summary: Περίληψη: - + One sentence Μία πρόταση - + One paragraph Μία παράγραφος - + One page Μία σελίδα - + Full Πλήρης - + One sentence summary Περίληψη μίας πρότασης - + One paragraph summary Περίληψη μίας παραγράφου - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph Αναπτύξτε κάθε πρόταση της περίληψης παραγράφου σε μια παράγραφο - + One page summary Περίληψη μίας σελίδας - + Full summary Πλήρης περίληψη - + What if...? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ - + Names - + Filter - + Basic info - + Importance - + Motivation - + Goal - + Conflict - + Epiphany - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + Notes - + Detailed info - + Plots @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ - + Character(s) - + Description Περιγραφή - + Result - + Resolution steps @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ - + Populates with empty data - + More - + Source of passion - + Source of conflict @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ - + Editor - + Debug @@ -402,639 +402,639 @@ - + Persos - + Labels - + &File - + &Recent - + &Help - + &Tools - + &Edit - + &View - + &Mode - + &Navigation - + &Open - + &Save - + Sa&ve as... - + &Quit - + &Show help texts - + &Spellcheck - + &Labels... - + &Status... - + Tree - + &Simple - + &Fiction - + Index cards - + S&ettings - + &Close project - + Co&mpile - + &Frequency Analyzer - + Book information - + &About - + About Manuskript - + Manuskript Μάνουσκριπτ - + Project {} saved. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. - + Project {} loaded. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. - + (~{} pages) - + Words: {}{} - + Book summary - + Project tree - + Metadata - + Story line - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. - + Create your characters. - + Develop plots. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. - + Write. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. - + Dictionary - + Nothing - + POV - + Label - + Progress - + Compile - + Icon color - + Text color - + Background color - + Icon - + Text - + Background - + Border - + Corner - + Add plot step - + &Copy - + C&ut - + &Paste - + Sp&lit at cursor - + &Move Up - + M&ove Down - + Dupl&icate - + &Delete - + &Rename - + Organi&ze - + M&erge - + &Format - + &Header - + &Level 1 (setext) - + Level &2 - + Level &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 - + Level &3 - + Level &4 - + Level &5 - + Level &6 - + &Bold - + &Italic - + &Strike - + &Verbatim - + Su&perscript - + Subsc&ript - + Co&mment block - + Clear &formats - + &Comment line(s) - + &Ordered list - + &Unordered list - + B&lockquote - + Remove selected plot step(s) - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck - + {} has no installed dictionaries - + {}{} is not installed - + Save project? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. - + Proceed with import at your own risk - + Allow POV - + Cheat Sheet - + Search - + &Import… - + &Split… - + &Targets - + Draft and session word count targets - + &Technical Support - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... - + Locate log file - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. - + Sorry! - + This session is not being logged. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. - + Error! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. @@ -1059,45 +1059,60 @@ Καθεστώς - + Value - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3062,22 +3077,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main - + Secondary - + Minor - + **Plot:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_en_GB.ts b/i18n/manuskript_en_GB.ts index 11a90fd1..933624d1 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_en_GB.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_en_GB.ts @@ -147,122 +147,122 @@ MainWindow - + General - + Book information - + Title - + Subtitle - + Series - + Volume - + Genre - + License Licence - + Author - + Name - + Email E-mail - + Summary - + Situation: - + Summary: - + One sentence - + One paragraph - + One page - + Full - + One sentence summary - + One paragraph summary - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph - + One page summary - + Full summary - + What if...? @@ -272,67 +272,67 @@ - + Names - + Filter - + Basic info - + Motivation - + Goal - + Conflict - + Epiphany - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + Importance - + Notes - + Detailed info - + Plots @@ -342,32 +342,32 @@ - + Character(s) - + Description - + Result - + Resolution steps - + Add plot step - + Remove selected plot step(s) @@ -377,22 +377,22 @@ - + Populates with empty data - + More - + Source of passion - + Source of conflict @@ -402,12 +402,12 @@ - + Editor - + Debug @@ -417,604 +417,604 @@ - + Persos - + Labels - + &File - + &Recent - + &Help - + &Tools - + &Edit - + &Format - + &Header - + &View - + &Mode - + Organi&ze Organi&se - + Cheat Sheet Cheatsheet - + &Navigation - + &Open - + &Save - + Sa&ve as... - + &Quit - + &Show help texts - + &Spellcheck Spellcheck - + &Labels... - + &Status... - + Tree - + &Simple - + &Fiction - + Index cards - + S&ettings - + &Close project - + Co&mpile - + &Frequency Analyzer &Frequency Analyser - + &About - + About Manuskript - + &Copy - + C&ut - + &Paste - + Sp&lit at cursor - + M&erge - + Dupl&icate - + &Delete - + &Move Up - + M&ove Down - + &Rename - + &Level 1 (setext) - + Level &2 - + Level &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 - + Level &3 - + Level &4 - + Level &5 - + Level &6 - + &Bold - + &Italic - + &Strike - + &Verbatim - + Su&perscript - + Subsc&ript - + Co&mment block - + Clear &formats - + &Comment line(s) - + &Ordered list - + &Unordered list - + B&lockquote - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? - + Manuskript - + Project {} saved. Project {} saved. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. - + Project {} loaded. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. - + (~{} pages) - + Words: {}{} - + Book summary - + Project tree - + Metadata - + Story line - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. - + Create your characters. - + Develop plots. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. - + Write. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. - + Dictionary - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck - + {} has no installed dictionaries - + {}{} is not installed - + Nothing - + POV - + Label - + Progress - + Compile - + Icon color Icon colour - + Text color Text colour - + Background color Background colour - + Icon - + Text - + Background - + Border - + Corner - + Save project? Save project? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? Save changes to project ‘{}’ before closing? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. - + Proceed with import at your own risk Proceed with import at your own risk - + Allow POV Allow POV - + Search Search - + &Technical Support Technical Support - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... Locate log file... - + Locate log file Locate log file - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. - + Sorry! - + This session is not being logged. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. - + Error! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. @@ -1039,65 +1039,80 @@ - + &Import… - + &Split… - + &Targets - + Draft and session word count targets - + Value - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3067,22 +3082,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main - + Secondary - + Minor - + **Plot:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_eo.ts b/i18n/manuskript_eo.ts index a32dd700..c0f92a4e 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_eo.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_eo.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General Ĝenerala - + Title Titolo - + Subtitle Subtitolo - + Series Serio - + Volume Volumo - + Genre Ĝenro - + License Permesilo - + Author Aŭtoro - + Name Nomo - + Email Retpoŝta adreso - + Summary Resumo - + Situation: Situacio: - + Summary: Resumo: - + One sentence Unufraze - + One paragraph Unualinee - + One page Unupaĝe - + Full Plene - + One sentence summary Unufraza resumo - + One paragraph summary Unualinea resumo - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph Plilongigu ĉiun frazon de via unualinea resumo al alineo - + One page summary Unupaĝa resumo - + Full summary Plena resumo - + What if...? Kio se…? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ Roluloj - + Names Nomoj - + Filter Filtri - + Basic info Bazaj informoj - + Importance Graveco - + Motivation Instigo - + Goal Celo - + Conflict Konflikto - + Epiphany Ekscio - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Unufraza<br/>resumo</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Unualinea<br/>resumo</p></body></html> - + Notes Notoj - + Detailed info Detaloj - + Plots Intrigoj @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ Intrigo - + Character(s) Rolulo(j) - + Description Priskribo - + Result Rezulto - + Resolution steps Solvopaŝoj @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ Mondo - + Populates with empty data Plenigi per malplenaj datenoj - + More Pli - + Source of passion Fonto de pasio - + Source of conflict Fonto de konflikto @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ Skizo - + Editor Redaktilo - + Debug Sencimigi @@ -402,641 +402,641 @@ FlatData - + Persos Roluloj - + Labels Etikedoj - + &File &Dosiero - + &Recent &Lastatempaj - + &Help &Helpo - + &Tools &Iloj - + &Edit R&edakti - + &View &Vidi - + &Mode Reĝi&mo - + &Navigation &Navigi - + &Open &Malfermi - + &Save Kon&servi - + Sa&ve as... Konser&vi kiel… - + &Quit &Forlasi - + &Show help texts Montri helpotek&ston - + &Spellcheck &Literumilo - + &Labels... &Etikedoj… - + &Status... &Stato… - + Tree Arbo - + &Simple &Simpla - + &Fiction &Fikcio - + Index cards Indekskartoj - + S&ettings &Agordoj - + &Close project &Malfermi projekton - + Co&mpile &Elporti - + &Frequency Analyzer O&ftecanalizilo - + Book information Informoj pri libro - + &About &Pri - + About Manuskript Pri Manuskript - + Manuskript Manuskript - + Project {} saved. Projekto {} konserviĝis. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. AVERTO: Projekto {} ne konservita. - + Project {} loaded. Projekto {} ŝargiĝis. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. Ŝargiĝis projekto {} malgraŭ eraroj. - + (~{} pages) (~{} paĝoj) - + Words: {}{} Vortoj: {}{} - + Book summary Resumo de libro - + Project tree Projektarbo - + Metadata Metadatenoj - + Story line Intrigo - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. Tajpu informojn pri via libro kaj vi mem. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) La baza situacio, en la formo de demando «Kio se…?». Ekz.: «Kio se la plej danĝera malbona sorĉisto ne povis mortigi bebon?» (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. Pripensu unufrazan (proksimume 50-vortan) resumon de via libro. Poste plilongigu ĝin al alineo, poste al paĝo, poste al plena resumo. - + Create your characters. Kreu viajn rolulojn. - + Develop plots. Disvolvu intrigojn. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. Konstruu mondojn. Kreu hierarkion de larĝaj kategorioj ĝis specifaj detaloj. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. Kreu la skizon de via ĉefverko. - + Write. Verku. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. Informoj por cimtrovado. Kelkfoje utilaj. - + Dictionary Vortaro - + Nothing Nenio - + POV Perspektivo - + Label Etikedo - + Progress Progreso - + Compile Elporti - + Icon color Koloro de piktogramo - + Text color Koloro de teksto - + Background color Fonkoloro - + Icon Piktogramo - + Text Teksto - + Background Fono - + Border Rando - + Corner Angulo - + Add plot step Enmeti paŝon de intrigo - + &Copy &Kopii - + C&ut &Eltondi - + &Paste &Alglui - + Sp&lit at cursor &Dividi ĉe kursoro - + &Move Up &Movi supren - + M&ove Down M&ovi malsupren - + Dupl&icate Duobl&igi - + &Delete &Forigi - + &Rename Ŝanĝi &nomon - + Organi&ze Organi&zi - + M&erge &Kunfandi - + &Format &Aranĝi - + &Header Sekci&titolo - + &Level 1 (setext) Nive&lo 1 (setext) - + Level &2 Nivelo &2 - + Level &1 (atx) Nivelo &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 Niv&elo 2 - + Level &3 Nivelo &3 - + Level &4 Nivelo &4 - + Level &5 Nivelo &5 - + Level &6 Nivelo &6 - + &Bold &Grasa - + &Italic Obl&ikva - + &Strike Tra&strekita - + &Verbatim &Laŭliteraĵo - + Su&perscript Su&pra indico - + Subsc&ript Malsup&ra indico - + Co&mment block Ko&mentigi blokon - + Clear &formats &Senigi tekstan aranĝon - + &Comment line(s) &Komentigi linio(j)n - + &Ordered list &Ordita listo - + &Unordered list &Neordita listo - + B&lockquote Citob&loko - + Remove selected plot step(s) Forigi elektita(j)n paŝo(j)n de intrigo - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? La dosiero {} ne ekzistas. Ĉu ĝi estas movita aŭ forigita? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck Instalu {}{} por literumilo - + {} has no installed dictionaries Instalitaj vortaroj mankas al {} - + {}{} is not installed {}{} ne estas instalita - + Save project? Ĉu konservi projekton? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? Ĉu konservi ŝanĝojn al projekto «{}» antaŭ ol fermi? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. Viaj ŝanĝoj perdiĝos se vi ne konservos ilin. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. Versioj 5.11 kaj 5.22 de PyQt / Qt kaŭzas kolapson kaj eblan perdon de datenoj. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. PyQt {} kaj Qt {} estas uzataj. - + Proceed with import at your own risk Enportu je via propra risko - + Allow POV - + Cheat Sheet - + Search - + &Import… - + &Split… - + &Targets - + Draft and session word count targets - + &Technical Support - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... - + Locate log file - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. - + Sorry! - + This session is not being logged. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. - + Error! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. @@ -1061,45 +1061,60 @@ Stato - + Value Valoro - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3064,22 +3079,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main Ĉefa - + Secondary Malpli grava - + Minor Malgrava - + **Plot:** {} **Intrigo:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_es.ts b/i18n/manuskript_es.ts index 3456d103..bb655614 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_es.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_es.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General General - + Title Título - + Subtitle Subtítulo - + Series Serie - + Volume Volumen - + Genre Género - + License Licencia - + Author Autor - + Name Nombre - + Email Correo electrónico - + Summary Resumen - + Situation: Situación: - + Summary: Resumen: - + One sentence Una frase - + One paragraph Un párrafo - + One page Una página - + Full Completo - + One sentence summary Resumen de una frase - + One paragraph summary Resumen de un párrafo - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph En su resumen de un párrafo, expanda cada frase en un párrafo - + One page summary Resumen de una página - + Full summary Resumen completo - + What if...? ¿Qué pasaría si...? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ Personajes - + Names Nombres - + Filter Filtro - + Basic info Información básica - + Importance Importancia - + Motivation Motivación - + Goal Objetivo - + Conflict Conflicto - + Epiphany Epifanía - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Resumen de<br/>una frase</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Resumen de<br/>un párrafo</p></body></html> - + Notes Notas - + Detailed info Información detallada - + Plots Tramas @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ Trama - + Character(s) Personaje(s) - + Description Descripción - + Result Resultado - + Resolution steps Pasos para la resolución @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ Mundo - + Populates with empty data Rellena con datos vacíos - + More Más - + Source of passion Fuente de pasión - + Source of conflict Causa de conflicto @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ Esquema - + Editor Redacción - + Debug Depurar @@ -402,631 +402,631 @@ Datos Planos - + Persos Persos - + Labels Etiquetas - + &File &Archivo - + &Recent &Recientes - + &Mode &Modo - + &Help A&yuda - + &Tools &Herramientas - + &View &Ver - + Cheat Sheet Hoja de referencia - + &Navigation &Navegación - + &Open &Abrir - + &Save &Guardar - + Sa&ve as... G&uardar como... - + &Quit &Cerrar - + &Show help texts &Mostrar textos de ayuda - + &Spellcheck &Corrector ortográfico - + &Labels... &Etiquetas... - + &Status... E&stado... - + Tree Árbol - + &Simple &Sencillo - + Index cards Fichas - + S&ettings &Preferencias - + &Close project &Cerrar proyecto - + Co&mpile C&ompilar - + &Frequency Analyzer A&nalizador de frecuencias - + &Fiction &Ficción - + Project {} saved. Proyecto {} guardado. - + Project {} loaded. Proyecto {} cargado. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. Proyecto {} cargado con algunos errores. - + (~{} pages) (~{} páginas) - + Words: {}{} Palabras: {}{} - + Book summary Resumen del libro - + Project tree Árbol del proyecto - + Metadata Metadata - + Story line Historia - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. Introduzca información acerca de su libro y sobre sí mismo. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) La situación básica en la forma de una pregunta tipo "¿Que pasaría sí...?". Ej:"¿Que pasaría si el más peligroso hechicero malvado no pudiera ser capaz de matar un bebé?" (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. Tómese su tiempo para pensar en resumen de una línea (aproximadamente 50 palabras) de su libro. Después, expándalo hasta un párrafo, después hasta una página y, por último, hasta un resumen completo. - + Create your characters. Cree sus personajes. - + Develop plots. Desarrolle las tramas. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. Cree el esquema de su obra maestra. - + Write. Escriba. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. Información de depuración. A veces es útil. - + Dictionary Diccionario - + Nothing Ninguno - + POV Punto de vista - + Label Etiqueta - + Progress Progreso - + Compile Compilar - + Icon color Color del icono - + Text color Color del texto - + Background color Color del fondo - + Icon Icono - + Text Texto - + Background Fondo - + Border Borde - + Corner Esquina - + &Edit &Editar - + Book information Información del libro - + &About &Acerca de - + About Manuskript Acerca de Manuskript - + Manuskript Manuskript - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. ADVERTENCIA: Proyecto {} no guardado. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. Construir mundos. Crear una jerarquía desde categorías amplias hasta detalles específicos. - + Add plot step Añadir un paso a la trama (CTRL+Intro) - + &Import… &Importar… - + &Copy &Copiar - + C&ut C&ortar - + &Paste &Pegar - + &Split… &Dividir… - + Sp&lit at cursor Di&vidir en el cursor - + &Move Up &Subir - + M&ove Down &Bajar - + Dupl&icate Dupl&icar - + &Delete &Eliminar - + &Rename &Renombrar - + Organi&ze Organi&zar - + M&erge &Combinar - + &Format &Formato - + &Header &Encabezado - + &Level 1 (setext) &Nivel 1 (setext) - + Level &2 Nivel &2 - + Level &1 (atx) Nivel &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 N&ivel 2 - + Level &3 Nivel &3 - + Level &4 Nivel &4 - + Level &5 Nivel &5 - + Level &6 Nivel &6 - + &Bold &Negrita - + &Italic &Cursiva - + &Strike &Tachado - + &Verbatim &Literal - + Su&perscript Su&períndice - + Subsc&ript Subín&dice - + Co&mment block Co&mentario en bloque - + Clear &formats Eliminar &formatos - + &Comment line(s) &Línea(s) de comentario(s) - + &Ordered list &Lista ordenada - + &Unordered list &Lista no ordenada - + B&lockquote C&ita en bloque - + Remove selected plot step(s) Eliminar paso(s) seleccionado(s) de la trama - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? El archivo {} no existe. ¿Ha sido movido o eliminado? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck Instale {}{} para usar el corrector ortográfico - + {} has no installed dictionaries {} no tiene diccionarios instalados - + {}{} is not installed {}{} no está instalado - + Save project? ¿Guardar el proyecto? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? ¿Guardar cambios en el proyecto «{}» antes de salir? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. Sus cambios se perderán si no los guarda. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. Se conoce que las versiones PyQt / Qt 5.11 y 5.12 pueden causar errores que resulten en pérdida de datos. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. PyQt {} y Qt {} están en uso. - + Proceed with import at your own risk Proceda con la importación bajo su propio riesgo - + Allow POV Permitir POV - + Search Buscar - + &Technical Support &Soporte técnico - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. Cómo obtener soporte técnico para Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... &Abrir archivo de registro... - + Locate log file Localizar archivo de registro - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. Abrir archivo de registro usado para este sesión. - + Sorry! ¡Lo siento! - + This session is not being logged. Esta sesión no está registrándose. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! ¡Archivo de registro en progreso! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. El archivo de registro "{}" continuará siendo escrito hasta que Manuskript se cierre. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. Ahora se mostrará en su gestor de archivos, pero es de uso limitado hasta que usted cierre Manuskript. - + Error! ¡Error! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. Ha habido un error al intentar mostrar el archivo de registro inferior en su gestor de archivos. @@ -1051,55 +1051,70 @@ Estado - + &Targets &Objetivos - + Draft and session word count targets Borrador y objetivos del recuento de palabras de la sesión - + Value Valor - + Bulk Info Manager Gestor de información masiva - + No Entries! ¡No hay entradas! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. Por favor, añada entradas para aplicar a los personajes seleccionados. - + Bulk Info Applied Información masiva aplicada - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. La información masiva se ha aplicado a los caracteres seleccionados. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3065,22 +3080,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main Principal - + Secondary Secundario - + Minor Menor - + **Plot:** {} **Trama:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_fa.ts b/i18n/manuskript_fa.ts index ffff977a..e40aca44 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_fa.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_fa.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General - + Title - + Subtitle - + Series - + Volume - + Genre - + License - + Author - + Name - + Email - + Summary - + Situation: - + Summary: - + One sentence - + One paragraph - + One page - + Full - + One sentence summary - + One paragraph summary - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph - + One page summary - + Full summary - + What if...? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ - + Names - + Filter - + Basic info - + Importance - + Motivation - + Goal - + Conflict - + Epiphany - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + Notes - + Detailed info - + Plots @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ - + Character(s) - + Description - + Result - + Resolution steps @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ - + Populates with empty data - + More - + Source of passion - + Source of conflict @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ - + Editor - + Debug @@ -402,569 +402,569 @@ - + Persos - + Labels - + &File - + &Recent - + &Help - + &Tools - + &Edit - + &View - + &Mode - + Cheat Sheet - + &Navigation - + &Open - + &Save - + Sa&ve as... - + &Quit - + &Show help texts - + &Spellcheck - + &Labels... - + &Status... - + Tree - + &Simple - + &Fiction - + Index cards - + S&ettings - + &Close project - + Co&mpile - + &Frequency Analyzer - + Book information - + &About - + About Manuskript - + Manuskript - + Project {} saved. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. - + Project {} loaded. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. - + (~{} pages) - + Words: {}{} - + Book summary - + Project tree - + Metadata - + Story line - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. - + Create your characters. - + Develop plots. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. - + Write. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. - + Dictionary - + Nothing - + POV - + Label - + Progress - + Compile - + Icon color - + Text color - + Background color - + Icon - + Text - + Background - + Border - + Corner - + Add plot step - + &Import… - + &Copy - + C&ut - + &Paste - + &Split… - + Sp&lit at cursor - + &Move Up - + M&ove Down - + Dupl&icate - + &Delete - + &Rename - + Organi&ze - + M&erge - + &Format - + &Header - + &Level 1 (setext) - + Level &2 - + Level &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 - + Level &3 - + Level &4 - + Level &5 - + Level &6 - + &Bold - + &Italic - + &Strike - + &Verbatim - + Su&perscript - + Subsc&ript - + Co&mment block - + Clear &formats - + &Comment line(s) - + &Ordered list - + &Unordered list - + B&lockquote - + Remove selected plot step(s) - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck - + {} has no installed dictionaries - + {}{} is not installed - + Save project? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. - + Proceed with import at your own risk - + Allow POV - + Search @@ -989,115 +989,130 @@ - + &Technical Support - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... - + Locate log file - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. - + Sorry! - + This session is not being logged. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. - + Error! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. - + &Targets - + Draft and session word count targets - + Value - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3062,22 +3077,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main - + Secondary - + Minor - + **Plot:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_fi.ts b/i18n/manuskript_fi.ts index 2a891dbe..30aec7ce 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_fi.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_fi.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General Yleinen - + Title Otsikko - + Subtitle Alaotsikko - + Series - + Volume - + Genre - + License Lisenssi - + Author Kirjoittaja - + Name Nimi - + Email Sähköposti - + Summary Tiivistelmä - + Situation: - + Summary: - + One sentence Yksi lause - + One paragraph Yksi kappale - + One page Yksi sivu - + Full Täysi - + One sentence summary Yhden lauseen tiivistelmä - + One paragraph summary Yhden kappaleen tiivistelmä - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph - + One page summary Yhden sivun tiivistelmä - + Full summary Koko tiivistelmä - + What if...? Mitä jos...? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ Hahmot - + Names Nimet - + Filter Suodatin - + Basic info Perustiedot - + Importance Tärkeys - + Motivation Motivaatio - + Goal Tavoite - + Conflict Konflikti - + Epiphany - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + Notes Muistiinpanot - + Detailed info - + Plots Juonet @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ Juoni - + Character(s) Hahmo(t) - + Description Kuvaus - + Result Lopputulos - + Resolution steps @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ Maailma - + Populates with empty data - + More Lisää - + Source of passion Intohimon lähde - + Source of conflict Konfliktin lähde @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ - + Editor - + Debug @@ -402,614 +402,614 @@ - + Persos - + Labels - + &File &Tiedosto - + &Recent - + &Help - + &Tools &Työkalut - + &Edit &Muokkaa - + &View &Katso - + &Mode &Tila - + &Navigation - + &Open &Avaa - + &Save &Tallenna - + Sa&ve as... - + &Quit - + &Show help texts - + &Spellcheck - + &Labels... - + &Status... - + Tree - + &Simple - + &Fiction - + Index cards - + S&ettings - + &Close project - + Co&mpile - + &Frequency Analyzer - + Book information Kirjan tiedot - + &About - + About Manuskript Manuskriptista - + Manuskript Manuskript - + Project {} saved. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. - + Project {} loaded. Projekti {} ladattu. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. - + (~{} pages) - + Words: {}{} Sanoja: {}{} - + Book summary Kirjan tiivistelmä - + Project tree Projektipuu - + Metadata Metadata - + Story line - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. - + Create your characters. - + Develop plots. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. - + Write. Kirjoita. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. - + Dictionary Sanakirja - + Nothing - + POV - + Label - + Progress Edistyminen - + Compile Käännä - + Icon color Ikonin väri - + Text color Tekstin väri - + Background color Taustaväri - + Icon Ikoni - + Text - + Background - + Border - + Corner Kulma - + Add plot step - + &Copy - + C&ut - + &Paste - + Sp&lit at cursor - + &Move Up - + M&ove Down - + Dupl&icate - + &Delete - + &Rename - + Organi&ze - + M&erge - + &Format - + &Header - + &Level 1 (setext) - + Level &2 - + Level &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 - + Level &3 - + Level &4 - + Level &5 - + Level &6 - + &Bold - + &Italic - + &Strike - + &Verbatim - + Su&perscript - + Subsc&ript - + Co&mment block - + Clear &formats - + &Comment line(s) - + &Ordered list - + &Unordered list - + B&lockquote - + Remove selected plot step(s) - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck - + {} has no installed dictionaries - + {}{} is not installed - + Save project? Tallenna projekti? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. - + Proceed with import at your own risk - + Allow POV - + Search Etsi - + &Technical Support - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... - + Locate log file - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. - + Sorry! - + This session is not being logged. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. - + Error! Virhe! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. @@ -1034,70 +1034,85 @@ Tila - + Cheat Sheet - + &Import… - + &Split… - + &Targets - + Draft and session word count targets - + Value Arvo - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3062,22 +3077,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main - + Secondary - + Minor - + **Plot:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_fr.ts b/i18n/manuskript_fr.ts index 7a7c11e2..efb624a5 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_fr.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_fr.ts @@ -147,97 +147,97 @@ MainWindow - + Title Titre - + Subtitle Sous-titre - + Series Série - + Volume Volume - + Genre Genre - + License Licence - + Author Informations sur l'auteur - + Name Nom - + Email Courriel - + Summary Résumé - + One sentence Une phrase - + One sentence summary Résumé en une phrase - + One paragraph Un paragraphe - + One paragraph summary Résumé en un paragraphe - + One page Une page - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph Développez chaque phrase du paragraphe précédent en un paragraphe complet - + Full Complet - + One page summary Résumé en une page - + Full summary Résumé complet @@ -247,67 +247,67 @@ Personnages - + Names Noms - + Filter Filtre - + Basic info Informations générales - + Importance Importance - + Motivation Motivation - + Goal Cible - + Conflict Conflit - + Epiphany Épiphanie - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Résumé<br/>en une phrase</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Résumé<br/>en un paragraphe</p></body></html> - + Notes Notes - + Detailed info Informations détaillées - + Plots Intrigues @@ -317,22 +317,22 @@ Intrigue - + Character(s) Personnage (s) - + Description Description - + Result Résultat - + Resolution steps Étapes de résolution @@ -342,12 +342,12 @@ Plan - + Editor Rédaction - + Debug Débogage @@ -357,47 +357,47 @@ FlatData - + Persos Persos - + &Help &Aide - + Labels Labels - + Situation: Situation : - + Summary: Résumé : - + What if...? Et si... ? - + Index cards Cartes - + Tree Arbre - + Compile Compilation @@ -407,616 +407,616 @@ Monde - + Populates with empty data Remplir avec des catégories vides - + General Général - + More Plus - + Source of passion Source de passion - + Source of conflict Source de conflit - + Project {} saved. Le projet {} a été sauvegardé. - + Project {} loaded. Le projet {} a été chargé. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. Le projet {} a été chargé avec des erreurs. - + (~{} pages) (~{} pages) - + Words: {}{} Mots: {}{} - + Book summary Résumé du livre - + Project tree Arborescence - + Metadata Métadonnées - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. Entrez toutes les informations relatives au livre, ainsi qu'à vous. - + Create your characters. Créez ici vos personnage. - + Develop plots. Développez vos intrigues. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. Créez le plan de votre chef-d'œuvre. - + Write. Écrivez. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. Infos de débogage. Parfois utile. - + Dictionary Dictionnaire - + Nothing Rien - + POV Point de Vue - + Label Étiquette - + Progress Progression - + Icon color Couleur de l'icône - + Text color Couleur du texte - + Background color Couleur de l'arrière-plan - + Icon Icone - + Text Texte - + Background Arrière-plan - + Border Bordure - + Corner Coin - + &File &Fichier - + &Recent &Récents - + &Tools &Outils - + &View &Vue - + &Mode &Mode - + Cheat Sheet &Feuille de triche - + &Navigation &Navigation - + &Open &Ouvrir - + &Save &Enregistrer - + Sa&ve as... Enre&gistrer sous… - + &Quit &Quitter - + &Show help texts &Afficher les bulles d'aides - + &Spellcheck &Correcteur orthographique - + &Labels... &Labels… - + &Status... &Status… - + &Simple &Simple - + &Fiction &Fiction - + S&ettings &Réglages - + &Close project &Fermer le projet - + Co&mpile Co&mpiler - + &Frequency Analyzer &Analyseur de fréquence - + Story line Trame - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) La situation de base, sous la forme d'une question « Et si… ? ». Par exemple : « Et si le plus dangereux des sorciers maléfiques n'était pas capable de tuer un petit bébé ? » (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. Prenez le temps de penser à une phrase (~50 mots) qui résume votre livre. Ensuite, développez-la en un paragraphe, puis une page, puis un résumé complet. - + &Edit &Modifier - + Book information Informations sur le livre - + &About &À propos - + About Manuskript À propos de Manuskript - + Manuskript Manuskript - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. ATTENTION : Le projet {} n'a pas été enregistré. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. Construire des mondes. Crée une hiérarchie en partant des catégories les plus larges jusqu'au détails les plus spécifiques. - + Add plot step Ajouter une étape de résolution - + &Copy &Copier - + C&ut C&ouper - + &Paste C&oller - + Sp&lit at cursor Di&viser au curseur - + &Move Up Déplacer vers le haut - + M&ove Down Déplacer vers le bas - + Dupl&icate Dupl&iquer - + &Delete &Supprimer - + &Rename &Renommer - + Organi&ze Or&ganisation - + M&erge &Fusionner - + &Format &Format - + &Header &Titre - + &Level 1 (setext) &Niveau 1 (setext) - + Level &2 Niveau &2 - + Level &1 (atx) Niveau &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 Niv&eau 2 - + Level &3 Niveau &3 - + Level &4 Niveau &4 - + Level &5 Niveau &5 - + Level &6 Niveau &6 - + &Bold &Gras - + &Italic &Italique - + &Strike &Barré - + &Verbatim &Mot pour mot - + Su&perscript Ex&posant - + Subsc&ript In&dice - + Co&mment block Bloc de co&mmentaires - + Clear &formats Supprimer le &formatage - + &Comment line(s) Ligne(s) de &commentaire - + &Ordered list Liste &ordonnée - + &Unordered list &Liste non ordonnée - + B&lockquote B&loc de citation - + Remove selected plot step(s) Supprimer les étapes de résolution sélectionnées - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? Le fichier {} n'existe pas. A-t-il été déplacé ou supprimé ? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck Installer {}{} pour utiliser le correcteur orthographique - + {} has no installed dictionaries {} n'a pas de dictionnaires installés - + {}{} is not installed {}{} n'est pas installé - + Save project? Enregistrer le projet ? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? Enregistrer les changements au projet « {} » avant de fermer ? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. Vos changements seront perdus si vous ne les enregistrez pas. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. Les versions 5.11 et 5.12 de PyQt / Qt sont connues pour produire un plantage, qui peut conduire à une perte de données. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. PyQt {} et Qt {} sont utilisés. - + Proceed with import at your own risk Confirmez l'importation à vos risques et périls - + Allow POV Autoriser le Point de vue - + Search Rechercher - + &Technical Support &Support Technique - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. Comment obtenir de l'assistance pour Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... &Localiser le fichier log... - + Locate log file Localiser le fichier journal - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. Recherchez le fichier journal de diagnostic utilisé pour cette session. - + Sorry! Désolé ! - + This session is not being logged. Cette session n'est pas enregistrée. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! Un fichier journal est un travail en cours ! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. Le fichier journal "{}" continuera à être écrit jusqu'à ce que Manuskript soit fermé. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. Il s'affichera désormais dans votre gestionnaire de fichiers, mais sera d'une utilité limitée jusqu'à ce que vous fermiez Manuskript. - + Error! Erreur ! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. Une erreur s'est produite lors de la tentative d'affichage du fichier journal ci-dessous, dans votre gestionnaire de fichiers. @@ -1041,65 +1041,80 @@ Statut - + &Import… &Importer… - + &Split… &Scinder… - + &Targets - + Draft and session word count targets - + Value Valeur - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3065,22 +3080,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main Principale - + Secondary Secondaire - + Minor Mineure - + **Plot:** {} **Intrigue:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_he.ts b/i18n/manuskript_he.ts index b3d34d4d..39b43e28 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_he.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_he.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General כללי - + Title כותרת - + Subtitle הערה - + Series סדרה - + Volume - + Genre סוגה - + License רישיון - + Author - + Name שם - + Email דוא״ל - + Summary תקציר - + Situation: - + Summary: תקציר: - + One sentence משפט אחד - + One paragraph פסקה אחת - + One page עמוד אחד - + Full - + One sentence summary תקציר במשפט אחד - + One paragraph summary תקציר בפסקה אחת - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph - + One page summary - + Full summary - + What if...? מה אם...? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ דמויות - + Names שמות - + Filter סינון - + Basic info - + Importance חשיבות - + Motivation מניע - + Goal מטרה - + Conflict - + Epiphany - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + Notes הערות - + Detailed info - + Plots עלילות @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ עלילה - + Character(s) דמו(יו)ת - + Description תיאור - + Result - + Resolution steps @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ עולם - + Populates with empty data - + More עוד - + Source of passion - + Source of conflict @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ - + Editor עורך - + Debug @@ -402,614 +402,614 @@ - + Persos - + Labels תוויות - + &File &קובץ - + &Recent נפתחו ל&אחרונה - + &Help &עזרה - + &Tools &כלים - + &Edit ע&ריכה - + &View &תצוגה - + &Mode מ&צב - + &Navigation ני&ווט - + &Open &פתיחה - + &Save - + Sa&ve as... - + &Quit &יציאה - + &Show help texts - + &Spellcheck ב&דיקת איות - + &Labels... - + &Status... - + Tree עץ - + &Simple - + &Fiction - + Index cards - + S&ettings ה&גדרות - + &Close project - + Co&mpile - + &Frequency Analyzer - + Book information - + &About על &אודות - + About Manuskript - + Manuskript - + Project {} saved. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. - + Project {} loaded. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. - + (~{} pages) - + Words: {}{} מילים: {}{} - + Book summary - + Project tree - + Metadata נתוני על - + Story line - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. - + Create your characters. - + Develop plots. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. - + Write. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. - + Dictionary מילון - + Nothing - + POV - + Label תווית - + Progress תהליך - + Compile - + Icon color - + Text color צבע טקסט - + Background color - + Icon סמל - + Text טקסט - + Background רקע - + Border - + Corner - + Add plot step - + &Copy - + C&ut - + &Paste - + Sp&lit at cursor - + &Move Up - + M&ove Down - + Dupl&icate - + &Delete - + &Rename - + Organi&ze - + M&erge - + &Format - + &Header - + &Level 1 (setext) - + Level &2 - + Level &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 - + Level &3 - + Level &4 - + Level &5 - + Level &6 - + &Bold - + &Italic - + &Strike - + &Verbatim - + Su&perscript - + Subsc&ript - + Co&mment block - + Clear &formats - + &Comment line(s) - + &Ordered list - + &Unordered list - + B&lockquote - + Remove selected plot step(s) - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck - + {} has no installed dictionaries - + {}{} is not installed - + Save project? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. - + Proceed with import at your own risk - + Allow POV - + Search - + &Technical Support - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... - + Locate log file - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. - + Sorry! - + This session is not being logged. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. - + Error! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. @@ -1034,70 +1034,85 @@ - + Cheat Sheet - + &Import… - + &Split… - + &Targets - + Draft and session word count targets - + Value - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3062,22 +3077,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main - + Secondary - + Minor - + **Plot:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_hr.ts b/i18n/manuskript_hr.ts index 4930a315..15896e70 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_hr.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_hr.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General Opće - + Title Naslov - + Subtitle Podnaslov - + Series Serija - + Volume Broj - + Genre Žanr - + License Licenca - + Author Autor - + Name Ime - + Email Email - + Summary Sažetak - + Situation: Situacija: - + Summary: Sažetak: - + One sentence Jedna rečenica - + One paragraph Jedan odlomak - + One page Jedna stranica - + Full Cjelovit - + One sentence summary Sažetak u jednoj rečenici - + One paragraph summary Sažetak u jednom odlomku - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph Proširi svaku rečenicu sažetka u jednom odlomku u odlomak - + One page summary Sažetak u jednoj stranici - + Full summary Cjelovit sažetak - + What if...? Što bi bilo, ako …? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ Likovi - + Names Imena - + Filter Filtar - + Basic info Osnovne informacije - + Importance Važnost - + Motivation Motivacija - + Goal Cilj - + Conflict Sukob - + Epiphany Epifanija - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Sažetak u<br/>jednoj rečenici</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Sažetak u<br/>jednom odlomku</p></body></html> - + Notes Bilješke - + Detailed info Detaljne informacije - + Plots Zapleti @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ Zaplet - + Character(s) Lik(ovi) - + Description Opis - + Result Rezultat - + Resolution steps Koraci raspleta @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ Svijet - + Populates with empty data Ispunjava s praznim podacima - + More Više - + Source of passion Izvor strasti - + Source of conflict Izvor sukoba @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ Struktura - + Editor Uređivač - + Debug Uklanjanje grešaka @@ -402,616 +402,616 @@ Podaci - + Persos Persos - + Labels Oznake - + &File &Dokument - + &Recent &Nedavno - + &Help &Pomoć - + &Tools &Alati - + &Edit &Uredi - + &View Pri&kaz - + &Mode &Modus - + &Navigation &Navigacija - + &Open &Otvori - + &Save &Spremi - + Sa&ve as... Spre&mi kao … - + &Quit &Zatvori program - + &Show help texts P&rikaži tekstove pomoći - + &Spellcheck Pro&vjera pravopisa - + &Labels... Ozna&ke … - + &Status... S&tanje … - + Tree Stablo - + &Simple &Jednostavno - + &Fiction &Fikcija - + Index cards Kartice indeksa - + S&ettings Postavk&e - + &Close project Zatvor&i projekt - + Co&mpile Sa&stavi - + &Frequency Analyzer Ana&liza učestalosti - + Book information Podaci knjige - + &About &O - + About Manuskript O programu Manuskript - + Manuskript Manuskript - + Project {} saved. Projekt {} spremljen. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. UPOZORENJE: Projekt {} nije spremljen. - + Project {} loaded. Projekt {} učitan. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. Projekt {} je učitan s nekim greškama. - + (~{} pages) (otprilike {} stranice/a) - + Words: {}{} Riječi: {}{} - + Book summary Sažetak knjige - + Project tree Razvoj projekta - + Metadata Metapodaci - + Story line Radnja priče - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. Upiši podatke za tvoju knjigu i informacije o sebi. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) Osnovna situacija, u obliku pitanja „Što bi bilo, ako …?”. Primjer: „Što bi bilo, ako najopasniji zao čarobnjak ne uspije ubiti bebu?” (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. Napiši sažetak u jednoj rečenici (otprilike 50 riječi) za tvoju knjigu. Proširi tu rečenicu u odlomak, zatim u jednu stranicu i na kraju u jedan cjelovit sažetak. - + Create your characters. Stvori likove. - + Develop plots. Razradi zaplete. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. Gradi svijetove. Izradi hijerarhiju globalnih kategorija sve do specifičnih detalja. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. Stvori strukturu tvog remek-djela. - + Write. Piši. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. Informacije o uklanjanju grešaka. Ponekad su korisne. - + Dictionary Rječnik - + Nothing Ništa - + POV Perspektiva - + Label Oznaka - + Progress Napredak - + Compile Sastavi - + Icon color Boja ikone - + Text color Boja teksta - + Background color Boja pozadine - + Icon Ikona - + Text Tekst - + Background Pozadina - + Border Rub - + Corner Kut - + Add plot step Dodaj korak zapleta - + &Copy &Kopiraj - + C&ut Iz&reži - + &Paste &Zalijepi - + Sp&lit at cursor Ras&tavi na mjestu pokazivača - + &Move Up Pomakni prema &gore - + M&ove Down Pomakni prema &dolje - + Dupl&icate Dupl&iciraj - + &Delete Iz&briši - + &Rename Prei&menuj - + Organi&ze Organi&ziraj - + M&erge S&jedini - + &Format &Format - + &Header &Naslov - + &Level 1 (setext) &Razina 1 (setekst) - + Level &2 Razina &2 - + Level &1 (atx) Razina &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 R&azina 2 - + Level &3 Razina &3 - + Level &4 Razina &4 - + Level &5 Razina &5 - + Level &6 Razina &6 - + &Bold Po&debljano - + &Italic &Kurziv - + &Strike Pre&križeno - + &Verbatim &Doslovno - + Su&perscript &Eksponent - + Subsc&ript Inde&ks - + Co&mment block Po&lje za komentar - + Clear &formats Očisti &formate - + &Comment line(s) &Redci komentara - + &Ordered list &Poredan popis - + &Unordered list &Neporedan popis - + B&lockquote &Citat - + Remove selected plot step(s) Ukloni odabrane korake zapleta - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? Datoteka {} ne postoji. Je li možda premještena ili izbrisana? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck Instaliraj {}{} za korištenje provjere pravopisa - + {} has no installed dictionaries {} nema instaliranih rječnika - + {}{} is not installed {}{} nije instaliran - + Save project? Spremiti projekt? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? Spremiti promjene na projektu „{}” prije zatvaranja? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. Promjene će se izgubiti ako se ne spreme. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. PyQt / Qt verzije 5.11 i 5.12 mogu uzrokovati pad programa što može uzrokovati gubitak podataka. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. PyQt {} i Qt {} se trenutačno koriste. - + Proceed with import at your own risk Nastavi s uvozom na vlastitu odgovornost - + Allow POV Dozvoli perspektivu - + Search Pretraga - + &Technical Support &Tehnička podrška - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. Kako dobiti tehničku podršku za Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... &Pronađi log datoteku … - + Locate log file Pronađi log datoteku - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. Pronađi log datoteku dijagnoze korištene tijekom ove sesije. - + Sorry! Oprosti! - + This session is not being logged. Ova se sesija ne zapisuje. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! Log datoteka se koristi! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. U log datoteku „{}” će se zapisivati sve dok se Manuskript ne zatvori. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. Sada će se prikazati u upravljaču datoteka, ali je njena upotreba ograničena sve dok se Manuskript ne zatvori. - + Error! Greška! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. Dogodila se greška prilikom pokušaja prikazivanja log datoteke u upravljaču datoteka. @@ -1036,70 +1036,85 @@ Stanje - + Cheat Sheet Šalabahter - + &Import… &Uvezi … - + &Split… &Podijeli … - + &Targets &Ciljevi - + Draft and session word count targets Ciljani broj riječi skica i sesija - + Value Vrijednost - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3065,22 +3080,22 @@ pored broja riječi plotTreeView - + Main Glavni - + Secondary Sekundarni - + Minor Sporedni - + **Plot:** {} **Zaplet:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_hu.ts b/i18n/manuskript_hu.ts index 5fa6c9a5..548ee377 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_hu.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_hu.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General Általános - + Title Cím - + Subtitle Alcím - + Series Sorozat - + Volume Kötet - + Genre Műfaj - + License Licenc - + Author Szerző - + Name Név - + Email Email cím - + Summary Összefoglaló - + Situation: Szituáció: - + Summary: Összefoglaló: - + One sentence Egy mondat - + One paragraph Egy bekezdés - + One page Egy oldal - + Full Teljes - + One sentence summary Egy mondatos összefoglaló - + One paragraph summary Egy bekezdéses összefoglaló - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph Bővítse ki az egybekezdéses összefoglalók mondatait egy-egy bekezdéssé - + One page summary Egyoldalas összefoglaló - + Full summary Teljes összefoglaló - + What if...? Mi lenne ha...? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ Szereplők - + Names Nevek - + Filter Szűrő - + Basic info Alapinformáció - + Importance Fontosság - + Motivation Motiváció - + Goal Cél - + Conflict Konfliktus - + Epiphany Fordulópont - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Egy mondat<br/>összefoglaló</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Egy bekezdés<br/>összefoglaló</p></body></html> - + Notes Jegyzetek - + Detailed info Részletes információ - + Plots Cselekmények @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ Cselekmény - + Character(s) Szereplő(k) - + Description Leírás - + Result Eredmény - + Resolution steps Megoldás lépései @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ Világ - + Populates with empty data Feltöltés üres adatokkal - + More Több - + Source of passion Szenvedély forrása - + Source of conflict Konfliktus forrása @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ Áttekintés - + Editor Szerkesztő - + Debug Hibakeresés @@ -402,571 +402,571 @@ SimaAdat - + Persos Személyek - + Labels Címkék - + &File &Fájl - + &Recent &Előző - + &Help &Súgó - + &Tools &Eszközök - + &Edit &Szerkesztés - + &View &Nézet - + &Mode &Mód - + Cheat Sheet &Puska - + &Navigation &Navigáció - + &Open Megn&yitás - + &Save &Mentés - + Sa&ve as... Mentés m&ásként... - + &Quit &Kilépés - + &Show help texts Sú&gó szövegek mutatása - + &Spellcheck &Helyesírás-ellenőrzés - + &Labels... &Címkék... - + &Status... &Státusz... - + Tree Fa - + &Simple &Egyszerű - + &Fiction &Fikció - + Index cards Tárgymutató kártyák - + S&ettings &Beállítások - + &Close project &Projekt bezárása - + Co&mpile &Összeállítás - + &Frequency Analyzer &Gyakoriság Elemző - + Book information Könyv információk - + &About &Névjegy - + About Manuskript A Manuskript -ről - + Manuskript Manuskript - + Project {} saved. {} projekt mentve. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. FIGYELEM: {} projekt nem került mentésre. - + Project {} loaded. {} projekt betöltve. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. {} projekt betöltve, hibákkal. - + (~{} pages) (~{} oldal) - + Words: {}{} Szó: {}{} - + Book summary Könyv összefoglalása - + Project tree Projektfa - + Metadata Metaadat - + Story line Történetív - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. Adjon meg információt a könyvéről és önmagáról. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) Az alapszituáció 'Mi lenne ha...?' kérdésként feltéve. Pl.. 'Mi lenne ha a legveszélyesebb ' gonosz varázsló ne lenne képes megölni egy csecsemőt?' (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. Szánjon rá időt, hogy elgondolkodjon a könyve egymondatos (-50 szavas) összefoglalóján. Aztán bővítse ki egy bekezdéssé, majd egy oldallá, majd egy teljes összefoglalóvá. - + Create your characters. Alkossa meg a szereplőit. - + Develop plots. Cselekmények kidolgozása. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. Építsen világokat. Készítse el az átfogó kategóriák (és az specifikus részleteinek) hierarchiáját. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. Készítse el a mesterműve áttekintését. - + Write. Írjon. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. Hibakeresési információ. Valami hasznos. - + Dictionary Szótár - + Nothing Semmi - + POV Szempont - + Label Címke - + Progress Előrehaladás - + Compile Összeállítás - + Icon color Ikonszín - + Text color Szövegszín - + Background color Háttérszín - + Icon Ikon - + Text Szöveg - + Background Háttér - + Border Szegély - + Corner Sarok - + Add plot step Cselekmény lépés hozzáadása (CTRL+Enter) - + &Import… &Importálás… - + &Copy &Másolás - + C&ut &Kivágás - + &Paste &Beillesztés - + &Split… &Felosztás… - + Sp&lit at cursor Fe&losztás kurzornál - + &Move Up &Mozgatás Fel - + M&ove Down M&ozgatás Le - + Dupl&icate &Duplikálás - + &Delete &Törlés - + &Rename &Átnevezés - + Organi&ze &Rendszerezés - + M&erge Össze&fésülés - + Remove selected plot step(s) - + &Format - + &Header - + &Level 1 (setext) - + Level &2 - + Level &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 - + Level &3 - + Level &4 - + Level &5 - + Level &6 - + &Bold - + &Italic - + &Strike - + &Verbatim - + Su&perscript - + Subsc&ript - + Co&mment block - + Clear &formats - + &Comment line(s) - + &Ordered list - + &Unordered list - + B&lockquote - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck - + {} has no installed dictionaries - + {}{} is not installed - + Save project? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. - + Proceed with import at your own risk - + Allow POV - + Search @@ -991,115 +991,130 @@ Státusz - + &Technical Support - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... - + Locate log file - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. - + Sorry! - + This session is not being logged. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. - + Error! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. - + &Targets - + Draft and session word count targets - + Value Érték - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3064,22 +3079,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main - + Secondary Másodlagos - + Minor Kisebb jelentőségű - + **Plot:** {} **Cselekmény:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_id.ts b/i18n/manuskript_id.ts index 8ad095d6..a2ad532e 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_id.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_id.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General Umum - + Title Judul - + Subtitle Subjudul - + Series Seri - + Volume Jilid - + Genre Genre - + License Lisensi - + Author Pengarang - + Name Nama - + Email Surel - + Summary Ringkasan - + Situation: Situasi: - + Summary: Ringkasan: - + One sentence Satu kalimat - + One paragraph Satu paragraf - + One page Satu halaman - + Full Penuh - + One sentence summary Ringkasan satu kalimat - + One paragraph summary Ringkasan satu paragraf - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph Kembangkan tiap kalimat dari paragraf ringkasan ke sebuah paragraf baru - + One page summary Ringkasan satu halaman - + Full summary Ringkasan penuh - + What if...? Bagaimana jika...? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ Karakter - + Names Nama - + Filter Filter - + Basic info Info dasar - + Importance Kepentingan - + Motivation Motivasi - + Goal Tujuan - + Conflict Konflik - + Epiphany Pencerahan - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Satu kalimat<br/>ringkasan</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Satu paragraf<br/>ringkasan</p></body></html> - + Notes Catatan - + Detailed info Info detail - + Plots Alur @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ Alur - + Character(s) Karakter - + Description Deskripsi - + Result Hasil - + Resolution steps Langkah-langkah resolusi @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ Dunia - + Populates with empty data Populasi dengan data kosong - + More Lebih - + Source of passion Sumber semangat - + Source of conflict Sumber konflik @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ Garis besar - + Editor Editor - + Debug Debug @@ -402,631 +402,631 @@ FlatData - + Persos - + Labels Label - + &File &File - + &Recent &Baru - + &Help &Bantuan - + &Tools &Alat - + &Edit &Edit - + &View &Gambaran - + &Mode - + Cheat Sheet - + &Navigation &Navigasi - + &Open &Buka - + &Save &Simpan - + Sa&ve as... - + &Quit &Keluar - + &Show help texts &Tunjukan teks bantuan - + &Spellcheck - + &Labels... &Label... - + &Status... &Status... - + Tree Pohon - + &Simple &Simpel - + &Fiction &Fiksi - + Index cards Kartu indeks - + S&ettings - + &Close project &Tutup pekerjaan - + Co&mpile - + &Frequency Analyzer &Penganalisis Frekuensi - + Book information Informasi buku - + &About &Tentang - + About Manuskript Tentang Manuskript - + Manuskript Manuskript - + Project {} saved. Pekerjaan {} disimpan. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. PERHATIAN: Pekerjaan {} belum tersimpan. - + Project {} loaded. Pekerjaan {} diproses. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. - + (~{} pages) (~{} halaman) - + Words: {}{} Kata: {}{} - + Book summary Ringkasan buku - + Project tree Pohon proyek - + Metadata - + Story line Jalan cerita - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. Masukan informasi tentang buku anda, dan tentang diri anda. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) Situasi dasar, dalam bentuk pertanyaan 'Bagaiaman jika...?'. Cth: 'Bagaimana jika penyihir jahat paling berbahaya tidak mampu membunuh seorang bayi?' (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. Ambil waktu untuk memikirkan sebuah kalimat (~50 kata) ringkasan untuk buku anda. Kemudian kembangkan menjadi sebuah paragraf, kemudian menjadi halaman, kemudian menjadi ringkasan penuh. - + Create your characters. Buat karakter anda. - + Develop plots. Kembangkan alur. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. Bangun dunia. Buat hirarki dari kategori yang luas menjadi detail spesifik. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. Buat garis besar karya besar anda. - + Write. Tulis. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. Info debug. Sesuatu yang berguna. - + Dictionary Diksi - + Nothing - + POV Sudut Pandang - + Label Label - + Progress Kemajuan - + Compile - + Icon color Warna ikon - + Text color Warna teks - + Background color Warna latar belakang - + Icon Ikon - + Text Teks - + Background Latar belakang - + Border Garis tepi - + Corner Ujung - + Add plot step Tambahkan langkah alur - + &Import… &Impor… - + &Copy - + C&ut - + &Paste &Tempel - + &Split… - + Sp&lit at cursor - + &Move Up &Pindahkan ke atas - + M&ove Down - + Dupl&icate - + &Delete &Hapus - + &Rename - + Organi&ze - + M&erge - + Remove selected plot step(s) Hapus langkah alur yang dipilih - + &Format &Format - + &Header &Header - + &Level 1 (setext) - + Level &2 - + Level &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 - + Level &3 - + Level &4 - + Level &5 - + Level &6 - + &Bold - + &Italic - + &Strike - + &Verbatim - + Su&perscript - + Subsc&ript - + Co&mment block - + Clear &formats - + &Comment line(s) - + &Ordered list - + &Unordered list - + B&lockquote - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck - + {} has no installed dictionaries - + {}{} is not installed - + Save project? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. - + Proceed with import at your own risk - + Allow POV - + Search - + &Technical Support - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... - + Locate log file - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. - + Sorry! - + This session is not being logged. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. - + Error! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. @@ -1051,55 +1051,70 @@ Status - + &Targets - + Draft and session word count targets - + Value - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3064,22 +3079,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main - + Secondary - + Minor - + **Plot:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_it.ts b/i18n/manuskript_it.ts index fef1df96..19fa22bb 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_it.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_it.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General Generale - + Title Titolo - + Subtitle Sottotitolo - + Series Serie - + Volume - + Genre Genere - + License Licenza - + Author Autore - + Name Nome - + Email E-mail - + Summary Riassunto - + Situation: Situazione: - + Summary: Riassunto: - + One sentence Una frase - + One paragraph Un paragrafo - + One page Una pagina - + Full Completo - + One sentence summary Riassunto in una frase - + One paragraph summary Riassunto in un paragrafo - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph Espandi ogni frase del riassunto in un paragrafo in un nuovo paragrafo - + One page summary Riassunto in una pagina - + Full summary Riassunto completo - + What if...? Cosa succede se...? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ Personaggi - + Names Nomi - + Filter Filtro - + Basic info Informazioni di base - + Importance Importanza - + Motivation Motivazione - + Goal Obiettivo - + Conflict Conflitto - + Epiphany Epifania - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Una frase<br/>riassunto</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Un paragrafo<br/>riassunto</p></body></html> - + Notes Note - + Detailed info Informazioni dettagliate - + Plots Trame @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ Trama - + Character(s) Personaggio(i) - + Description Descrizione - + Result Esito - + Resolution steps Passaggi risolutivi @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ Ambientazione - + Populates with empty data Popola con nuovi dati - + More Di più - + Source of passion Fonte di passione - + Source of conflict Fonte di conflitto @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ Quadro d'insieme - + Editor Editor di testo - + Debug Messa a punto @@ -402,631 +402,631 @@ Dati grezzi - + Persos Personaggi - + Labels Etichette - + &File - + &Recent &Recente - + &Help &Guida - + &Tools &Strumenti - + &Edit &Modifica - + &View &Visualizza - + &Mode &Modalità - + Cheat Sheet Foglio di trucchi - + &Navigation &Navigazione - + &Open &Apri - + &Save &Salva - + Sa&ve as... Sal&va come... - + &Quit &Esci - + &Show help texts &Mostra la guida - + &Spellcheck &Controllo ortografico - + &Labels... &Etichette... - + &Status... &Stato... - + Tree Albero - + &Simple &Semplice - + &Fiction &Narrativa - + Index cards Schede - + S&ettings I&mpostazioni - + &Close project &Chiudi progetto - + Co&mpile Co&mpila per esportazione - + &Frequency Analyzer &Analizzatore di frequenza - + Book information Ragguagli sul libro - + &About &A proposito - + About Manuskript A proposito di Manuskript - + Manuskript - + Project {} saved. Progetto {} salvato. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. ATTENZIONE: Progetto {} non salvato. - + Project {} loaded. Progetto {} caricato. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. Progetto {} caricato con alcuni errori. - + (~{} pages) (~{} pagine) - + Words: {}{} Parole: {}{} - + Book summary Riassunto del libro - + Project tree Schema ad albero del progetto - + Metadata Metadati - + Story line Sviluppo della storia - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. Inserisci informazioni sul tuo libro, e su di te. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) La situazione iniziale, in forma di domanda tipo «Cosa succede se...?». Es: «Cosa succede se il pericoloso mago cattivo non riesce ad uccidere un bambino?» (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. Prenditi il tempo per pensare ad una frase riassuntiva (~50 parole) del tuo libro. Poi espandila ad un paragrafo, poi ad una pagina, poi ad un riassunto completo. - + Create your characters. Crea i tuoi personaggi. - + Develop plots. Sviluppa le trame. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. Costruisci i mondi. Crea una gerarchia di ampie categorie fino ad arrivare ai dettagli specifici. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. Crea il contorno del tuo capolavoro. - + Write. Scrivi. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. Informazioni di debug. A volte possono essere utili. - + Dictionary Dizionario - + Nothing Niente - + POV - + Label Etichetta - + Progress Avanzamento - + Compile Compilato - + Icon color Colore dell'icona - + Text color Colore del testo - + Background color Colore dello sfondo - + Icon Icona - + Text Testo - + Background Sfondo - + Border Bordo - + Corner Angolo - + Add plot step Aggiungi un passaggio alla trama - + &Import… &Importa… - + &Copy &Copia - + C&ut T&aglia - + &Paste &Incolla - + &Split… &Dividi… - + Sp&lit at cursor Di&vidi al cursore - + &Move Up &Sposta in alto - + M&ove Down Sp&osta in basso - + Dupl&icate Dupl&ica - + &Delete &Cancella - + &Rename &Rinomina - + Organi&ze Organi&zza - + M&erge U&nisci - + Remove selected plot step(s) Rimuovi il passaggio(i) di trama selezionato(i) - + &Format &Formato - + &Header &Intestazione - + &Level 1 (setext) &Livello 1 (setext) - + Level &2 Livello &2 - + Level &1 (atx) Livello &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 L&ivello 2 - + Level &3 Livello &3 - + Level &4 Livello &4 - + Level &5 Livello &5 - + Level &6 Livello &6 - + &Bold &Grassetto - + &Italic &Corsivo - + &Strike &Barrato - + &Verbatim &Parola per parola - + Su&perscript A&pice - + Subsc&ript P&edice - + Co&mment block Blocco di co&mmenti - + Clear &formats Cancella i &formati - + &Comment line(s) Linea(e) di &commento - + &Ordered list &Elenco numerato - + &Unordered list &Elenco puntato - + B&lockquote Citazione (b&locco) - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? Il file {} non esiste. È stato spostato o cancellato? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck Installa {}{} per usare il correttore ortografico - + {} has no installed dictionaries {} non vi sono dizionari installati - + {}{} is not installed {}{} non è installato - + Save project? Salvare il progetto? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? Salvare i cambiamenti del progetto «{}» prima di chiuderlo? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. I cambiamenti apportati andranno persi se non li salvi. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. PyQt / Qt versione 5.11 e 5.12 sono conosciuti per provocare crash che potrebbero portare a perdita dei dati. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. PyQt{} e Qt {} sono in uso. - + Proceed with import at your own risk Procedere con l'importazione a proprio rischio - + Allow POV Consenti POV (Punto di Vista) - + Search Cerca - + &Technical Support &Supporto Tecnico - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. Come ottenere il support tecnico per Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... &Localizza il file log... - + Locate log file Localizza il file log - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. Ricerca il file log della diagnostica usato per questa sessione. - + Sorry! Spiacente! - + This session is not being logged. Questa sessione non è stata registrata. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! Un file di registro è un lavoro in corso! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. Il file di log "{}" continuerà ad essere scritto finché Manuskript non sarà chiuso. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. Ora sarà visualizzato nel vostro file manager, ma è di uso limitato finché non chiudete Manuskript. - + Error! Errore! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. Si è verificato un errore durante il tentativo di mostrare il file di log sottostante nel tuo gestore di file. @@ -1051,55 +1051,70 @@ Stato - + &Targets &Obiettivi - + Draft and session word count targets Obiettivi di conteggio parole per bozze e sessioni - + Value Valore - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3065,22 +3080,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main Principale - + Secondary Secondario - + Minor Minore - + **Plot:** {} **Trama:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_ja.ts b/i18n/manuskript_ja.ts index 2afc4a50..5d318f5f 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_ja.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_ja.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General 全般 - + Title タイトル - + Subtitle サブタイトル - + Series シリーズ - + Volume - + Genre ジャンル - + License ライセンス - + Author 作者 - + Name 名前 - + Email 電子メール - + Summary 要約: - + Situation: シチュエーション: - + Summary: 要約: - + One sentence 一文 - + One paragraph 一段落 - + One page 一ページ - + Full 全体 - + One sentence summary 一文の要約 - + One paragraph summary 一段落の要約 - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph 段落の要約の各文を、段落に展開 - + One page summary 1ページの要約 - + Full summary 全体の要約 - + What if...? もし……? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ 登場人物 - + Names 名前 - + Filter フィルター - + Basic info 基本情報 - + Importance 重要度 - + Motivation 動機づけ - + Goal 目的 - + Conflict 対立 - + Epiphany 本質・意味・悟り - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">一文<br/>要約</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">一段落<br/>要約</p></body></html> - + Notes 備考 - + Detailed info 詳細情報 - + Plots プロット @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ プロット - + Character(s) 登場人物 - + Description 説明 - + Result 結果 - + Resolution steps 解決手順 @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ 世界 - + Populates with empty data 空データの生成 - + More もっと - + Source of passion 情熱の源 (行動原理) - + Source of conflict 対立の原因 @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ 概要 - + Editor エディタ - + Debug デバッグ @@ -402,631 +402,631 @@ フラットデータ - + Persos 人物 - + Labels ラベル - + &File ファイル (&F) - + &Recent 最近使用したファイル (&R) - + &Help ヘルプ (&H) - + &Tools ツール (&T) - + &Edit 編集 (&E) - + &View 表示 (&V) - + &Mode モード (&M) - + Cheat Sheet 備忘録 - + &Navigation ナビゲーション (&N) - + &Open 開く (&O) - + &Save 保存 (&S) - + Sa&ve as... 名前を付けて保存... (&V) - + &Quit 終了 (&Q) - + &Show help texts ヘルプ文書を表示 (&S) - + &Spellcheck スペルチェック - + &Labels... ラベル... (&L) - + &Status... 状態... (&S) - + Tree ツリー - + &Simple シンプル - + &Fiction フィクション - + Index cards 索引カード - + S&ettings 設定 - + &Close project プロジェクトを閉じる (&C) - + Co&mpile コンパイル - + &Frequency Analyzer 単語の頻度数解析 - + Book information 本の情報 - + &About About (&A) - + About Manuskript Manuskriptについて - + Manuskript Manuskript - + Project {} saved. プロジェクト {} が保存されました。 - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. 警告:プロジェクト {} は保存されていません。 - + Project {} loaded. プロジェクト {} が読み込まれました。 - + Project {} loaded with some errors. プロジェクト {} にいくつかのエラーが読み込まれました。 - + (~{} pages) (~{} ページ) - + Words: {}{} 単語数:{}{} - + Book summary 本の要約 - + Project tree プロジェクトツリー - + Metadata メタデータ - + Story line ストーリーライン - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. あなたの本とあなた自身に関する情報を入力してください。 - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) 基本的な状況、「もしも・・・?」形式の質問です。 例:「最も危険で邪悪な 魔法使いが、赤ん坊を殺せなかったら?」 (ハリー・ポッター) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. あなたの本の要約を50単語ほどで考えてください。この作業は時間をかけるべきでしょう。 それを段落、ページに落とし込み、最後に完全な要約を書きます。 - + Create your characters. あなたの登場人物を作りましょう。 - + Develop plots. プロットを作成します。 - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. 世界を創造しましょう。Manuskriptは、一般的なものから詳細なものまで、様々な設定を作成します。 - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. あなたの傑作の輪郭を作ります。 - + Write. 書く。 - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. デバッグ情報。時に便利なものです。 - + Dictionary 辞書 - + Nothing 無し - + POV POV - + Label ラベル - + Progress 進捗 - + Compile 編纂 - + Icon color アイコンの色 - + Text color 文字色 - + Background color 背景色 - + Icon アイコン - + Text 文字 - + Background 背景 - + Border 境界線 - + Corner - + Add plot step プロットステップを追加 - + &Import… インポート… - + &Copy コピー - + C&ut 切り取り - + &Paste 貼り付け - + &Split… 分割… - + Sp&lit at cursor カーソル位置で分割 - + &Move Up 上に移動 (&M) - + M&ove Down 下に移動 (&O) - + Dupl&icate コピー - + &Delete 削除 - + &Rename 名前の変更 - + Organi&ze 整理 - + M&erge マージ - + &Format フォーマット - + &Header ヘッダ - + &Level 1 (setext) &レベル1 (setext) - + Level &2 レベル &2 - + Level &1 (atx) レベル &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 レベル &2 - + Level &3 レベル &3 - + Level &4 レベル &4 - + Level &5 レベル &5 - + Level &6 レベル &6 - + &Bold 太字(&B) - + &Italic 斜体(&I) - + &Strike 取消し線(&S) - + &Verbatim 等幅(&V) - + Su&perscript 上付き文字(&P) - + Subsc&ript 下付き文字(&R) - + Co&mment block コメントブロック(&M) - + Clear &formats 書式をクリア(&F) - + &Comment line(s) 注釈行(&C) - + &Ordered list 番号リスト(&O) - + &Unordered list 番号なしリスト(&U) - + B&lockquote 引用符(&L) - + Remove selected plot step(s) 選択したプロットを削除する - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? ファイル {} は存在しません。移動または削除しましたか? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck スペルチェックを使用するには {}{} をインストールします - + {} has no installed dictionaries {} には辞書がインストールされていません - + {}{} is not installed {}{} がインストールされていません - + Save project? プロジェクトを保存しますか? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? 閉じる前にプロジェクト "{}" への変更を保存しますか? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. 保存しないと、変更内容は失われます。 - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. PyQt / Qtバージョン5.11および5.12は、データの損失につながる可能性のあるクラッシュを引き起こすことがわかっています。 - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. PyQt {} と Qt {} が使用されています。 - + Proceed with import at your own risk 自己責任でインポートを続行 - + Allow POV POVを許可 - + Search 検索 - + &Technical Support 技術的サポート(&T) - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... - + Locate log file - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. - + Sorry! - + This session is not being logged. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. - + Error! エラー! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. @@ -1051,55 +1051,70 @@ 状態 - + &Targets - + Draft and session word count targets - + Value - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3064,22 +3079,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main メイン - + Secondary セカンダリ - + Minor マイナー - + **Plot:** {} **プロット:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_ko.ts b/i18n/manuskript_ko.ts index 73ccdf94..08bc0618 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_ko.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_ko.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General 일반 - + Title 제목 - + Subtitle 부제 - + Series 연속물 - + Volume 권수 - + Genre 장르 - + License 라이선스 - + Author 지은이 - + Name 이름 - + Email 이메일 - + Summary 요약 - + Situation: 상황: - + Summary: 요약: - + One sentence 한 문장 - + One paragraph 한 문단 - + One page 한 쪽 - + Full 전체 - + One sentence summary 한 문장 요약 - + One paragraph summary 한 문단 요약 - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph 한 문단 요약의 각 문장을 문단으로 키우기 - + One page summary 한 쪽 요약 - + Full summary 전체 요약 - + What if...? 만약……? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ 등장인물 - + Names 명단 - + Filter 추리기 - + Basic info 기본 정보 - + Importance 중요도 - + Motivation 동기 - + Goal 목표 - + Conflict 갈등 - + Epiphany 깨달음 - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">한 문장<br/>요약</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">한 문단<br/>요약</p></body></html> - + Notes 비고 - + Detailed info 상세 정보 - + Plots 플롯 @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ 플롯 - + Character(s) 등장인물 - + Description 설명 - + Result 결과 - + Resolution steps 해결 과정 @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ 세계관 - + Populates with empty data 빈 데이터 생성 - + More 더 보기 - + Source of passion 열망의 근원 - + Source of conflict 갈등의 근원 @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ 개요 - + Editor 편집 - + Debug 디버그 @@ -402,631 +402,631 @@ 플랫데이터 - + Persos 페르소스 - + Labels 라벨 - + &File 파일(&F) - + &Recent 최근 파일(&R) - + &Help 도움말(&H) - + &Tools 도구(&T) - + &Edit 편집(&E) - + &View 보기(&V) - + &Mode 모드(&M) - + Cheat Sheet 치트 시트(&C) - + &Navigation 내비게이션(&N) - + &Open 열기(&O) - + &Save 저장(&S) - + Sa&ve as... 다른 이름으로 저장... (&v) - + &Quit 끝(&Q) - + &Show help texts 도움말 띄우기(&S) - + &Spellcheck 맞춤법 검사(&S) - + &Labels... 라벨... (&L) - + &Status... 상태... (&S) - + Tree 트리 - + &Simple 간단(&S) - + &Fiction 소설(&F) - + Index cards 색인 카드 - + S&ettings 설정(&e) - + &Close project 프로젝트 닫기(&C) - + Co&mpile 조판하기(&m) - + &Frequency Analyzer 빈도 분석기(&F) - + Book information 책 정보 - + &About 정보(&A) - + About Manuskript Manuskript란 - + Manuskript Manuskript - + Project {} saved. 프로젝트 {}(이)가 저장되었습니다. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. 경고: 프로젝트 {}을(를) 저장하지 않았습니다. - + Project {} loaded. 프로젝트 {}을(를) 불러왔습니다. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. 불러온 프로젝트 {}에 오류가 있습니다. - + (~{} pages) (~{} 쪽) - + Words: {}{} 낱말: {}{} - + Book summary 책 요약 - + Project tree 프로젝트 트리 - + Metadata 메타데이터 - + Story line 줄거리 - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. 당신과 당신의 책에 대한 정보를 입력하여 주십시오. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) ‘만약……?’이라는 질문 형태의 기본적인 상황입니다. 예: ‘만약 가장 위험하고 사악한 마법사가 아기를 죽이지 못했다면?’ (해리 포터) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. 당신의 책을 한 문장(50 어절 정도)으로 간추려 보세요. 그 다음에 문단 단위, 쪽 단위, 전체 요약으로 부풀리세요. - + Create your characters. 등장인물을 만듭니다. - + Develop plots. 플롯을 구성합니다. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. 세계를 만듭니다. 광범위한 것부터 세세한 것까지 설정을 체계적으로 만들어 봅시다. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. 당신이 만들 걸작의 윤곽을 그립니다. - + Write. 써 보세요. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. 디버그 정보입니다. 때론 도움이 됩니다. - + Dictionary 사전 - + Nothing 없음 - + POV 시점 - + Label 라벨 - + Progress 진척 - + Compile 엮기 - + Icon color 아이콘 색 - + Text color 글자 색 - + Background color 배경 색 - + Icon 아이콘 - + Text - + Background 배경 - + Border 테두리 - + Corner 모서리 - + Add plot step 플롯 추가 - + &Import… 가져오기... (&I) - + &Copy 복사(&C) - + C&ut 오리기(&C) - + &Paste 붙이기(&P) - + &Split… 쪼개기… (&S) - + Sp&lit at cursor 커서 위치에서 쪼개기(&l) - + &Move Up 위로 이동(&M) - + M&ove Down 아래로 이동(&o) - + Dupl&icate 복제(&i) - + &Delete 제거(&D) - + &Rename 이름 바꾸기(&R) - + Organi&ze 정리(&z) - + M&erge 합치기(&e) - + &Format 서식(&F) - + &Header 제목(&H) - + &Level 1 (setext) 수준 1(setext) (&L) - + Level &2 수준 &2 - + Level &1 (atx) 수준 &1(atx) - + L&evel 2 수준 2(&e) - + Level &3 수준 &3 - + Level &4 수준 &4 - + Level &5 수준 &5 - + Level &6 수준 &6 - + &Bold 굵게(&B) - + &Italic 기울여(&I) - + &Strike 취소선(&S) - + &Verbatim 축약(&V) - + Su&perscript 위 첨자(&p) - + Subsc&ript 아래 첨자(&r) - + Co&mment block 영역을 주석 처리(&M) - + Clear &formats 서식 지우기 - + &Comment line(s) 줄을 주석 처리(&C) - + &Ordered list 번호 붙인 목록(&O) - + &Unordered list 번호 없는 목록(&U) - + B&lockquote 따옴표(&l) - + Remove selected plot step(s) 선택한 사건 빼기 - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? 파일 {}이(가) 없습니다. 지우거나 옮기셨습니까? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck 맞춤법 검사를 사용하기 위해 {}{} 깔기 - + {} has no installed dictionaries {}에 설치된 사전 없음 - + {}{} is not installed {}{} 미설치 - + Save project? 프로젝트를 저장합니까? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? 프로젝트 “{}”를 닫기 전에 변경 사항을 저장하시겠습니까? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. 저장하지 않으면 작업한 내용을 잃습니다. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. PyQt / Qt 버전 5.11 및 5.12는 충돌을 일으켜 데이터가 손실될 수 있습니다. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. PyQt {}와(과) Qt {}를 쓰고 있습니다. - + Proceed with import at your own risk 무시하고 불러오기 진행 - + Allow POV - + Search - + &Technical Support - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... - + Locate log file - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. - + Sorry! - + This session is not being logged. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. - + Error! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. @@ -1051,55 +1051,70 @@ 상태 - + &Targets - + Draft and session word count targets - + Value 비중 - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3064,22 +3079,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main 주연 - + Secondary 조연 - + Minor 단역 - + **Plot:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_mr.ts b/i18n/manuskript_mr.ts index f0c445d6..477009c1 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_mr.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_mr.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General साधारण - + Title शीर्षक - + Subtitle उपशीर्षक - + Series मालिका - + Volume ग्रंथ - + Genre लेखनशैली - + License परवाला - + Author लेखक - + Name नाव - + Email ईमेल - + Summary सारांश - + Situation: परिस्थिती: - + Summary: सारांश: - + One sentence एका वाक्यात - + One paragraph एका परिच्छेदात - + One page एका पानात - + Full संपूर्ण - + One sentence summary एका वाक्यात सारांश - + One paragraph summary एका परिच्छेदात सारांश - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph आपल्या एक परिच्छेदाच्या सारांशाचे प्रत्येक वाक्य विस्तारून त्याचे परिच्छेद बनवा - + One page summary एका पानाचा सारांश - + Full summary संपूर्ण सारांश - + What if...? जर असे झाले तर...? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ पात्र - + Names नावे - + Filter गाळा - + Basic info मूलभूत माहिती - + Importance महत्त्व - + Motivation प्रेरणा - + Goal उद्देश - + Conflict संघर्ष - + Epiphany एपिफनी - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + Notes टिप्पण्या - + Detailed info तपशीलवार माहिती - + Plots कथानके @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ कथानक - + Character(s) पात्र - + Description वर्णन - + Result परिणाम - + Resolution steps निश्चयाची पावलं @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ जग - + Populates with empty data - + More अधिक - + Source of passion आवेशाचे स्रोत - + Source of conflict संघर्षाचे स्रोत @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ आराखडा - + Editor संपादक - + Debug डीबग @@ -402,614 +402,614 @@ - + Persos - + Labels - + &File - + &Recent - + &Help - + &Tools - + &Edit - + &View - + &Mode - + &Navigation - + &Open - + &Save - + Sa&ve as... - + &Quit - + &Show help texts - + &Spellcheck - + &Labels... - + &Status... - + Tree - + &Simple - + &Fiction - + Index cards - + S&ettings - + &Close project - + Co&mpile - + &Frequency Analyzer - + Book information पुस्तकाविषयी माहिती - + &About - + About Manuskript मॅन्यूस्क्रिप्टविषयी माहिती - + Manuskript मॅन्यूस्क्रिप्ट - + Project {} saved. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. - + Project {} loaded. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. - + (~{} pages) - + Words: {}{} शब्द: {}{} - + Book summary पुस्तकाचे सारांश - + Project tree प्रकल्पवृक्ष - + Metadata मेटाडॅटा - + Story line कथा रेषा - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. आपल्या पुस्तकाविषयी व स्वतःविषयी माहिती प्रविष्ट करा. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. - + Create your characters. आपले पात्र निर्माण करा. - + Develop plots. कथानके विकसित करा. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. आपल्या उत्कृष्ट कृतीचा आराखडा निर्माण करा. - + Write. लिहा. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. डीबग माहिती. कधीकधी कामात येते. - + Dictionary शब्दकोश - + Nothing काही नाही - + POV दृष्टिकोण - + Label खूणचिठ्ठी - + Progress प्रगती - + Compile संकलन करा - + Icon color आयकनचा रंग - + Text color मजकूराचा रंग - + Background color पार्श्वभूमीचा रंग - + Icon आयकन - + Text मजकूर - + Background पार्श्वभूमी - + Border सीमा - + Corner कोपरा - + Add plot step कथानकात पाऊल जोडा - + &Copy - + C&ut - + &Paste - + Sp&lit at cursor - + &Move Up - + M&ove Down - + Dupl&icate - + &Delete - + &Rename - + Organi&ze - + M&erge - + &Format - + &Header - + &Level 1 (setext) - + Level &2 - + Level &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 - + Level &3 - + Level &4 - + Level &5 - + Level &6 - + &Bold - + &Italic - + &Strike - + &Verbatim - + Su&perscript - + Subsc&ript - + Co&mment block - + Clear &formats - + &Comment line(s) - + &Ordered list - + &Unordered list - + B&lockquote - + Remove selected plot step(s) - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck - + {} has no installed dictionaries - + {}{} is not installed - + Save project? प्रकल्प सुरक्षित करायचे का? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. - + Proceed with import at your own risk - + Allow POV - + Search शोधा - + &Technical Support - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... - + Locate log file - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. - + Sorry! - + This session is not being logged. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. - + Error! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. @@ -1034,70 +1034,85 @@ स्थिती - + Cheat Sheet - + &Import… - + &Split… - + &Targets - + Draft and session word count targets - + Value - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3062,22 +3077,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main - + Secondary - + Minor - + **Plot:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_nb_NO.ts b/i18n/manuskript_nb_NO.ts index 1ba44ad7..c7ae129f 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_nb_NO.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_nb_NO.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General - + Title Tittel - + Subtitle Undertittel - + Series - + Volume Lydstyrke - + Genre - + License Lisens - + Author - + Name - + Email E-post - + Summary Sammendrag - + Situation: Situasjon: - + Summary: Sammendrag: - + One sentence Ei setning - + One paragraph Ett avsnitt - + One page Ei side - + Full - + One sentence summary Sammendrag i ei setning - + One paragraph summary Sammendrag i ett avsnitt - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph Utvid hver setning fra din enkle avsnittsammendrag til et avsnitt - + One page summary Énsiderssammendrag - + Full summary Helhetlig sammendrag - + What if...? Hva om…? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ - + Names Navn - + Filter - + Basic info Grunnleggende info - + Importance Viktighet - + Motivation Motivasjon - + Goal Mål - + Conflict Konflikt - + Epiphany Åpenbarelse - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + Notes - + Detailed info Detaljert info - + Plots Handlinger @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ Handling - + Character(s) Karakter(er) - + Description - + Result Resultat - + Resolution steps Løsningssteg @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ Verden - + Populates with empty data - + More Mer - + Source of passion - + Source of conflict Konfliktopphav @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ Utkast - + Editor - + Debug @@ -402,629 +402,629 @@ - + Persos Personer - + Labels - + &File - + &Recent &Nylig - + &Help - + &Tools &Verktøy - + &Edit &Rediger - + &View - + &Mode - + Cheat Sheet &Jukseark - + &Navigation - + &Open - + &Save &Lagre - + Sa&ve as... - + &Quit &Avslutt - + &Show help texts &Vis hjelpetekster - + &Spellcheck &Stavekontroll - + &Labels... - + &Status... - + Tree Tre - + &Simple &Enkelt - + &Fiction &Skjønnlitteratur - + Index cards - + S&ettings &Innstillinger - + &Close project &Lukk prosjekt - + Co&mpile &Kompiler - + &Frequency Analyzer &Frevensanalyse - + Book information Bokinformasjon - + &About &Om - + About Manuskript Om Manuskript - + Manuskript - + Project {} saved. * {} ble ikke funnet i prosjektfila. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. ADVARSEL: Prosjekt {} er ikke lagret. - + Project {} loaded. Prosjekt {} innlastet. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. Prosjekt {} innlastet med noen feil. - + (~{} pages) - + Words: {}{} Ord: {}{} - + Book summary Boksammendrag - + Project tree Prosjekttre - + Metadata - + Story line - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. - + Create your characters. Opprett dine karakterer - + Develop plots. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. - + Write. Skriv. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. - + Dictionary Ordbok - + Nothing Ingenting - + POV - + Label - + Progress Fremdrift - + Compile Kompiler - + Icon color - + Text color - + Background color Bakgrunnsfarge - + Icon - + Text - + Background Bakgrunn - + Border Kant - + Corner Hjørne - + Add plot step Legg til plottsteg - + &Import… &Importer… - + &Copy &Kopier - + C&ut - + &Paste &Lim inn - + &Split… &Del opp… - + Sp&lit at cursor - + &Move Up - + M&ove Down - + Dupl&icate - + &Delete - + &Rename &Gi nytt navn - + Organi&ze &Organiser - + M&erge &Flett - + &Format &Formater - + &Header &Hode - + &Level 1 (setext) &Nivå 1 (setext) - + Level &2 Nivå &2 - + Level &1 (atx) Nivå %2 (atx) - + L&evel 2 N&ivå 2 - + Level &3 Nivå &3 - + Level &4 Nivå &4 - + Level &5 Nivå &5 - + Level &6 Nivå &6 - + &Bold &Fet - + &Italic &Kursiv - + &Strike &Gjennomstrek - + &Verbatim &Verbatim - + Su&perscript He&vet skrift - + Subsc&ript Senket sk&rift - + Co&mment block Ko&mmentarblokk - + Clear &formats Tøm &formater - + &Comment line(s) &Kommentarlinje(r) - + &Ordered list &Anordnet liste - + &Unordered list &Ikke anordnet liste - + B&lockquote B&lokksitat - + Remove selected plot step(s) Fjern valgte plottsteg - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? Filen {} finnes ikke. Har den blitt flyttet eller slettet? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck Installer {}{} for å bruke stavekontroll - + {} has no installed dictionaries {} har ingen installerte ordbøker - + {}{} is not installed {}{} er ikke installert - + Save project? Lagre prosjekt? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? Lagre endringer i prosjektet «{}» før lukking? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. Dine endringer vil gå tapt hvis du ikke lagrer dem. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. PyQt / Qt-versjonene 5.11 og 5.12 er kjent for å forårsake krasj som kan resultere i datatap. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. PyQt {} og Qt {} er i bruk. - + Proceed with import at your own risk Å fortsette kan forårsake krasj og datatap - + Allow POV - + Search - + &Technical Support - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... - + Locate log file - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. - + Sorry! - + This session is not being logged. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. - + Error! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. @@ -1049,55 +1049,70 @@ - + &Targets - + Draft and session word count targets - + Value Verdi - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3062,22 +3077,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main - + Secondary - + Minor - + **Plot:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_nl.ts b/i18n/manuskript_nl.ts index e93ab1f3..1d62e971 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_nl.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_nl.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General Algemeen - + Title Titel - + Subtitle Ondertitel - + Series Serie - + Volume - + Genre - + License Licentie - + Author Auteur - + Name Naam - + Email E-mail - + Summary Samenvatting - + Situation: Situatie: - + Summary: Samenvatting: - + One sentence Een zin - + One paragraph Een alinea - + One page Een bladzij - + Full Vol - + One sentence summary Eenregel-samenvatting - + One paragraph summary Een-alinea-samenvatting - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph Breid elke zin in elke een-alinea-samenvatting uit tot een alinea - + One page summary Samenvatting van een pagina - + Full summary Volledige samenvatting - + What if...? Wat als...? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ Personages - + Names Namen - + Filter - + Basic info Basisinformatie - + Importance Belangrijkheid - + Motivation Motivatie - + Goal Doel - + Conflict - + Epiphany Openbaring - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Een-regel<br/>samenvatting</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Een-alinea<br/>samenvatting</p></body></html> - + Notes Notities - + Detailed info Gedetailleerde informatie - + Plots Verhaallijn @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ Verhaallijn - + Character(s) Personage(s) - + Description Beschrijving - + Result Resultaat - + Resolution steps Oplosstappen @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ Wereld - + Populates with empty data Wordt gevuld met lege gegevens - + More Meer - + Source of passion Bron van passie - + Source of conflict Bron van conflict @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ Structuur - + Editor - + Debug @@ -402,631 +402,631 @@ Projectgegevens - + Persos Personages - + Labels - + &File &Bestand - + &Recent - + &Help - + &Tools &Gereedschappen - + &Edit &Wijzig - + &View &Beeld - + &Mode - + Cheat Sheet Spiekblad - + &Navigation &Navigatie - + &Open - + &Save &Opslaan - + Sa&ve as... Op&slaan als... - + &Quit &Afsluiten - + &Show help texts &Toon helpteksten - + &Spellcheck &Spellingscontrole - + &Labels... - + &Status... - + Tree Boom - + &Simple &Simpel - + &Fiction &Fictie - + Index cards Indexkaarten - + S&ettings Inst&ellingen - + &Close project Sl&uit project - + Co&mpile Co&mpileer - + &Frequency Analyzer &Frequentie-analyse - + Book information Boek-informatie - + &About &Over - + About Manuskript Over Manuskript - + Manuskript - + Project {} saved. Project {} opgeslagen. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. LET OP: Project {} niet opgeslagen. - + Project {} loaded. Project {} geladen. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. Project {} geladen met enkele fouten. - + (~{} pages) (~{} pagina's) - + Words: {}{} Woorden: {}{} - + Book summary Boeksamenvatting - + Project tree Projectboom - + Metadata Metagegevens - + Story line Verhaallijn - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. Voer informatie in over het boek en jezelf. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) De basissituatie, in de vorm van een 'Wat als...?' vraag. B.v.: 'Wat als de gevaarlijkste, slechtste tovenaar niet in staat zou zijn een baby te doden?' (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. Neem de tijd om over een korte zin (~50 woorden) na te denken die je boek samenvat. Breid die daarna uit naar een alinea, dan een bladzijde, dan naar een volledige samenvatting. - + Create your characters. Creëer je personages. - + Develop plots. Ontwikkel verhaallijnen. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. Bouw werelden. Maak hiërarchie van brede categoriën tot specifieke details. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. Creëer de structuur van je meesterwerk. - + Write. Schrijf. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. Debug-informatie. Some nuttig. - + Dictionary Woordenboek - + Nothing Niets - + POV Perspectief - + Label - + Progress Voortgang - + Compile Compileer - + Icon color Icoonkleur - + Text color Tekstkleur - + Background color Achtergrondkleur - + Icon Icoon - + Text Tekst - + Background Achtergrond - + Border Rand - + Corner Hoek - + Add plot step Plotstap toevoegen - + &Import… &Importeer… - + &Copy &Kopieer - + C&ut Kn&ip - + &Paste &Plak - + &Split… &Splits… - + Sp&lit at cursor Sp&lits bij cursor - + &Move Up O&mhoog - + M&ove Down &Omlaag - + Dupl&icate Dupl&iceer - + &Delete Verwij&der - + &Rename He&rnoem - + Organi&ze Organi&seer - + M&erge Sam&envoegen - + &Format &Opmaken - + &Header &Kop - + &Level 1 (setext) &Niveau 1 (setext) - + Level &2 Niveau &2 - + Level &1 (atx) Niveau &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 L&level 2 - + Level &3 Niveau &3 - + Level &4 Niveau &4 - + Level &5 Niveau &5 - + Level &6 Niveau &6 - + &Bold &Dikgedrukt - + &Italic &Schuingedrukt - + &Strike &Doorgestreept - + &Verbatim &Letterlijk - + Su&perscript Su&perscript - + Subsc&ript Subsc&ript - + Co&mment block Commentaarblok - + Clear &formats Verwijder formattering - + &Comment line(s) &Commentaarregel(s) - + &Ordered list Ge&ordende lijst - + &Unordered list O&ngeordende lijst - + B&lockquote Inspringblok - + Remove selected plot step(s) Verwijder geselecteerde structuurstap(pen) - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? Het bestand{} bestaat niet. Is het verplaatst of verwijderd? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck Installeer {}{} om spellingscontrole te gebruiken - + {} has no installed dictionaries {} heeft geen geïnstalleerde woordenboeken - + {}{} is not installed {}{} is niet geïnstalleerd - + Save project? Project opslaan? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? Wijzigingen aan project "{}" opslaan voor afsluiten? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. Wijzigingen gaan verloren als je ze niet opslaat. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. PyQt / Qt versies 5.11 en 5.12 kunnen een crash veroorzaken, waardoor gegevens verloren kunnen gaan. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. Je gebruikt PyQt {} en Qt {}. - + Proceed with import at your own risk Doorgaan met importeren op eigen risico - + Allow POV Sta perspectief toe - + Search Z&oek - + &Technical Support &Technische ondersteuning - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. Hoe technische ondersteuning te verkrijgen voor Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... Zoek &logbestand... - + Locate log file Toon logbestand - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. Zoek het diagnosebestand voor deze sessie. - + Sorry! Sorry! - + This session is not being logged. Deze sessie wordt niet vastgelegd. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! Een logbestand is in gebruik! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. Logbestand "{}" wordt aangevuld tot Manuskript wordt afgesloten. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. Het wordt nu getoond in de bestandsverkenner, maar is van weinig nut totdat Manuskript wordt afgesloten. - + Error! Fout! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. Er trad een fout op bij het tonen van het ondergenoemde logbestand in de bestandsverkenner. @@ -1051,55 +1051,70 @@ Status - + &Targets &Doelen - + Draft and session word count targets Concept- en sessie woordentellingsdoelen - + Value Waarde - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3065,22 +3080,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main Primair - + Secondary Secundair - + Minor Ondergeschikt - + **Plot:** {} **Verhaallijn:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_pl.ts b/i18n/manuskript_pl.ts index 66ed36b1..7411cb70 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_pl.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_pl.ts @@ -147,122 +147,122 @@ MainWindow - + General Ogólne - + Book information Informacje o książce - + Title Tytuł - + Subtitle Podtytuł - + Series Cykl - + Volume Tom - + Genre Gatunek - + License Licencja - + Author Autor - + Name Imię i nazwisko - + Email E-mail - + Summary Podsumowanie - + Situation: Sytuacja: - + Summary: Podsumowanie: - + One sentence W jednym zdaniu - + One paragraph W jednym akapicie - + One page W jednej stronie - + Full Pełne - + One sentence summary Podsumowanie jednozdaniowe - + One paragraph summary Podsumowanie jednoakapitowe - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph Rozwiń każde zdanie podsumowania jednego akapitu do całego akapitu - + One page summary Podsumowanie jednostronicowe - + Full summary Pełne podsumowanie - + What if...? Co jeśli...? @@ -272,67 +272,67 @@ Postaci - + Names Imiona - + Filter Filtruj - + Basic info Podstawowe informacje - + Motivation Umotywowanie - + Goal Cel - + Conflict Konflikt - + Epiphany Epifania (olśnienie) - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Podsumowanie<br/> w jednym zdaniu</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Podsumowanie<br/> w jednym akapicie</p></body></html> - + Importance Znaczenie - + Notes Notatki - + Detailed info Szczegółowe informacje - + Plots Wątki @@ -342,27 +342,27 @@ Wątek - + Character(s) Postać/-ci - + Description Opis - + Result Skutek - + Resolution steps Kroki prowadzące do rozwiązania - + Add plot step Dodaj etap fabuły @@ -372,22 +372,22 @@ Świat - + Populates with empty data Zapełnia pustymi danymi - + More Więcej - + Source of passion Źródło pasji - + Source of conflict Źródło konfliktu @@ -397,12 +397,12 @@ Zarys - + Editor Edytor - + Debug Debugowanie @@ -412,620 +412,620 @@ FlatData - + Persos Osoby - + Labels Etykiety - + &File &Plik - + &Recent &Ostatnie - + &Help &Pomoc - + &Tools &Narzędzia - + &Edit &Edycja - + &Format &Formatowanie - + &Header &Nagłówek - + &View &Widok - + &Mode &Tryb - + Organi&ze Organi&zuj - + Cheat Sheet Ś&ciągawka - + &Navigation &Nawigacja - + &Open &Otwórz - + &Save &Zapisz - + Sa&ve as... Za&pisz jako... - + &Quit &Zamknij - + &Show help texts &Pokaż podpowiedzi - + &Spellcheck &Sprawdzanie pisowni - + &Labels... &Etykiety... - + &Status... &Status... - + Tree Drzewo - + &Simple &Uproszczony - + &Fiction %Fikcji literackiej - + Index cards Karty katalogowe - + S&ettings U&stawienia - + &Close project &Zamknij projekt - + Co&mpile &Kompiluj - + &Frequency Analyzer &Analiza częstotliwości - + &About &O programie - + About Manuskript O Manuskript - + &Copy &Kopiuj - + C&ut &Wytnij - + &Paste W&klej - + Sp&lit at cursor Po&dziel w miejscu kursora - + M&erge P&ołącz - + Dupl&icate Dupl&ikuj - + &Delete &Usuń - + &Move Up P&rzesuń w górę - + M&ove Down Pr&zesuń w dół - + &Rename &Zmień nazwę - + &Level 1 (setext) &Poziom 1 (setext) - + Level &2 Poziom &2 - + Level &1 (atx) Poziom &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 P&oziom 2 - + Level &3 Poziom &3 - + Level &4 Poziom &4 - + Level &5 Poziom &5 - + Level &6 Poziom &6 - + &Bold Pogru&bienie - + &Italic Pochylen&ie - + &Strike &Przekreślenie - + &Verbatim &Dosłownie - + Su&perscript Indeks &górny - + Subsc&ript Indeks &dolny - + Co&mment block Blok komentarza - + Clear &formats Wyczyść &formatowanie - + &Comment line(s) &Wiersz(-e) komentarza - + &Ordered list &Numerowanie - + &Unordered list &Wypunktowanie - + B&lockquote &Cytat - + Manuskript Manuskript - + Project {} saved. Projekt {} zapisany. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. UWAGA: Nie zapisano projektu {}. - + Project {} loaded. Projekt {} wczytany. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. Projekt {} wczytany z błędami. - + (~{} pages) (~{} stron) - + Words: {}{} Słowa: {}{} - + Book summary Podsumowanie książki - + Project tree Drzewo projektu - + Metadata Metadane - + Story line Linia fabularna - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. Wpisz informacje o swojej książce i o sobie. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) Podstawowa sytuacja, sformułowana jako pytanie "Co jeśli...?". Na przykład: "Co jeśli najniebezpieczniejszy zły czarownik nie mógł zabić dziecka?" (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. Poświęć czas na przemyślenie jednego zdania (ok. 50 słów) podsumowania swojej książki. Następnie rozwiń je do akapitu, następnie do strony, a następnie do pełnego podsumowania. - + Create your characters. Stwórz swoich bohaterów. - + Develop plots. Opracuj wątki. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. Buduj światy. Stwórz hierarchię szeroko zarysowanych kategorii do konkretnych szczegółów. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. Stwórz zarys swojego dzieła. - + Write. Pisz. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. Informacje debugowania. Czasem są użyteczne. - + Dictionary Słownik - + Nothing Nic - + POV Punkt widzenia - + Label Etykieta - + Progress Postęp - + Compile Kompiluj - + Icon color Kolor ikony - + Text color Kolor tekstu - + Background color Kolor tła - + Icon Ikona - + Text Tekst - + Background Tło - + Border Ramka - + Corner Narożnik - + &Import… &Import… - + &Split… &Podziel… - + Remove selected plot step(s) Usuń wybrany(e) etapy fabuły - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? Plik {} nie istnieje. Czy został przeniesiony lub skasowany? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck Zainstaluj {}{}, aby użyć sprawdzania pisowni - + {} has no installed dictionaries {} nie ma zainstalowanych słowników - + {}{} is not installed {}{} jest niezainstalowany - + Save project? Zapisać projekt? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? Zapisać zmiany w projekcie "{}" przed zamknięciem? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. Twoje postępy zostaną utracone jeśli ich nie zapiszesz. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. Wersje Qt 5.11 i 5.12 mogą spowodować błąd skutkujący utratą danych. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. PyQt i Qt są używane. - + Proceed with import at your own risk Kontynuujesz import na własne ryzyko - + Allow POV Pozwól na punkt widzenia - + Search Szukaj - + &Technical Support &Pomoc techniczna - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. Jak uzyskać pomoc techniczną dla Manuskriptu. - + &Locate log file... &Lokalizuj plik logu... - + Locate log file Lokalizuj plik logu - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. Lokalizuj diagnostyczny plik logu użyty dla tej sesji. - + Sorry! Przepraszam! - + This session is not being logged. Ta sesja nie jest logowana. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! Plik logu jest opracowywany! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. Plik logu "{}" będzie tworzony do czasu zamknięcia Manuskriptu. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. Będzie teraz wyświetlany w eksploratorze plików, ale będzie ograniczony dopóki nie zamkniesz Manuskriptu. - + Error! Błąd! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. Podczas próby pokazania pliku logu w eksploratorze plików pojawił się błąd. @@ -1050,55 +1050,70 @@ akapitu, następnie do strony, a następnie do pełnego podsumowania.Status - + &Targets - + Draft and session word count targets - + Value Wartość - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3064,22 +3079,22 @@ słów plotTreeView - + Main Główny - + Secondary Poboczny - + Minor Epizodyczny - + **Plot:** {} **Wątek:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_pt.ts b/i18n/manuskript_pt.ts index 23acf3a3..1ab96beb 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_pt.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_pt.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General Geral - + Title Título - + Subtitle Subtítulo - + Series Série - + Volume Volume - + Genre Género - + License Licença - + Author Autor - + Name Nome - + Email Correio eletrónico - + Summary Sinopse - + Situation: Situação: - + Summary: Sinopse: - + One sentence Uma frase - + One paragraph Um parágrafo - + One page Uma página - + Full Completa - + One sentence summary Sinopse numa frase - + One paragraph summary Sinopse num parágrafo - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph Expanda cada frase da sua sinopse num parágrafo para um parágrafo - + One page summary Sinopse numa página - + Full summary Sinopse completa - + What if...? E se...? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ Personagens - + Names Nomes - + Filter Filtro - + Basic info Informação básica - + Importance Importância - + Motivation Motivação - + Goal Objectivo - + Conflict Conflito - + Epiphany Epifania - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="left">Sinopse<br/>numa frase</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="left">Sinopse<br/>num parágrafo</p></body></html> - + Notes Notas - + Detailed info Informação detalhada - + Plots Enredos @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ Enredo - + Character(s) Personagens - + Description Descrição - + Result Resultado - + Resolution steps Passos da resolução @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ Mundo - + Populates with empty data Povoa com categorias vazias - + More Mais - + Source of passion Fonte da paixão - + Source of conflict Fonte do conflito @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ Esquema - + Editor Editor - + Debug Depuração @@ -402,641 +402,641 @@ Dados simples - + Persos Personagens - + Labels Etiquetas - + &File &Ficheiro - + &Recent &Recentes - + &Help A&juda - + &Tools Ferramen&tas - + &Edit &Editar - + &View &Ver - + &Mode &Modo - + &Navigation &Navegação - + &Open A&brir - + &Save &Gravar - + Sa&ve as... Gra&var como... - + &Quit &Sair - + &Show help texts &Mostrar textos de ajuda - + &Spellcheck &Ortografia - + &Labels... Eti&quetas... - + &Status... E&stado... - + Tree Árvore - + &Simple &Simples - + &Fiction &Ficção - + Index cards Fichas indexadas - + S&ettings &Definições - + &Close project Fe&char projecto - + Co&mpile Co&mpilar - + &Frequency Analyzer Analisador de &frequência - + Book information Informação do livro - + &About &Acerca de - + About Manuskript Acerca do Manuskript - + Manuskript Manuskript - + Project {} saved. Projecto {} gravado. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. AVISO: projecto {} não gravado. - + Project {} loaded. Projecto {} carregado. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. Projecto {} carregado com alguns erros. - + (~{} pages) (~{} páginas) - + Words: {}{} Palavras: {}{} - + Book summary Sinopse do livro - + Project tree Árvore do projecto - + Metadata Meta-dados - + Story line Fio da história - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. Insira informação sobre o livro e sobre si. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) A situação básica, na forma de pergunta «E se...?». E.g.: «E se o mais maligno e perigoso feiticeiro não fosse capaz de matar um bebé?» (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. Leve o seu tempo a pensar numa frase (±50 palavras) que resuma o seu livro. Depois expanda-a para um parágrafo, em seguida para uma página e finalmente uma sinopse completa. - + Create your characters. Crie os seus personagens. - + Develop plots. Desenvolva enredos. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. Construa mundos. Crie uma hierarquia desde categorias vastas até detalhes específicos. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. Crie o fio da meada para a sua obra. - + Write. Escreva. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. Informação de depuração. Por vezes é útil. - + Dictionary Dicionário - + Nothing Nada - + POV PDV - + Label Etiqueta - + Progress Progresso - + Compile Compilar - + Icon color Cor do ícone - + Text color Cor do texto - + Background color Cor do fundo - + Icon Ícone - + Text Texto - + Background Fundo - + Border Contorno - + Corner Canto - + Add plot step Adicionar passo do enredo - + &Copy &Copiar - + C&ut Cor&tar - + &Paste Co&lar - + Sp&lit at cursor D&ividir no cursor - + &Move Up &Mover acima - + M&ove Down M&over abaixo - + Dupl&icate Dupl&icar - + &Delete &Eliminar - + &Rename &Renomear - + Organi&ze Organi&zar - + M&erge &Unir - + &Format &Formatar - + &Header Cabeçal&ho - + &Level 1 (setext) Níve&l 1 (defext) - + Level &2 Nível &2 - + Level &1 (atx) Nível &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 Nív&el 2 - + Level &3 Nível &3 - + Level &4 Nível &4 - + Level &5 Nível &5 - + Level &6 Nível &6 - + &Bold &Negrito - + &Italic &Itálico - + &Strike Ra&surado - + &Verbatim &Verbatim - + Su&perscript Ex&poente - + Subsc&ript Subsc&rito - + Co&mment block Bloco de co&mentário - + Clear &formats Limpar &formatos - + &Comment line(s) Lin&has de comentário - + &Ordered list Lista &ordenada - + &Unordered list Lista &desordenada - + B&lockquote Citação em b&loco - + Remove selected plot step(s) Remover passos do enredo seleccionados - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? O ficheiro {} não existe. Terá sido movido ou eliminado? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck Instalar {}{} para verificar a ortografia - + {} has no installed dictionaries {} não tem dicionários instalados - + {}{} is not installed {}{} não está instalado - + Save project? Gravar o projecto? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? Gravar alterações ao projecto «{}» antes de fechar? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. Perderá as alterações se não as gravar. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. As versões PyQt / Qt 5.11 e 5.12 são conhecidas por causar problemas que resultam numa perda de dados. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. PyQt {} e Qt {} estão em uso. - + Proceed with import at your own risk Continuar com a importação por sua conta - + Allow POV Permitir Ponto de Vista - + Cheat Sheet &Cábula - + Search Procurar - + &Import… &Importar… - + &Split… Di&vidir… - + &Targets Objec&tivos - + Draft and session word count targets Objectivos de total de palavras de rascunho e sessão - + &Technical Support Apoio &técnico - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. Como obter apoio técnico para o Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... &Localizar diário... - + Locate log file Localizar diário - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. Localizar o ficheiro de diagnóstico desta sessão. - + Sorry! Desculpe! - + This session is not being logged. Esta sessão não está a ser monitorizada. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! Um diário é um trabalho em curso! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. O diário "{}" continuará a ser escrito até fechar o Manuskript. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. Aparecerá agora no seu gestor de ficheiros, mas tem uma utilização limitada até que feche o Manuskript. - + Error! Erro! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. Foi encontrado um erro ao tentar mostrar o diário abaixo no seu gestor de ficheiros. @@ -1061,45 +1061,60 @@ Estado - + Value Valor - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3065,22 +3080,22 @@ junto a palavras plotTreeView - + Main Principal - + Secondary Secundário - + Minor Menor - + **Plot:** {} **Enredo:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_pt_BR.ts b/i18n/manuskript_pt_BR.ts index 13b9a100..89e88916 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_pt_BR.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_pt_BR.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General Geral - + Title Título - + Subtitle Legenda - + Series - + Volume - + Genre Gênero - + License Licença - + Author Autor - + Name Nome - + Email E-mail - + Summary Sumário - + Situation: Situação: - + Summary: Sumário: - + One sentence Uma frase - + One paragraph Um parágrafo - + One page Uma página - + Full Cheio - + One sentence summary Sumário de uma frase - + One paragraph summary Sumário de um parágrafo - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph Expandir cada frase do sumário de um parágrafo para um parágrafo - + One page summary Sumário de uma página - + Full summary Sumário completo - + What if...? E se...? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ Personagens - + Names Nomes - + Filter Filtro - + Basic info Informação basica - + Importance Importância - + Motivation Motivação - + Goal Objetivo - + Conflict Conflito - + Epiphany Epifania - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Uma sentença<br/>sumário</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Um parágrafo<br/>sumário</p></body></html> - + Notes Notas - + Detailed info Info Detalhada - + Plots Enredos @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ Enredo - + Character(s) Personagens - + Description Descrição - + Result Resultado - + Resolution steps Etapas de resolução @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ Mundo - + Populates with empty data Preenche com dados vazios - + More Mais - + Source of passion Fonte de paixão - + Source of conflict Fonte do conflito @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ Esboço - + Editor - + Debug Depurar @@ -402,631 +402,631 @@ Dados simples - + Persos Personas - + Labels Rótulos - + &File &Arquivo - + &Recent &Recente - + &Help &Ajuda - + &Tools &Ferramentas - + &Edit &Editar - + &View &Visualizar - + &Mode &Modo - + Cheat Sheet Folha de Consulta - + &Navigation &Navegação - + &Open &Abrir - + &Save &Salvar - + Sa&ve as... Sa&lvar como... - + &Quit &Sair - + &Show help texts &Mostrar textos de ajuda - + &Spellcheck &Verificação ortográfica - + &Labels... &Rótulos... - + &Status... - + Tree Árvore - + &Simple &Simples - + &Fiction &Ficção - + Index cards Cartões de índice - + S&ettings Configuraçõ&es - + &Close project Fe&char o projeto - + Co&mpile Co&mpilar - + &Frequency Analyzer Analisador de &Frequência - + Book information Informações do livro - + &About S&obre - + About Manuskript Sobre o Manuskript - + Manuskript - + Project {} saved. Projeto {} salvo. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. Atenção: Projeto {} não foi salvo. - + Project {} loaded. Projeto {} carregado. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. Projeto {} carregado com alguns erros. - + (~{} pages) (~{} páginas) - + Words: {}{} Palavras: {}{} - + Book summary Sumário do livro - + Project tree Árvore do projeto - + Metadata Meta dados - + Story line Linhas históricas - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. Insira informações sobre seu livro e você mesmo. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) A situação básica, na forma de um questionamento tipo 'e se ...'. Ex: 'E se o mais perigoso malvado feiticeiro não foi capaz de matar um bebê?' (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. Tire um tempo para pensar em uma frase (~50 palavras) sumário do seu livro. Então expanda isso para um parágrafo, depois para uma página e, em seguida, para um sumário completo. - + Create your characters. Crie seus personagens. - + Develop plots. Desenvolva enredos. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. Construa mundos. Crie hierarquia de categorias mais amplas até os detalhes específicos. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. Crie o esboço da sua obra-prima. - + Write. Escreva. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. Informações de depuração. Às vezes é útil. - + Dictionary Dicionário - + Nothing Nada - + POV Ponto de Vista - + Label Rótulo - + Progress Progresso - + Compile Compilar - + Icon color Cor do ícone - + Text color Cor do texto - + Background color Cor do fundo - + Icon Ícone - + Text Texto - + Background Fundo - + Border Borda - + Corner Canto - + Add plot step Adicionar etapa de enredo - + &Import… &Importar… - + &Copy &Copiar - + C&ut C&ortar - + &Paste Co&lar - + &Split… &Separar… - + Sp&lit at cursor Sep&arar no cursor - + &Move Up &Mover para cima - + M&ove Down M&over pra baixo - + Dupl&icate Dupl&icar - + &Delete &Deletar - + &Rename &Renomear - + Organi&ze Organi&zar - + M&erge Ju&ntar - + &Format &Formatar - + &Header &Cabeçalho - + &Level 1 (setext) &Nível 1 (setext) - + Level &2 Nível &2 - + Level &1 (atx) Nível &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 N&ível 2 - + Level &3 Nível &3 - + Level &4 Nível &4 - + Level &5 Nível &5 - + Level &6 Nível &6 - + &Bold &Negrito - + &Italic &Italico - + &Strike &Sucesso - + &Verbatim &Textual - + Su&perscript So&brescrito - + Subsc&ript Subsc&rito - + Co&mment block Bloco de Co&mentário - + Clear &formats Limpar &formatação - + &Comment line(s) &Comentar linha(s) - + &Ordered list Lista &Ordenada - + &Unordered list Lista não o&rdenada - + B&lockquote B&loco de citação - + Remove selected plot step(s) Remover etapas de plotagem selecionada(s) - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? O arquivo {} não existe. Ele foi movido ou deletado? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck Instale {}{} para usar a verificação ortográfica - + {} has no installed dictionaries {} não possui dicionários instalados - + {}{} is not installed {}{} não está instalado - + Save project? Salvar o projeto? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? Salvar mudanças no projeto "{}" antes de fechar? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. Suas mudanças vão perder se você não salvá-las. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. PyQt / Qt versão 5.11 e 5.12 são conhecidas para causar travamentos e podem resultar em perda de dados. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. PyQt {} e Qt {} estão em uso. - + Proceed with import at your own risk Proceder com a importação por sua conta e risco - + Allow POV Permitir Ponto de Vista - + Search Pesquisar - + &Technical Support &Suporte Técnico - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. Como obter suporte técnico para o Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... &Localizar arquivo de log... - + Locate log file Localizar arquivo de log - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. Localizar o arquivo de log diagnóstico utilizado nesta sessão. - + Sorry! Desculpe! - + This session is not being logged. Esta sessão não está sendo observada em log. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! Um arquivo de log é um A Fazer! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. O log "{}" continuará a ser escrito até que o Manuskript seja fechado. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. Será exibido no seu gerenciador de arquivos, mas é restrito até você fechar o Manuskript. - + Error! Erro! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. Um erro foi encontrado ao tentar exibir o log de erros abaixo no seu gerenciador de arquivos. @@ -1051,55 +1051,70 @@ Então expanda isso para um parágrafo, depois para uma página e, em seguida, p Status - + &Targets &Alvos - + Draft and session word count targets Metas de contagem de palavras de rascunho e sessão - + Value Valor - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3065,22 +3080,22 @@ próx. às palavras plotTreeView - + Main Principal - + Secondary Secundário - + Minor - + **Plot:** {} **Enredo:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_pt_PT.ts b/i18n/manuskript_pt_PT.ts index 186d73b3..79f57f6e 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_pt_PT.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_pt_PT.ts @@ -147,122 +147,122 @@ MainWindow - + General Geral - + Book information Informação do livro - + Title Título - + Subtitle Subtítulo - + Series Série - + Volume Volume - + Genre Género - + License Licença - + Author Autor - + Name Nome - + Email Email - + Summary Sinopse - + Situation: Situação: - + Summary: Sinopse: - + One sentence Uma frase - + One paragraph Um parágrafo - + One page Uma página - + Full Completa - + One sentence summary Sinopse numa frase - + One paragraph summary Sinopse num parágrafo - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph Expanda cada frase do parágrafo para um parágrafo completo - + One page summary Sinopse numa página - + Full summary Sinopse completa - + What if...? E se...? @@ -272,67 +272,67 @@ Personagens - + Names Nomes - + Filter Filtro - + Basic info Informação básica - + Motivation Motivação - + Goal Objectivo - + Conflict Conflito - + Epiphany Epifania - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Sinopse<br/>numa frase</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Sinopse<br/>num parágrafo</p></body></html> - + Importance Importância - + Notes Notas - + Detailed info Informação detalhada - + Plots Enredos @@ -342,32 +342,32 @@ Enredo - + Character(s) Personagens - + Description Descrição - + Result Resultado - + Resolution steps Passos da resolução - + Add plot step Adicionar passo do enredo - + Remove selected plot step(s) Remover passos do enredo seleccionados @@ -377,22 +377,22 @@ Mundo - + Populates with empty data Povoa com categorias vazias - + More Mais - + Source of passion Fonte da paixão - + Source of conflict Fonte do conflito @@ -402,12 +402,12 @@ Esquema - + Editor Editor - + Debug Depuração @@ -417,616 +417,616 @@ Dados simples - + Persos Personagens - + Labels Etiquetas - + &File &Ficheiro - + &Recent &Recentes - + &Help A&juda - + &Tools Ferramen&tas - + &Edit &Editar - + &Format &Formatar - + &Header Cabeçal&ho - + &View &Ver - + &Mode &Modo - + Organi&ze Organi&zar - + Cheat Sheet Cábula - + &Navigation &Navegação - + &Open A&brir - + &Save &Gravar - + Sa&ve as... Gra&var como... - + &Quit &Sair - + &Show help texts &Mostrar textos de ajuda - + &Spellcheck &Ortografia - + &Labels... Eti&quetas... - + &Status... E&stado... - + Tree Árvore - + &Simple &Simples - + &Fiction &Ficção - + Index cards Fichas indexadas - + S&ettings &Definições - + &Close project Fe&char projecto - + Co&mpile Co&mpilar - + &Frequency Analyzer Analisador de &frequência - + &About &Acerca de - + About Manuskript Acerca do Manuskript - + &Import… &Importar… - + &Copy &Copiar - + C&ut Cor&tar - + &Paste Co&lar - + &Split… Di&vidir… - + Sp&lit at cursor D&ividir no cursor - + M&erge &Unir - + Dupl&icate Dupl&icar - + &Delete &Eliminar - + &Move Up &Mover acima - + M&ove Down M&over abaixo - + &Rename &Renomear - + &Level 1 (setext) Níve&l 1 (defext) - + Level &2 Nível &2 - + Level &1 (atx) Nível &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 Nív&el 2 - + Level &3 Nível &3 - + Level &4 Nível &4 - + Level &5 Nível &5 - + Level &6 Nível &6 - + &Bold &Negrito - + &Italic &Itálico - + &Strike Ra&surado - + &Verbatim &Literal - + Su&perscript Ex&poente - + Subsc&ript Subsc&rito - + Co&mment block Bloco de co&mentário - + Clear &formats Limpar &formatos - + &Comment line(s) Lin&has de comentário - + &Ordered list Lista &ordenada - + &Unordered list Lista &desordenada - + B&lockquote Citação em b&loco - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? O ficheiro {} não existe. Terá sido movido ou eliminado? - + Manuskript Manuskript - + Project {} saved. Projecto {} gravado. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. AVISO: projecto {} não gravado. - + Project {} loaded. Projecto {} carregado. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. Projecto {} carregado com alguns erros. - + (~{} pages) (~{} páginas) - + Words: {}{} Palavras: {}{} - + Book summary Sinopse do livro - + Project tree Árvore do projecto - + Metadata Meta-dados - + Story line Fio da história - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. Insira informação sobre o livro e sobre si. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) A situação básica, na forma de pergunta «E se...?». E.g.: «E se o mais maligno e perigoso feiticeiro não fosse capaz de matar um bebé?» (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. Leve o seu tempo a pensar numa frase (±50 palavras) que resuma o seu livro. Depois expanda-a para um parágrafo, em seguida para uma página e finalmente uma sinopse completa. - + Create your characters. Crie os seus personagens. - + Develop plots. Desenvolva enredos. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. Construa mundos. Crie uma hierarquia desde categorias vastas até detalhes específicos. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. Crie o fio da meada para a sua obra. - + Write. Escreva. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. Informação de depuração. Por vezes é útil. - + Dictionary Dicionário - + Nothing Nada - + POV PDV - + Label Etiqueta - + Progress Progresso - + Compile Compilar - + Icon color Cor do ícone - + Text color Cor do texto - + Background color Cor do fundo - + Icon Ícone - + Text Texto - + Background Fundo - + Border Contorno - + Corner Canto - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck Instalar {}{} para verificar a ortografia - + {} has no installed dictionaries {} não tem dicionários instalados - + {}{} is not installed {}{} não está instalado - + Save project? Gravar o projecto? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? Gravar alterações ao projecto «{}» antes de fechar? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. Perderá as alterações se não as gravar. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. As versões PyQt / Qt 5.11 e 5.12 são conhecidas por causar problemas que resultam numa perda de dados. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. PyQt {} e Qt {} estão em uso. - + Proceed with import at your own risk Continuar com a importação por sua conta - + Allow POV Permitir PDV - + Search Procurar - + &Technical Support Apoio &técnico - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. Como obter apoio técnico para o Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... &Localizar diário... - + Locate log file Localizar diário - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. Localizar o ficheiro de diagnóstico desta sessão. - + Sorry! Desculpe! - + This session is not being logged. Esta sessão não está a ser monitorizada. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! Um diário é um trabalho em curso! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. O diário "{}" continuará a ser escrito até fechar o Manuskript. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. Aparecerá agora no seu gestor de ficheiros, mas tem uma utilização limitada até que feche o Manuskript. - + Error! Erro! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. Foi encontrado um erro ao tentar mostrar o diário abaixo no seu gestor de ficheiros. @@ -1051,55 +1051,70 @@ Estado - + &Targets Objec&tivos - + Draft and session word count targets Objectivos de total de palavras de rascunho e sessão - + Value Valor - + Bulk Info Manager Gestor de informação em lote - + No Entries! Sem entradas! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. Por favor, adicione entradas a aplicar aos personagens seleccionados. - + Bulk Info Applied Informação em lote aplicada - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. A informação em lote foi aplicada aos personagens seleccionados. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3070,22 +3085,22 @@ junto a palavras plotTreeView - + Main Principal - + Secondary Secundário - + Minor Menor - + **Plot:** {} **Enredo:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_ro.ts b/i18n/manuskript_ro.ts index 26bab331..e5b683e7 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_ro.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_ro.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General - + Title - + Subtitle - + Series - + Volume - + Genre - + License - + Author - + Name - + Email - + Summary - + Situation: - + Summary: - + One sentence - + One paragraph - + One page - + Full - + One sentence summary - + One paragraph summary - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph - + One page summary - + Full summary - + What if...? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ - + Names - + Filter - + Basic info - + Importance - + Motivation - + Goal - + Conflict - + Epiphany - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + Notes - + Detailed info - + Plots @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ - + Character(s) - + Description - + Result - + Resolution steps @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ - + Populates with empty data - + More - + Source of passion - + Source of conflict @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ - + Editor - + Debug @@ -402,569 +402,569 @@ - + Persos - + Labels - + &File - + &Recent - + &Help - + &Tools - + &Edit - + &View - + &Mode - + Cheat Sheet - + &Navigation - + &Open - + &Save - + Sa&ve as... - + &Quit - + &Show help texts - + &Spellcheck - + &Labels... - + &Status... - + Tree - + &Simple - + &Fiction - + Index cards - + S&ettings - + &Close project - + Co&mpile - + &Frequency Analyzer - + Book information - + &About - + About Manuskript - + Manuskript - + Project {} saved. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. - + Project {} loaded. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. - + (~{} pages) - + Words: {}{} - + Book summary - + Project tree - + Metadata - + Story line - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. - + Create your characters. - + Develop plots. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. - + Write. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. - + Dictionary - + Nothing - + POV - + Label - + Progress - + Compile - + Icon color - + Text color - + Background color - + Icon - + Text - + Background - + Border - + Corner - + Add plot step - + &Import… - + &Copy - + C&ut - + &Paste - + &Split… - + Sp&lit at cursor - + &Move Up - + M&ove Down - + Dupl&icate - + &Delete - + &Rename - + Organi&ze - + M&erge - + &Format - + &Header - + &Level 1 (setext) - + Level &2 - + Level &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 - + Level &3 - + Level &4 - + Level &5 - + Level &6 - + &Bold - + &Italic - + &Strike - + &Verbatim - + Su&perscript - + Subsc&ript - + Co&mment block - + Clear &formats - + &Comment line(s) - + &Ordered list - + &Unordered list - + B&lockquote - + Remove selected plot step(s) - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck - + {} has no installed dictionaries - + {}{} is not installed - + Save project? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. - + Proceed with import at your own risk - + Allow POV - + Search @@ -989,115 +989,130 @@ - + &Technical Support - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... - + Locate log file - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. - + Sorry! - + This session is not being logged. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. - + Error! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. - + &Targets - + Draft and session word count targets - + Value - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3062,22 +3077,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main - + Secondary - + Minor - + **Plot:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_ru.ts b/i18n/manuskript_ru.ts index eb5055bf..fafa2200 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_ru.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_ru.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General Основное - + Title Название - + Subtitle Подзаголовок - + Series Серия - + Volume Том - + Genre Жанр - + License Лицензия - + Author Автор - + Name Имя - + Email Эл. почта - + Summary Описание - + Situation: Ситуация: - + Summary: Описание: - + One sentence Одно предложение - + One paragraph Один абзац - + One page Одна страница - + Full Полное - + One sentence summary Описание в одном предложении - + One paragraph summary Описание одним абзацем - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph Перескажите отдельным абзацем каждое предложение в абзаце-описании - + One page summary Описание на одной странице - + Full summary Полное описание - + What if...? Что, если?.. @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ Персонажи - + Names Имена - + Filter Фильтр - + Basic info Основная информация - + Importance Значение - + Motivation Мотивация - + Goal Цель - + Conflict Конфликт - + Epiphany Озарение - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Описание на<br/>одной странице</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Описание<br/>одним абзацем</p></body></html> - + Notes Заметки - + Detailed info Подробная информация - + Plots Сюжетные линии @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ Сюжет - + Character(s) Персонаж(и) - + Description Описание - + Result Результат - + Resolution steps Эпизоды @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ Вселенная - + Populates with empty data Заполняется шаблонными данными - + More Подробности - + Source of passion Источник напряжения - + Source of conflict Источник конфликта @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ Схема - + Editor Редактор - + Debug Отладка @@ -402,631 +402,631 @@ Исходник - + Persos Персонажи - + Labels Пометки - + &File &Файл - + &Recent &Последние - + &Help Спр&авка - + &Tools &Инструменты - + &Edit &Правка - + &View П&росмотр - + &Mode &Режим - + Cheat Sheet Пам&ятка - + &Navigation &Навигация - + &Open &Открыть - + &Save &Сохранить - + Sa&ve as... Сохранить &как... - + &Quit &Выход - + &Show help texts &Показать подсказки - + &Spellcheck &Проверка орфографии - + &Labels... По&метки... - + &Status... &Статус... - + Tree Структура - + &Simple &Простой - + &Fiction &Художественный - + Index cards Карточки - + S&ettings Н&астройки - + &Close project &Закрыть проект - + Co&mpile &Экспорт - + &Frequency Analyzer П&одсчет повторов - + Book information Сведения о книге - + &About &О программе - + About Manuskript О Manuskript - + Manuskript Manuskript - + Project {} saved. Проект {} сохранён. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. ВНИМАНИЕ: Проект {} не сохранён. - + Project {} loaded. Проект {} загружен. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. Проект {} загружен с ошибками. - + (~{} pages) (~{} страниц) - + Words: {}{} Слов: {}{} - + Book summary Краткое содержание - + Project tree Структура проекта - + Metadata Метаданные - + Story line Сюжетная линия - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. Введите информацию о своей книге и о себе. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) Основная ситуация, в виде вопроса 'Что, если?..'. Например: «Что, если самый опасный                       злой волшебник не смог бы убить ребенка? (Гарри Поттер) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. Потратьте время, чтобы придумать одно предложение (~50 слов) о вашей книге. Затем дополните его до                       абзаца, затем до страницы, а затем — до полного описания. - + Create your characters. Создайте своих персонажей. - + Develop plots. Разработайте сюжетные линии. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. Опишите вымышленный мир. От общих описаний переходите к конкретным деталям. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. Создайте структуру вашего шедевра. - + Write. Пишите. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. Отладочная информация. Иногда бывает полезной. - + Dictionary Ор&фография - + Nothing Нет - + POV От лица - + Label Метка - + Progress Прогресс - + Compile Экспорт - + Icon color Цвет значка - + Text color Цвет текста - + Background color Цвет фона - + Icon Значок - + Text Текст - + Background Фон - + Border Граница - + Corner Угол - + Add plot step Добавить шаг - + &Import… &Импорт… - + &Copy &Копировать - + C&ut Вы&резать - + &Paste Вс&тавить - + &Split… &Разделить… - + Sp&lit at cursor Ра&зделить с позиции курсора - + &Move Up &Переместить вверх - + M&ove Down П&ереместить вниз - + Dupl&icate Дубли&ровать - + &Delete &Удалить - + &Rename Пере&именовать - + Organi&ze &Структура - + M&erge С&оединить - + &Format &Формат - + &Header &Заголовок - + &Level 1 (setext) &Уровень 1 (setext) - + Level &2 Уровень &2 - + Level &1 (atx) Уровень &1 (#) - + L&evel 2 У&ровень 2 - + Level &3 Уровень &3 - + Level &4 Уровень &4 - + Level &5 Уровень &5 - + Level &6 Уровень &6 - + &Bold &Жирный - + &Italic &Курсив - + &Strike &Зачеркнутый - + &Verbatim &Цитата - + Su&perscript Надст&рочный - + Subsc&ript По&дстрочный - + Co&mment block Врезка с к&омментарием - + Clear &formats Очистить &форматирование - + &Comment line(s) &Комментарий - + &Ordered list &Нумерованный список - + &Unordered list &Маркированный список - + B&lockquote Врезка с ци&татой - + Remove selected plot step(s) Удалить выбранные шаги - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? Файл {} не существует. Он был перемещен или удален? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck Установите {}{}, чтобы использовать проверку орфографии - + {} has no installed dictionaries Нет установленных словарей для {} - + {}{} is not installed {}{} не установлен - + Save project? Сохранить проект? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? Сохранить изменения в проекте "{}" перед закрытием? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. Ваши изменения будут потеряны, если вы не сохраните их. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. PyQt / Qt версии 5.11 и 5.12 могут вызывать сбой, приводящий к потере данных. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. Используются PyQt {} и Qt {}. - + Proceed with import at your own risk Продолжайте импорт на свой страх и риск - + Allow POV Рассказчик - + Search Поиск - + &Technical Support &Поддержка - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. Как получить техническую поддержку для Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... &Найти лог-файл... - + Locate log file Найти лог-файл - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. Найти лог-файл для текущей сессии. - + Sorry! Простите! - + This session is not being logged. Сессия не записана в лог-файл. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! Лог-файл записывается! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. Запись лог-файла "{}" будет продолжена до выхода из Manuskript. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. Он будет показан в файловом менеджере, но работа с ним будет ограничена, пока вы не выйдете из Manuskript. - + Error! Ошибка! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. Возникла ошибка при показе лог-файла, показанного ниже, в файловом менеджере. @@ -1051,55 +1051,70 @@ Статус - + &Targets - + Draft and session word count targets - + Value Значение - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3065,22 +3080,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main Главные - + Secondary Вторичные - + Minor Эпизоды - + **Plot:** {} **Сюжет:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_sk.ts b/i18n/manuskript_sk.ts index d9228be0..32b078be 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_sk.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_sk.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General - + Title - + Subtitle - + Series - + Volume - + Genre - + License - + Author - + Name - + Email - + Summary - + Situation: - + Summary: - + One sentence - + One paragraph - + One page - + Full - + One sentence summary - + One paragraph summary - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph - + One page summary - + Full summary - + What if...? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ - + Names - + Filter - + Basic info - + Importance - + Motivation - + Goal - + Conflict - + Epiphany - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + Notes - + Detailed info - + Plots @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ - + Character(s) - + Description Popis - + Result - + Resolution steps @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ - + Populates with empty data - + More - + Source of passion - + Source of conflict @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ - + Editor - + Debug @@ -402,614 +402,614 @@ - + Persos - + Labels - + &File - + &Recent - + &Help - + &Tools - + &Edit - + &View - + &Mode - + &Navigation - + &Open - + &Save - + Sa&ve as... - + &Quit - + &Show help texts - + &Spellcheck - + &Labels... - + &Status... - + Tree - + &Simple - + &Fiction - + Index cards - + S&ettings - + &Close project - + Co&mpile - + &Frequency Analyzer - + Book information - + &About - + About Manuskript - + Manuskript - + Project {} saved. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. - + Project {} loaded. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. - + (~{} pages) - + Words: {}{} - + Book summary - + Project tree - + Metadata - + Story line - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. - + Create your characters. - + Develop plots. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. - + Write. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. - + Dictionary - + Nothing - + POV - + Label - + Progress - + Compile - + Icon color - + Text color - + Background color - + Icon - + Text - + Background - + Border - + Corner - + Add plot step - + &Copy - + C&ut - + &Paste - + Sp&lit at cursor - + &Move Up - + M&ove Down - + Dupl&icate - + &Delete - + &Rename - + Organi&ze - + M&erge - + &Format - + &Header - + &Level 1 (setext) - + Level &2 - + Level &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 - + Level &3 - + Level &4 - + Level &5 - + Level &6 - + &Bold - + &Italic - + &Strike - + &Verbatim - + Su&perscript - + Subsc&ript - + Co&mment block - + Clear &formats - + &Comment line(s) - + &Ordered list - + &Unordered list - + B&lockquote - + Remove selected plot step(s) - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck - + {} has no installed dictionaries - + {}{} is not installed - + Save project? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. - + Proceed with import at your own risk - + Allow POV - + Search - + &Technical Support - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... - + Locate log file - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. - + Sorry! - + This session is not being logged. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. - + Error! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. @@ -1034,70 +1034,85 @@ Stav - + &Import… - + &Split… - + Cheat Sheet - + &Targets - + Draft and session word count targets - + Value - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3062,22 +3077,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main - + Secondary - + Minor - + **Plot:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_sv.ts b/i18n/manuskript_sv.ts index f64b6b97..9a099d2b 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_sv.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_sv.ts @@ -147,122 +147,122 @@ MainWindow - + General Allmänt - + Book information Information om boken - + Title Titel - + Subtitle Undertitel - + Series Serie - + Volume Volym - + Genre Genre - + License Licens - + Author Författare - + Name Namn - + Email E-post - + Summary Sammanfattning - + Situation: Situation: - + Summary: Sammanfattning: - + One sentence En mening - + One paragraph Ett stycke - + One page En sida - + Full Full - + One sentence summary Sammanfattning i en mening - + One paragraph summary Sammanfattning i ett stycke - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph Utvidga varje mening till ett stycke - + One page summary Sammanfattning på en sida - + Full summary Full sammanfattning - + What if...? Tänk om...? @@ -272,67 +272,67 @@ Karaktärer - + Names Namn - + Filter Filter - + Basic info Grundläggande info - + Motivation Motivation - + Goal Mål - + Conflict Konflikt - + Epiphany Uppenbarelse - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Sammanfattning i en<br/>mening</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Sammanfattning i ett<br/>stycke</p></body></html> - + Importance Signifikans - + Notes Anteckningar - + Detailed info Detaljerad info - + Plots Handlingar @@ -342,22 +342,22 @@ Handling - + Character(s) Karaktär(er) - + Description Beskrivning - + Result Resultat - + Resolution steps Lösningssteg @@ -367,22 +367,22 @@ Värld - + Populates with empty data Fylls med tom data - + More Mer - + Source of passion Passionskälla - + Source of conflict Konfliktkälla @@ -392,12 +392,12 @@ Utkast - + Editor Redigerare - + Debug Debug @@ -407,626 +407,626 @@ FlatData - + Persos Persos - + Labels Etiketter - + &File &Arkiv - + &Recent S&enaste - + &Help &Hjälp - + &Tools &Verktyg - + &Edit &Redigera - + &View &Visa - + &Mode &Läge - + Cheat Sheet &Fusklapp - + &Navigation &Navigation - + &Open &Öppna - + &Save &Spara - + Sa&ve as... Spara s&om... - + &Quit &Avsluta - + &Show help texts &Visa hjälptexter - + &Spellcheck &Stavningskontroll - + &Labels... &Etiketter... - + &Status... &Status... - + Tree Träd - + &Simple &Enkelt - + &Fiction &Skönlitteratur - + Index cards Registerkort - + S&ettings I&nställningar - + &Close project S&täng projekt - + Co&mpile Ko&mpilera - + &Frequency Analyzer &Frekvensanalys - + &About &Om - + About Manuskript Om Manuskript - + Manuskript Manuskript - + Project {} saved. * {} hittades inte i projektfilen. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. VARNING: Projekt {} sparades ej. - + Project {} loaded. Projekt {} laddades. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. Projekt {} laddades med vissa fel. - + (~{} pages) (~{} sidor) - + Words: {}{} Ord: {}{} - + Book summary Sammanfattning av boken - + Project tree Projektträd - + Metadata Metadata - + Story line Handling - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. Skriv information om din bok och dig själv. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) Den grundläggande situationen i form av en "Tänk om...?"-mening. Exempel: 'Tänk om världens farligaste onda trollkarl misslyckades med att döda en baby?' (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. Tänk ut en kort (ca. 50 ord) mening som sammanfattar din bok. Utveckla den sedan till ett stycke, till en sida och sist till en full sammanfattning. - + Create your characters. Skapa dina karaktärer. - + Develop plots. Utveckla handlingen. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. Utforma världar. Skapa en hierarki av generella kategorier ned till minsta detalj. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. Skapa ett utkast för ditt mästerverk. - + Write. Skriv. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. Debug-information. Kan vara användbar. - + Dictionary Ordbok - + Nothing Ingenting - + POV Synvinkel - + Label Etikett - + Progress Framsteg - + Compile Kompilera - + Icon color Ikonfärg - + Text color Textfärg - + Background color Bakgrundsfärg - + Icon Ikon - + Text Text - + Background Bakgrund - + Border Kant - + Corner Hörn - + Add plot step Lägg till nytt steg i handlingen (CTRL+Enter) - + &Import… &Importera… - + &Copy &Kopiera - + C&ut K&lipp ut - + &Paste &Klistra in - + &Split… &Dela… - + Sp&lit at cursor De&la vid markör - + &Move Up &Flytta upp - + M&ove Down Fl&ytta ned - + Dupl&icate Dupl&icera - + &Delete &Ta bort - + &Rename &Byt namn - + Organi&ze Organi&sera - + M&erge Sa&mmanfoga - + &Format &Formatera - + &Header &Huvud - + &Level 1 (setext) &Nivå 1 (setext) - + Level &2 Nivå &2 - + Level &1 (atx) Nivå &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 N&ivå 2 - + Level &3 Nivå &3 - + Level &4 Nivå &4 - + Level &5 Nivå &5 - + Level &6 Nivå &6 - + &Bold &Fet - + &Italic &Kursiv - + &Strike &Genomstruken - + &Verbatim &Ordagrann - + Su&perscript Su&perskript - + Subsc&ript Undersk&ript - + Co&mment block - + Clear &formats - + &Comment line(s) - + &Ordered list - + &Unordered list - + B&lockquote - + Remove selected plot step(s) - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck - + {} has no installed dictionaries - + {}{} is not installed - + Save project? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. - + Proceed with import at your own risk - + Allow POV - + Search - + &Technical Support - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... - + Locate log file - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. - + Sorry! - + This session is not being logged. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. - + Error! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. @@ -1051,55 +1051,70 @@ Status - + &Targets - + Draft and session word count targets - + Value Värde - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3064,22 +3079,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main Huvudkaraktär - + Secondary Bikaraktär - + Minor Statist - + **Plot:** {} **Handling:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_ta.ts b/i18n/manuskript_ta.ts index 1d4c0cc2..d80c8bad 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_ta.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_ta.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General - + Title - + Subtitle - + Series - + Volume - + Genre - + License - + Author - + Name - + Email - + Summary - + Situation: - + Summary: - + One sentence - + One paragraph - + One page - + Full - + One sentence summary - + One paragraph summary - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph - + One page summary - + Full summary - + What if...? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ - + Names - + Filter - + Basic info - + Importance - + Motivation - + Goal - + Conflict - + Epiphany - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + Notes - + Detailed info - + Plots @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ - + Character(s) - + Description - + Result - + Resolution steps @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ - + Populates with empty data - + More - + Source of passion - + Source of conflict @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ - + Editor - + Debug @@ -402,614 +402,614 @@ - + Persos - + Labels - + &File - + &Recent - + &Help - + &Tools - + &Edit - + &View - + &Mode - + &Navigation - + &Open - + &Save - + Sa&ve as... - + &Quit - + &Show help texts - + &Spellcheck - + &Labels... - + &Status... - + Tree - + &Simple - + &Fiction - + Index cards - + S&ettings - + &Close project - + Co&mpile - + &Frequency Analyzer - + Book information - + &About - + About Manuskript - + Manuskript - + Project {} saved. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. - + Project {} loaded. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. - + (~{} pages) - + Words: {}{} - + Book summary - + Project tree - + Metadata - + Story line - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. - + Create your characters. - + Develop plots. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. - + Write. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. - + Dictionary - + Nothing - + POV - + Label - + Progress - + Compile - + Icon color - + Text color - + Background color - + Icon - + Text - + Background - + Border - + Corner - + Add plot step - + &Copy - + C&ut - + &Paste - + Sp&lit at cursor - + &Move Up - + M&ove Down - + Dupl&icate - + &Delete - + &Rename - + Organi&ze - + M&erge - + &Format - + &Header - + &Level 1 (setext) - + Level &2 - + Level &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 - + Level &3 - + Level &4 - + Level &5 - + Level &6 - + &Bold - + &Italic - + &Strike - + &Verbatim - + Su&perscript - + Subsc&ript - + Co&mment block - + Clear &formats - + &Comment line(s) - + &Ordered list - + &Unordered list - + B&lockquote - + Remove selected plot step(s) - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck - + {} has no installed dictionaries - + {}{} is not installed - + Save project? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. - + Proceed with import at your own risk - + Allow POV - + Search - + &Technical Support - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... - + Locate log file - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. - + Sorry! - + This session is not being logged. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. - + Error! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. @@ -1034,70 +1034,85 @@ - + Cheat Sheet - + &Import… - + &Split… - + &Targets - + Draft and session word count targets - + Value - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3062,22 +3077,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main - + Secondary - + Minor - + **Plot:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_tr.ts b/i18n/manuskript_tr.ts index 79303e7a..b808ff6f 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_tr.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_tr.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General Genel - + Title Başlık - + Subtitle Alt başlık - + Series Seri - + Volume Cilt - + Genre Tarz - + License Lisans - + Author Yazar - + Name İsim - + Email E-posta - + Summary Özet - + Situation: Durum: - + Summary: Özet: - + One sentence Bir cümle - + One paragraph Bir paragraf - + One page Bir sayfa - + Full - + One sentence summary Bir cümlelik özet - + One paragraph summary Bir paragraflık özet - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph Bir paragraflık özetinizin her cümlesini bir paragraf olarak genişletin - + One page summary Bir sayfalık özet - + Full summary Tam özet - + What if...? Ya ... olursa? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ Karakterler - + Names İsimler - + Filter Filtrele - + Basic info Temel bilgiler - + Importance Önem - + Motivation Motivasyon - + Goal Amaç - + Conflict Çatışma - + Epiphany Tezahür - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Bir cümlelik <br/>özet</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Bir paragraflık<br/>özet</p></body></html> - + Notes Notlar - + Detailed info Detaylı bilgi - + Plots @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ - + Character(s) Karakter(ler) - + Description Tanım - + Result Sonuç - + Resolution steps Çözülme adımları @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ Evren - + Populates with empty data - + More Daha fazla - + Source of passion Tutku kaynağı - + Source of conflict Çatışma kaynağı @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ Taslak - + Editor Editör - + Debug Hata ayıklama @@ -402,569 +402,569 @@ - + Persos - + Labels Etiketler - + &File &Dosya - + &Recent &Yeni - + &Help &Yardım - + &Tools &Araçlar - + &Edit &Düzenle - + &View - + &Mode - + Cheat Sheet - + &Navigation - + &Open &Aç - + &Save &Kaydet - + Sa&ve as... Farklı Kaydet... - + &Quit &Kapat - + &Show help texts &Yardım dosyalarını göster - + &Spellcheck &Yazım Kontrolü - + &Labels... &Etiketler... - + &Status... &Durum... - + Tree - + &Simple - + &Fiction - + Index cards - + S&ettings - + &Close project - + Co&mpile - + &Frequency Analyzer - + Book information - + &About - + About Manuskript - + Manuskript - + Project {} saved. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. - + Project {} loaded. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. - + (~{} pages) - + Words: {}{} - + Book summary - + Project tree - + Metadata - + Story line - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. - + Create your characters. - + Develop plots. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. - + Write. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. - + Dictionary - + Nothing - + POV - + Label - + Progress - + Compile - + Icon color - + Text color - + Background color - + Icon - + Text - + Background - + Border - + Corner - + Add plot step - + &Import… - + &Copy - + C&ut - + &Paste - + &Split… - + Sp&lit at cursor - + &Move Up - + M&ove Down - + Dupl&icate - + &Delete - + &Rename - + Organi&ze - + M&erge - + &Format - + &Header - + &Level 1 (setext) - + Level &2 - + Level &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 - + Level &3 - + Level &4 - + Level &5 - + Level &6 - + &Bold - + &Italic - + &Strike - + &Verbatim - + Su&perscript - + Subsc&ript - + Co&mment block - + Clear &formats - + &Comment line(s) - + &Ordered list - + &Unordered list - + B&lockquote - + Remove selected plot step(s) - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck - + {} has no installed dictionaries - + {}{} is not installed - + Save project? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. - + Proceed with import at your own risk - + Allow POV - + Search @@ -989,115 +989,130 @@ Durum - + &Technical Support - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... - + Locate log file - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. - + Sorry! - + This session is not being logged. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. - + Error! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. - + &Targets - + Draft and session word count targets - + Value - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3062,22 +3077,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main - + Secondary - + Minor - + **Plot:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_uk.ts b/i18n/manuskript_uk.ts index 5294f7f3..75ad688e 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_uk.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_uk.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General Загальне - + Title Назва - + Subtitle Підзаголовок - + Series Серія - + Volume Том - + Genre Жанр - + License Ліцензія - + Author Автор - + Name Ім’я - + Email Електронна пошта - + Summary Опис - + Situation: Ситуація: - + Summary: Опис: - + One sentence У одне речення - + One paragraph У один абзац - + One page У одну сторінку - + Full Повний - + One sentence summary Опис одним реченням - + One paragraph summary Опис одним абзацом - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph Розвиньте до абзацу кожне речення з опису одним абзацом - + One page summary Опис однією сторінкою - + Full summary Повний опис - + What if...? Що як...? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ Персонажі - + Names Імена - + Filter Фільтрувати - + Basic info Основна інформація - + Importance Значність - + Motivation Мотивація - + Goal Мета - + Conflict Конфлікт - + Epiphany Прозріння - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Опис одним<br/>реченням</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">Опис одним<br/>абзацом</p></body></html> - + Notes Примітки - + Detailed info Докладна інформація - + Plots Сюжети @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ Сюжет - + Character(s) Персонажі - + Description Опис - + Result Результат - + Resolution steps Кроки розвитку сюжету @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ Світ - + Populates with empty data Заповнюється порожніми даними - + More Більше - + Source of passion Джерело захоплення - + Source of conflict Джерело конфлікту @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ План - + Editor Редактор - + Debug Налагодити @@ -402,571 +402,571 @@ FlatData - + Persos Persos - + Labels Позначки - + &File &Файл - + &Recent &Нещодавні - + &Help &Довідка - + &Tools &Інструменти - + &Edit &Редагувати - + &View &Відображення - + &Mode &Режим - + Cheat Sheet Шпаргалка - + &Navigation &Перехід - + &Open &Відкрити - + &Save &Зберегти - + Sa&ve as... Збере&гти як... - + &Quit &Вихід - + &Show help texts Показувати пояснення &функціоналу - + &Spellcheck &Перевірка правопису - + &Labels... П&означки... - + &Status... &Стан... - + Tree Дерево - + &Simple &Простий - + &Fiction &Художня література - + Index cards Картки - + S&ettings Н&алаштування - + &Close project &Закрити проєкт - + Co&mpile &Експортувати - + &Frequency Analyzer &Частотний аналізатор - + Book information Інформація про книжку - + &About &Про програму - + About Manuskript Про Манускрипт - + Manuskript Манускрипт - + Project {} saved. Проєкт {} збережено. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. УВАГА: Проєкт {} не збережено. - + Project {} loaded. Проєкт {} завантажено. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. Проєкт {} завантажено з кількома помилками. - + (~{} pages) (~{} сторінок) - + Words: {}{} Слів: {}{} - + Book summary Опис книги - + Project tree Дерево проєкту - + Metadata Метадані - + Story line Сюжетна лінія - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. Введіть інформацію про книгу та про вас. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) Основна ситуація у формі запитання «Що буде, якщо...?» Приклад: «Що, якщо злий чарівник не зміг убити дитину?» (Гаррі Поттер) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. Добре подумайте над описом книги в одне речення (~50 слів). Потім розпишіть до абзацу, потім до сторінки, а потім до повного опису. - + Create your characters. Створіть персонажів. - + Develop plots. Розвивайте сюжети. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. Будуйте світи. Створіть ієрархію широких категорій аж до конкретних деталей. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. Створіть план свого шедевра. - + Write. Пишіть. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. Інформація про налагодження. Іноді корисно. - + Dictionary Словник - + Nothing Немає - + POV Оповідає - + Label Позначка - + Progress Стан - + Compile Експорт - + Icon color Колір позначки - + Text color Колір тексту - + Background color Колір тла - + Icon Іконка - + Text Текст - + Background Тло - + Border Рамка - + Corner Кут - + Add plot step Додати крок сюжету - + &Import… &Імпортувати… - + &Copy &Копіювати - + C&ut &Вирізати - + &Paste Вст&авити - + &Split… Розд&ілити… - + Sp&lit at cursor Розділити на &курсорі - + &Move Up Пересунути в&гору - + M&ove Down Пересунути в&низ - + Dupl&icate &Дублювати - + &Delete &Видалити - + &Rename &Перейменувати - + Organi&ze &Упорядкувати - + M&erge Об’&єднати - + Remove selected plot step(s) Видалити вибрані кроки сюжету - + &Format &Формат - + &Header &Заголовок - + &Level 1 (setext) Р&івень 1 (setext) - + Level &2 Рі&вень 2 - + Level &1 (atx) Рівень &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 Рівень &2 - + Level &3 Рівень &3 - + Level &4 Рівень &4 - + Level &5 Рівень &5 - + Level &6 Рівень &6 - + &Bold &Жирний - + &Italic &Курсив - + &Strike &Перекреслений - + &Verbatim &Дослівно - + Su&perscript &Верхній індекс - + Subsc&ript &Нижній індекс - + Co&mment block &Блок коментарів - + Clear &formats Очистити &формати - + &Comment line(s) К&оментар - + &Ordered list Н&умерований список - + &Unordered list &Список з позначками - + B&lockquote &Цитата - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? Файл {} не існує. Його переміщено чи видалено? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck Встановіть {}{}, щоб використовувати перевірку правопису - + {} has no installed dictionaries {} не має встановлених словників - + {}{} is not installed {}{} не встановлено - + Save project? Зберегти проєкт? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? Зберегти зміни в проєкті "{}" перед закриттям? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. Зміни буде втрачено, якщо ви їх не збережете. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. Відомо, що PyQt / Qt версій 5.11 і 5.12 спричиняє збій, який може призвести до втрати даних. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. Використовуються PyQt {} та Qt {}. - + Proceed with import at your own risk Почати імпорт на власний ризик - + Allow POV Може оповідати - + Search По&шук @@ -991,115 +991,130 @@ Стан - + &Technical Support &Технічна підтримка - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. Як отримати технічну підтримку для Манускрипта. - + &Locate log file... &Знайти лог-файл... - + Locate log file Знайти лог-файл - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. Знайдіть лог-файл діагностики для цього сеансу. - + Sorry! Вибачте! - + This session is not being logged. Цей сеанс не записується. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! Лог-файл — ще незавершена робота! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. У лог-файл "{}" продовжуватиметься запис, доки Манускрипт не закрито. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. Тепер це відображатиметься у вашому файловому менеджері, але використовуватиметься обмежено, доки Манускрипт не закрито. - + Error! Помилка! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. Сталася помилка під час спроби показати цей лог-файл у вашому файловому менеджері. - + &Targets &Цілі - + Draft and session word count targets Цілі кількості слів для чернетки та сесії - + Value Значення - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3065,22 +3080,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main Головні - + Secondary Другорядні - + Minor Незначні - + **Plot:** {} **Сюжет:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_zh_CN.ts b/i18n/manuskript_zh_CN.ts index 3270b6ba..ce6e0f0b 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_zh_CN.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_zh_CN.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General 通用 - + Title 标题 - + Subtitle 子标题 - + Series 系列 - + Volume - + Genre 类型 - + License 证书 - + Author 作者 - + Name 名字 - + Email 电子邮件 - + Summary 摘要 - + Situation: 场景: - + Summary: 摘要: - + One sentence 一句话 - + One paragraph 一段 - + One page 一页 - + Full 完整的 - + One sentence summary 一句话摘要 - + One paragraph summary 一段话摘要 - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph 将你的一段话摘要中的每个句子都展开为一段 - + One page summary 一页摘要 - + Full summary 完整摘要 - + What if...? 如果……? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ 角色 - + Names 名字 - + Filter 过滤 - + Basic info 基本信息 - + Importance 重要性 - + Motivation 动机 - + Goal 目标 - + Conflict 冲突 - + Epiphany 顿悟 - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">单句<br/>概述</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p align="right">单段<br/>概述</p></body></html> - + Notes 笔记 - + Detailed info 详细信息 - + Plots 情节 @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ 情节 - + Character(s) 角色 - + Description 描述 - + Result 结果 - + Resolution steps 解决步骤 @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ 世界 - + Populates with empty data 生成空数据 - + More 更多 - + Source of passion 想法来源 - + Source of conflict 冲突来源 @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ 大纲 - + Editor 编辑器 - + Debug Debug @@ -402,620 +402,620 @@ FlatData - + Persos Persos - + Labels 标签 - + &File 文件(&F) - + &Recent 最近使用(&R) - + &Help 帮助(&H) - + &Tools 工具(&T) - + &Edit 编辑(&E) - + &View 查看&(V) - + &Mode 模式(&M) - + Cheat Sheet 备忘录 - + &Navigation 导航(&N) - + &Open 打开(&O) - + &Save 保存(&S) - + Sa&ve as... 另存为(&V) - + &Quit 退出(&Q) - + &Show help texts 显示帮助(&S) - + &Spellcheck 拼写检查(&S) - + &Labels... 标签...(&L) - + &Status... 状态...(&S) - + Tree - + &Simple 简单(&S) - + &Fiction 虚构小说 - + Index cards 索引卡 - + S&ettings 设置(&E) - + &Close project 关闭项目(&C) - + Co&mpile 导出(&M) - + &Frequency Analyzer 频率分析(&F) - + Book information 书籍信息 - + &About 关于(&A) - + About Manuskript 关于 Manuskript - + Manuskript ManuSkript - + Project {} saved. * {} 没有在项目文件中找到。 - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. 警告:项目 {} 未保存。 - + Project {} loaded. 项目 {} 已载入。 - + Project {} loaded with some errors. 载入项目 {} 时遇到错误。 - + (~{} pages) (约 {} 页) - + Words: {}{} 字数: {}{} - + Book summary 书籍摘要 - + Project tree 项目树 - + Metadata 元信息 - + Story line 故事线 - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. 输入有关你的书和你自己的信息。 - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) 基本情况是形如“如果……?”的问题。 例如:“如果一个最危险的巫师没能成功杀死一个婴儿?”(哈利·波特) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. 花一些时间想一个 50 字左右的一句话摘要来描述你的书。然后将它扩展成一段,一页,最后写成一个完整的摘要。 - + Create your characters. 建立你的角色。 - + Develop plots. 构造情节。 - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. 构建世界。创造层次丰富包含方方面面的结构,直至具体细节。 - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. 建立你的作品的大纲。 - + Write. 写作。 - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. Debug 信息。有时候是有用的。 - + Dictionary 字典 - + Nothing - + POV POV - + Label 标签 - + Progress 进度 - + Compile 导出 - + Icon color 图标颜色 - + Text color 文本颜色 - + Background color 背景色 - + Icon 图标 - + Text 文本 - + Background 背景 - + Border 边缘 - + Corner 角落 - + Add plot step 添加情节步骤 - + &Copy 复制(&C) - + C&ut 剪切(&U) - + &Paste 粘贴(&P) - + Sp&lit at cursor 在光标处分割(&L) - + &Move Up 向上移动(&M) - + M&ove Down 向下移动(&O) - + Dupl&icate 复写(&I) - + &Delete 删除(&D) - + &Rename 重命名(&R) - + Organi&ze 管理(&Z) - + M&erge 合并(&E) - + &Format 格式(&F) - + &Header 标题(&H) - + &Level 1 (setext) 一级标题 (setext风格) - + Level &2 二级标题 - + Level &1 (atx) 一级标题 (atx风格) - + L&evel 2 二级标题 - + Level &3 三级标题 - + Level &4 四级标题 - + Level &5 五级标题 - + Level &6 六级标题 - + &Bold 加粗(&B) - + &Italic 斜体(&I) - + &Strike 删除线(&S) - + &Verbatim 逐字(&V) - + Su&perscript 上标(&P) - + Subsc&ript 下标(&R) - + Co&mment block 注释块(&M) - + Clear &formats 清除格式(&F) - + &Comment line(s) 行注释(&C) - + &Ordered list 有序列表(&O) - + &Unordered list 无序列表(&U) - + B&lockquote 引用块(&L) - + Remove selected plot step(s) 删除选择的情节段 - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? 文件 {} 不存在。是否被移动或删除? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck 安装 {}{} 为拼写检查 - + {} has no installed dictionaries {} 未安装词典 - + {}{} is not installed {}{} 未安装 - + Save project? 保存项目? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? 在关闭前保存对项目“{}”的更改? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. 如果不保存,项目改动会丢失。 - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. 已知 PyQt / Qt 5.11 和 5.12 版本会引起崩溃,导致数据丢失。 - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. 正在使用 PyQt {} 和Qt {} 。 - + Proceed with import at your own risk 继续导入,后果自负 - + Allow POV - + Search 搜索 - + &Technical Support &技术支持 - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. 如何获取Manuskript的技术支持。 - + &Locate log file... &打开日志文件... - + Locate log file 定位到日志文件 - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. - + Sorry! 对不起! - + This session is not being logged. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! 日志文件是没完成的作品! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. 直到 Manuskript 关闭以前,将继续写入日志文件“{}”。 - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. 现在,它将显示在您的文件管理器中,但在您关闭 Manuskript 之前,您对此文件能进行的操作将受限。 - + Error! 出错! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. 尝试在文件管理器中显示以下日志文件时出错了。 @@ -1040,65 +1040,80 @@ 状态 - + &Import… - + &Split… - + &Targets - + Draft and session word count targets - + Value - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3063,22 +3078,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main 主要 - + Secondary 次要 - + Minor 不重要 - + **Plot:** {} **情节:** {} diff --git a/i18n/manuskript_zh_HANT.ts b/i18n/manuskript_zh_HANT.ts index 5e0f0bbe..7ec8bdf1 100644 --- a/i18n/manuskript_zh_HANT.ts +++ b/i18n/manuskript_zh_HANT.ts @@ -147,117 +147,117 @@ MainWindow - + General - + Title - + Subtitle - + Series - + Volume - + Genre - + License - + Author - + Name - + Email - + Summary - + Situation: - + Summary: - + One sentence - + One paragraph - + One page - + Full - + One sentence summary - + One paragraph summary - + Expand each sentence of your one paragraph summary to a paragraph - + One page summary - + Full summary - + What if...? @@ -267,67 +267,67 @@ - + Names - + Filter - + Basic info - + Importance - + Motivation - + Goal - + Conflict - + Epiphany - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One sentence<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p align="right">One paragraph<br/>summary</p></body></html> - + Notes - + Detailed info - + Plots @@ -337,22 +337,22 @@ - + Character(s) - + Description - + Result - + Resolution steps @@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ - + Populates with empty data - + More - + Source of passion - + Source of conflict @@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ - + Editor - + Debug @@ -402,569 +402,569 @@ - + Persos - + Labels - + &File - + &Recent - + &Help - + &Tools - + &Edit - + &View - + &Mode - + Cheat Sheet - + &Navigation - + &Open - + &Save - + Sa&ve as... - + &Quit - + &Show help texts - + &Spellcheck - + &Labels... - + &Status... - + Tree - + &Simple - + &Fiction - + Index cards - + S&ettings - + &Close project - + Co&mpile - + &Frequency Analyzer - + Book information - + &About - + About Manuskript - + Manuskript - + Project {} saved. - + WARNING: Project {} not saved. - + Project {} loaded. - + Project {} loaded with some errors. - + (~{} pages) - + Words: {}{} - + Book summary - + Project tree - + Metadata - + Story line - + Enter information about your book, and yourself. - + The basic situation, in the form of a 'What if...?' question. Ex: 'What if the most dangerous evil wizard wasn't able to kill a baby?' (Harry Potter) - + Take time to think about a one sentence (~50 words) summary of your book. Then expand it to a paragraph, then to a page, then to a full summary. - + Create your characters. - + Develop plots. - + Build worlds. Create hierarchy of broad categories down to specific details. - + Create the outline of your masterpiece. - + Write. - + Debug info. Sometimes useful. - + Dictionary - + Nothing - + POV - + Label - + Progress - + Compile - + Icon color - + Text color - + Background color - + Icon - + Text - + Background - + Border - + Corner - + Add plot step - + &Import… - + &Copy - + C&ut - + &Paste - + &Split… - + Sp&lit at cursor - + &Move Up - + M&ove Down - + Dupl&icate - + &Delete - + &Rename - + Organi&ze - + M&erge - + &Format - + &Header - + &Level 1 (setext) - + Level &2 - + Level &1 (atx) - + L&evel 2 - + Level &3 - + Level &4 - + Level &5 - + Level &6 - + &Bold - + &Italic - + &Strike - + &Verbatim - + Su&perscript - + Subsc&ript - + Co&mment block - + Clear &formats - + &Comment line(s) - + &Ordered list - + &Unordered list - + B&lockquote - + Remove selected plot step(s) - + The file {} does not exist. Has it been moved or deleted? - + Install {}{} to use spellcheck - + {} has no installed dictionaries - + {}{} is not installed - + Save project? - + Save changes to project "{}" before closing? - + Your changes will be lost if you don't save them. - + PyQt / Qt versions 5.11 and 5.12 are known to cause a crash which might result in a loss of data. - + PyQt {} and Qt {} are in use. - + Proceed with import at your own risk - + Allow POV - + Search @@ -989,115 +989,130 @@ - + &Technical Support - + How to obtain technical support for Manuskript. - + &Locate log file... - + Locate log file - + Locate the diagnostic log file used for this session. - + Sorry! - + This session is not being logged. - + A log file is a Work in Progress! - + The log file "{}" will continue to be written to until Manuskript is closed. - + It will now be displayed in your file manager, but is of limited use until you close Manuskript. - + Error! - + An error was encountered while trying to show the log file below in your file manager. - + &Targets - + Draft and session word count targets - + Value - + Bulk Info Manager - + No Entries! - + Please add entries to apply to the selected characters. - + Bulk Info Applied - + The bulk info has been applied to the selected characters. - + Un-applied data! - + There are un-applied entries in this tab. Discard them? + + + &Navigate + + + + + Go &back + + + + + Go &forward + + Search @@ -3062,22 +3077,22 @@ plotTreeView - + Main - + Secondary - + Minor - + **Plot:** {}