Angular 2 API client generator from swagger json
This package generates a angular2 typescript class from a swagger v2.0 specification file. The code is generated using mustache templates.
npm install swagger2ng2
- get it from github
git clone
cd angular2-swagger-client-generator
npm install
npm run build
- If you want to run globally run
npm install -g
From commandline run:
swagger2ng2 -s [your/path/to/swagger.json] -c [className] -g [GenerateParameter]
swagger2ng2 -u [url/of/your/swagger.json] -c [className] -g [GenerateParameter]
If parameter -c is not provided, class name will be ApiClient Service.
Available values for parameter -g are I, M, C or F, as well as you can combine them.
-s, --source Path to your swagger.json file
-u, --url Url of your swagger.json file
-o, --outputpath Path where to store generated files
-c, --className Class name for Api client
-g, --generate What to generate, F for full (default), I for interfaces, M for models, C for classes
-f, --fileName Example '-f index' will generate both index.ts and index.interface.ts.
-p, --modelPath If used, p provides a relative path to the place where models are stored.
This command will generate API client described in swagger.json file to ./out folder
swagger2ng2 -s .\tests\apis\swagger.json -o ./out
or from repository directory run:
node ./src/main -s .\tests\apis\swagger.json -o ./out
##Note: This project was inspired by:
swagger-js-codegen project