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107 lines (54 loc) · 7.69 KB

SESAME: Leveraging Labeled Overall Polarities for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis based on SHAP-Enhanced Syntactic Analysis

In this paper, we propose an Aspect-Sentiment-Pair-Extraction (ASPE) approach that extracts aspect-sentiment pairs (a,s) through syntactic analysis enhanced by AI explainable framework on labeled overall polarities, rather than introduce additional manual annotations. Specifically, our approach first solely leverages the overall-polarity-labeled data to train a classifier, and then deduces aspects based on our syntactic analysis guided by the calculated contribution values for each word in the texts from our trained classifier. We named it SESAME (SHAP-Enhanced Sytactic Analysis for Aspect-based sentiMEnt analysis). In particular, our approach consists of three stages. First, we use a RoBERTa-incorporated TextCNN framework to train a sentiment-polarity (i.e., positive, neutral, and negative) classifier. Second, we use the AI-Explanation framework SHAP (SHapley-Additive-exPlanation) to analyze our classification results, and select the representative words based on the SHAP values. Third, we extract aspects from the representative words based on our proposed syntactic rules considering the word dependencies in each human-written sentence from input texts. The major advantage of the proposed SHAP-Enhanced syntactic analysis lies in that the exploited word dependencies can greatly reveal the implicit relations between the sentiment polarities and aspects, thus largely alleviating the manual efforts of additional human-annotated, intermediate sentiment elements, such as opinion and category. As a result, the proposed approach is easy-to-use in practice for different domains compared to traditional approaches.

Our evaluation is based on two English datasets [Cai et al.@ACL2021] with the complete (𝑎,𝑐,𝑜,𝑠) quadruples annotated (for SESAME the quadruples are only used for evaluation), and two Chinese datasets [Peng et al. @KBS2018] with the (𝑎,𝑠) pair annotated to show that SESAME can also support different languages when slightly adapted. Our four baseline approaches are three state-of-the-art (SOTA) learning-based ABSA approaches that consider (𝑎,𝑐,𝑜,𝑠) quadruples Extract-Classify-ACOS, (𝑎,𝑜,𝑠) triplets Span-ASTE, and (𝑎,𝑠) pairs LCF-ATEPC (we used its implementation in PyABSA which was updated to 2.3.3 during our experiments) respectively, and the recently popular ChatGPT(the underlying model of gpt-3.5-turbo was gpt-3.5-turbo-0613 during our experiment). For the ASPE task, our approach, which solely learns from overall-polarity-labeled data, can achieve an average 85.1% of the quadruple-learning approach in F1-score of precision and recall, 98.1% of the triple-learning approach, 107.1% of the pair-learning approach, and 112.3% of ChatGPT. The evaluation result shows that our approach is an easy-to-use and also explainable ABSA approach that achieves a comparable level of performance to SOTA learning-based approaches and comprehensively outperforms ChatGPT, while it only requires the labeled sentiments (i.e., one out of four manual labels required by the best-performing learning-based baseline), indicating that our approach is more applicable in specific domains (e.g., SE) where most datasets are only labeled the overall sentiments.

Since the benchmark dataset is not self-generated and published, we do not provide them here. If you want to use any of them, you should complete the license for their publication and consider referencing the original paper. You can download them from the link we provided above. (We publish the processed Chinese dataset in /Chinese AS Dataset folder of the project.)


  1. The configurations of project.

  2. Used for sentiment analysis of English text.

  3. Used for sentiment analysis of Chinese text. and differ in :

    (1) They use different pretrained models and corresponding tokenizers.

    (2) In, a CustomClassificationHead constructed to mimic the TFRobertaClassificationHead is used as the residual connections.

  4. Calculate SHAP value, extract representative words for English text.

  5. Calculate SHAP value, extract representative words for Chinese text. and differ in :

    (1) When computing SHAP values, they rely on the load_model() and DataGenerator specific to the corresponding language.

    (2) The parsing tags for different languages vary. For details, please refer to the CoreNLP official website.

  6. Extracte aspects using syntactic rules.

  7. SentiAspectExtractor Introduction Detailed introduction of aspect extraction rules

  8. data/sentiment_acos Files required for training and testing the sentiment classifier.

  9. data/pretrained Store trained models

  10. data/pred_senti Store the results of predicted sentiment

  11. data/pred_opinion Store the output results of representative words

  12. data/pred_aspect Store the final extracted (a, s)

  13. data/dict Store dictionary resources

  14. data/acos Store manually annotated test set results


  1. python=3.10.12

  2. tensorflow=2.13.0

  3. transformers=4.31.0

  4. shap=0.42.1

  5. stanfordcorenlp=

  6. pycorenlp=0.3.0



  • For the classifier in stage one:
  1. If you wish to reproduce our paper's data, you can download our pre-trained models from nochimake/SESAME on Hugging Face (the four models in the provided link serve as the foundational models for our ablation experiments).
  2. If you intend to retrain the classifier, for English, please download the pre-trained RoBERTa model from HuggingFace, and for Chinese, please download it from ymcui/Chinese-BERT-wwm.
  • For the extraction of representative words in the second stage:
  1. Download stanfordcorenlp tool from CoreNLP

  2. For Chinese, you will need to download an additional Chinese model, copy both the Chinese model and into STANFORD_CORE_NLP_PATH, and then run the following command under STANFORD_CORE_NLP_PATH to start the StanfordCoreNLP service:

    java -Xmx4g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -serverProperties -port 9000 -timeout 15000


  1. run / to to train or predict for your data.

  2. run / to select representative words

  3. run to extract aspects

  4. run to assess result