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Dev meeting 2020 07 02

Jon Ludlam edited this page Jul 2, 2020 · 14 revisions

10:00am meeting this time!


  • @jonludlam
  • @Octachron
  • @Jules
  • @lpw25
  • @trefis
  • @avsm
  • @Drup

Actions from previous meeting

  • @avsm to investigate odig issue on @jonludlam to take over

  • @avsm to add toplevel support to merlin's roadmap

Lots of discussion about editor support for code fragments inside comments - should we have external files that are included, or should merlin understand toplevel fragments in comments? @avsm suggests including external files, @lpw25 mentions that lots of people in JS write toplevel expect-style tests. @lpw25 points out that mdx can now support testing of code fragments inside of comments in mli files:

Not enabled by default in JS because there is a worry about it being very slow. @lpw25 suggests completing this feature before starting a new feature.

Agreement that these are targetting different scale things - larger scale examples should be external - small things inline seems fine.

Need some dune integration to promote mli files.

  • @jonludlam to find out status of dune build @doc supporting external libs

Not done

  • @avsm to post on discuss about plans for replacing ocamldoc plugins

@jonludlam to take this one on.


Progress report of ongoing activities

  • Model rewrite


@lpw25: Review will be a while yet, but done some more testing, though hitting what's probably a compiler bug in compaction. Memory usage related to an early optimisation attempt that turned on eager evaluation when loading external roots. This is causing 75% of all allocations, and should be disabled.

@jonludlam: some other work being delayed while this is reviewed, suggest merging now and reviewing in master as, being a complete replacement, it's just as easy to review once it has merged. All agreed.

  • LaTeX backend


Works well to build the standard library, needs some testing on other libraries. Needs a little tidying but then can be merged.

  • Memory usage

@Jules reported doing some testing of memory usage, found the 'eager' issue, but no other obvious low-hanging fruit.

Reference driver

It will be useful to have a 'reference driver' to show how odoc should be invoked, especially as that will be changing in the near future.

There was discussion about linking - odoc should be invoked to determine 'packages' to include during linking - this will be more obviously required when there is syntax for having cross-package links.

There was then some discussion about exactly what a package means. There are opam packages, dune packages and ocamlfind packages, and all of them differ slightly. There is consensus that the opam definition should not be the thing - @avsm reports that dune is likely to put in a back-link from the dune-project file to the opam package it came from, rather than having opam declare what ocamlfind/dune packages it contains.

@jonludlam reported some experiments related to the driver above to do with generating a site with multiple versions of packages. The tricky thing is that a package version does not exactly specify what documentation will be generated, as it may include types/modules/others from other packages that are dependent on that packages version.

@lpw25 suggests the solution is to generate a hash of the dependent package versions - this will be less precise than than looking at the individual module level but it should be correct.

Replacing ocamldoc

Not many large issues remain - mainly driving the build of the manual. @Octachron has been working on this, but it's currently not a great experience.

Other issues

@lpw25 pointed out that there is a bit of a mess over mld files, and more generally about the hierarchy of packages (which odoc doesn't directly care about, it's just a tag given to a bunch of libraries). Odig works at the opam level not the ocamlfind level, which, as pointed out above, isn't a great way to do it. Odig has several heuristics to deal with the ambiguities.

@avsm points out the virtually useless package page, which just contains links to the entry points for each library. @lpw25 pointed out that this is where a hand-written package-level document should exist. If such a file does not exist, we could get rid and link directly from the package list possibly.

@jonludlam to write up a proposal for what to do with this.

Next meeting

16/07/20 10am