diff --git a/l10n/ar.js b/l10n/ar.js index 0f892f9c..94d6d67c 100644 --- a/l10n/ar.js +++ b/l10n/ar.js @@ -37,16 +37,12 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Chat with an AI model." : "الدردشة مع نموذج الذكاء الاصطناعي.", "Artificial Intelligence" : "الذكاء الاصطناعي", "Process and transform text" : "معالجة و تحويل النصوص", - "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "يوفر هذا التطبيق واجهة مستخدم لاستعمال ميزة معالجة النص في نكست كلاود. \n\n\nإذ هو يسمح للمستخدمين ببدء مهام الذكاء الاصطناعي، ليتم إعلامهم عند الانتهاء منها لرؤية نتائح طلباتهم. \nيظهر المساعد أيضًا في تطبيقات أخرى مثل تطبيق النصوص في نكست كلاود Text لمعالجة أجزاء من المستند بسهولة. \n\nمزيد من التفاصيل حول واجهة برمجة تطبيقات OCS المساعدة وإمكانيات تكامل الواجهة الأمامية في [وثائق المطور] (https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer) \n\n### كيفية الاستعمال \nيظهر مدخل جديد في القائمة الجانبية للترويسة. بمجرد النقر عليه، يتم عرض المساعد ويمكنك تحديد نوع المهمة و تعيين الإدخال الذي تريد معالجته. قد يتم تشغيل المهمة على الفور أو تتم جدولتها وفقًا لتقدير الوقت الذي يقدمه موفر الذكاء الاصطناعي. بمجرد جدولة المهمة، سيتم تشغيلها كمهمة خلفية. عند الانتهاء، سوف تتلقى إشعاراً و الذي يمكن من خلاله استعراض نتيجة الطلب. \nيمكن للتطبيقات الأخرى التكامل مع المساعد. على سبيل المثال، سيعرض النص زراً مُضمَّناً بجانب كل فقرة لتحديد نوع المهمة مباشرة لمعالجة هذه الفقرة. سيؤدي تحديد المهمة بهذه الطريقة إلى فتح المساعد بالمهمة المحددة مسبقا و مجموعة نص الإدخال. \n\nمزيد من التفاصيل ولقطات الشاشة في [مستند المستخدم] (https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user). \n\n## ميزات المساعد\n\nتعتمد قائمة المهام المتاحة على مزودي الخدمة المتاحين المثبتين عبر تطبيقات أخرى. هذا يعني أن لديك الحرية الكاملة في تحديد الخدمة/البرنامج الذي سيقوم بالفعل بتشغيل مهام الذكاء الاصطناعي الخاصة بك. \n\n### معالجة النصوص \nمزودو الخدمة المتاحون حاليّاً: \n* [النموذج اللغوي الوسيع LLM] (https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)، \n* [تكامل OpenAi/LocalAI] (https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) \nلتوفير الخدمات التالية: \n* التلخيص \n* استخلاص المواضيع \n* إنشاء العناوين \n* الحصول على إجابة من طلب مجاني \n* إعادة صياغة النص (في حالة OpenAi/LocalAi فقط) \n* الكتابة بحسب سياق معين: إنشاء نص بنمط محدد. يمكن وصف النمط أو تقديمه عبر نص مماثل.\n\n ### تحويل النص إلى صورة (توليد الصور) \nمزودو الخدمة المتاحون حاليّاً: \n* [تكامل OpenAi/LocalAI] (https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)، \n* [الانتشار المستقر لـ Text2Image] (https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion) \n\n### تحويل الكلام إلى نص (الاستنساخ الصوتي) \nمزودو الخدمة المتاحون حاليّاً: \n* [تكامل OpenAi/LocalAI] (https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) \n* [الهامس لتحويل الكلام إلى نص محليّاً] (https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", "Select which features you want to enable" : "اختر أى السمات تريد تمكينها", "Top-right assistant" : "المساعد في الأعلى على الجانب", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "حتى يُمكن استعمال هذه الخاصّيّةـ قُم رجاءً بتثبيت مزود واحد على الأقل لمعالجة النصوص بالذكاء الاصطناعي.", "AI text generation smart picker" : "لاقط ذكي لتوليد النصوص بالذكاء الصناعي", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "لتمكين هذه الخاصّيّة، قم رجاءً بتثبيت مزود لمعالجة النصوص بالذكاء الصناعي لطلب المهام من النوع المجاني.", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "اللاقط الذكي لتحويل النص إلى صورة", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "لتمكين هذه الخاصِّيّة، قم رجاءً بتثبيت \"مُزوِّد تحويل النصوص إلى صور\" text-to-image provider.", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "اللاقط الذكي لتحويل الكلام إلى نص", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "لتمكين هذه الخاصّية، قم رجاءً بتثبيت مزُوِّد لتحويل الكلام إلى نص.", "Image storage" : "تخزين الصِّوَر", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "وقت خمول توليد الصور (بالأيام)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "الزمن بالأيام قبل حذف الصور المولدة إذا لم يتم عرضها", @@ -228,6 +224,10 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "تعذّر جلب أسماء ملفات الصِّوَر من قاعدة البيانات", "Image file not found in database" : "ملف الصورة غير موجود في قاعدة البيانات", "Image file not found" : "ملف الصورة غير موجود", + "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "يوفر هذا التطبيق واجهة مستخدم لاستعمال ميزة معالجة النص في نكست كلاود. \n\n\nإذ هو يسمح للمستخدمين ببدء مهام الذكاء الاصطناعي، ليتم إعلامهم عند الانتهاء منها لرؤية نتائح طلباتهم. \nيظهر المساعد أيضًا في تطبيقات أخرى مثل تطبيق النصوص في نكست كلاود Text لمعالجة أجزاء من المستند بسهولة. \n\nمزيد من التفاصيل حول واجهة برمجة تطبيقات OCS المساعدة وإمكانيات تكامل الواجهة الأمامية في [وثائق المطور] (https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer) \n\n### كيفية الاستعمال \nيظهر مدخل جديد في القائمة الجانبية للترويسة. بمجرد النقر عليه، يتم عرض المساعد ويمكنك تحديد نوع المهمة و تعيين الإدخال الذي تريد معالجته. قد يتم تشغيل المهمة على الفور أو تتم جدولتها وفقًا لتقدير الوقت الذي يقدمه موفر الذكاء الاصطناعي. بمجرد جدولة المهمة، سيتم تشغيلها كمهمة خلفية. عند الانتهاء، سوف تتلقى إشعاراً و الذي يمكن من خلاله استعراض نتيجة الطلب. \nيمكن للتطبيقات الأخرى التكامل مع المساعد. على سبيل المثال، سيعرض النص زراً مُضمَّناً بجانب كل فقرة لتحديد نوع المهمة مباشرة لمعالجة هذه الفقرة. سيؤدي تحديد المهمة بهذه الطريقة إلى فتح المساعد بالمهمة المحددة مسبقا و مجموعة نص الإدخال. \n\nمزيد من التفاصيل ولقطات الشاشة في [مستند المستخدم] (https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user). \n\n## ميزات المساعد\n\nتعتمد قائمة المهام المتاحة على مزودي الخدمة المتاحين المثبتين عبر تطبيقات أخرى. هذا يعني أن لديك الحرية الكاملة في تحديد الخدمة/البرنامج الذي سيقوم بالفعل بتشغيل مهام الذكاء الاصطناعي الخاصة بك. \n\n### معالجة النصوص \nمزودو الخدمة المتاحون حاليّاً: \n* [النموذج اللغوي الوسيع LLM] (https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)، \n* [تكامل OpenAi/LocalAI] (https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) \nلتوفير الخدمات التالية: \n* التلخيص \n* استخلاص المواضيع \n* إنشاء العناوين \n* الحصول على إجابة من طلب مجاني \n* إعادة صياغة النص (في حالة OpenAi/LocalAi فقط) \n* الكتابة بحسب سياق معين: إنشاء نص بنمط محدد. يمكن وصف النمط أو تقديمه عبر نص مماثل.\n\n ### تحويل النص إلى صورة (توليد الصور) \nمزودو الخدمة المتاحون حاليّاً: \n* [تكامل OpenAi/LocalAI] (https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)، \n* [الانتشار المستقر لـ Text2Image] (https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion) \n\n### تحويل الكلام إلى نص (الاستنساخ الصوتي) \nمزودو الخدمة المتاحون حاليّاً: \n* [تكامل OpenAi/LocalAI] (https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) \n* [الهامس لتحويل الكلام إلى نص محليّاً] (https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "لتمكين هذه الخاصّيّة، قم رجاءً بتثبيت مزود لمعالجة النصوص بالذكاء الصناعي لطلب المهام من النوع المجاني.", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "لتمكين هذه الخاصِّيّة، قم رجاءً بتثبيت \"مُزوِّد تحويل النصوص إلى صور\" text-to-image provider.", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "لتمكين هذه الخاصّية، قم رجاءً بتثبيت مزُوِّد لتحويل الكلام إلى نص.", "Writing style" : "أسلُوب الكتابة", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "صِف أسلُوب الكتابة الذي ترغب في استعماله أو اعطِ مستنداً كنموذج.", "Source material" : "مصدر المواد", diff --git a/l10n/ar.json b/l10n/ar.json index e7fb2846..97d7150c 100644 --- a/l10n/ar.json +++ b/l10n/ar.json @@ -35,16 +35,12 @@ "Chat with an AI model." : "الدردشة مع نموذج الذكاء الاصطناعي.", "Artificial Intelligence" : "الذكاء الاصطناعي", "Process and transform text" : "معالجة و تحويل النصوص", - "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "يوفر هذا التطبيق واجهة مستخدم لاستعمال ميزة معالجة النص في نكست كلاود. \n\n\nإذ هو يسمح للمستخدمين ببدء مهام الذكاء الاصطناعي، ليتم إعلامهم عند الانتهاء منها لرؤية نتائح طلباتهم. \nيظهر المساعد أيضًا في تطبيقات أخرى مثل تطبيق النصوص في نكست كلاود Text لمعالجة أجزاء من المستند بسهولة. \n\nمزيد من التفاصيل حول واجهة برمجة تطبيقات OCS المساعدة وإمكانيات تكامل الواجهة الأمامية في [وثائق المطور] (https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer) \n\n### كيفية الاستعمال \nيظهر مدخل جديد في القائمة الجانبية للترويسة. بمجرد النقر عليه، يتم عرض المساعد ويمكنك تحديد نوع المهمة و تعيين الإدخال الذي تريد معالجته. قد يتم تشغيل المهمة على الفور أو تتم جدولتها وفقًا لتقدير الوقت الذي يقدمه موفر الذكاء الاصطناعي. بمجرد جدولة المهمة، سيتم تشغيلها كمهمة خلفية. عند الانتهاء، سوف تتلقى إشعاراً و الذي يمكن من خلاله استعراض نتيجة الطلب. \nيمكن للتطبيقات الأخرى التكامل مع المساعد. على سبيل المثال، سيعرض النص زراً مُضمَّناً بجانب كل فقرة لتحديد نوع المهمة مباشرة لمعالجة هذه الفقرة. سيؤدي تحديد المهمة بهذه الطريقة إلى فتح المساعد بالمهمة المحددة مسبقا و مجموعة نص الإدخال. \n\nمزيد من التفاصيل ولقطات الشاشة في [مستند المستخدم] (https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user). \n\n## ميزات المساعد\n\nتعتمد قائمة المهام المتاحة على مزودي الخدمة المتاحين المثبتين عبر تطبيقات أخرى. هذا يعني أن لديك الحرية الكاملة في تحديد الخدمة/البرنامج الذي سيقوم بالفعل بتشغيل مهام الذكاء الاصطناعي الخاصة بك. \n\n### معالجة النصوص \nمزودو الخدمة المتاحون حاليّاً: \n* [النموذج اللغوي الوسيع LLM] (https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)، \n* [تكامل OpenAi/LocalAI] (https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) \nلتوفير الخدمات التالية: \n* التلخيص \n* استخلاص المواضيع \n* إنشاء العناوين \n* الحصول على إجابة من طلب مجاني \n* إعادة صياغة النص (في حالة OpenAi/LocalAi فقط) \n* الكتابة بحسب سياق معين: إنشاء نص بنمط محدد. يمكن وصف النمط أو تقديمه عبر نص مماثل.\n\n ### تحويل النص إلى صورة (توليد الصور) \nمزودو الخدمة المتاحون حاليّاً: \n* [تكامل OpenAi/LocalAI] (https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)، \n* [الانتشار المستقر لـ Text2Image] (https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion) \n\n### تحويل الكلام إلى نص (الاستنساخ الصوتي) \nمزودو الخدمة المتاحون حاليّاً: \n* [تكامل OpenAi/LocalAI] (https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) \n* [الهامس لتحويل الكلام إلى نص محليّاً] (https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", "Select which features you want to enable" : "اختر أى السمات تريد تمكينها", "Top-right assistant" : "المساعد في الأعلى على الجانب", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "حتى يُمكن استعمال هذه الخاصّيّةـ قُم رجاءً بتثبيت مزود واحد على الأقل لمعالجة النصوص بالذكاء الاصطناعي.", "AI text generation smart picker" : "لاقط ذكي لتوليد النصوص بالذكاء الصناعي", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "لتمكين هذه الخاصّيّة، قم رجاءً بتثبيت مزود لمعالجة النصوص بالذكاء الصناعي لطلب المهام من النوع المجاني.", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "اللاقط الذكي لتحويل النص إلى صورة", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "لتمكين هذه الخاصِّيّة، قم رجاءً بتثبيت \"مُزوِّد تحويل النصوص إلى صور\" text-to-image provider.", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "اللاقط الذكي لتحويل الكلام إلى نص", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "لتمكين هذه الخاصّية، قم رجاءً بتثبيت مزُوِّد لتحويل الكلام إلى نص.", "Image storage" : "تخزين الصِّوَر", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "وقت خمول توليد الصور (بالأيام)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "الزمن بالأيام قبل حذف الصور المولدة إذا لم يتم عرضها", @@ -226,6 +222,10 @@ "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "تعذّر جلب أسماء ملفات الصِّوَر من قاعدة البيانات", "Image file not found in database" : "ملف الصورة غير موجود في قاعدة البيانات", "Image file not found" : "ملف الصورة غير موجود", + "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "يوفر هذا التطبيق واجهة مستخدم لاستعمال ميزة معالجة النص في نكست كلاود. \n\n\nإذ هو يسمح للمستخدمين ببدء مهام الذكاء الاصطناعي، ليتم إعلامهم عند الانتهاء منها لرؤية نتائح طلباتهم. \nيظهر المساعد أيضًا في تطبيقات أخرى مثل تطبيق النصوص في نكست كلاود Text لمعالجة أجزاء من المستند بسهولة. \n\nمزيد من التفاصيل حول واجهة برمجة تطبيقات OCS المساعدة وإمكانيات تكامل الواجهة الأمامية في [وثائق المطور] (https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer) \n\n### كيفية الاستعمال \nيظهر مدخل جديد في القائمة الجانبية للترويسة. بمجرد النقر عليه، يتم عرض المساعد ويمكنك تحديد نوع المهمة و تعيين الإدخال الذي تريد معالجته. قد يتم تشغيل المهمة على الفور أو تتم جدولتها وفقًا لتقدير الوقت الذي يقدمه موفر الذكاء الاصطناعي. بمجرد جدولة المهمة، سيتم تشغيلها كمهمة خلفية. عند الانتهاء، سوف تتلقى إشعاراً و الذي يمكن من خلاله استعراض نتيجة الطلب. \nيمكن للتطبيقات الأخرى التكامل مع المساعد. على سبيل المثال، سيعرض النص زراً مُضمَّناً بجانب كل فقرة لتحديد نوع المهمة مباشرة لمعالجة هذه الفقرة. سيؤدي تحديد المهمة بهذه الطريقة إلى فتح المساعد بالمهمة المحددة مسبقا و مجموعة نص الإدخال. \n\nمزيد من التفاصيل ولقطات الشاشة في [مستند المستخدم] (https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user). \n\n## ميزات المساعد\n\nتعتمد قائمة المهام المتاحة على مزودي الخدمة المتاحين المثبتين عبر تطبيقات أخرى. هذا يعني أن لديك الحرية الكاملة في تحديد الخدمة/البرنامج الذي سيقوم بالفعل بتشغيل مهام الذكاء الاصطناعي الخاصة بك. \n\n### معالجة النصوص \nمزودو الخدمة المتاحون حاليّاً: \n* [النموذج اللغوي الوسيع LLM] (https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)، \n* [تكامل OpenAi/LocalAI] (https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) \nلتوفير الخدمات التالية: \n* التلخيص \n* استخلاص المواضيع \n* إنشاء العناوين \n* الحصول على إجابة من طلب مجاني \n* إعادة صياغة النص (في حالة OpenAi/LocalAi فقط) \n* الكتابة بحسب سياق معين: إنشاء نص بنمط محدد. يمكن وصف النمط أو تقديمه عبر نص مماثل.\n\n ### تحويل النص إلى صورة (توليد الصور) \nمزودو الخدمة المتاحون حاليّاً: \n* [تكامل OpenAi/LocalAI] (https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)، \n* [الانتشار المستقر لـ Text2Image] (https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion) \n\n### تحويل الكلام إلى نص (الاستنساخ الصوتي) \nمزودو الخدمة المتاحون حاليّاً: \n* [تكامل OpenAi/LocalAI] (https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) \n* [الهامس لتحويل الكلام إلى نص محليّاً] (https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "لتمكين هذه الخاصّيّة، قم رجاءً بتثبيت مزود لمعالجة النصوص بالذكاء الصناعي لطلب المهام من النوع المجاني.", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "لتمكين هذه الخاصِّيّة، قم رجاءً بتثبيت \"مُزوِّد تحويل النصوص إلى صور\" text-to-image provider.", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "لتمكين هذه الخاصّية، قم رجاءً بتثبيت مزُوِّد لتحويل الكلام إلى نص.", "Writing style" : "أسلُوب الكتابة", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "صِف أسلُوب الكتابة الذي ترغب في استعماله أو اعطِ مستنداً كنموذج.", "Source material" : "مصدر المواد", diff --git a/l10n/ast.js b/l10n/ast.js index aff79528..c1da833c 100644 --- a/l10n/ast.js +++ b/l10n/ast.js @@ -15,9 +15,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Process and transform text" : "Procesa y tresforma testu", "AI text generation smart picker" : "Selector intelixente de xeneración de testu per IA", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "Selector intelixente de testu a imaxe", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "P'activar esta función, instala un fornidor de testu a imaxe.", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "Selector intelixente de voz a testu", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "P'activar esta función, instala un fornidor de voz a testu.", "Image storage" : "Almacenamientu d'imáxenes", "Failed to save assistant admin options" : "Nun se puen guardar les opciones d'alministración del asistente", "The task ran successfully but the result is identical to the input." : "La xera executóse correutamente mas el resultáu ye idénticu al de la entrada.", @@ -75,6 +73,8 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "Los nomes de los ficheros d'imaxe nun se pudieron recuperar de la base de datos", "Image file not found in database" : "Nun s'atopó'l ficheru d'imaxe na base de datos", "Image file not found" : "Nun s'atopó'l ficheru d'imaxe", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "P'activar esta función, instala un fornidor de testu a imaxe.", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "P'activar esta función, instala un fornidor de voz a testu.", "Writing style" : "Estilu d'escritura", "Source material" : "Material d'orixe", "Type some text" : "Escribi daqué", diff --git a/l10n/ast.json b/l10n/ast.json index fab25706..0a308a2e 100644 --- a/l10n/ast.json +++ b/l10n/ast.json @@ -13,9 +13,7 @@ "Process and transform text" : "Procesa y tresforma testu", "AI text generation smart picker" : "Selector intelixente de xeneración de testu per IA", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "Selector intelixente de testu a imaxe", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "P'activar esta función, instala un fornidor de testu a imaxe.", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "Selector intelixente de voz a testu", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "P'activar esta función, instala un fornidor de voz a testu.", "Image storage" : "Almacenamientu d'imáxenes", "Failed to save assistant admin options" : "Nun se puen guardar les opciones d'alministración del asistente", "The task ran successfully but the result is identical to the input." : "La xera executóse correutamente mas el resultáu ye idénticu al de la entrada.", @@ -73,6 +71,8 @@ "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "Los nomes de los ficheros d'imaxe nun se pudieron recuperar de la base de datos", "Image file not found in database" : "Nun s'atopó'l ficheru d'imaxe na base de datos", "Image file not found" : "Nun s'atopó'l ficheru d'imaxe", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "P'activar esta función, instala un fornidor de testu a imaxe.", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "P'activar esta función, instala un fornidor de voz a testu.", "Writing style" : "Estilu d'escritura", "Source material" : "Material d'orixe", "Type some text" : "Escribi daqué", diff --git a/l10n/de.js b/l10n/de.js index 102f087e..ca37d641 100644 --- a/l10n/de.js +++ b/l10n/de.js @@ -40,11 +40,8 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Select which features you want to enable" : "Wähle aus, welche Funktionen aktiviert werden sollen", "Top-right assistant" : "Assistent oben rechts", "AI text generation smart picker" : "KI-Texterstellungs-Smart Picker", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Um diese Funktion zu aktivieren, installiere bitte einen KI-Textverarbeitungsanbieter für den kostenlosen Aufgabentyp \"prompt\".", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "Text-zu-Bild Smart Picker", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Um diese Funktion zu aktivieren, installiere bitte einen Text-zu-Bild-Anbieter.", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "Sprache zu Text Smart Picker", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Um diese Funktion zu aktivieren, installiere bitte einen Sprache-zu-Text Anbieter.", "Image storage" : "Bild-Speicher", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "Bilderstellungs-Leerlaufzeit (Tage)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "Tage bis erstellte Bilder gelöscht werden, wenn sie nicht angesehen wurden.", @@ -121,6 +118,9 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "Bilddateinamen konnten nicht aus der Datenbank abgerufen werden", "Image file not found in database" : "Bilddatei nicht in der Datenbank gefunden", "Image file not found" : "Bilddatei nicht gefunden", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Um diese Funktion zu aktivieren, installiere bitte einen KI-Textverarbeitungsanbieter für den kostenlosen Aufgabentyp \"prompt\".", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Um diese Funktion zu aktivieren, installiere bitte einen Text-zu-Bild-Anbieter.", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Um diese Funktion zu aktivieren, installiere bitte einen Sprache-zu-Text Anbieter.", "Writing style" : "Schreibstil", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "Beschreibe den Schreibstil, den du verwenden möchtest, oder liefere ein Beispiel-Dokument", "Source material" : "Quellmaterial", diff --git a/l10n/de.json b/l10n/de.json index afa1461d..0e070579 100644 --- a/l10n/de.json +++ b/l10n/de.json @@ -38,11 +38,8 @@ "Select which features you want to enable" : "Wähle aus, welche Funktionen aktiviert werden sollen", "Top-right assistant" : "Assistent oben rechts", "AI text generation smart picker" : "KI-Texterstellungs-Smart Picker", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Um diese Funktion zu aktivieren, installiere bitte einen KI-Textverarbeitungsanbieter für den kostenlosen Aufgabentyp \"prompt\".", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "Text-zu-Bild Smart Picker", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Um diese Funktion zu aktivieren, installiere bitte einen Text-zu-Bild-Anbieter.", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "Sprache zu Text Smart Picker", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Um diese Funktion zu aktivieren, installiere bitte einen Sprache-zu-Text Anbieter.", "Image storage" : "Bild-Speicher", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "Bilderstellungs-Leerlaufzeit (Tage)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "Tage bis erstellte Bilder gelöscht werden, wenn sie nicht angesehen wurden.", @@ -119,6 +116,9 @@ "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "Bilddateinamen konnten nicht aus der Datenbank abgerufen werden", "Image file not found in database" : "Bilddatei nicht in der Datenbank gefunden", "Image file not found" : "Bilddatei nicht gefunden", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Um diese Funktion zu aktivieren, installiere bitte einen KI-Textverarbeitungsanbieter für den kostenlosen Aufgabentyp \"prompt\".", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Um diese Funktion zu aktivieren, installiere bitte einen Text-zu-Bild-Anbieter.", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Um diese Funktion zu aktivieren, installiere bitte einen Sprache-zu-Text Anbieter.", "Writing style" : "Schreibstil", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "Beschreibe den Schreibstil, den du verwenden möchtest, oder liefere ein Beispiel-Dokument", "Source material" : "Quellmaterial", diff --git a/l10n/de_DE.js b/l10n/de_DE.js index 98ddcfc3..4f48fcd2 100644 --- a/l10n/de_DE.js +++ b/l10n/de_DE.js @@ -37,16 +37,12 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Chat with an AI model." : "Mit einem KI-Modell chatten", "Artificial Intelligence" : "Künstliche Intelligenz", "Process and transform text" : "Text verarbeiten und transformieren", - "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Diese App bietet eine Benutzeroberfläche zur Nutzung der Nextcloud-Texterstellungsfunktion.\n\nSie ermöglicht Benutzern, KI-Aufgaben zu starten, nach Abschluss benachrichtigt zu werden und die Ergebnisse anzeigen zu lassen.\nDer Assistent erscheint auch in anderen Apps wie z. B. Text, um Teile eines Dokuments einfach zu bearbeiten.\n\nWeitere Details zur Assistenten-OCS-API und den Frontend-Integrationsmöglichkeiten finden Sie im\n[Entwicklerdokument](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Anleitung\n\nEin neuer Menüeintrag in der rechten Kopfzeile wird angezeigt. Sobald Sie darauf klicken, wird der Assistent angezeigt und Sie können einen Aufgabentyp auswählen und\nLegen Sie die Eingabe fest, die Sie verarbeiten möchten.\n\nAbhängig von der Zeitschätzung des KI-Anbieters kann die Aufgabe sofort ausgeführt oder geplant werden.\nSobald eine Aufgabe geplant ist, wird sie als Hintergrundjob ausgeführt. Wenn es fertig ist, erhalten Sie eine Benachrichtigung\nvon der aus die Ergebnisse angezeigt werden können.\n\nAndere Apps können in den Assistenten integriert werden. Beispielsweise zeigt Text neben jedem Absatz eine Inline-Schaltfläche an\num direkt einen Aufgabentyp zur Bearbeitung dieses Absatzes auszuwählen. Wenn Sie so eine Aufgabe auswählen, wird der Assistent mit der Aufgabe vorausgewählt geöffnet\nund der Eingabetext festgelegt.\n\nWeitere Details und Screenshots unter [Benutzerdokument](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Merkmale\n\nIm Assistenten hängt die Liste der verfügbaren Aufgaben von den verfügbaren Anbietern ab, die über andere Apps installiert wurden.\nDas bedeutet, dass Sie völlig frei entscheiden können, welcher Dienst/welche Software Ihre KI-Aufgaben tatsächlich ausführt.\n\n### Textverarbeitungsanbieter\n\nBisher ist das [große Sprachmodell](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nund die [OpenAi/LocalAI-Integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) Apps\nEinbinden von Textverarbeitungsanbietern, um:\n* Zusammenfassen\n* Themen extrahieren\n* Generieren Sie eine Überschrift\n* Erhalten Sie eine Antwort über eine kostenlose Eingabeaufforderung\n* Umformulieren (nur OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Kontextschreiber: Generieren Sie Text mit einem bestimmten Stil. Der Stil kann durch einen Beispieltext beschrieben oder bereitgestellt werden.\n\n### Text zu Bild (Bildgenerierung)\n\nBekannte Anbieter:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI-Integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Stabile Text2Image-Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Sprache zu Text (Audiotranskription)\n\nBekannte Anbieter:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI-Integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Lokales Flüster-Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", "Select which features you want to enable" : "Wählen Sie, welche Funktionen aktiviert werden sollen", "Top-right assistant" : "Assistent oben rechts", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "Um diese Funktion nutzen zu können, installieren Sie bitte mindestens einen KI-Textverarbeitungsanbieter.", "AI text generation smart picker" : "KI-Texterstellungs-Smart Picker", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Um diese Funktion zu aktivieren, installieren Sie bitte einen KI-Textverarbeitungsanbieter für den kostenlosen Aufgabentyp \"prompt\".", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "Text-zu-Bild Smart Picker", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Um diese Funktion zu aktivieren, installieren Sie bitte einen Text-zu-Bild-Anbieter.", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "Sprache zu Text Smart Picker", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Um diese Funktion zu aktivieren, installieren Sie bitte einen Sprache-zu-Text Anbieter.", "Image storage" : "Bild-Speicher", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "Bilderstellungs-Leerlaufzeit (Tage)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "Tage bis erstellte Bilder gelöscht werden, wenn sie nicht angesehen wurden.", @@ -228,6 +224,10 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "Bilddateinamen konnten nicht aus der Datenbank abgerufen werden", "Image file not found in database" : "Bilddatei nicht in der Datenbank gefunden", "Image file not found" : "Bilddatei nicht gefunden", + "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Diese App bietet eine Benutzeroberfläche zur Nutzung der Nextcloud-Texterstellungsfunktion.\n\nSie ermöglicht Benutzern, KI-Aufgaben zu starten, nach Abschluss benachrichtigt zu werden und die Ergebnisse anzeigen zu lassen.\nDer Assistent erscheint auch in anderen Apps wie z. B. Text, um Teile eines Dokuments einfach zu bearbeiten.\n\nWeitere Details zur Assistenten-OCS-API und den Frontend-Integrationsmöglichkeiten finden Sie im\n[Entwicklerdokument](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Anleitung\n\nEin neuer Menüeintrag in der rechten Kopfzeile wird angezeigt. Sobald Sie darauf klicken, wird der Assistent angezeigt und Sie können einen Aufgabentyp auswählen und\nLegen Sie die Eingabe fest, die Sie verarbeiten möchten.\n\nAbhängig von der Zeitschätzung des KI-Anbieters kann die Aufgabe sofort ausgeführt oder geplant werden.\nSobald eine Aufgabe geplant ist, wird sie als Hintergrundjob ausgeführt. Wenn es fertig ist, erhalten Sie eine Benachrichtigung\nvon der aus die Ergebnisse angezeigt werden können.\n\nAndere Apps können in den Assistenten integriert werden. Beispielsweise zeigt Text neben jedem Absatz eine Inline-Schaltfläche an\num direkt einen Aufgabentyp zur Bearbeitung dieses Absatzes auszuwählen. Wenn Sie so eine Aufgabe auswählen, wird der Assistent mit der Aufgabe vorausgewählt geöffnet\nund der Eingabetext festgelegt.\n\nWeitere Details und Screenshots unter [Benutzerdokument](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Merkmale\n\nIm Assistenten hängt die Liste der verfügbaren Aufgaben von den verfügbaren Anbietern ab, die über andere Apps installiert wurden.\nDas bedeutet, dass Sie völlig frei entscheiden können, welcher Dienst/welche Software Ihre KI-Aufgaben tatsächlich ausführt.\n\n### Textverarbeitungsanbieter\n\nBisher ist das [große Sprachmodell](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nund die [OpenAi/LocalAI-Integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) Apps\nEinbinden von Textverarbeitungsanbietern, um:\n* Zusammenfassen\n* Themen extrahieren\n* Generieren Sie eine Überschrift\n* Erhalten Sie eine Antwort über eine kostenlose Eingabeaufforderung\n* Umformulieren (nur OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Kontextschreiber: Generieren Sie Text mit einem bestimmten Stil. Der Stil kann durch einen Beispieltext beschrieben oder bereitgestellt werden.\n\n### Text zu Bild (Bildgenerierung)\n\nBekannte Anbieter:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI-Integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Stabile Text2Image-Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Sprache zu Text (Audiotranskription)\n\nBekannte Anbieter:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI-Integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Lokales Flüster-Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Um diese Funktion zu aktivieren, installieren Sie bitte einen KI-Textverarbeitungsanbieter für den kostenlosen Aufgabentyp \"prompt\".", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Um diese Funktion zu aktivieren, installieren Sie bitte einen Text-zu-Bild-Anbieter.", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Um diese Funktion zu aktivieren, installieren Sie bitte einen Sprache-zu-Text Anbieter.", "Writing style" : "Schreibstil", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "Beschreiben Sie den Schreibstil, den Sie verwenden möchten, oder liefern Sie ein Beispiel-Dokument", "Source material" : "Quellmaterial", diff --git a/l10n/de_DE.json b/l10n/de_DE.json index 7b3dc920..708d6acd 100644 --- a/l10n/de_DE.json +++ b/l10n/de_DE.json @@ -35,16 +35,12 @@ "Chat with an AI model." : "Mit einem KI-Modell chatten", "Artificial Intelligence" : "Künstliche Intelligenz", "Process and transform text" : "Text verarbeiten und transformieren", - "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Diese App bietet eine Benutzeroberfläche zur Nutzung der Nextcloud-Texterstellungsfunktion.\n\nSie ermöglicht Benutzern, KI-Aufgaben zu starten, nach Abschluss benachrichtigt zu werden und die Ergebnisse anzeigen zu lassen.\nDer Assistent erscheint auch in anderen Apps wie z. B. Text, um Teile eines Dokuments einfach zu bearbeiten.\n\nWeitere Details zur Assistenten-OCS-API und den Frontend-Integrationsmöglichkeiten finden Sie im\n[Entwicklerdokument](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Anleitung\n\nEin neuer Menüeintrag in der rechten Kopfzeile wird angezeigt. Sobald Sie darauf klicken, wird der Assistent angezeigt und Sie können einen Aufgabentyp auswählen und\nLegen Sie die Eingabe fest, die Sie verarbeiten möchten.\n\nAbhängig von der Zeitschätzung des KI-Anbieters kann die Aufgabe sofort ausgeführt oder geplant werden.\nSobald eine Aufgabe geplant ist, wird sie als Hintergrundjob ausgeführt. Wenn es fertig ist, erhalten Sie eine Benachrichtigung\nvon der aus die Ergebnisse angezeigt werden können.\n\nAndere Apps können in den Assistenten integriert werden. Beispielsweise zeigt Text neben jedem Absatz eine Inline-Schaltfläche an\num direkt einen Aufgabentyp zur Bearbeitung dieses Absatzes auszuwählen. Wenn Sie so eine Aufgabe auswählen, wird der Assistent mit der Aufgabe vorausgewählt geöffnet\nund der Eingabetext festgelegt.\n\nWeitere Details und Screenshots unter [Benutzerdokument](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Merkmale\n\nIm Assistenten hängt die Liste der verfügbaren Aufgaben von den verfügbaren Anbietern ab, die über andere Apps installiert wurden.\nDas bedeutet, dass Sie völlig frei entscheiden können, welcher Dienst/welche Software Ihre KI-Aufgaben tatsächlich ausführt.\n\n### Textverarbeitungsanbieter\n\nBisher ist das [große Sprachmodell](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nund die [OpenAi/LocalAI-Integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) Apps\nEinbinden von Textverarbeitungsanbietern, um:\n* Zusammenfassen\n* Themen extrahieren\n* Generieren Sie eine Überschrift\n* Erhalten Sie eine Antwort über eine kostenlose Eingabeaufforderung\n* Umformulieren (nur OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Kontextschreiber: Generieren Sie Text mit einem bestimmten Stil. Der Stil kann durch einen Beispieltext beschrieben oder bereitgestellt werden.\n\n### Text zu Bild (Bildgenerierung)\n\nBekannte Anbieter:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI-Integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Stabile Text2Image-Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Sprache zu Text (Audiotranskription)\n\nBekannte Anbieter:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI-Integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Lokales Flüster-Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", "Select which features you want to enable" : "Wählen Sie, welche Funktionen aktiviert werden sollen", "Top-right assistant" : "Assistent oben rechts", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "Um diese Funktion nutzen zu können, installieren Sie bitte mindestens einen KI-Textverarbeitungsanbieter.", "AI text generation smart picker" : "KI-Texterstellungs-Smart Picker", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Um diese Funktion zu aktivieren, installieren Sie bitte einen KI-Textverarbeitungsanbieter für den kostenlosen Aufgabentyp \"prompt\".", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "Text-zu-Bild Smart Picker", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Um diese Funktion zu aktivieren, installieren Sie bitte einen Text-zu-Bild-Anbieter.", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "Sprache zu Text Smart Picker", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Um diese Funktion zu aktivieren, installieren Sie bitte einen Sprache-zu-Text Anbieter.", "Image storage" : "Bild-Speicher", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "Bilderstellungs-Leerlaufzeit (Tage)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "Tage bis erstellte Bilder gelöscht werden, wenn sie nicht angesehen wurden.", @@ -226,6 +222,10 @@ "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "Bilddateinamen konnten nicht aus der Datenbank abgerufen werden", "Image file not found in database" : "Bilddatei nicht in der Datenbank gefunden", "Image file not found" : "Bilddatei nicht gefunden", + "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Diese App bietet eine Benutzeroberfläche zur Nutzung der Nextcloud-Texterstellungsfunktion.\n\nSie ermöglicht Benutzern, KI-Aufgaben zu starten, nach Abschluss benachrichtigt zu werden und die Ergebnisse anzeigen zu lassen.\nDer Assistent erscheint auch in anderen Apps wie z. B. Text, um Teile eines Dokuments einfach zu bearbeiten.\n\nWeitere Details zur Assistenten-OCS-API und den Frontend-Integrationsmöglichkeiten finden Sie im\n[Entwicklerdokument](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Anleitung\n\nEin neuer Menüeintrag in der rechten Kopfzeile wird angezeigt. Sobald Sie darauf klicken, wird der Assistent angezeigt und Sie können einen Aufgabentyp auswählen und\nLegen Sie die Eingabe fest, die Sie verarbeiten möchten.\n\nAbhängig von der Zeitschätzung des KI-Anbieters kann die Aufgabe sofort ausgeführt oder geplant werden.\nSobald eine Aufgabe geplant ist, wird sie als Hintergrundjob ausgeführt. Wenn es fertig ist, erhalten Sie eine Benachrichtigung\nvon der aus die Ergebnisse angezeigt werden können.\n\nAndere Apps können in den Assistenten integriert werden. Beispielsweise zeigt Text neben jedem Absatz eine Inline-Schaltfläche an\num direkt einen Aufgabentyp zur Bearbeitung dieses Absatzes auszuwählen. Wenn Sie so eine Aufgabe auswählen, wird der Assistent mit der Aufgabe vorausgewählt geöffnet\nund der Eingabetext festgelegt.\n\nWeitere Details und Screenshots unter [Benutzerdokument](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Merkmale\n\nIm Assistenten hängt die Liste der verfügbaren Aufgaben von den verfügbaren Anbietern ab, die über andere Apps installiert wurden.\nDas bedeutet, dass Sie völlig frei entscheiden können, welcher Dienst/welche Software Ihre KI-Aufgaben tatsächlich ausführt.\n\n### Textverarbeitungsanbieter\n\nBisher ist das [große Sprachmodell](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nund die [OpenAi/LocalAI-Integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) Apps\nEinbinden von Textverarbeitungsanbietern, um:\n* Zusammenfassen\n* Themen extrahieren\n* Generieren Sie eine Überschrift\n* Erhalten Sie eine Antwort über eine kostenlose Eingabeaufforderung\n* Umformulieren (nur OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Kontextschreiber: Generieren Sie Text mit einem bestimmten Stil. Der Stil kann durch einen Beispieltext beschrieben oder bereitgestellt werden.\n\n### Text zu Bild (Bildgenerierung)\n\nBekannte Anbieter:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI-Integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Stabile Text2Image-Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Sprache zu Text (Audiotranskription)\n\nBekannte Anbieter:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI-Integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Lokales Flüster-Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Um diese Funktion zu aktivieren, installieren Sie bitte einen KI-Textverarbeitungsanbieter für den kostenlosen Aufgabentyp \"prompt\".", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Um diese Funktion zu aktivieren, installieren Sie bitte einen Text-zu-Bild-Anbieter.", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Um diese Funktion zu aktivieren, installieren Sie bitte einen Sprache-zu-Text Anbieter.", "Writing style" : "Schreibstil", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "Beschreiben Sie den Schreibstil, den Sie verwenden möchten, oder liefern Sie ein Beispiel-Dokument", "Source material" : "Quellmaterial", diff --git a/l10n/en_GB.js b/l10n/en_GB.js index 1cc6f0d4..a99b5ff0 100644 --- a/l10n/en_GB.js +++ b/l10n/en_GB.js @@ -37,16 +37,12 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Chat with an AI model." : "Chat with an AI model.", "Artificial Intelligence" : "Artificial Intelligence", "Process and transform text" : "Process and transform text", - "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", "Select which features you want to enable" : "Select which features you want to enable", "Top-right assistant" : "Top-right assistant", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider.", "AI text generation smart picker" : "AI text generation smart picker", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type.", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "Text-to-image smart picker", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider.", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "Speech-to-text smart picker", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider.", "Image storage" : "Image storage", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "Image generation idle time (days)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed", @@ -228,6 +224,10 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "Image file names could not be fetched from database", "Image file not found in database" : "Image file not found in database", "Image file not found" : "Image file not found", + "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type.", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider.", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider.", "Writing style" : "Writing style", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document.", "Source material" : "Source material", diff --git a/l10n/en_GB.json b/l10n/en_GB.json index 75d1e624..e26e9166 100644 --- a/l10n/en_GB.json +++ b/l10n/en_GB.json @@ -35,16 +35,12 @@ "Chat with an AI model." : "Chat with an AI model.", "Artificial Intelligence" : "Artificial Intelligence", "Process and transform text" : "Process and transform text", - "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", "Select which features you want to enable" : "Select which features you want to enable", "Top-right assistant" : "Top-right assistant", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider.", "AI text generation smart picker" : "AI text generation smart picker", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type.", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "Text-to-image smart picker", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider.", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "Speech-to-text smart picker", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider.", "Image storage" : "Image storage", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "Image generation idle time (days)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed", @@ -226,6 +222,10 @@ "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "Image file names could not be fetched from database", "Image file not found in database" : "Image file not found in database", "Image file not found" : "Image file not found", + "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type.", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider.", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider.", "Writing style" : "Writing style", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document.", "Source material" : "Source material", diff --git a/l10n/es.js b/l10n/es.js index 896b7a9a..f75dc940 100644 --- a/l10n/es.js +++ b/l10n/es.js @@ -21,16 +21,12 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Send a request to the Assistant, for example: write a first draft of a presentation, give me suggestions for a presentation, write a draft reply to my colleague." : "Enviar una solicitud al Asistente, por ejemplo: escribe un borrador inicial de una presentación, dame sugerencias para una presentación, escribe un borrador de una respuesta a mi colega. ", "Artificial Intelligence" : "Inteligencia Artificial", "Process and transform text" : "Procesar y transformar texto", - "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Esta app brinda una interfaz de usuario para utilizar la característica de procesamiento de texto de Nextcloud.\n\nPermite a los usuarios lanzar tareas de procesamiento de texto, ser notificados cuando estas finalizan y ver los resultados.\nEl asistente también aparece en otras apps como Text para procesar fácilmente partes de un documento.\n\nMás detalles del API OCS del asistente, así como las posibilidades de integración en la [documentación para desarrolladores](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Cómo utilizarla\n\nUna entrada nueva en el menú en la cabecera derecha aparecerá. Una vez que haga clic, el asistente se mostrará y Ud. puede seleccionar el tipo de tarea y\nestablecer el texto de entrada que quiere procesar.\n\nLa tarea podría ejecutarse inmediatamente o agendarse dependiendo del estimado de tiempo que dé el proveedor de IA.\nUna vez que una tarea se agenda, se ejecutará como un trabajo en segundo plano. Cuando termine, recibirá una notificación\ndesde la cual los resultados pueden ser mostrados.\n\nOtras apps pueden integrarse con el asistente. Por ejemplo, Text mostrará un botón integrado junto a cada párrafo\npara seleccionar directamente un tipo de tarea para procesar este párrafo. Al seleccionar una tarea de esta manera abrirá el asistente con la tarea\nya preseleccionada y el texto de entrada establecido.\n\nMás detalles y capturas de pantalla en la [documentación de usuario](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user)\n\n## Características\n\nEn el asistente, la lista de tareas disponibles depende de los proveedores disponibles que han sido instalados a través de otras apps.\nEsto significa que tiene completa libertad sobre cual servicio/software será el que ejecute sus tareas de IA.\n\n## Proveedores de procesamiento de texto\n\nHasta ahora las apps, [Modelo largo de lenguaje (LLM)](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\ny la [Integración con OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) \nincluyen proveedores de procesamiento de texto para:\n* Resumir\n* Extraer tópicos\n* Generar una cabecera/título\n* Obtener una respuesta de un prompt libre\n* Reformular (sólo OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Escritor con contexto: Generar texto con un estilo específico. El estilo puede ser descrito o bien provisto con un texto de ejemplo.\n\n## Texto a imágenes (generación de imágenes)\n\nProveedores conocidos:\n* [Integración OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Difusión estable Text2Image](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Proveedores conocidos de dictado a texto (Transcripción de audio):\n* [Integración OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Dictado a texto Whisper Local](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", "Select which features you want to enable" : "Seleccione las características que desea habilitar", "Top-right assistant" : "Asistente superior derecho", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "Para habilitar esta característica, por favor instale un proveedor de procesamiento de texto mediante IA.", "AI text generation smart picker" : "Seleccionador inteligente de generación de texto mediante IA", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Para habilitar esta característica, por favor instale un proveedor de procesamiento de texto mediante IA para el tipo de tarea prompt libre.", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "Seleccionador inteligente de Texto a imágenes", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Para habilitar esta característica, por favor instale un proveedor de texto a imágenes.", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "Seleccionador inteligente de dictado a texto", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Para habilitar esta característica, por favor instale un proveedor de dictado a texto.", "Image storage" : "Almacenamiento de imágenes", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "Tiempo de inactividad de generación de imágenes (días)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "Tiempo en días en que las imágenes generadas serán eliminadas si no son vistas", @@ -140,6 +136,10 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "Los nombres de archivo para las imágenes no pudieron ser recuperados de la base de datos", "Image file not found in database" : "El archivo de imagen no se pudo encontrar en la base de datos", "Image file not found" : "No se encontró el archivo de imagen", + "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Esta app brinda una interfaz de usuario para utilizar la característica de procesamiento de texto de Nextcloud.\n\nPermite a los usuarios lanzar tareas de procesamiento de texto, ser notificados cuando estas finalizan y ver los resultados.\nEl asistente también aparece en otras apps como Text para procesar fácilmente partes de un documento.\n\nMás detalles del API OCS del asistente, así como las posibilidades de integración en la [documentación para desarrolladores](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Cómo utilizarla\n\nUna entrada nueva en el menú en la cabecera derecha aparecerá. Una vez que haga clic, el asistente se mostrará y Ud. puede seleccionar el tipo de tarea y\nestablecer el texto de entrada que quiere procesar.\n\nLa tarea podría ejecutarse inmediatamente o agendarse dependiendo del estimado de tiempo que dé el proveedor de IA.\nUna vez que una tarea se agenda, se ejecutará como un trabajo en segundo plano. Cuando termine, recibirá una notificación\ndesde la cual los resultados pueden ser mostrados.\n\nOtras apps pueden integrarse con el asistente. Por ejemplo, Text mostrará un botón integrado junto a cada párrafo\npara seleccionar directamente un tipo de tarea para procesar este párrafo. Al seleccionar una tarea de esta manera abrirá el asistente con la tarea\nya preseleccionada y el texto de entrada establecido.\n\nMás detalles y capturas de pantalla en la [documentación de usuario](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user)\n\n## Características\n\nEn el asistente, la lista de tareas disponibles depende de los proveedores disponibles que han sido instalados a través de otras apps.\nEsto significa que tiene completa libertad sobre cual servicio/software será el que ejecute sus tareas de IA.\n\n## Proveedores de procesamiento de texto\n\nHasta ahora las apps, [Modelo largo de lenguaje (LLM)](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\ny la [Integración con OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) \nincluyen proveedores de procesamiento de texto para:\n* Resumir\n* Extraer tópicos\n* Generar una cabecera/título\n* Obtener una respuesta de un prompt libre\n* Reformular (sólo OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Escritor con contexto: Generar texto con un estilo específico. El estilo puede ser descrito o bien provisto con un texto de ejemplo.\n\n## Texto a imágenes (generación de imágenes)\n\nProveedores conocidos:\n* [Integración OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Difusión estable Text2Image](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Proveedores conocidos de dictado a texto (Transcripción de audio):\n* [Integración OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Dictado a texto Whisper Local](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Para habilitar esta característica, por favor instale un proveedor de procesamiento de texto mediante IA para el tipo de tarea prompt libre.", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Para habilitar esta característica, por favor instale un proveedor de texto a imágenes.", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Para habilitar esta característica, por favor instale un proveedor de dictado a texto.", "Writing style" : "Estilo de escritura", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "Describa el estilo de escritura que desea utilizar o proporcione un documento de ejemplo.", "Source material" : "Material fuente", diff --git a/l10n/es.json b/l10n/es.json index b65b99e1..e73af704 100644 --- a/l10n/es.json +++ b/l10n/es.json @@ -19,16 +19,12 @@ "Send a request to the Assistant, for example: write a first draft of a presentation, give me suggestions for a presentation, write a draft reply to my colleague." : "Enviar una solicitud al Asistente, por ejemplo: escribe un borrador inicial de una presentación, dame sugerencias para una presentación, escribe un borrador de una respuesta a mi colega. ", "Artificial Intelligence" : "Inteligencia Artificial", "Process and transform text" : "Procesar y transformar texto", - "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Esta app brinda una interfaz de usuario para utilizar la característica de procesamiento de texto de Nextcloud.\n\nPermite a los usuarios lanzar tareas de procesamiento de texto, ser notificados cuando estas finalizan y ver los resultados.\nEl asistente también aparece en otras apps como Text para procesar fácilmente partes de un documento.\n\nMás detalles del API OCS del asistente, así como las posibilidades de integración en la [documentación para desarrolladores](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Cómo utilizarla\n\nUna entrada nueva en el menú en la cabecera derecha aparecerá. Una vez que haga clic, el asistente se mostrará y Ud. puede seleccionar el tipo de tarea y\nestablecer el texto de entrada que quiere procesar.\n\nLa tarea podría ejecutarse inmediatamente o agendarse dependiendo del estimado de tiempo que dé el proveedor de IA.\nUna vez que una tarea se agenda, se ejecutará como un trabajo en segundo plano. Cuando termine, recibirá una notificación\ndesde la cual los resultados pueden ser mostrados.\n\nOtras apps pueden integrarse con el asistente. Por ejemplo, Text mostrará un botón integrado junto a cada párrafo\npara seleccionar directamente un tipo de tarea para procesar este párrafo. Al seleccionar una tarea de esta manera abrirá el asistente con la tarea\nya preseleccionada y el texto de entrada establecido.\n\nMás detalles y capturas de pantalla en la [documentación de usuario](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user)\n\n## Características\n\nEn el asistente, la lista de tareas disponibles depende de los proveedores disponibles que han sido instalados a través de otras apps.\nEsto significa que tiene completa libertad sobre cual servicio/software será el que ejecute sus tareas de IA.\n\n## Proveedores de procesamiento de texto\n\nHasta ahora las apps, [Modelo largo de lenguaje (LLM)](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\ny la [Integración con OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) \nincluyen proveedores de procesamiento de texto para:\n* Resumir\n* Extraer tópicos\n* Generar una cabecera/título\n* Obtener una respuesta de un prompt libre\n* Reformular (sólo OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Escritor con contexto: Generar texto con un estilo específico. El estilo puede ser descrito o bien provisto con un texto de ejemplo.\n\n## Texto a imágenes (generación de imágenes)\n\nProveedores conocidos:\n* [Integración OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Difusión estable Text2Image](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Proveedores conocidos de dictado a texto (Transcripción de audio):\n* [Integración OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Dictado a texto Whisper Local](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", "Select which features you want to enable" : "Seleccione las características que desea habilitar", "Top-right assistant" : "Asistente superior derecho", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "Para habilitar esta característica, por favor instale un proveedor de procesamiento de texto mediante IA.", "AI text generation smart picker" : "Seleccionador inteligente de generación de texto mediante IA", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Para habilitar esta característica, por favor instale un proveedor de procesamiento de texto mediante IA para el tipo de tarea prompt libre.", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "Seleccionador inteligente de Texto a imágenes", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Para habilitar esta característica, por favor instale un proveedor de texto a imágenes.", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "Seleccionador inteligente de dictado a texto", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Para habilitar esta característica, por favor instale un proveedor de dictado a texto.", "Image storage" : "Almacenamiento de imágenes", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "Tiempo de inactividad de generación de imágenes (días)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "Tiempo en días en que las imágenes generadas serán eliminadas si no son vistas", @@ -138,6 +134,10 @@ "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "Los nombres de archivo para las imágenes no pudieron ser recuperados de la base de datos", "Image file not found in database" : "El archivo de imagen no se pudo encontrar en la base de datos", "Image file not found" : "No se encontró el archivo de imagen", + "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Esta app brinda una interfaz de usuario para utilizar la característica de procesamiento de texto de Nextcloud.\n\nPermite a los usuarios lanzar tareas de procesamiento de texto, ser notificados cuando estas finalizan y ver los resultados.\nEl asistente también aparece en otras apps como Text para procesar fácilmente partes de un documento.\n\nMás detalles del API OCS del asistente, así como las posibilidades de integración en la [documentación para desarrolladores](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Cómo utilizarla\n\nUna entrada nueva en el menú en la cabecera derecha aparecerá. Una vez que haga clic, el asistente se mostrará y Ud. puede seleccionar el tipo de tarea y\nestablecer el texto de entrada que quiere procesar.\n\nLa tarea podría ejecutarse inmediatamente o agendarse dependiendo del estimado de tiempo que dé el proveedor de IA.\nUna vez que una tarea se agenda, se ejecutará como un trabajo en segundo plano. Cuando termine, recibirá una notificación\ndesde la cual los resultados pueden ser mostrados.\n\nOtras apps pueden integrarse con el asistente. Por ejemplo, Text mostrará un botón integrado junto a cada párrafo\npara seleccionar directamente un tipo de tarea para procesar este párrafo. Al seleccionar una tarea de esta manera abrirá el asistente con la tarea\nya preseleccionada y el texto de entrada establecido.\n\nMás detalles y capturas de pantalla en la [documentación de usuario](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user)\n\n## Características\n\nEn el asistente, la lista de tareas disponibles depende de los proveedores disponibles que han sido instalados a través de otras apps.\nEsto significa que tiene completa libertad sobre cual servicio/software será el que ejecute sus tareas de IA.\n\n## Proveedores de procesamiento de texto\n\nHasta ahora las apps, [Modelo largo de lenguaje (LLM)](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\ny la [Integración con OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) \nincluyen proveedores de procesamiento de texto para:\n* Resumir\n* Extraer tópicos\n* Generar una cabecera/título\n* Obtener una respuesta de un prompt libre\n* Reformular (sólo OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Escritor con contexto: Generar texto con un estilo específico. El estilo puede ser descrito o bien provisto con un texto de ejemplo.\n\n## Texto a imágenes (generación de imágenes)\n\nProveedores conocidos:\n* [Integración OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Difusión estable Text2Image](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Proveedores conocidos de dictado a texto (Transcripción de audio):\n* [Integración OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Dictado a texto Whisper Local](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Para habilitar esta característica, por favor instale un proveedor de procesamiento de texto mediante IA para el tipo de tarea prompt libre.", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Para habilitar esta característica, por favor instale un proveedor de texto a imágenes.", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Para habilitar esta característica, por favor instale un proveedor de dictado a texto.", "Writing style" : "Estilo de escritura", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "Describa el estilo de escritura que desea utilizar o proporcione un documento de ejemplo.", "Source material" : "Material fuente", diff --git a/l10n/ga.js b/l10n/ga.js index e86027af..44ce552a 100644 --- a/l10n/ga.js +++ b/l10n/ga.js @@ -37,16 +37,12 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Chat with an AI model." : "Chat with an AI model.", "Artificial Intelligence" : "Intleacht Shaorga", "Process and transform text" : "Téacs a phróiseáil agus a athrú", - "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Tugann an aip seo comhéadan úsáideora chun an ghné próiseála téacs Nextcloud a úsáid.\n\nLigeann sé d’úsáideoirí tascanna AI a sheoladh, a chur ar an eolas nuair a chríochnaíonn siad agus na torthaí a fheiceáil.\nTá an cúntóir le feiceáil freisin in aipeanna eile cosúil le Téacs chun codanna de dhoiciméad a phróiseáil go héasca.\n\nTuilleadh sonraí ar an API OCS cúnta agus féidearthachtaí comhtháthú frontend sa\n[doc forbróir]( https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Conas é a úsáid\n\nFeictear iontráil nua ar an roghchlár ceanntásc ar dheis. Nuair a chliceáiltear é, taispeántar an cúntóir agus is féidir leat a roghnú agus cineál tasc agus\nsocraigh an t-ionchur is mian leat a phróiseáil.\n\nD’fhéadfadh go rithfidh an tasc láithreach nó go ndéanfaí é a sceidealú ag brath ar an meastachán ama a thugann an soláthraí AI.\nNuair a bheidh tasc sceidealta, rithfidh sé mar phost cúlra. Nuair a bheidh sé críochnaithe, gheobhaidh tú fógra\nónar féidir na torthaí a thaispeáint.\n\nIs féidir le apps eile a chomhtháthú leis an gcúntóir. Mar shampla, taispeánfaidh Téacs cnaipe inlíne seachas gach alt\nchun cineál taisc a roghnú go díreach chun an mhír seo a phróiseáil. Má roghnaítear tasc ar an mbealach seo, osclófar an cúntóir leis an tasc\ná réamhroghnú agus an téacs ionchuir socraithe.\n\nTuilleadh sonraí agus screenshots sa [doic úsáideora](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Gnéithe\n\nSa chúntóir, braitheann liosta na dtascanna atá ar fáil ar na soláthraithe atá ar fáil suiteáilte trí apps eile.\nCiallaíonn sé seo go bhfuil saoirse iomlán agat maidir leis na seirbhísí/bogearraí a reáchtálfaidh do thascanna AI.\n\n### Soláthraithe próiseála téacs\n\nGo dtí seo, an [Múnla mór teanga]( https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nagus an [comhtháthú OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\nsoláthraithe próiseála téacs a áireamh chun:\n* Achoimre\n* Ábhair Sliocht\n* Gin ceannlíne\n* Faigh freagra ó leid saor in aisce\n* Athfhoirmliú (OpenAi/LocalAi amháin)\n* Scríbhneoir comhthéacs: Gin téacs le stíl shonraithe. Is féidir cur síos a dhéanamh ar an stíl nó é a sholáthar trí théacs samplach.\n\n### Téacs go híomhá (Giniúint íomhá)\n\nSoláthraithe aitheanta:\n* [comhtháthú OpenAi/LocalAI]( https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Cobhsaí Idirleathadh]( https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Óráid go téacs (Tras-scríobh fuaime)\n\nSoláthraithe aitheanta:\n* [comhtháthú OpenAi/LocalAI]( https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Óráid Cogar Áitiúil-Chuig-Téacs](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", "Select which features you want to enable" : "Roghnaigh na gnéithe is mian leat a chumasú", "Top-right assistant" : "Cúntóir barr-dheis", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "Chun an ghné seo a úsáid, suiteáil soláthraí próiseála téacs AI amháin ar a laghad le do thoil.", "AI text generation smart picker" : "Roghnóir cliste giniúna téacs AI", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Chun an ghné seo a chumasú, le do thoil suiteáil soláthraí próiseála téacs AI don chineál tasc pras saor in aisce.", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "Roghnóir cliste téacs-go-íomhá", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Chun an ghné seo a chumasú, suiteáil soláthraí téacs-go-íomhá le do thoil.", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "Roghnóir cliste urlabhra go téacs", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Chun an ghné seo a chumasú, suiteáil soláthraí urlabhra go téacs.", "Image storage" : "Stóráil íomhá", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "Am díomhaoin giniúna íomhá (laethanta)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "Laethanta go dtí go scriostar íomhánna ginte mura bhfeictear iad", @@ -228,6 +224,10 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "Níorbh fhéidir ainmneacha comhaid íomhá a fháil ón mbunachar sonraí", "Image file not found in database" : "Ní bhfuarthas an comhad íomhá sa bhunachar sonraí", "Image file not found" : "Níor aimsíodh an comhad íomhá", + "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Tugann an aip seo comhéadan úsáideora chun an ghné próiseála téacs Nextcloud a úsáid.\n\nLigeann sé d’úsáideoirí tascanna AI a sheoladh, a chur ar an eolas nuair a chríochnaíonn siad agus na torthaí a fheiceáil.\nTá an cúntóir le feiceáil freisin in aipeanna eile cosúil le Téacs chun codanna de dhoiciméad a phróiseáil go héasca.\n\nTuilleadh sonraí ar an API OCS cúnta agus féidearthachtaí comhtháthú frontend sa\n[doc forbróir]( https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Conas é a úsáid\n\nFeictear iontráil nua ar an roghchlár ceanntásc ar dheis. Nuair a chliceáiltear é, taispeántar an cúntóir agus is féidir leat a roghnú agus cineál tasc agus\nsocraigh an t-ionchur is mian leat a phróiseáil.\n\nD’fhéadfadh go rithfidh an tasc láithreach nó go ndéanfaí é a sceidealú ag brath ar an meastachán ama a thugann an soláthraí AI.\nNuair a bheidh tasc sceidealta, rithfidh sé mar phost cúlra. Nuair a bheidh sé críochnaithe, gheobhaidh tú fógra\nónar féidir na torthaí a thaispeáint.\n\nIs féidir le apps eile a chomhtháthú leis an gcúntóir. Mar shampla, taispeánfaidh Téacs cnaipe inlíne seachas gach alt\nchun cineál taisc a roghnú go díreach chun an mhír seo a phróiseáil. Má roghnaítear tasc ar an mbealach seo, osclófar an cúntóir leis an tasc\ná réamhroghnú agus an téacs ionchuir socraithe.\n\nTuilleadh sonraí agus screenshots sa [doic úsáideora](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Gnéithe\n\nSa chúntóir, braitheann liosta na dtascanna atá ar fáil ar na soláthraithe atá ar fáil suiteáilte trí apps eile.\nCiallaíonn sé seo go bhfuil saoirse iomlán agat maidir leis na seirbhísí/bogearraí a reáchtálfaidh do thascanna AI.\n\n### Soláthraithe próiseála téacs\n\nGo dtí seo, an [Múnla mór teanga]( https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nagus an [comhtháthú OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\nsoláthraithe próiseála téacs a áireamh chun:\n* Achoimre\n* Ábhair Sliocht\n* Gin ceannlíne\n* Faigh freagra ó leid saor in aisce\n* Athfhoirmliú (OpenAi/LocalAi amháin)\n* Scríbhneoir comhthéacs: Gin téacs le stíl shonraithe. Is féidir cur síos a dhéanamh ar an stíl nó é a sholáthar trí théacs samplach.\n\n### Téacs go híomhá (Giniúint íomhá)\n\nSoláthraithe aitheanta:\n* [comhtháthú OpenAi/LocalAI]( https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Cobhsaí Idirleathadh]( https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Óráid go téacs (Tras-scríobh fuaime)\n\nSoláthraithe aitheanta:\n* [comhtháthú OpenAi/LocalAI]( https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Óráid Cogar Áitiúil-Chuig-Téacs](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Chun an ghné seo a chumasú, le do thoil suiteáil soláthraí próiseála téacs AI don chineál tasc pras saor in aisce.", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Chun an ghné seo a chumasú, suiteáil soláthraí téacs-go-íomhá le do thoil.", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Chun an ghné seo a chumasú, suiteáil soláthraí urlabhra go téacs.", "Writing style" : "Stíl scríbhneoireachta", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "Déan cur síos ar an stíl scríbhneoireachta is mian leat a úsáid nó tabhair doiciméad samplach.", "Source material" : "Bunábhar", diff --git a/l10n/ga.json b/l10n/ga.json index e92b5bb4..6e0a7072 100644 --- a/l10n/ga.json +++ b/l10n/ga.json @@ -35,16 +35,12 @@ "Chat with an AI model." : "Chat with an AI model.", "Artificial Intelligence" : "Intleacht Shaorga", "Process and transform text" : "Téacs a phróiseáil agus a athrú", - "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Tugann an aip seo comhéadan úsáideora chun an ghné próiseála téacs Nextcloud a úsáid.\n\nLigeann sé d’úsáideoirí tascanna AI a sheoladh, a chur ar an eolas nuair a chríochnaíonn siad agus na torthaí a fheiceáil.\nTá an cúntóir le feiceáil freisin in aipeanna eile cosúil le Téacs chun codanna de dhoiciméad a phróiseáil go héasca.\n\nTuilleadh sonraí ar an API OCS cúnta agus féidearthachtaí comhtháthú frontend sa\n[doc forbróir]( https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Conas é a úsáid\n\nFeictear iontráil nua ar an roghchlár ceanntásc ar dheis. Nuair a chliceáiltear é, taispeántar an cúntóir agus is féidir leat a roghnú agus cineál tasc agus\nsocraigh an t-ionchur is mian leat a phróiseáil.\n\nD’fhéadfadh go rithfidh an tasc láithreach nó go ndéanfaí é a sceidealú ag brath ar an meastachán ama a thugann an soláthraí AI.\nNuair a bheidh tasc sceidealta, rithfidh sé mar phost cúlra. Nuair a bheidh sé críochnaithe, gheobhaidh tú fógra\nónar féidir na torthaí a thaispeáint.\n\nIs féidir le apps eile a chomhtháthú leis an gcúntóir. Mar shampla, taispeánfaidh Téacs cnaipe inlíne seachas gach alt\nchun cineál taisc a roghnú go díreach chun an mhír seo a phróiseáil. Má roghnaítear tasc ar an mbealach seo, osclófar an cúntóir leis an tasc\ná réamhroghnú agus an téacs ionchuir socraithe.\n\nTuilleadh sonraí agus screenshots sa [doic úsáideora](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Gnéithe\n\nSa chúntóir, braitheann liosta na dtascanna atá ar fáil ar na soláthraithe atá ar fáil suiteáilte trí apps eile.\nCiallaíonn sé seo go bhfuil saoirse iomlán agat maidir leis na seirbhísí/bogearraí a reáchtálfaidh do thascanna AI.\n\n### Soláthraithe próiseála téacs\n\nGo dtí seo, an [Múnla mór teanga]( https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nagus an [comhtháthú OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\nsoláthraithe próiseála téacs a áireamh chun:\n* Achoimre\n* Ábhair Sliocht\n* Gin ceannlíne\n* Faigh freagra ó leid saor in aisce\n* Athfhoirmliú (OpenAi/LocalAi amháin)\n* Scríbhneoir comhthéacs: Gin téacs le stíl shonraithe. Is féidir cur síos a dhéanamh ar an stíl nó é a sholáthar trí théacs samplach.\n\n### Téacs go híomhá (Giniúint íomhá)\n\nSoláthraithe aitheanta:\n* [comhtháthú OpenAi/LocalAI]( https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Cobhsaí Idirleathadh]( https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Óráid go téacs (Tras-scríobh fuaime)\n\nSoláthraithe aitheanta:\n* [comhtháthú OpenAi/LocalAI]( https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Óráid Cogar Áitiúil-Chuig-Téacs](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", "Select which features you want to enable" : "Roghnaigh na gnéithe is mian leat a chumasú", "Top-right assistant" : "Cúntóir barr-dheis", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "Chun an ghné seo a úsáid, suiteáil soláthraí próiseála téacs AI amháin ar a laghad le do thoil.", "AI text generation smart picker" : "Roghnóir cliste giniúna téacs AI", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Chun an ghné seo a chumasú, le do thoil suiteáil soláthraí próiseála téacs AI don chineál tasc pras saor in aisce.", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "Roghnóir cliste téacs-go-íomhá", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Chun an ghné seo a chumasú, suiteáil soláthraí téacs-go-íomhá le do thoil.", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "Roghnóir cliste urlabhra go téacs", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Chun an ghné seo a chumasú, suiteáil soláthraí urlabhra go téacs.", "Image storage" : "Stóráil íomhá", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "Am díomhaoin giniúna íomhá (laethanta)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "Laethanta go dtí go scriostar íomhánna ginte mura bhfeictear iad", @@ -226,6 +222,10 @@ "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "Níorbh fhéidir ainmneacha comhaid íomhá a fháil ón mbunachar sonraí", "Image file not found in database" : "Ní bhfuarthas an comhad íomhá sa bhunachar sonraí", "Image file not found" : "Níor aimsíodh an comhad íomhá", + "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Tugann an aip seo comhéadan úsáideora chun an ghné próiseála téacs Nextcloud a úsáid.\n\nLigeann sé d’úsáideoirí tascanna AI a sheoladh, a chur ar an eolas nuair a chríochnaíonn siad agus na torthaí a fheiceáil.\nTá an cúntóir le feiceáil freisin in aipeanna eile cosúil le Téacs chun codanna de dhoiciméad a phróiseáil go héasca.\n\nTuilleadh sonraí ar an API OCS cúnta agus féidearthachtaí comhtháthú frontend sa\n[doc forbróir]( https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Conas é a úsáid\n\nFeictear iontráil nua ar an roghchlár ceanntásc ar dheis. Nuair a chliceáiltear é, taispeántar an cúntóir agus is féidir leat a roghnú agus cineál tasc agus\nsocraigh an t-ionchur is mian leat a phróiseáil.\n\nD’fhéadfadh go rithfidh an tasc láithreach nó go ndéanfaí é a sceidealú ag brath ar an meastachán ama a thugann an soláthraí AI.\nNuair a bheidh tasc sceidealta, rithfidh sé mar phost cúlra. Nuair a bheidh sé críochnaithe, gheobhaidh tú fógra\nónar féidir na torthaí a thaispeáint.\n\nIs féidir le apps eile a chomhtháthú leis an gcúntóir. Mar shampla, taispeánfaidh Téacs cnaipe inlíne seachas gach alt\nchun cineál taisc a roghnú go díreach chun an mhír seo a phróiseáil. Má roghnaítear tasc ar an mbealach seo, osclófar an cúntóir leis an tasc\ná réamhroghnú agus an téacs ionchuir socraithe.\n\nTuilleadh sonraí agus screenshots sa [doic úsáideora](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Gnéithe\n\nSa chúntóir, braitheann liosta na dtascanna atá ar fáil ar na soláthraithe atá ar fáil suiteáilte trí apps eile.\nCiallaíonn sé seo go bhfuil saoirse iomlán agat maidir leis na seirbhísí/bogearraí a reáchtálfaidh do thascanna AI.\n\n### Soláthraithe próiseála téacs\n\nGo dtí seo, an [Múnla mór teanga]( https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nagus an [comhtháthú OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\nsoláthraithe próiseála téacs a áireamh chun:\n* Achoimre\n* Ábhair Sliocht\n* Gin ceannlíne\n* Faigh freagra ó leid saor in aisce\n* Athfhoirmliú (OpenAi/LocalAi amháin)\n* Scríbhneoir comhthéacs: Gin téacs le stíl shonraithe. Is féidir cur síos a dhéanamh ar an stíl nó é a sholáthar trí théacs samplach.\n\n### Téacs go híomhá (Giniúint íomhá)\n\nSoláthraithe aitheanta:\n* [comhtháthú OpenAi/LocalAI]( https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Cobhsaí Idirleathadh]( https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Óráid go téacs (Tras-scríobh fuaime)\n\nSoláthraithe aitheanta:\n* [comhtháthú OpenAi/LocalAI]( https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Óráid Cogar Áitiúil-Chuig-Téacs](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Chun an ghné seo a chumasú, le do thoil suiteáil soláthraí próiseála téacs AI don chineál tasc pras saor in aisce.", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Chun an ghné seo a chumasú, suiteáil soláthraí téacs-go-íomhá le do thoil.", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Chun an ghné seo a chumasú, suiteáil soláthraí urlabhra go téacs.", "Writing style" : "Stíl scríbhneoireachta", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "Déan cur síos ar an stíl scríbhneoireachta is mian leat a úsáid nó tabhair doiciméad samplach.", "Source material" : "Bunábhar", diff --git a/l10n/gl.js b/l10n/gl.js index 6a359634..17e3a6c6 100644 --- a/l10n/gl.js +++ b/l10n/gl.js @@ -37,16 +37,12 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Chat with an AI model." : "Parola cun modelo de IA.", "Artificial Intelligence" : "Intelixencia artificial", "Process and transform text" : "Procesar e transformar texto", - "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Esta aplicación ofrece unha interface de usuario para usar a función de procesamento de texto de Nextcloud.\n\nPermítelle aos usuarios iniciar tarefas de IA, ser notificados cando rematen e ver os resultados.\nO asistente tamén aparece noutras aplicacións como Texto para procesar facilmente partes dun documento.\n\nPode ver máis detalles sobre a API do asistente OCS e as posibilidades de integración da interface no\n[documento do programador](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Como usalo\n\nAparece unha nova entrada do menú da cabeceira dereita. Cando se preme nela, amosase o asistente e pode seleccionar o tipo de tarefa e definir a entrada que quere procesar.\n\nA tarefa pode executarse inmediatamente ou programarse dependendo da estimación de tempo fornecida polo provedor de IA.\nUnha vez programada a tarefa, executarase como traballo en segundo plano. Cando remate, recibirá unha notificación\nna que se amosarán os resultados.\n\nPoden integrarse outras aplicacións co asistente. Por exemplo, Text amosará un botón en liña xunto a cada parágrafo\npara seleccionar directamente un tipo de tarefa para procesar este parágrafo. Se selecciona unha tarefa deste xeito,\nabrirase o asistente coa tarefa preseleccionada e o texto de entrada definido.\n\nMáis detalles e capturas de pantalla no [documento do usuario](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n##Características\n\nNo asistente, a lista de tarefas dispoñíbeis depende dos provedores dispoñíbeis instalados a través doutras aplicacións.\nIsto significa que dispón de total liberdade sobre o servizo/software que executará as súas tarefas de IA.\n\n### Provedores de procesamento de texto\n\nAta agora, o [Gran modelo de linguaxe](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\ne as aplicacións [Integración OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\ninclúen provedores de procesamento de texto para:\n* Resumr\n* Extraer temas\n* Xerar un títular\n* Obtér unha resposta dunha indicación libre\n* Reformular (só OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Redacción por contexto: xera texto cun estilo especificado. O estilo pódese describir ou fornecer mediante un texto de exemplo.\n\n### Texto a imaxe (xeración de imaxes)\n\nProvedores coñecidos:\n* [Integración OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Texto a imaxe de Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Voz a texto (transcrición de son)\n\nProvedores coñecidos:\n* [Integración OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Voz a texto de Local Whisper](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", "Select which features you want to enable" : "Seleccione as funcións que quere activar", "Top-right assistant" : " Asistente arriba á dereita", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "Para poder utilizar esta funcionalidade, instale polo menos un provedor de procesamento de texto coa IA.", "AI text generation smart picker" : "Selector intelixente de xeración de texto mediante IA", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Para activar esta funcionalidade, instale un provedor de procesamento de texto mediante IA para o tipo de tarefa de indicación libre.", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "Selector intelixente de procesamento de texto a imaxe", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Para activar esta funcionalidade instale un provedor de procesamento de texto a imaxe.", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "Selector intelixente de procesamento de voz a texto", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Para activar esta funcionalidade instale un provedor de procesamento de voz a texto.", "Image storage" : "Almacenamento de imaxes", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "Tempo de agarda da inactividade da xeración de imaxes (días)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "Os días de agarda ata que se eliminan as imaxes xeradas se non se ven", @@ -228,6 +224,10 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "Non foi posíbel recuperar os nomes dos ficheiros de imaxe da base de datos", "Image file not found in database" : "Non se atopou o ficheiro de imaxe na base de datos", "Image file not found" : "Non se atopou o ficheiro de imaxe", + "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Esta aplicación ofrece unha interface de usuario para usar a función de procesamento de texto de Nextcloud.\n\nPermítelle aos usuarios iniciar tarefas de IA, ser notificados cando rematen e ver os resultados.\nO asistente tamén aparece noutras aplicacións como Texto para procesar facilmente partes dun documento.\n\nPode ver máis detalles sobre a API do asistente OCS e as posibilidades de integración da interface no\n[documento do programador](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Como usalo\n\nAparece unha nova entrada do menú da cabeceira dereita. Cando se preme nela, amosase o asistente e pode seleccionar o tipo de tarefa e definir a entrada que quere procesar.\n\nA tarefa pode executarse inmediatamente ou programarse dependendo da estimación de tempo fornecida polo provedor de IA.\nUnha vez programada a tarefa, executarase como traballo en segundo plano. Cando remate, recibirá unha notificación\nna que se amosarán os resultados.\n\nPoden integrarse outras aplicacións co asistente. Por exemplo, Text amosará un botón en liña xunto a cada parágrafo\npara seleccionar directamente un tipo de tarefa para procesar este parágrafo. Se selecciona unha tarefa deste xeito,\nabrirase o asistente coa tarefa preseleccionada e o texto de entrada definido.\n\nMáis detalles e capturas de pantalla no [documento do usuario](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n##Características\n\nNo asistente, a lista de tarefas dispoñíbeis depende dos provedores dispoñíbeis instalados a través doutras aplicacións.\nIsto significa que dispón de total liberdade sobre o servizo/software que executará as súas tarefas de IA.\n\n### Provedores de procesamento de texto\n\nAta agora, o [Gran modelo de linguaxe](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\ne as aplicacións [Integración OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\ninclúen provedores de procesamento de texto para:\n* Resumr\n* Extraer temas\n* Xerar un títular\n* Obtér unha resposta dunha indicación libre\n* Reformular (só OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Redacción por contexto: xera texto cun estilo especificado. O estilo pódese describir ou fornecer mediante un texto de exemplo.\n\n### Texto a imaxe (xeración de imaxes)\n\nProvedores coñecidos:\n* [Integración OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Texto a imaxe de Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Voz a texto (transcrición de son)\n\nProvedores coñecidos:\n* [Integración OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Voz a texto de Local Whisper](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Para activar esta funcionalidade, instale un provedor de procesamento de texto mediante IA para o tipo de tarefa de indicación libre.", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Para activar esta funcionalidade instale un provedor de procesamento de texto a imaxe.", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Para activar esta funcionalidade instale un provedor de procesamento de voz a texto.", "Writing style" : "Estilo de escritura", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "Describa o estilo de escritura que quere que se utilice ou forneza un documento de exemplo.", "Source material" : "Material orixinal", diff --git a/l10n/gl.json b/l10n/gl.json index ca6bbdd8..0572c2b0 100644 --- a/l10n/gl.json +++ b/l10n/gl.json @@ -35,16 +35,12 @@ "Chat with an AI model." : "Parola cun modelo de IA.", "Artificial Intelligence" : "Intelixencia artificial", "Process and transform text" : "Procesar e transformar texto", - "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Esta aplicación ofrece unha interface de usuario para usar a función de procesamento de texto de Nextcloud.\n\nPermítelle aos usuarios iniciar tarefas de IA, ser notificados cando rematen e ver os resultados.\nO asistente tamén aparece noutras aplicacións como Texto para procesar facilmente partes dun documento.\n\nPode ver máis detalles sobre a API do asistente OCS e as posibilidades de integración da interface no\n[documento do programador](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Como usalo\n\nAparece unha nova entrada do menú da cabeceira dereita. Cando se preme nela, amosase o asistente e pode seleccionar o tipo de tarefa e definir a entrada que quere procesar.\n\nA tarefa pode executarse inmediatamente ou programarse dependendo da estimación de tempo fornecida polo provedor de IA.\nUnha vez programada a tarefa, executarase como traballo en segundo plano. Cando remate, recibirá unha notificación\nna que se amosarán os resultados.\n\nPoden integrarse outras aplicacións co asistente. Por exemplo, Text amosará un botón en liña xunto a cada parágrafo\npara seleccionar directamente un tipo de tarefa para procesar este parágrafo. Se selecciona unha tarefa deste xeito,\nabrirase o asistente coa tarefa preseleccionada e o texto de entrada definido.\n\nMáis detalles e capturas de pantalla no [documento do usuario](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n##Características\n\nNo asistente, a lista de tarefas dispoñíbeis depende dos provedores dispoñíbeis instalados a través doutras aplicacións.\nIsto significa que dispón de total liberdade sobre o servizo/software que executará as súas tarefas de IA.\n\n### Provedores de procesamento de texto\n\nAta agora, o [Gran modelo de linguaxe](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\ne as aplicacións [Integración OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\ninclúen provedores de procesamento de texto para:\n* Resumr\n* Extraer temas\n* Xerar un títular\n* Obtér unha resposta dunha indicación libre\n* Reformular (só OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Redacción por contexto: xera texto cun estilo especificado. O estilo pódese describir ou fornecer mediante un texto de exemplo.\n\n### Texto a imaxe (xeración de imaxes)\n\nProvedores coñecidos:\n* [Integración OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Texto a imaxe de Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Voz a texto (transcrición de son)\n\nProvedores coñecidos:\n* [Integración OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Voz a texto de Local Whisper](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", "Select which features you want to enable" : "Seleccione as funcións que quere activar", "Top-right assistant" : " Asistente arriba á dereita", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "Para poder utilizar esta funcionalidade, instale polo menos un provedor de procesamento de texto coa IA.", "AI text generation smart picker" : "Selector intelixente de xeración de texto mediante IA", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Para activar esta funcionalidade, instale un provedor de procesamento de texto mediante IA para o tipo de tarefa de indicación libre.", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "Selector intelixente de procesamento de texto a imaxe", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Para activar esta funcionalidade instale un provedor de procesamento de texto a imaxe.", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "Selector intelixente de procesamento de voz a texto", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Para activar esta funcionalidade instale un provedor de procesamento de voz a texto.", "Image storage" : "Almacenamento de imaxes", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "Tempo de agarda da inactividade da xeración de imaxes (días)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "Os días de agarda ata que se eliminan as imaxes xeradas se non se ven", @@ -226,6 +222,10 @@ "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "Non foi posíbel recuperar os nomes dos ficheiros de imaxe da base de datos", "Image file not found in database" : "Non se atopou o ficheiro de imaxe na base de datos", "Image file not found" : "Non se atopou o ficheiro de imaxe", + "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Esta aplicación ofrece unha interface de usuario para usar a función de procesamento de texto de Nextcloud.\n\nPermítelle aos usuarios iniciar tarefas de IA, ser notificados cando rematen e ver os resultados.\nO asistente tamén aparece noutras aplicacións como Texto para procesar facilmente partes dun documento.\n\nPode ver máis detalles sobre a API do asistente OCS e as posibilidades de integración da interface no\n[documento do programador](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Como usalo\n\nAparece unha nova entrada do menú da cabeceira dereita. Cando se preme nela, amosase o asistente e pode seleccionar o tipo de tarefa e definir a entrada que quere procesar.\n\nA tarefa pode executarse inmediatamente ou programarse dependendo da estimación de tempo fornecida polo provedor de IA.\nUnha vez programada a tarefa, executarase como traballo en segundo plano. Cando remate, recibirá unha notificación\nna que se amosarán os resultados.\n\nPoden integrarse outras aplicacións co asistente. Por exemplo, Text amosará un botón en liña xunto a cada parágrafo\npara seleccionar directamente un tipo de tarefa para procesar este parágrafo. Se selecciona unha tarefa deste xeito,\nabrirase o asistente coa tarefa preseleccionada e o texto de entrada definido.\n\nMáis detalles e capturas de pantalla no [documento do usuario](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n##Características\n\nNo asistente, a lista de tarefas dispoñíbeis depende dos provedores dispoñíbeis instalados a través doutras aplicacións.\nIsto significa que dispón de total liberdade sobre o servizo/software que executará as súas tarefas de IA.\n\n### Provedores de procesamento de texto\n\nAta agora, o [Gran modelo de linguaxe](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\ne as aplicacións [Integración OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\ninclúen provedores de procesamento de texto para:\n* Resumr\n* Extraer temas\n* Xerar un títular\n* Obtér unha resposta dunha indicación libre\n* Reformular (só OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Redacción por contexto: xera texto cun estilo especificado. O estilo pódese describir ou fornecer mediante un texto de exemplo.\n\n### Texto a imaxe (xeración de imaxes)\n\nProvedores coñecidos:\n* [Integración OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Texto a imaxe de Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Voz a texto (transcrición de son)\n\nProvedores coñecidos:\n* [Integración OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Voz a texto de Local Whisper](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Para activar esta funcionalidade, instale un provedor de procesamento de texto mediante IA para o tipo de tarefa de indicación libre.", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Para activar esta funcionalidade instale un provedor de procesamento de texto a imaxe.", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Para activar esta funcionalidade instale un provedor de procesamento de voz a texto.", "Writing style" : "Estilo de escritura", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "Describa o estilo de escritura que quere que se utilice ou forneza un documento de exemplo.", "Source material" : "Material orixinal", diff --git a/l10n/ja.js b/l10n/ja.js index 327892c7..e696470c 100644 --- a/l10n/ja.js +++ b/l10n/ja.js @@ -25,11 +25,8 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Top-right assistant" : "Top-right アシスタント", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "この機能を使用するには、AI テキスト処理プロバイダーをインストールしてください。", "AI text generation smart picker" : "AIテキスト生成スマートピッカー", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "この機能を有効にするには、無料のプロンプト タスク タイプ用の AI テキスト処理プロバイダーをインストールしてください。", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "テキストから画像生成スマートピッカー", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "この機能を有効にする場合は、text-to-imageプロバイダーをインストールしてください。", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "スピーチからテキスト生成スマートピッカー", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "この機能を有効にする場合は speech-to-textプロバイダーをインストールしてください", "Image storage" : "画像ストレージ", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "画像生成アイドルタイム(日)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "生成された画像が閲覧されなかった場合に削除された/削除されるまでの日数", @@ -140,6 +137,9 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "データベースから画像ファイル名前を取得できなかったです", "Image file not found in database" : "データベースで画像ファイルが見つかりません", "Image file not found" : "画像ファイルが見つかりません", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "この機能を有効にするには、無料のプロンプト タスク タイプ用の AI テキスト処理プロバイダーをインストールしてください。", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "この機能を有効にする場合は、text-to-imageプロバイダーをインストールしてください。", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "この機能を有効にする場合は speech-to-textプロバイダーをインストールしてください", "Writing style" : "文体", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "使用したい文章のスタイルを教えていただけますか?それか、例となるドキュメントを提供していただければ、それに合わせて回答します", "Source material" : "素材", diff --git a/l10n/ja.json b/l10n/ja.json index d057fe5d..37c773f6 100644 --- a/l10n/ja.json +++ b/l10n/ja.json @@ -23,11 +23,8 @@ "Top-right assistant" : "Top-right アシスタント", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "この機能を使用するには、AI テキスト処理プロバイダーをインストールしてください。", "AI text generation smart picker" : "AIテキスト生成スマートピッカー", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "この機能を有効にするには、無料のプロンプト タスク タイプ用の AI テキスト処理プロバイダーをインストールしてください。", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "テキストから画像生成スマートピッカー", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "この機能を有効にする場合は、text-to-imageプロバイダーをインストールしてください。", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "スピーチからテキスト生成スマートピッカー", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "この機能を有効にする場合は speech-to-textプロバイダーをインストールしてください", "Image storage" : "画像ストレージ", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "画像生成アイドルタイム(日)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "生成された画像が閲覧されなかった場合に削除された/削除されるまでの日数", @@ -138,6 +135,9 @@ "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "データベースから画像ファイル名前を取得できなかったです", "Image file not found in database" : "データベースで画像ファイルが見つかりません", "Image file not found" : "画像ファイルが見つかりません", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "この機能を有効にするには、無料のプロンプト タスク タイプ用の AI テキスト処理プロバイダーをインストールしてください。", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "この機能を有効にする場合は、text-to-imageプロバイダーをインストールしてください。", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "この機能を有効にする場合は speech-to-textプロバイダーをインストールしてください", "Writing style" : "文体", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "使用したい文章のスタイルを教えていただけますか?それか、例となるドキュメントを提供していただければ、それに合わせて回答します", "Source material" : "素材", diff --git a/l10n/ko.js b/l10n/ko.js index 77618d2d..110ea250 100644 --- a/l10n/ko.js +++ b/l10n/ko.js @@ -36,16 +36,12 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Chat with an AI model." : "AI 모델과 채팅하세요", "Artificial Intelligence" : "인공지능", "Process and transform text" : "텍스트 처리 및 변환", - "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "이 앱은 Nextcloud 텍스트 처리 기능을 사용하기 위한 사용자 인터페이스를 제공합니다.\n\n이를 통해 사용자는 AI 작업을 시작하고 작업이 완료되면 알림을 받고 결과를 확인할 수 있습니다.\n어시스턴트는 문서의 일부를 쉽게 처리하기 위해 Text와 같은 다른 앱에도 표시됩니다.\n\n어시스턴트 OCS API 및 프런트엔드 통합 가능성에 대한 자세한 내용은\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### 사용 방법\n\n새로운 오른쪽 헤더 메뉴 항목이 나타납니다. \n클릭하면 어시스턴트가 표시되고 작업 유형을 선택할 수 있습니다. \n처리하려는 입력을 설정하십시오.\n\n작업은 AI 공급자가 제공한 예상 시간에 따라 즉시 실행되거나 예약될 수 있습니다.\n작업이 예약되면 백그라운드 작업으로 실행됩니다. 완료되면 알림을 받게 됩니다.\n결과가 표시될 수 있습니다.\n\n다른 앱은 어시스턴트와 통합될 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 텍스트는 모든 단락 옆에 인라인 버튼을 표시합니다. 이 단락을 처리할 작업 유형을 직접 선택합니다. 이 방법으로 작업을 선택하면 해당 작업이 포함된 어시스턴트가 열립니다.\n미리 선택되어 있고 입력 텍스트가 설정되어 있습니다.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## 특징\n\n어시스턴트에서 사용 가능한 작업 목록은 다른 앱을 통해 설치된 사용 가능한 공급자에 따라 다릅니다.\n이는 실제로 AI 작업을 실행할 서비스/소프트웨어에 대해 완전한 자유를 누릴 수 있음을 의미합니다.\n\n### 텍스트 처리 제공자\n\n지금까지, [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\n와 [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) 앱들은\n텍스트 처리 공급을 포함:\n*요약\n* 주제 추출\n* 헤드라인 생성\n* 무료 프롬프트에서 답변 받기\n* 재구성(OpenAi/LocalAi에만 해당)\n* 컨텍스트 작성기: 지정된 스타일로 텍스트를 생성합니다. 스타일은 예시 텍스트를 통해 설명하거나 제공할 수 있습니다.\n\n### 텍스트-이미지 (이미지 생성)\n\n알려진 공급자:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### 음성-텍스트 (음성 전사)\n\n알려진 공급자:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", "Select which features you want to enable" : "활성화하려는 기능을 선택", "Top-right assistant" : "오른쪽-상단 도우미", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "이 기능을 사용하려면 AI 텍스트 처리 공급자를 하나 이상 설치하십시오.", "AI text generation smart picker" : "AI 텍스트 생성 스마트 선택기", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "이 기능을 활성화하려면 무료 프롬프트 작업 유형에 대한 AI 텍스트 처리 공급자를 설치하십시오.", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "텍스트-이미지 스마트 선택기", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "이 기능을 활성화하려면 텍스트-이미지 변환 공급자를 설치하세요.", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "음성-텍스트 스마트 선택기", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "이 기능을 활성화하려면 음성-텍스트 공급자를 설치하세요.", "Image storage" : "이미지 저장", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "이미지 생성 유휴 시간(일)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "생성된 이미지를 열람하지 않을 경우 삭제될 때까지의 일수", @@ -195,6 +191,10 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "데이터베이스에서 이미지 파일 이름을 가져올 수 없음", "Image file not found in database" : "이미지 파일을 데이터베이스에서 찾을 수 없음", "Image file not found" : "이미지 파일을 찾을 수 없음", + "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "이 앱은 Nextcloud 텍스트 처리 기능을 사용하기 위한 사용자 인터페이스를 제공합니다.\n\n이를 통해 사용자는 AI 작업을 시작하고 작업이 완료되면 알림을 받고 결과를 확인할 수 있습니다.\n어시스턴트는 문서의 일부를 쉽게 처리하기 위해 Text와 같은 다른 앱에도 표시됩니다.\n\n어시스턴트 OCS API 및 프런트엔드 통합 가능성에 대한 자세한 내용은\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### 사용 방법\n\n새로운 오른쪽 헤더 메뉴 항목이 나타납니다. \n클릭하면 어시스턴트가 표시되고 작업 유형을 선택할 수 있습니다. \n처리하려는 입력을 설정하십시오.\n\n작업은 AI 공급자가 제공한 예상 시간에 따라 즉시 실행되거나 예약될 수 있습니다.\n작업이 예약되면 백그라운드 작업으로 실행됩니다. 완료되면 알림을 받게 됩니다.\n결과가 표시될 수 있습니다.\n\n다른 앱은 어시스턴트와 통합될 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 텍스트는 모든 단락 옆에 인라인 버튼을 표시합니다. 이 단락을 처리할 작업 유형을 직접 선택합니다. 이 방법으로 작업을 선택하면 해당 작업이 포함된 어시스턴트가 열립니다.\n미리 선택되어 있고 입력 텍스트가 설정되어 있습니다.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## 특징\n\n어시스턴트에서 사용 가능한 작업 목록은 다른 앱을 통해 설치된 사용 가능한 공급자에 따라 다릅니다.\n이는 실제로 AI 작업을 실행할 서비스/소프트웨어에 대해 완전한 자유를 누릴 수 있음을 의미합니다.\n\n### 텍스트 처리 제공자\n\n지금까지, [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\n와 [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) 앱들은\n텍스트 처리 공급을 포함:\n*요약\n* 주제 추출\n* 헤드라인 생성\n* 무료 프롬프트에서 답변 받기\n* 재구성(OpenAi/LocalAi에만 해당)\n* 컨텍스트 작성기: 지정된 스타일로 텍스트를 생성합니다. 스타일은 예시 텍스트를 통해 설명하거나 제공할 수 있습니다.\n\n### 텍스트-이미지 (이미지 생성)\n\n알려진 공급자:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### 음성-텍스트 (음성 전사)\n\n알려진 공급자:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "이 기능을 활성화하려면 무료 프롬프트 작업 유형에 대한 AI 텍스트 처리 공급자를 설치하십시오.", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "이 기능을 활성화하려면 텍스트-이미지 변환 공급자를 설치하세요.", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "이 기능을 활성화하려면 음성-텍스트 공급자를 설치하세요.", "Writing style" : "작문 스타일", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "사용하려는 작문 스타일을 설명하거나 예제 문서를 제공하세요.", "Source material" : "소스 자료", diff --git a/l10n/ko.json b/l10n/ko.json index 2b7ef2d1..e31791cb 100644 --- a/l10n/ko.json +++ b/l10n/ko.json @@ -34,16 +34,12 @@ "Chat with an AI model." : "AI 모델과 채팅하세요", "Artificial Intelligence" : "인공지능", "Process and transform text" : "텍스트 처리 및 변환", - "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "이 앱은 Nextcloud 텍스트 처리 기능을 사용하기 위한 사용자 인터페이스를 제공합니다.\n\n이를 통해 사용자는 AI 작업을 시작하고 작업이 완료되면 알림을 받고 결과를 확인할 수 있습니다.\n어시스턴트는 문서의 일부를 쉽게 처리하기 위해 Text와 같은 다른 앱에도 표시됩니다.\n\n어시스턴트 OCS API 및 프런트엔드 통합 가능성에 대한 자세한 내용은\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### 사용 방법\n\n새로운 오른쪽 헤더 메뉴 항목이 나타납니다. \n클릭하면 어시스턴트가 표시되고 작업 유형을 선택할 수 있습니다. \n처리하려는 입력을 설정하십시오.\n\n작업은 AI 공급자가 제공한 예상 시간에 따라 즉시 실행되거나 예약될 수 있습니다.\n작업이 예약되면 백그라운드 작업으로 실행됩니다. 완료되면 알림을 받게 됩니다.\n결과가 표시될 수 있습니다.\n\n다른 앱은 어시스턴트와 통합될 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 텍스트는 모든 단락 옆에 인라인 버튼을 표시합니다. 이 단락을 처리할 작업 유형을 직접 선택합니다. 이 방법으로 작업을 선택하면 해당 작업이 포함된 어시스턴트가 열립니다.\n미리 선택되어 있고 입력 텍스트가 설정되어 있습니다.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## 특징\n\n어시스턴트에서 사용 가능한 작업 목록은 다른 앱을 통해 설치된 사용 가능한 공급자에 따라 다릅니다.\n이는 실제로 AI 작업을 실행할 서비스/소프트웨어에 대해 완전한 자유를 누릴 수 있음을 의미합니다.\n\n### 텍스트 처리 제공자\n\n지금까지, [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\n와 [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) 앱들은\n텍스트 처리 공급을 포함:\n*요약\n* 주제 추출\n* 헤드라인 생성\n* 무료 프롬프트에서 답변 받기\n* 재구성(OpenAi/LocalAi에만 해당)\n* 컨텍스트 작성기: 지정된 스타일로 텍스트를 생성합니다. 스타일은 예시 텍스트를 통해 설명하거나 제공할 수 있습니다.\n\n### 텍스트-이미지 (이미지 생성)\n\n알려진 공급자:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### 음성-텍스트 (음성 전사)\n\n알려진 공급자:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", "Select which features you want to enable" : "활성화하려는 기능을 선택", "Top-right assistant" : "오른쪽-상단 도우미", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "이 기능을 사용하려면 AI 텍스트 처리 공급자를 하나 이상 설치하십시오.", "AI text generation smart picker" : "AI 텍스트 생성 스마트 선택기", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "이 기능을 활성화하려면 무료 프롬프트 작업 유형에 대한 AI 텍스트 처리 공급자를 설치하십시오.", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "텍스트-이미지 스마트 선택기", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "이 기능을 활성화하려면 텍스트-이미지 변환 공급자를 설치하세요.", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "음성-텍스트 스마트 선택기", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "이 기능을 활성화하려면 음성-텍스트 공급자를 설치하세요.", "Image storage" : "이미지 저장", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "이미지 생성 유휴 시간(일)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "생성된 이미지를 열람하지 않을 경우 삭제될 때까지의 일수", @@ -193,6 +189,10 @@ "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "데이터베이스에서 이미지 파일 이름을 가져올 수 없음", "Image file not found in database" : "이미지 파일을 데이터베이스에서 찾을 수 없음", "Image file not found" : "이미지 파일을 찾을 수 없음", + "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "이 앱은 Nextcloud 텍스트 처리 기능을 사용하기 위한 사용자 인터페이스를 제공합니다.\n\n이를 통해 사용자는 AI 작업을 시작하고 작업이 완료되면 알림을 받고 결과를 확인할 수 있습니다.\n어시스턴트는 문서의 일부를 쉽게 처리하기 위해 Text와 같은 다른 앱에도 표시됩니다.\n\n어시스턴트 OCS API 및 프런트엔드 통합 가능성에 대한 자세한 내용은\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### 사용 방법\n\n새로운 오른쪽 헤더 메뉴 항목이 나타납니다. \n클릭하면 어시스턴트가 표시되고 작업 유형을 선택할 수 있습니다. \n처리하려는 입력을 설정하십시오.\n\n작업은 AI 공급자가 제공한 예상 시간에 따라 즉시 실행되거나 예약될 수 있습니다.\n작업이 예약되면 백그라운드 작업으로 실행됩니다. 완료되면 알림을 받게 됩니다.\n결과가 표시될 수 있습니다.\n\n다른 앱은 어시스턴트와 통합될 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 텍스트는 모든 단락 옆에 인라인 버튼을 표시합니다. 이 단락을 처리할 작업 유형을 직접 선택합니다. 이 방법으로 작업을 선택하면 해당 작업이 포함된 어시스턴트가 열립니다.\n미리 선택되어 있고 입력 텍스트가 설정되어 있습니다.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## 특징\n\n어시스턴트에서 사용 가능한 작업 목록은 다른 앱을 통해 설치된 사용 가능한 공급자에 따라 다릅니다.\n이는 실제로 AI 작업을 실행할 서비스/소프트웨어에 대해 완전한 자유를 누릴 수 있음을 의미합니다.\n\n### 텍스트 처리 제공자\n\n지금까지, [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\n와 [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) 앱들은\n텍스트 처리 공급을 포함:\n*요약\n* 주제 추출\n* 헤드라인 생성\n* 무료 프롬프트에서 답변 받기\n* 재구성(OpenAi/LocalAi에만 해당)\n* 컨텍스트 작성기: 지정된 스타일로 텍스트를 생성합니다. 스타일은 예시 텍스트를 통해 설명하거나 제공할 수 있습니다.\n\n### 텍스트-이미지 (이미지 생성)\n\n알려진 공급자:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### 음성-텍스트 (음성 전사)\n\n알려진 공급자:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "이 기능을 활성화하려면 무료 프롬프트 작업 유형에 대한 AI 텍스트 처리 공급자를 설치하십시오.", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "이 기능을 활성화하려면 텍스트-이미지 변환 공급자를 설치하세요.", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "이 기능을 활성화하려면 음성-텍스트 공급자를 설치하세요.", "Writing style" : "작문 스타일", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "사용하려는 작문 스타일을 설명하거나 예제 문서를 제공하세요.", "Source material" : "소스 자료", diff --git a/l10n/nb.js b/l10n/nb.js index fb2aa14a..6f74a57c 100644 --- a/l10n/nb.js +++ b/l10n/nb.js @@ -37,16 +37,12 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Chat with an AI model." : "Chat med en KI-modell.", "Artificial Intelligence" : "Kunstig intelligens", "Process and transform text" : "Behandle og transformere tekst", - "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Denne appen gir et brukergrensesnitt for å bruke Nextcloud-tekstbehandlingsfunksjonen.\n\nDet lar brukerne starte KI-oppgaver, bli varslet når de er ferdige og se resultatene.\nAssistenten vises også i andre apper, for eksempel Tekst, slik at du enkelt kan behandle deler av et dokument.\n\nFlere detaljer om assistent OCS API og frontend integrering muligheter i\n[utvikler doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Hvordan bruke den\n\nEn ny oppføring i høyre toppmeny vises. Når du har klikket, vises assistenten, og du kan velge oppgavetype og\nangi inndataene du vil behandle.\n\nOppgaven kan kjøres umiddelbart eller planlegges, avhengig av tidsestimeringen gitt av KI-leverandøren.\nNår en oppgave er planlagt, kjøres den som en bakgrunnsjobb. Når den er ferdig, vil du motta et varsel\nhvorfra resultatene kan vises.\n\nAndre apper kan integreres med assistenten. Tekst vil for eksempel vise en innebygd knapp i tillegg til hvert avsnitt\nfor å velge en aktivitetstype direkte for å behandle dette avsnittet. Hvis du velger en oppgave på denne måten, åpnes assistenten med oppgaven\nforhåndsvalgt og inndatateksten satt.\n\nFlere detaljer og skjermbilder i [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Funksjoner\n\nI assistenten avhenger listen over tilgjengelige oppgaver av de tilgjengelige leverandørene som er installert via andre apper.\nDette betyr at du har full frihet over hvilken tjeneste/programvare som faktisk skal kjøre KI-oppgavene dine.\n\n### Leverandører av tekstbehandling\n\nSå langt, [stor språkmodell](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nog [OpenAi/LocalAI integrasjonen](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apper\ninkluderer tekstbehandlingsleverandører til:\n* Oppsummering\n* Trekke ut emner\n* Generere en overskrift\n* Få svar fra en gratis ledetekst\n* Reformulere (kun OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Kontekstskriver: Generer tekst med en spesifisert stil. Stilen kan beskrives eller leveres via en eksempeltekst.\n\n### Tekst til bilde (Bildegenerering)\n\nKjente tilbydere:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integrasjon](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Tale til tekst (Lydtranskripsjon)\n\nKjente tilbydere:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integrasjon](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", "Select which features you want to enable" : "Velg hvilke funksjoner du vil aktivere", "Top-right assistant" : "Øverst til høyre assistent", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "For å kunne bruke denne funksjonen, vennligst installer minst en AI-tekstbehandlingsleverandør. ", "AI text generation smart picker" : "Smartvelger for generering av AI-tekst", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "For å aktivere denne funksjonen, installer en AI-tekstbehandlingsleverandør for den gratis ledetekstoppgavetypen.", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "Smartvelger for tekst-til-bilde", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "For å aktivere denne funksjonen, vennligst installer en tekst-til-bilde-leverandør.", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "Smartvelger for tale-til-tekst", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "For å aktivere denne funksjonen, vennligst installer en tale-til-tekst-leverandør.", "Image storage" : "Bildelagring", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "Inaktiv tid for bildegenerering (dager)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "Dager til genererte bilder slettes hvis de ikke vises", @@ -228,6 +224,10 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "Bildefilnavn kunne ikke hentes fra databasen", "Image file not found in database" : "Bildefil ikke funnet i databasen", "Image file not found" : "Bildefil ikke funnet", + "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Denne appen gir et brukergrensesnitt for å bruke Nextcloud-tekstbehandlingsfunksjonen.\n\nDet lar brukerne starte KI-oppgaver, bli varslet når de er ferdige og se resultatene.\nAssistenten vises også i andre apper, for eksempel Tekst, slik at du enkelt kan behandle deler av et dokument.\n\nFlere detaljer om assistent OCS API og frontend integrering muligheter i\n[utvikler doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Hvordan bruke den\n\nEn ny oppføring i høyre toppmeny vises. Når du har klikket, vises assistenten, og du kan velge oppgavetype og\nangi inndataene du vil behandle.\n\nOppgaven kan kjøres umiddelbart eller planlegges, avhengig av tidsestimeringen gitt av KI-leverandøren.\nNår en oppgave er planlagt, kjøres den som en bakgrunnsjobb. Når den er ferdig, vil du motta et varsel\nhvorfra resultatene kan vises.\n\nAndre apper kan integreres med assistenten. Tekst vil for eksempel vise en innebygd knapp i tillegg til hvert avsnitt\nfor å velge en aktivitetstype direkte for å behandle dette avsnittet. Hvis du velger en oppgave på denne måten, åpnes assistenten med oppgaven\nforhåndsvalgt og inndatateksten satt.\n\nFlere detaljer og skjermbilder i [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Funksjoner\n\nI assistenten avhenger listen over tilgjengelige oppgaver av de tilgjengelige leverandørene som er installert via andre apper.\nDette betyr at du har full frihet over hvilken tjeneste/programvare som faktisk skal kjøre KI-oppgavene dine.\n\n### Leverandører av tekstbehandling\n\nSå langt, [stor språkmodell](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nog [OpenAi/LocalAI integrasjonen](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apper\ninkluderer tekstbehandlingsleverandører til:\n* Oppsummering\n* Trekke ut emner\n* Generere en overskrift\n* Få svar fra en gratis ledetekst\n* Reformulere (kun OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Kontekstskriver: Generer tekst med en spesifisert stil. Stilen kan beskrives eller leveres via en eksempeltekst.\n\n### Tekst til bilde (Bildegenerering)\n\nKjente tilbydere:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integrasjon](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Tale til tekst (Lydtranskripsjon)\n\nKjente tilbydere:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integrasjon](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "For å aktivere denne funksjonen, installer en AI-tekstbehandlingsleverandør for den gratis ledetekstoppgavetypen.", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "For å aktivere denne funksjonen, vennligst installer en tekst-til-bilde-leverandør.", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "For å aktivere denne funksjonen, vennligst installer en tale-til-tekst-leverandør.", "Writing style" : "Skrivestil", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "Beskriv skrivestilen du vil bruke, eller angi et eksempeldokument.", "Source material" : "Kildemateriale", diff --git a/l10n/nb.json b/l10n/nb.json index 1f42de5d..3f5ef4de 100644 --- a/l10n/nb.json +++ b/l10n/nb.json @@ -35,16 +35,12 @@ "Chat with an AI model." : "Chat med en KI-modell.", "Artificial Intelligence" : "Kunstig intelligens", "Process and transform text" : "Behandle og transformere tekst", - "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Denne appen gir et brukergrensesnitt for å bruke Nextcloud-tekstbehandlingsfunksjonen.\n\nDet lar brukerne starte KI-oppgaver, bli varslet når de er ferdige og se resultatene.\nAssistenten vises også i andre apper, for eksempel Tekst, slik at du enkelt kan behandle deler av et dokument.\n\nFlere detaljer om assistent OCS API og frontend integrering muligheter i\n[utvikler doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Hvordan bruke den\n\nEn ny oppføring i høyre toppmeny vises. Når du har klikket, vises assistenten, og du kan velge oppgavetype og\nangi inndataene du vil behandle.\n\nOppgaven kan kjøres umiddelbart eller planlegges, avhengig av tidsestimeringen gitt av KI-leverandøren.\nNår en oppgave er planlagt, kjøres den som en bakgrunnsjobb. Når den er ferdig, vil du motta et varsel\nhvorfra resultatene kan vises.\n\nAndre apper kan integreres med assistenten. Tekst vil for eksempel vise en innebygd knapp i tillegg til hvert avsnitt\nfor å velge en aktivitetstype direkte for å behandle dette avsnittet. Hvis du velger en oppgave på denne måten, åpnes assistenten med oppgaven\nforhåndsvalgt og inndatateksten satt.\n\nFlere detaljer og skjermbilder i [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Funksjoner\n\nI assistenten avhenger listen over tilgjengelige oppgaver av de tilgjengelige leverandørene som er installert via andre apper.\nDette betyr at du har full frihet over hvilken tjeneste/programvare som faktisk skal kjøre KI-oppgavene dine.\n\n### Leverandører av tekstbehandling\n\nSå langt, [stor språkmodell](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nog [OpenAi/LocalAI integrasjonen](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apper\ninkluderer tekstbehandlingsleverandører til:\n* Oppsummering\n* Trekke ut emner\n* Generere en overskrift\n* Få svar fra en gratis ledetekst\n* Reformulere (kun OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Kontekstskriver: Generer tekst med en spesifisert stil. Stilen kan beskrives eller leveres via en eksempeltekst.\n\n### Tekst til bilde (Bildegenerering)\n\nKjente tilbydere:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integrasjon](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Tale til tekst (Lydtranskripsjon)\n\nKjente tilbydere:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integrasjon](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", "Select which features you want to enable" : "Velg hvilke funksjoner du vil aktivere", "Top-right assistant" : "Øverst til høyre assistent", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "For å kunne bruke denne funksjonen, vennligst installer minst en AI-tekstbehandlingsleverandør. ", "AI text generation smart picker" : "Smartvelger for generering av AI-tekst", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "For å aktivere denne funksjonen, installer en AI-tekstbehandlingsleverandør for den gratis ledetekstoppgavetypen.", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "Smartvelger for tekst-til-bilde", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "For å aktivere denne funksjonen, vennligst installer en tekst-til-bilde-leverandør.", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "Smartvelger for tale-til-tekst", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "For å aktivere denne funksjonen, vennligst installer en tale-til-tekst-leverandør.", "Image storage" : "Bildelagring", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "Inaktiv tid for bildegenerering (dager)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "Dager til genererte bilder slettes hvis de ikke vises", @@ -226,6 +222,10 @@ "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "Bildefilnavn kunne ikke hentes fra databasen", "Image file not found in database" : "Bildefil ikke funnet i databasen", "Image file not found" : "Bildefil ikke funnet", + "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Denne appen gir et brukergrensesnitt for å bruke Nextcloud-tekstbehandlingsfunksjonen.\n\nDet lar brukerne starte KI-oppgaver, bli varslet når de er ferdige og se resultatene.\nAssistenten vises også i andre apper, for eksempel Tekst, slik at du enkelt kan behandle deler av et dokument.\n\nFlere detaljer om assistent OCS API og frontend integrering muligheter i\n[utvikler doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Hvordan bruke den\n\nEn ny oppføring i høyre toppmeny vises. Når du har klikket, vises assistenten, og du kan velge oppgavetype og\nangi inndataene du vil behandle.\n\nOppgaven kan kjøres umiddelbart eller planlegges, avhengig av tidsestimeringen gitt av KI-leverandøren.\nNår en oppgave er planlagt, kjøres den som en bakgrunnsjobb. Når den er ferdig, vil du motta et varsel\nhvorfra resultatene kan vises.\n\nAndre apper kan integreres med assistenten. Tekst vil for eksempel vise en innebygd knapp i tillegg til hvert avsnitt\nfor å velge en aktivitetstype direkte for å behandle dette avsnittet. Hvis du velger en oppgave på denne måten, åpnes assistenten med oppgaven\nforhåndsvalgt og inndatateksten satt.\n\nFlere detaljer og skjermbilder i [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Funksjoner\n\nI assistenten avhenger listen over tilgjengelige oppgaver av de tilgjengelige leverandørene som er installert via andre apper.\nDette betyr at du har full frihet over hvilken tjeneste/programvare som faktisk skal kjøre KI-oppgavene dine.\n\n### Leverandører av tekstbehandling\n\nSå langt, [stor språkmodell](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nog [OpenAi/LocalAI integrasjonen](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apper\ninkluderer tekstbehandlingsleverandører til:\n* Oppsummering\n* Trekke ut emner\n* Generere en overskrift\n* Få svar fra en gratis ledetekst\n* Reformulere (kun OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Kontekstskriver: Generer tekst med en spesifisert stil. Stilen kan beskrives eller leveres via en eksempeltekst.\n\n### Tekst til bilde (Bildegenerering)\n\nKjente tilbydere:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integrasjon](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Tale til tekst (Lydtranskripsjon)\n\nKjente tilbydere:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integrasjon](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "For å aktivere denne funksjonen, installer en AI-tekstbehandlingsleverandør for den gratis ledetekstoppgavetypen.", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "For å aktivere denne funksjonen, vennligst installer en tekst-til-bilde-leverandør.", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "For å aktivere denne funksjonen, vennligst installer en tale-til-tekst-leverandør.", "Writing style" : "Skrivestil", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "Beskriv skrivestilen du vil bruke, eller angi et eksempeldokument.", "Source material" : "Kildemateriale", diff --git a/l10n/pt_BR.js b/l10n/pt_BR.js index 4dfe820e..370dfd41 100644 --- a/l10n/pt_BR.js +++ b/l10n/pt_BR.js @@ -37,16 +37,12 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Chat with an AI model." : "Converse com um modelo de IA.", "Artificial Intelligence" : "Inteligência artificial", "Process and transform text" : "Processar e transformar texto", - "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Este aplicativo traz uma interface de usuário para usar o recurso de processamento de texto Nextcloud.\n\nEle permite que os usuários iniciem tarefas de IA, sejam notificados quando terminarem e vejam os resultados.\nO assistente também aparece em outros aplicativos como o Text para processar facilmente partes de um documento.\n\nMais detalhes sobre a API assistente do OCS e possibilidades de integração de frontend no\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Como usá-lo\n\nUma nova entrada de menu no cabeçalho direito é exibida. Uma vez clicado, o assistente é exibido e você pode selecionar o tipo de tarefa e\ndefina a entrada que deseja processar.\n\nA tarefa pode ser executada imediatamente ou agendada dependendo da estimativa de tempo fornecida pelo provedor de IA.\nDepois que uma tarefa for agendada, ela será executada como um trabalho em segundo plano. Quando terminar, você receberá uma notificação\na partir do qual os resultados podem ser exibidos.\n\nOutros aplicativos podem ser integrados ao assistente. Por exemplo, o Texto exibirá um botão embutido além de cada parágrafo\npara selecionar diretamente um tipo de tarefa para processar este parágrafo. Selecionar uma tarefa desta forma abrirá o assistente com a tarefa\nsendo pré-selecionado e o texto de entrada definido.\n\nMais detalhes e capturas de tela no [documento do usuário](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Características\n\nNo assistente, a lista de tarefas disponíveis depende dos provedores disponíveis instalados por meio de outros aplicativos.\nIsso significa que você tem total liberdade sobre qual serviço/software realmente executará suas tarefas de IA.\n\n### Provedores de processamento de texto\n\nAté agora, o [modelo de linguagem grande](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\nincluem provedores de processamento de texto para:\n* Resumir\n* Extrair tópicos\n* Gere um título\n* Obtenha uma resposta em um prompt gratuito\n* Reformulado (somente OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Escritor de contexto: gera texto com um estilo especificado. O estilo pode ser descrito ou fornecido através de um texto de exemplo.\n\n### Texto para imagem (geração de imagem)\n\nFornecedores conhecidos:\n* [Integração OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n*[Difusão Estável Text2Image](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Fala para texto (transcrição de áudio)\n\nFornecedores conhecidos:\n* [Integração OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Fala para texto por sussurro local](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", "Select which features you want to enable" : "Selecione quais recursos você deseja ativar", "Top-right assistant" : "Assistente superior direito", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "Para poder usar esse recurso, instale pelo menos um provedor de processamento de texto AI.", "AI text generation smart picker" : "Seletor inteligente de geração de texto AI", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Para ativar esse recurso, instale um provedor de processamento de texto AI para o tipo de tarefa de prompt gratuito.", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "Seletor inteligente de texto para imagem", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Para ativar esse recurso, instale um provedor de texto para imagem.", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "Seletor inteligente de fala para texto", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Para ativar esse recurso, instale um provedor de voz para texto.", "Image storage" : "Armazenamento de imagens", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "Tempo ocioso de geração de imagem (dias)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "Dias até que as imagens geradas sejam excluídas se não forem visualizadas", @@ -228,6 +224,10 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "Nomes de arquivos de imagem não puderam ser recuperados do banco de dados", "Image file not found in database" : "Arquivo da imagem não foi encontrado no banco de dados", "Image file not found" : "Arquivo de imagem não encontrado", + "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Este aplicativo traz uma interface de usuário para usar o recurso de processamento de texto Nextcloud.\n\nEle permite que os usuários iniciem tarefas de IA, sejam notificados quando terminarem e vejam os resultados.\nO assistente também aparece em outros aplicativos como o Text para processar facilmente partes de um documento.\n\nMais detalhes sobre a API assistente do OCS e possibilidades de integração de frontend no\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Como usá-lo\n\nUma nova entrada de menu no cabeçalho direito é exibida. Uma vez clicado, o assistente é exibido e você pode selecionar o tipo de tarefa e\ndefina a entrada que deseja processar.\n\nA tarefa pode ser executada imediatamente ou agendada dependendo da estimativa de tempo fornecida pelo provedor de IA.\nDepois que uma tarefa for agendada, ela será executada como um trabalho em segundo plano. Quando terminar, você receberá uma notificação\na partir do qual os resultados podem ser exibidos.\n\nOutros aplicativos podem ser integrados ao assistente. Por exemplo, o Texto exibirá um botão embutido além de cada parágrafo\npara selecionar diretamente um tipo de tarefa para processar este parágrafo. Selecionar uma tarefa desta forma abrirá o assistente com a tarefa\nsendo pré-selecionado e o texto de entrada definido.\n\nMais detalhes e capturas de tela no [documento do usuário](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Características\n\nNo assistente, a lista de tarefas disponíveis depende dos provedores disponíveis instalados por meio de outros aplicativos.\nIsso significa que você tem total liberdade sobre qual serviço/software realmente executará suas tarefas de IA.\n\n### Provedores de processamento de texto\n\nAté agora, o [modelo de linguagem grande](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\nincluem provedores de processamento de texto para:\n* Resumir\n* Extrair tópicos\n* Gere um título\n* Obtenha uma resposta em um prompt gratuito\n* Reformulado (somente OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Escritor de contexto: gera texto com um estilo especificado. O estilo pode ser descrito ou fornecido através de um texto de exemplo.\n\n### Texto para imagem (geração de imagem)\n\nFornecedores conhecidos:\n* [Integração OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n*[Difusão Estável Text2Image](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Fala para texto (transcrição de áudio)\n\nFornecedores conhecidos:\n* [Integração OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Fala para texto por sussurro local](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Para ativar esse recurso, instale um provedor de processamento de texto AI para o tipo de tarefa de prompt gratuito.", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Para ativar esse recurso, instale um provedor de texto para imagem.", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Para ativar esse recurso, instale um provedor de voz para texto.", "Writing style" : "Estilo de escrita", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "Descreva o estilo de escrita que deseja usar ou forneça um documento de exemplo.", "Source material" : "Material de origem", diff --git a/l10n/pt_BR.json b/l10n/pt_BR.json index 4739ebf2..b687d3d0 100644 --- a/l10n/pt_BR.json +++ b/l10n/pt_BR.json @@ -35,16 +35,12 @@ "Chat with an AI model." : "Converse com um modelo de IA.", "Artificial Intelligence" : "Inteligência artificial", "Process and transform text" : "Processar e transformar texto", - "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Este aplicativo traz uma interface de usuário para usar o recurso de processamento de texto Nextcloud.\n\nEle permite que os usuários iniciem tarefas de IA, sejam notificados quando terminarem e vejam os resultados.\nO assistente também aparece em outros aplicativos como o Text para processar facilmente partes de um documento.\n\nMais detalhes sobre a API assistente do OCS e possibilidades de integração de frontend no\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Como usá-lo\n\nUma nova entrada de menu no cabeçalho direito é exibida. Uma vez clicado, o assistente é exibido e você pode selecionar o tipo de tarefa e\ndefina a entrada que deseja processar.\n\nA tarefa pode ser executada imediatamente ou agendada dependendo da estimativa de tempo fornecida pelo provedor de IA.\nDepois que uma tarefa for agendada, ela será executada como um trabalho em segundo plano. Quando terminar, você receberá uma notificação\na partir do qual os resultados podem ser exibidos.\n\nOutros aplicativos podem ser integrados ao assistente. Por exemplo, o Texto exibirá um botão embutido além de cada parágrafo\npara selecionar diretamente um tipo de tarefa para processar este parágrafo. Selecionar uma tarefa desta forma abrirá o assistente com a tarefa\nsendo pré-selecionado e o texto de entrada definido.\n\nMais detalhes e capturas de tela no [documento do usuário](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Características\n\nNo assistente, a lista de tarefas disponíveis depende dos provedores disponíveis instalados por meio de outros aplicativos.\nIsso significa que você tem total liberdade sobre qual serviço/software realmente executará suas tarefas de IA.\n\n### Provedores de processamento de texto\n\nAté agora, o [modelo de linguagem grande](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\nincluem provedores de processamento de texto para:\n* Resumir\n* Extrair tópicos\n* Gere um título\n* Obtenha uma resposta em um prompt gratuito\n* Reformulado (somente OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Escritor de contexto: gera texto com um estilo especificado. O estilo pode ser descrito ou fornecido através de um texto de exemplo.\n\n### Texto para imagem (geração de imagem)\n\nFornecedores conhecidos:\n* [Integração OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n*[Difusão Estável Text2Image](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Fala para texto (transcrição de áudio)\n\nFornecedores conhecidos:\n* [Integração OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Fala para texto por sussurro local](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", "Select which features you want to enable" : "Selecione quais recursos você deseja ativar", "Top-right assistant" : "Assistente superior direito", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "Para poder usar esse recurso, instale pelo menos um provedor de processamento de texto AI.", "AI text generation smart picker" : "Seletor inteligente de geração de texto AI", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Para ativar esse recurso, instale um provedor de processamento de texto AI para o tipo de tarefa de prompt gratuito.", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "Seletor inteligente de texto para imagem", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Para ativar esse recurso, instale um provedor de texto para imagem.", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "Seletor inteligente de fala para texto", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Para ativar esse recurso, instale um provedor de voz para texto.", "Image storage" : "Armazenamento de imagens", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "Tempo ocioso de geração de imagem (dias)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "Dias até que as imagens geradas sejam excluídas se não forem visualizadas", @@ -226,6 +222,10 @@ "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "Nomes de arquivos de imagem não puderam ser recuperados do banco de dados", "Image file not found in database" : "Arquivo da imagem não foi encontrado no banco de dados", "Image file not found" : "Arquivo de imagem não encontrado", + "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Este aplicativo traz uma interface de usuário para usar o recurso de processamento de texto Nextcloud.\n\nEle permite que os usuários iniciem tarefas de IA, sejam notificados quando terminarem e vejam os resultados.\nO assistente também aparece em outros aplicativos como o Text para processar facilmente partes de um documento.\n\nMais detalhes sobre a API assistente do OCS e possibilidades de integração de frontend no\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Como usá-lo\n\nUma nova entrada de menu no cabeçalho direito é exibida. Uma vez clicado, o assistente é exibido e você pode selecionar o tipo de tarefa e\ndefina a entrada que deseja processar.\n\nA tarefa pode ser executada imediatamente ou agendada dependendo da estimativa de tempo fornecida pelo provedor de IA.\nDepois que uma tarefa for agendada, ela será executada como um trabalho em segundo plano. Quando terminar, você receberá uma notificação\na partir do qual os resultados podem ser exibidos.\n\nOutros aplicativos podem ser integrados ao assistente. Por exemplo, o Texto exibirá um botão embutido além de cada parágrafo\npara selecionar diretamente um tipo de tarefa para processar este parágrafo. Selecionar uma tarefa desta forma abrirá o assistente com a tarefa\nsendo pré-selecionado e o texto de entrada definido.\n\nMais detalhes e capturas de tela no [documento do usuário](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Características\n\nNo assistente, a lista de tarefas disponíveis depende dos provedores disponíveis instalados por meio de outros aplicativos.\nIsso significa que você tem total liberdade sobre qual serviço/software realmente executará suas tarefas de IA.\n\n### Provedores de processamento de texto\n\nAté agora, o [modelo de linguagem grande](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\nincluem provedores de processamento de texto para:\n* Resumir\n* Extrair tópicos\n* Gere um título\n* Obtenha uma resposta em um prompt gratuito\n* Reformulado (somente OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Escritor de contexto: gera texto com um estilo especificado. O estilo pode ser descrito ou fornecido através de um texto de exemplo.\n\n### Texto para imagem (geração de imagem)\n\nFornecedores conhecidos:\n* [Integração OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n*[Difusão Estável Text2Image](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Fala para texto (transcrição de áudio)\n\nFornecedores conhecidos:\n* [Integração OpenAi/LocalAI](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Fala para texto por sussurro local](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Para ativar esse recurso, instale um provedor de processamento de texto AI para o tipo de tarefa de prompt gratuito.", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Para ativar esse recurso, instale um provedor de texto para imagem.", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Para ativar esse recurso, instale um provedor de voz para texto.", "Writing style" : "Estilo de escrita", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "Descreva o estilo de escrita que deseja usar ou forneça um documento de exemplo.", "Source material" : "Material de origem", diff --git a/l10n/sr.js b/l10n/sr.js index bbcaddbc..6b60e256 100644 --- a/l10n/sr.js +++ b/l10n/sr.js @@ -36,16 +36,12 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Chat with an AI model." : "Четујте са AI моделом.", "Artificial Intelligence" : "Вештачка интелигенција", "Process and transform text" : "Обрада и трансформација текста", - "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Ова апликација доноси на Nextcloud кориснички интерфејс за могућност обраде текста.\n\nОна омогућава да корисници покрену задатке AI обраде, да се обавесте када се ти задаци заврше и да погледају резултате.\nАсистент се такође појављује и у осталим апликацијама као што је Текст како би се једноставно обрадили делови документа.\n\nВише детаља у вези са асистентовим OCS API и могућностма за интеграцију чеоног приказа се налази у\n[програмерској документацији](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Како се користи\n\nПојављује се нова ставка у менију десног заглавља. Када се кликне на њу, приказаће се асистент и ту можете да изаберете врсту задатка\nи да поставите упит који желите да се обради.\n\nЗадатак може одмах да се покрене, или да се закаже, што зависи од процене потребног времена коју достави пружалац AI услуге.\nКада се задатак закаже, покренуће се као посао у позадини. Примићете обавештење након завршетка посла, и из њега ћете моћи да прикажете резултате.\n\nОстале апликације могу да се интегришу са асистентом. На пример, Текст ће да прикаже дугме у линији поред сваког пасуса којим\nдиректно бирате врсту задатка за обраду тог пасуса. Када се задатак изабере на овај начин, отвориће се асистент са већ изабраним задатком\nи постављеним улазним текстом.\n\nВише детаља и снимака екрана се налази у [корисничкој документацији](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Функције\n\nЛиста доступних задатака у асистену зависи од доступних пружаоца услуга које су инсталирале остале апликације.\nОво значи да имате потпуну слободу избора сервиса/софтвера који ће извршавати ваши задатке AI обраде.\n\n### Пружаоци услуге обраде текста\n\nЗа сада, [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nи [OpenAi/LocalAI интеграција](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) апликације\nукључују и пружаоце услуге обраде текста за:\n* Резимирање\n* Издвајање тема\n* Генерисање линије наслова\n* Добијања одговора на произвољни захтев\n* Реформулисање (само OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Писање контекста: генерисање текста у наведеном стилу. Стил може да се опише или зада текстом за пример.\n\n### Текст у слику (генерисање слике)\n\nПознати пружаоци усуге:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI интеграција](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Стабилна Дифузија](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Говор у текст (звучна транскрипција)\n\nПознати пружаоци услуге:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI интеграција](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Локални Whisper Говор-у-Текст](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", "Select which features you want to enable" : "Изаберите могућности које желите да укључите", "Top-right assistant" : "Асистент у горњем десном углу", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "Да бисте могли да користите ову функцију, молимо вас да инсталирате барем један пружалац услуге AI обраде текста.", "AI text generation smart picker" : "Паметни бирач AI генерисања текста", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Да бисте укључили ову функцију, молимо вас да инсталирате било који пружалац услуге AI обраде текста за задатак типа слободног упита.", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "Паметни бирач претварања текста у слику", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Да бисте укључили ову функцију, молимо вас да инсталирате пружалац услуге претварања текста у слику.", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "Паметни бирач претварања говора у текст", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Да бисте укључили ову функцију, молимо вас да инсталирате пружалац услуге претварања говора у текст.", "Image storage" : "Складиштење слике", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "Време неактивности генерисане слике (дана)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "Број дана након којег се генерисане слике бришу ако нису погледане", @@ -196,6 +192,10 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "Иза базе података нису могла да се преузму имена фајлова слике", "Image file not found in database" : "У бази података није пронађен фајл слике", "Image file not found" : "Није пронађен фајл слике", + "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Ова апликација доноси на Nextcloud кориснички интерфејс за могућност обраде текста.\n\nОна омогућава да корисници покрену задатке AI обраде, да се обавесте када се ти задаци заврше и да погледају резултате.\nАсистент се такође појављује и у осталим апликацијама као што је Текст како би се једноставно обрадили делови документа.\n\nВише детаља у вези са асистентовим OCS API и могућностма за интеграцију чеоног приказа се налази у\n[програмерској документацији](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Како се користи\n\nПојављује се нова ставка у менију десног заглавља. Када се кликне на њу, приказаће се асистент и ту можете да изаберете врсту задатка\nи да поставите упит који желите да се обради.\n\nЗадатак може одмах да се покрене, или да се закаже, што зависи од процене потребног времена коју достави пружалац AI услуге.\nКада се задатак закаже, покренуће се као посао у позадини. Примићете обавештење након завршетка посла, и из њега ћете моћи да прикажете резултате.\n\nОстале апликације могу да се интегришу са асистентом. На пример, Текст ће да прикаже дугме у линији поред сваког пасуса којим\nдиректно бирате врсту задатка за обраду тог пасуса. Када се задатак изабере на овај начин, отвориће се асистент са већ изабраним задатком\nи постављеним улазним текстом.\n\nВише детаља и снимака екрана се налази у [корисничкој документацији](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Функције\n\nЛиста доступних задатака у асистену зависи од доступних пружаоца услуга које су инсталирале остале апликације.\nОво значи да имате потпуну слободу избора сервиса/софтвера који ће извршавати ваши задатке AI обраде.\n\n### Пружаоци услуге обраде текста\n\nЗа сада, [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nи [OpenAi/LocalAI интеграција](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) апликације\nукључују и пружаоце услуге обраде текста за:\n* Резимирање\n* Издвајање тема\n* Генерисање линије наслова\n* Добијања одговора на произвољни захтев\n* Реформулисање (само OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Писање контекста: генерисање текста у наведеном стилу. Стил може да се опише или зада текстом за пример.\n\n### Текст у слику (генерисање слике)\n\nПознати пружаоци усуге:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI интеграција](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Стабилна Дифузија](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Говор у текст (звучна транскрипција)\n\nПознати пружаоци услуге:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI интеграција](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Локални Whisper Говор-у-Текст](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Да бисте укључили ову функцију, молимо вас да инсталирате било који пружалац услуге AI обраде текста за задатак типа слободног упита.", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Да бисте укључили ову функцију, молимо вас да инсталирате пружалац услуге претварања текста у слику.", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Да бисте укључили ову функцију, молимо вас да инсталирате пружалац услуге претварања говора у текст.", "Writing style" : "Стил писања", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "Опишите стил који желите да користите или наведите документ за пример.", "Source material" : "Изворни материјал", diff --git a/l10n/sr.json b/l10n/sr.json index aa825574..10dc8258 100644 --- a/l10n/sr.json +++ b/l10n/sr.json @@ -34,16 +34,12 @@ "Chat with an AI model." : "Четујте са AI моделом.", "Artificial Intelligence" : "Вештачка интелигенција", "Process and transform text" : "Обрада и трансформација текста", - "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Ова апликација доноси на Nextcloud кориснички интерфејс за могућност обраде текста.\n\nОна омогућава да корисници покрену задатке AI обраде, да се обавесте када се ти задаци заврше и да погледају резултате.\nАсистент се такође појављује и у осталим апликацијама као што је Текст како би се једноставно обрадили делови документа.\n\nВише детаља у вези са асистентовим OCS API и могућностма за интеграцију чеоног приказа се налази у\n[програмерској документацији](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Како се користи\n\nПојављује се нова ставка у менију десног заглавља. Када се кликне на њу, приказаће се асистент и ту можете да изаберете врсту задатка\nи да поставите упит који желите да се обради.\n\nЗадатак може одмах да се покрене, или да се закаже, што зависи од процене потребног времена коју достави пружалац AI услуге.\nКада се задатак закаже, покренуће се као посао у позадини. Примићете обавештење након завршетка посла, и из њега ћете моћи да прикажете резултате.\n\nОстале апликације могу да се интегришу са асистентом. На пример, Текст ће да прикаже дугме у линији поред сваког пасуса којим\nдиректно бирате врсту задатка за обраду тог пасуса. Када се задатак изабере на овај начин, отвориће се асистент са већ изабраним задатком\nи постављеним улазним текстом.\n\nВише детаља и снимака екрана се налази у [корисничкој документацији](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Функције\n\nЛиста доступних задатака у асистену зависи од доступних пружаоца услуга које су инсталирале остале апликације.\nОво значи да имате потпуну слободу избора сервиса/софтвера који ће извршавати ваши задатке AI обраде.\n\n### Пружаоци услуге обраде текста\n\nЗа сада, [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nи [OpenAi/LocalAI интеграција](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) апликације\nукључују и пружаоце услуге обраде текста за:\n* Резимирање\n* Издвајање тема\n* Генерисање линије наслова\n* Добијања одговора на произвољни захтев\n* Реформулисање (само OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Писање контекста: генерисање текста у наведеном стилу. Стил може да се опише или зада текстом за пример.\n\n### Текст у слику (генерисање слике)\n\nПознати пружаоци усуге:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI интеграција](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Стабилна Дифузија](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Говор у текст (звучна транскрипција)\n\nПознати пружаоци услуге:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI интеграција](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Локални Whisper Говор-у-Текст](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", "Select which features you want to enable" : "Изаберите могућности које желите да укључите", "Top-right assistant" : "Асистент у горњем десном углу", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "Да бисте могли да користите ову функцију, молимо вас да инсталирате барем један пружалац услуге AI обраде текста.", "AI text generation smart picker" : "Паметни бирач AI генерисања текста", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Да бисте укључили ову функцију, молимо вас да инсталирате било који пружалац услуге AI обраде текста за задатак типа слободног упита.", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "Паметни бирач претварања текста у слику", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Да бисте укључили ову функцију, молимо вас да инсталирате пружалац услуге претварања текста у слику.", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "Паметни бирач претварања говора у текст", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Да бисте укључили ову функцију, молимо вас да инсталирате пружалац услуге претварања говора у текст.", "Image storage" : "Складиштење слике", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "Време неактивности генерисане слике (дана)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "Број дана након којег се генерисане слике бришу ако нису погледане", @@ -194,6 +190,10 @@ "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "Иза базе података нису могла да се преузму имена фајлова слике", "Image file not found in database" : "У бази података није пронађен фајл слике", "Image file not found" : "Није пронађен фајл слике", + "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Ова апликација доноси на Nextcloud кориснички интерфејс за могућност обраде текста.\n\nОна омогућава да корисници покрену задатке AI обраде, да се обавесте када се ти задаци заврше и да погледају резултате.\nАсистент се такође појављује и у осталим апликацијама као што је Текст како би се једноставно обрадили делови документа.\n\nВише детаља у вези са асистентовим OCS API и могућностма за интеграцију чеоног приказа се налази у\n[програмерској документацији](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### Како се користи\n\nПојављује се нова ставка у менију десног заглавља. Када се кликне на њу, приказаће се асистент и ту можете да изаберете врсту задатка\nи да поставите упит који желите да се обради.\n\nЗадатак може одмах да се покрене, или да се закаже, што зависи од процене потребног времена коју достави пружалац AI услуге.\nКада се задатак закаже, покренуће се као посао у позадини. Примићете обавештење након завршетка посла, и из њега ћете моћи да прикажете резултате.\n\nОстале апликације могу да се интегришу са асистентом. На пример, Текст ће да прикаже дугме у линији поред сваког пасуса којим\nдиректно бирате врсту задатка за обраду тог пасуса. Када се задатак изабере на овај начин, отвориће се асистент са већ изабраним задатком\nи постављеним улазним текстом.\n\nВише детаља и снимака екрана се налази у [корисничкој документацији](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Функције\n\nЛиста доступних задатака у асистену зависи од доступних пружаоца услуга које су инсталирале остале апликације.\nОво значи да имате потпуну слободу избора сервиса/софтвера који ће извршавати ваши задатке AI обраде.\n\n### Пружаоци услуге обраде текста\n\nЗа сада, [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nи [OpenAi/LocalAI интеграција](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) апликације\nукључују и пружаоце услуге обраде текста за:\n* Резимирање\n* Издвајање тема\n* Генерисање линије наслова\n* Добијања одговора на произвољни захтев\n* Реформулисање (само OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Писање контекста: генерисање текста у наведеном стилу. Стил може да се опише или зада текстом за пример.\n\n### Текст у слику (генерисање слике)\n\nПознати пружаоци усуге:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI интеграција](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Стабилна Дифузија](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Говор у текст (звучна транскрипција)\n\nПознати пружаоци услуге:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI интеграција](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Локални Whisper Говор-у-Текст](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Да бисте укључили ову функцију, молимо вас да инсталирате било који пружалац услуге AI обраде текста за задатак типа слободног упита.", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Да бисте укључили ову функцију, молимо вас да инсталирате пружалац услуге претварања текста у слику.", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Да бисте укључили ову функцију, молимо вас да инсталирате пружалац услуге претварања говора у текст.", "Writing style" : "Стил писања", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "Опишите стил који желите да користите или наведите документ за пример.", "Source material" : "Изворни материјал", diff --git a/l10n/tr.js b/l10n/tr.js index e30e7f5e..42347d08 100644 --- a/l10n/tr.js +++ b/l10n/tr.js @@ -21,16 +21,12 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Send a request to the Assistant, for example: write a first draft of a presentation, give me suggestions for a presentation, write a draft reply to my colleague." : "Asistan'a bir istek gönderin. Örneğin; bir sunumun ilk taslağını yaz, bir sunum için önerilerde bulun, meslektaşıma bir yanıt taslağı yaz.", "Artificial Intelligence" : "Yapay Zeka", "Process and transform text" : "Metin işleme ve dönüştürme", - "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Bu uygulama, Nextcloud metin işleme özelliğinin kullanılabileceği bir kullanıcı arayüzü sağlar.\n\nKullanıcıların yapay zeka görevleri başlatmasını, biten görevler hakkında bilgi almasını ve sonuçları görmesini sağlar.\nYardımcı, bir belgenin bölümlerini kolayca işlemek için Metin gibi diğer uygulamalarda da görünür.\n\nYardımcı OCS API ve ön yüz bütünleştirme olanakları için \n[geliştirici belgelerine](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer) bakabilirsiniz.\n\n### Nasıl kullanılır\n\nSağ menüde yeni bir öge görünür. Bir kez tıklandığında, Yardımcı görüntülenir. Buradan yapmak istediğiniz\ngörev türünü ve işlemek istediğini girişi ayarlayabilirsiniz.\n\nGörev, yapay zeka hizmeti sağlayıcısının verdiği zaman öngörüsüne bağlı olarak hemen çalıştırılabilir ya da ileriye zamanlanabilir.\nZamanlanmış görevler arka planda yapılır. Görev tamamlandığında sonuçların görüntülenebileceği \nyerde bir bildirim görüntülenir.\n\nDiğer uygulamalar Yardımcı ile bütünleşik çalışabilir. Örneğin Metin uygulamasında, her paragrafın \nyanındaki satırda doğrudan bu paragrafı işleyecek bir görev türü seçen bir düğme görüntülenir.\nBir görev bu şekilde seçildiğinde, Yardımcı, görev seçilmiş ve metin ayarlanmış olarak açılır.\n\nAyrıntılı bilgi almak ve ekran görüntüleri için [kullanıcı belgelerine](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user) bakabilirsiniz.\n## Özellikler\n\nYardımcıda, yapılabilecek görevlerin listesi, diğer uygulamalar üzerine kurulmuş hizmet sağlayıcılara bağlıdır.\nBöylece, hangi hizmetin/yazılımın metin işleme görevlerinizi yapacağını özgürce belirleyebilirsiniz.\n\n\n### Metin işleme hizmeti sağlayıcıları\n\nŞu anda [geniş dil modeli](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nve [OpenAi/LocalAI bütünleştirmesi](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) uygulamaları\nşu metin işleme hizmeti sağlayıcılarını sunuyor:\n* Özetleme\n* Konuları ayıklama\n* Bir başlık oluşturma\n* Serbest bir bilgi isteminden yanıt alma\n* Yeniden ifade etme (yalnızca OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Bağlam yazma: Belirtilen biçimde metin oluşturma. Biçim, örnek bir metin aracılığıyla açıklanabilir veya sunulabilir.\n\n### Yazıdan görsele (görsel oluşturma)\n\nBilinen hizmet sağlayıcılar:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI bütünleştirmesi](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Konuşmadan yazıya (ses dönüştürme)\n\nBilinen hizmet sağlayıcılar:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI bütünleştirmesi](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", "Select which features you want to enable" : "Kullanmak istediğiniz özellikleri seçin", "Top-right assistant" : "Sağ üst yardımcı", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "Bu özelliği kullanabilmek için lütfen bir Yapay Zeka yazı işleme hizmeti sağlayıcısı kurun.", "AI text generation smart picker" : "Yapay Zeka metin oluşturma akıllı seçici", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Bu özelliği etkinleştirmek için lütfen serbest soru görevi türü için bir Yapay Zeka yazı işleme hizmeti sağlayıcısı kurun.", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "Yazıdan görsele akıllı seçici<", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Bu özelliği etkinleştirmek için lütfen bir yazıdan görsele hizmeti sağlayıcısı kurun.", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "Konuşmadan yazıya akıllı seçici", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Bu özelliği etkinleştirmek için lütfen bir konuşmadan yazıya hizmeti sağlayıcısı kurun.", "Image storage" : "Görsel depolama alanı", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "Oluşturmanın boşta bekleme süresi (gün):", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "Oluşturulan görsellere bakılmaması durumunda kaç gün sonra silinecekleri", @@ -141,6 +137,10 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "Görsel dosyası adları veri tabanından alınamadı", "Image file not found in database" : "Görsel dosyası veri tabanında bulunamadı", "Image file not found" : "Görsel dosyası bulunamadı", + "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Bu uygulama, Nextcloud metin işleme özelliğinin kullanılabileceği bir kullanıcı arayüzü sağlar.\n\nKullanıcıların yapay zeka görevleri başlatmasını, biten görevler hakkında bilgi almasını ve sonuçları görmesini sağlar.\nYardımcı, bir belgenin bölümlerini kolayca işlemek için Metin gibi diğer uygulamalarda da görünür.\n\nYardımcı OCS API ve ön yüz bütünleştirme olanakları için \n[geliştirici belgelerine](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer) bakabilirsiniz.\n\n### Nasıl kullanılır\n\nSağ menüde yeni bir öge görünür. Bir kez tıklandığında, Yardımcı görüntülenir. Buradan yapmak istediğiniz\ngörev türünü ve işlemek istediğini girişi ayarlayabilirsiniz.\n\nGörev, yapay zeka hizmeti sağlayıcısının verdiği zaman öngörüsüne bağlı olarak hemen çalıştırılabilir ya da ileriye zamanlanabilir.\nZamanlanmış görevler arka planda yapılır. Görev tamamlandığında sonuçların görüntülenebileceği \nyerde bir bildirim görüntülenir.\n\nDiğer uygulamalar Yardımcı ile bütünleşik çalışabilir. Örneğin Metin uygulamasında, her paragrafın \nyanındaki satırda doğrudan bu paragrafı işleyecek bir görev türü seçen bir düğme görüntülenir.\nBir görev bu şekilde seçildiğinde, Yardımcı, görev seçilmiş ve metin ayarlanmış olarak açılır.\n\nAyrıntılı bilgi almak ve ekran görüntüleri için [kullanıcı belgelerine](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user) bakabilirsiniz.\n## Özellikler\n\nYardımcıda, yapılabilecek görevlerin listesi, diğer uygulamalar üzerine kurulmuş hizmet sağlayıcılara bağlıdır.\nBöylece, hangi hizmetin/yazılımın metin işleme görevlerinizi yapacağını özgürce belirleyebilirsiniz.\n\n\n### Metin işleme hizmeti sağlayıcıları\n\nŞu anda [geniş dil modeli](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nve [OpenAi/LocalAI bütünleştirmesi](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) uygulamaları\nşu metin işleme hizmeti sağlayıcılarını sunuyor:\n* Özetleme\n* Konuları ayıklama\n* Bir başlık oluşturma\n* Serbest bir bilgi isteminden yanıt alma\n* Yeniden ifade etme (yalnızca OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Bağlam yazma: Belirtilen biçimde metin oluşturma. Biçim, örnek bir metin aracılığıyla açıklanabilir veya sunulabilir.\n\n### Yazıdan görsele (görsel oluşturma)\n\nBilinen hizmet sağlayıcılar:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI bütünleştirmesi](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Konuşmadan yazıya (ses dönüştürme)\n\nBilinen hizmet sağlayıcılar:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI bütünleştirmesi](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Bu özelliği etkinleştirmek için lütfen serbest soru görevi türü için bir Yapay Zeka yazı işleme hizmeti sağlayıcısı kurun.", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Bu özelliği etkinleştirmek için lütfen bir yazıdan görsele hizmeti sağlayıcısı kurun.", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Bu özelliği etkinleştirmek için lütfen bir konuşmadan yazıya hizmeti sağlayıcısı kurun.", "Writing style" : "Yazma tarzı", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "Kullanmak istediğiniz yazma tarzını açıklayın ya da örnek bir belge sağlayın.", "Source material" : "Kaynak materyal", diff --git a/l10n/tr.json b/l10n/tr.json index 3b848134..e5414806 100644 --- a/l10n/tr.json +++ b/l10n/tr.json @@ -19,16 +19,12 @@ "Send a request to the Assistant, for example: write a first draft of a presentation, give me suggestions for a presentation, write a draft reply to my colleague." : "Asistan'a bir istek gönderin. Örneğin; bir sunumun ilk taslağını yaz, bir sunum için önerilerde bulun, meslektaşıma bir yanıt taslağı yaz.", "Artificial Intelligence" : "Yapay Zeka", "Process and transform text" : "Metin işleme ve dönüştürme", - "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Bu uygulama, Nextcloud metin işleme özelliğinin kullanılabileceği bir kullanıcı arayüzü sağlar.\n\nKullanıcıların yapay zeka görevleri başlatmasını, biten görevler hakkında bilgi almasını ve sonuçları görmesini sağlar.\nYardımcı, bir belgenin bölümlerini kolayca işlemek için Metin gibi diğer uygulamalarda da görünür.\n\nYardımcı OCS API ve ön yüz bütünleştirme olanakları için \n[geliştirici belgelerine](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer) bakabilirsiniz.\n\n### Nasıl kullanılır\n\nSağ menüde yeni bir öge görünür. Bir kez tıklandığında, Yardımcı görüntülenir. Buradan yapmak istediğiniz\ngörev türünü ve işlemek istediğini girişi ayarlayabilirsiniz.\n\nGörev, yapay zeka hizmeti sağlayıcısının verdiği zaman öngörüsüne bağlı olarak hemen çalıştırılabilir ya da ileriye zamanlanabilir.\nZamanlanmış görevler arka planda yapılır. Görev tamamlandığında sonuçların görüntülenebileceği \nyerde bir bildirim görüntülenir.\n\nDiğer uygulamalar Yardımcı ile bütünleşik çalışabilir. Örneğin Metin uygulamasında, her paragrafın \nyanındaki satırda doğrudan bu paragrafı işleyecek bir görev türü seçen bir düğme görüntülenir.\nBir görev bu şekilde seçildiğinde, Yardımcı, görev seçilmiş ve metin ayarlanmış olarak açılır.\n\nAyrıntılı bilgi almak ve ekran görüntüleri için [kullanıcı belgelerine](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user) bakabilirsiniz.\n## Özellikler\n\nYardımcıda, yapılabilecek görevlerin listesi, diğer uygulamalar üzerine kurulmuş hizmet sağlayıcılara bağlıdır.\nBöylece, hangi hizmetin/yazılımın metin işleme görevlerinizi yapacağını özgürce belirleyebilirsiniz.\n\n\n### Metin işleme hizmeti sağlayıcıları\n\nŞu anda [geniş dil modeli](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nve [OpenAi/LocalAI bütünleştirmesi](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) uygulamaları\nşu metin işleme hizmeti sağlayıcılarını sunuyor:\n* Özetleme\n* Konuları ayıklama\n* Bir başlık oluşturma\n* Serbest bir bilgi isteminden yanıt alma\n* Yeniden ifade etme (yalnızca OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Bağlam yazma: Belirtilen biçimde metin oluşturma. Biçim, örnek bir metin aracılığıyla açıklanabilir veya sunulabilir.\n\n### Yazıdan görsele (görsel oluşturma)\n\nBilinen hizmet sağlayıcılar:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI bütünleştirmesi](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Konuşmadan yazıya (ses dönüştürme)\n\nBilinen hizmet sağlayıcılar:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI bütünleştirmesi](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", "Select which features you want to enable" : "Kullanmak istediğiniz özellikleri seçin", "Top-right assistant" : "Sağ üst yardımcı", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "Bu özelliği kullanabilmek için lütfen bir Yapay Zeka yazı işleme hizmeti sağlayıcısı kurun.", "AI text generation smart picker" : "Yapay Zeka metin oluşturma akıllı seçici", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Bu özelliği etkinleştirmek için lütfen serbest soru görevi türü için bir Yapay Zeka yazı işleme hizmeti sağlayıcısı kurun.", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "Yazıdan görsele akıllı seçici<", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Bu özelliği etkinleştirmek için lütfen bir yazıdan görsele hizmeti sağlayıcısı kurun.", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "Konuşmadan yazıya akıllı seçici", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Bu özelliği etkinleştirmek için lütfen bir konuşmadan yazıya hizmeti sağlayıcısı kurun.", "Image storage" : "Görsel depolama alanı", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "Oluşturmanın boşta bekleme süresi (gün):", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "Oluşturulan görsellere bakılmaması durumunda kaç gün sonra silinecekleri", @@ -139,6 +135,10 @@ "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "Görsel dosyası adları veri tabanından alınamadı", "Image file not found in database" : "Görsel dosyası veri tabanında bulunamadı", "Image file not found" : "Görsel dosyası bulunamadı", + "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "Bu uygulama, Nextcloud metin işleme özelliğinin kullanılabileceği bir kullanıcı arayüzü sağlar.\n\nKullanıcıların yapay zeka görevleri başlatmasını, biten görevler hakkında bilgi almasını ve sonuçları görmesini sağlar.\nYardımcı, bir belgenin bölümlerini kolayca işlemek için Metin gibi diğer uygulamalarda da görünür.\n\nYardımcı OCS API ve ön yüz bütünleştirme olanakları için \n[geliştirici belgelerine](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer) bakabilirsiniz.\n\n### Nasıl kullanılır\n\nSağ menüde yeni bir öge görünür. Bir kez tıklandığında, Yardımcı görüntülenir. Buradan yapmak istediğiniz\ngörev türünü ve işlemek istediğini girişi ayarlayabilirsiniz.\n\nGörev, yapay zeka hizmeti sağlayıcısının verdiği zaman öngörüsüne bağlı olarak hemen çalıştırılabilir ya da ileriye zamanlanabilir.\nZamanlanmış görevler arka planda yapılır. Görev tamamlandığında sonuçların görüntülenebileceği \nyerde bir bildirim görüntülenir.\n\nDiğer uygulamalar Yardımcı ile bütünleşik çalışabilir. Örneğin Metin uygulamasında, her paragrafın \nyanındaki satırda doğrudan bu paragrafı işleyecek bir görev türü seçen bir düğme görüntülenir.\nBir görev bu şekilde seçildiğinde, Yardımcı, görev seçilmiş ve metin ayarlanmış olarak açılır.\n\nAyrıntılı bilgi almak ve ekran görüntüleri için [kullanıcı belgelerine](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user) bakabilirsiniz.\n## Özellikler\n\nYardımcıda, yapılabilecek görevlerin listesi, diğer uygulamalar üzerine kurulmuş hizmet sağlayıcılara bağlıdır.\nBöylece, hangi hizmetin/yazılımın metin işleme görevlerinizi yapacağını özgürce belirleyebilirsiniz.\n\n\n### Metin işleme hizmeti sağlayıcıları\n\nŞu anda [geniş dil modeli](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nve [OpenAi/LocalAI bütünleştirmesi](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) uygulamaları\nşu metin işleme hizmeti sağlayıcılarını sunuyor:\n* Özetleme\n* Konuları ayıklama\n* Bir başlık oluşturma\n* Serbest bir bilgi isteminden yanıt alma\n* Yeniden ifade etme (yalnızca OpenAi/LocalAi)\n* Bağlam yazma: Belirtilen biçimde metin oluşturma. Biçim, örnek bir metin aracılığıyla açıklanabilir veya sunulabilir.\n\n### Yazıdan görsele (görsel oluşturma)\n\nBilinen hizmet sağlayıcılar:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI bütünleştirmesi](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Konuşmadan yazıya (ses dönüştürme)\n\nBilinen hizmet sağlayıcılar:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI bütünleştirmesi](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "Bu özelliği etkinleştirmek için lütfen serbest soru görevi türü için bir Yapay Zeka yazı işleme hizmeti sağlayıcısı kurun.", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "Bu özelliği etkinleştirmek için lütfen bir yazıdan görsele hizmeti sağlayıcısı kurun.", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "Bu özelliği etkinleştirmek için lütfen bir konuşmadan yazıya hizmeti sağlayıcısı kurun.", "Writing style" : "Yazma tarzı", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "Kullanmak istediğiniz yazma tarzını açıklayın ya da örnek bir belge sağlayın.", "Source material" : "Kaynak materyal", diff --git a/l10n/zh_CN.js b/l10n/zh_CN.js index f4e68c06..d0a1efb8 100644 --- a/l10n/zh_CN.js +++ b/l10n/zh_CN.js @@ -42,29 +42,73 @@ OC.L10N.register( "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "请至少安装一个AI文字处理服务来使用此功能。", "AI text generation smart picker" : "AI文本生成智能选择器", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "文本转图像智能选择器", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "请安装一个文本转图片提供程序以启用此功能。", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "语音转文本智能选择器", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "请安装一个语音转文本提供程序以启用此功能。", "Image storage" : "图像存储", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "图像生成闲置时间(天)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "如果生成的图像超过此天数未被查看则将其删除", "Chat User Instructions for Chat Completions" : "完成聊天的聊天用户指令", "It is passed on to the LLM for it to better understand the context." : "这将会传给大语言模型以便其更好地理解内容。", + "\"{user}\" is a placeholder for the user's display name." : "“{user}”是用户显示名称的占位符。", + "Chat User Instructions for Title Generation" : "聊天用户的标题生成指令", + "It is passed on to the LLMs to let it know what to do" : "它将传给大语言模型以告知它应该做些什么", + "\"{user}\" is a placeholder for the user's display name here as well." : "“{user}”也是此处用户显示名称的占位符。", + "Last N messages to consider for chat completions" : "聊天补全参考所需的最后N条消息", + " This includes the user instructions and the LLM's messages" : "这包含用户指令和大语言模型的消息", + "Number of messages to consider for chat completions (excluding the user instructions, which is always considered)" : "聊天补全时参考的消息数(不含一律参考的用户指令)", "Assistant admin options saved" : "助手管理选项已保存", "Failed to save assistant admin options" : "助手管理选项保存失败", + "Back to the assistant" : "返回助手", "Previous \"{taskTypeName}\" tasks" : "先前的“{taskTypeName}”任务", + "The task ran successfully but the result is identical to the input." : "任务执行成功,但结果与输入完全相同。", + "This output was generated by AI. Make sure to double-check and adjust." : "此输出使用AI生成。请务必二次检查并调整。", "Show previous tasks" : "显示先前的任务", + "Hide advanced options" : "隐藏高级选项", + "Show advanced options" : "显示高级选项", "Try again" : "请重试", "Send request" : "发送请求", + "Launch this task again" : "再次启动此任务", + "Launch a task" : "启动任务", + "Generate a first draft for a blog post about privacy" : "为关于隐私的博文生成一篇初稿", + "What is the venue for the team retreat this quarter?" : "本季度团建地点在哪里?", + "Type or paste the text to summarize" : "输入或粘贴需要摘要的文本", + "Type or paste the text to generate a headline for" : "输入或粘贴需要生成标题的文本", + "Type or paste the text to extract the topics from" : "输入或粘贴需要提取话题的文本", + "landscape trees forest peaceful" : "风景 树木 森林 宁静", "a number" : "数字", + "Shakespeare or an example of the style" : "莎士比亚或类似风格的离子", + "A description of what you need or some original content" : "您需要的或者一些原创的内容的描述", "Close" : "关闭", "Close Nextcloud Assistant" : "关闭云助手", "New conversation" : "新的对话", + "Loading conversations..." : "正在加载对话……", + "No conversations yet" : "尚无对话", "Delete" : "删除", + "Conversation title" : "对话标题", "Edit title" : "编辑标题", "Generate title" : "生成标题", + "Creating a new conversation" : "创建新对话", + "Hello there! What can I help you with today?" : "您好!请问我能帮您些什么?", + "Try sending a message to spark a conversation." : "尝试发送消息来发起对话。", + "Load older messages" : "加载更早的消息", + "Retry response generation" : "重试响应生成", + "Error updating title of conversation" : "更新对话标题时出错", + "Untitled conversation" : "无标题对话", + "Error generating a title for the conversation" : "生成对话标题时发生错误", + "Error deleting conversation" : "删除对话发生错误", + "Error fetching conversations" : "获取对话时发生错误", + "Error deleting message" : "删除消息时发生错误", + "Error fetching messages" : "获取消息时发生错误", + "Error creating a new message" : "创建新消息时发生错误", + "Invalid response received for a new conversation request" : "收到无效的响应,无法建立新对话请求", + "Error creating a new conversation" : "创建新对话时发生错误", + "Error generating a response" : "生成响应时发生错误", + "Error regenerating a response" : "重新生成响应时发生错误", + "Error loading messages" : "加载消息时发生错误", + "Loading messages..." : "正在加载消息……", + "The text must be shorter than or equal to {maxLength} characters, currently {length}" : "文本必须少于等于{maxLength}字,当前为{length}字", "Cancel editing" : "取消编辑", "Submit" : "提交", + "Type a message..." : "输入消息……", "Thinking..." : "正在思考……", "You" : "您", "Message copied to clipboard" : "消息已复制到剪贴板", @@ -84,12 +128,20 @@ OC.L10N.register( "tool" : "工具", "integration" : "集成", "complete AI documentation" : "完整AI文档", + "AI provider apps can be found in the {toolLink} and {integrationLink} app settings sections." : "AI提供程序可以在{toolLink}和{integrationLink}应用设置模块找到。", + "You can also check the {aiAdminDocLink}" : "您也可以查看{aiAdminDocLink}", + "AI image generation smart picker" : "AI图像生成智能选择器", "AI transcription smart picker" : "AI转写智能选择器", + "No suitable providers are available. They must first be enabled by your administrator." : "没有可用的合适提供程序。它们必须先由您的管理员启用。", "Assistant options saved" : "助手选项已保存", "Failed to save assistant options" : "助手选项保存失败", + "Getting results…" : "正在获取结果……", + "Run in the background and get notified" : "在后台执行并接收通知", "Cancel" : "取消", + "You will receive a notification when it has finished" : "您将在完成后接收到通知", "Your task has been scheduled" : "您的任务已排期", "Nothing yet" : "暂无", + "You have not submitted any \"{taskTypeName}\" task yet" : "您尚未提交任何“{taskTypename}”任务", "Succeeded" : "成功", "Cancelled" : "已取消", "Failed" : "失败", @@ -99,6 +151,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Result" : "结果", "This task is scheduled" : "此任务已排期", "Unknown status" : "未知状态", + "_{n} image has been generated_::_{n} images have been generated_" : ["已生成{n}张图像"], "_Generation of {n} image is scheduled_::_Generation of {n} images is scheduled_" : ["生成{n}图像已排期"], "Start recording" : "开始录制", "Stop recording" : "停止录制", @@ -107,15 +160,39 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Choose file" : "选择文件", "Choose a file" : "选择一个文件", "No file selected" : "没有选择文件", + "Choose a value" : "选择值", "Upload from device" : "从设备上传", + "Select from Nextcloud" : "从云端选择", + "Pick one or multiple files" : "选择一个或多个文件", + "Remove this media" : "移除此媒体", + "Download this media" : "下载此媒体", + "Share this media" : "分享此媒体", "Share" : "共享", + "Could not upload the recorded file" : "无法上传录制的文件", + "Output file share link copied to clipboard" : "输出文件分享链接已复制到剪贴板", "Could not copy to clipboard" : "无法复制到剪贴板", + "Pick a file" : "选择文件", + "Clear value" : "清除值", + "Type some number" : "输入一些数字", + "The current value is not a number" : "当前值不是数字", "Advanced" : "高级", + "Copy output" : "复制输出", "Copy" : "复制", + "Choose a text file" : "选择文本文件", + "Unexpected response from text parser" : "非预期的文本解析器响应", + "Could not parse file" : "无法解析文件", "Result could not be copied to clipboard" : "结果无法被复制到剪贴板", + "Upload file" : "上传文件", + "Could not upload the file" : "无法上传文件", + "Could not upload the files" : "无法上传文件", + "Your task has failed" : "您的任务执行失败", "Failed to schedule your task" : "您的任务排期失败", + "Submit the current task's result" : "提交当前任务的结果", + "Assistant error" : "助手错误", + "Please log in to view the task result" : "请登录以查看任务的结果", "This task does not exist or has been cleaned up" : "此任务不存在或已删除", "Failed to schedule the task" : "任务排期失败", + "Failed to get the last message" : "获取最后一条消息失败", "Failed to process prompt; unknown user" : "提示词处理失败;未知用户", "Failed to get prompt history; unknown user" : "获取提示词历史失败;未知用户", "Failed to get outputs; unknown user" : "输出获取失败;未知用户", @@ -139,29 +216,85 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Generation not found" : "生成结果未找到", "Multiple tasks found" : "找到多个任务", "Transcript not found" : "找不到转写", + "No text to image processing provider available" : "没有可用的文字转图像处理提供者", + "Image request error" : "图像请求错误", + "Image generation not found." : "无法找到图像生成", + "Retrieving the image generation failed." : "检索图像生成失败", + "Image generation failed." : "图像生成失败", + "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "无法从数据库获取图像文件名称", + "Image file not found in database" : "数据库中找不到图像文件", + "Image file not found" : "找不到图像文件", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "请为免费提示任务类型安装一个AI文本处理提供程序以启用此功能。", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "请安装一个文本转图片提供程序以启用此功能。", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "请安装一个语音转文本提供程序以启用此功能。", + "Writing style" : "撰写风格", + "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "描述您想要使用的撰写风格或提供范例文档。", + "Source material" : "来源材料", + "Describe what you want the document to be written on." : "描述您想要撰写文档的主题。", "Type some text" : "输入一些文本", "Output" : "输出结果", + "Copy output text to clipboard" : "复制输出的文本到剪贴板", + "Reset the output value to the originally generated one" : "重置输出值为最初生成的值。", "Reset" : "重置", + "Text Generation" : "文本生成", "Audio transcription" : "音频转写", + "Unknown Result Type" : "未知结果类型", + "The task ran successfully but the generated text is empty." : "任务执行成功但生成的文本为空。", + "Run a task" : "执行任务", + "Edit Title" : "编辑标题", "Generate Title" : "生成标题", + "Text generation content" : "文本生成内容", "The text generation task was scheduled to run in the background." : "文本生成任务已排期在后台运行。", + "Estimated completion time: " : "预计补全时间:", + "This can take a while…" : "这可能需要一段时间……", + "Some generations are still being processed in the background! Showing finished generations." : "部分生成仍在后台处理!显示已完成的生成。", + "Loading generations…" : "正在载入生成……", + "Include prompt in the final result" : "在最终结果中包含提示词", + "Unexpected server response" : "非预期的服务器响应", + "The processing of generations failed." : "生成处理失败。", + "The processing of some generations failed." : "部分生成处理失败", + "Text generation error" : "文本生成出现错误", + "Unknown text generation API error" : "未知的文本生成API错误", "Prompt" : "提示", "Result {index}" : "结果 {index}", + "Run in the background" : "后台执行", + "Record Audio" : "录制音频", + "Choose Audio File" : "选择音频文件", + "Reset recorded audio" : "重置录制的音频", + "No audio file selected" : "未选择音频文件", + "Selected Audio File:" : "已选的音频文件:", + "Choose audio file in your storage" : "选择您的存储中的音频文件", + "Choose audio File" : "选择音频文件", "Copy result" : "复制结果", "Audio input" : "音频输入", "Unknown input" : "未知输入", "Running..." : "正在运行……", "Unknown error" : "未知错误", + "Task result was copied to clipboard" : "任务结果已复制到剪贴板", "Image generation" : "图像生成", + "Edit visible images" : "编辑可见的图像", + "Click to toggle generation visibility" : "点击切换生成可见性", "Generated image" : "已生成的图像", + "This generation has no visible images" : "此次生成没有可见的图像", + "Estimated generation time left: " : "预计剩余生成时间:", "The image(s) will be displayed here once generated." : "图像生成后将在此处现实", "This image generation was scheduled to run in the background." : "此图像生成已排期在后台运行。", + "Image generation failed" : "图像生成失败", + "Rate limit reached. Please try again later." : "已达速率限制。请稍后再试。", + "Unknown server query error" : "未知的服务器查询错误", + "Failed to get images" : "获取图像失败", "Include the prompt in the result" : "在结果中包含提示", + "Number of results" : "结果数目", + "Enter your question or task here:" : "在此输入您的问题或任务:", + "Preview text generation by AI" : "预览AI文本生成", "Notify when ready" : "准备完毕时通知", "Submit text generated by AI" : "提交AI生成的文本", "Regenerate" : "重新生成", "Preview" : "预览", "You will be notified when the text generation is ready." : "当文本生成完成时你将会收到通知", + "Notify when ready error" : "就绪通知发生错误", + "Unknown notify when ready error" : "未知的就绪通知错误", + "The task could not be found. It may have been deleted." : "找不到任务。它可能已被删除。", "Schedule Transcription" : "转写排期", "Successfully scheduled transcription" : "成功排期转写", "Failed to schedule transcription" : "转写排期失败", @@ -172,6 +305,15 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Show/hide advanced options" : "显示/隐藏高级选项", "Advanced options" : "高级选项", "A description of the image you want to generate" : "描述你想生成的图片", - "Copy link to clipboard" : "复制链接到剪贴板" + "Image generation cancel error" : "图像生成取消发生错误", + "Unknown image generation cancel error" : "未知的图像生成取消错误", + "Unexpected response from server." : "非预期的服务器响应", + "Image generation error" : "图像生成错误", + "Unknown image generation error" : "未知的图像生成错误", + "You will be notified when the image generation is ready." : "您将会在图像生成就绪时收到通知。", + "Copy the link to this generation to clipboard" : "复制此生成的链接到剪贴板", + "Copy link to clipboard" : "复制链接到剪贴板", + "Image link copied to clipboard" : "图像链接已复制到剪贴板", + "Image link could not be copied to clipboard" : "图像链接无法复制到剪贴板" }, "nplurals=1; plural=0;"); diff --git a/l10n/zh_CN.json b/l10n/zh_CN.json index 26bf107c..87ab2424 100644 --- a/l10n/zh_CN.json +++ b/l10n/zh_CN.json @@ -40,29 +40,73 @@ "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "请至少安装一个AI文字处理服务来使用此功能。", "AI text generation smart picker" : "AI文本生成智能选择器", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "文本转图像智能选择器", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "请安装一个文本转图片提供程序以启用此功能。", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "语音转文本智能选择器", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "请安装一个语音转文本提供程序以启用此功能。", "Image storage" : "图像存储", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "图像生成闲置时间(天)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "如果生成的图像超过此天数未被查看则将其删除", "Chat User Instructions for Chat Completions" : "完成聊天的聊天用户指令", "It is passed on to the LLM for it to better understand the context." : "这将会传给大语言模型以便其更好地理解内容。", + "\"{user}\" is a placeholder for the user's display name." : "“{user}”是用户显示名称的占位符。", + "Chat User Instructions for Title Generation" : "聊天用户的标题生成指令", + "It is passed on to the LLMs to let it know what to do" : "它将传给大语言模型以告知它应该做些什么", + "\"{user}\" is a placeholder for the user's display name here as well." : "“{user}”也是此处用户显示名称的占位符。", + "Last N messages to consider for chat completions" : "聊天补全参考所需的最后N条消息", + " This includes the user instructions and the LLM's messages" : "这包含用户指令和大语言模型的消息", + "Number of messages to consider for chat completions (excluding the user instructions, which is always considered)" : "聊天补全时参考的消息数(不含一律参考的用户指令)", "Assistant admin options saved" : "助手管理选项已保存", "Failed to save assistant admin options" : "助手管理选项保存失败", + "Back to the assistant" : "返回助手", "Previous \"{taskTypeName}\" tasks" : "先前的“{taskTypeName}”任务", + "The task ran successfully but the result is identical to the input." : "任务执行成功,但结果与输入完全相同。", + "This output was generated by AI. Make sure to double-check and adjust." : "此输出使用AI生成。请务必二次检查并调整。", "Show previous tasks" : "显示先前的任务", + "Hide advanced options" : "隐藏高级选项", + "Show advanced options" : "显示高级选项", "Try again" : "请重试", "Send request" : "发送请求", + "Launch this task again" : "再次启动此任务", + "Launch a task" : "启动任务", + "Generate a first draft for a blog post about privacy" : "为关于隐私的博文生成一篇初稿", + "What is the venue for the team retreat this quarter?" : "本季度团建地点在哪里?", + "Type or paste the text to summarize" : "输入或粘贴需要摘要的文本", + "Type or paste the text to generate a headline for" : "输入或粘贴需要生成标题的文本", + "Type or paste the text to extract the topics from" : "输入或粘贴需要提取话题的文本", + "landscape trees forest peaceful" : "风景 树木 森林 宁静", "a number" : "数字", + "Shakespeare or an example of the style" : "莎士比亚或类似风格的离子", + "A description of what you need or some original content" : "您需要的或者一些原创的内容的描述", "Close" : "关闭", "Close Nextcloud Assistant" : "关闭云助手", "New conversation" : "新的对话", + "Loading conversations..." : "正在加载对话……", + "No conversations yet" : "尚无对话", "Delete" : "删除", + "Conversation title" : "对话标题", "Edit title" : "编辑标题", "Generate title" : "生成标题", + "Creating a new conversation" : "创建新对话", + "Hello there! What can I help you with today?" : "您好!请问我能帮您些什么?", + "Try sending a message to spark a conversation." : "尝试发送消息来发起对话。", + "Load older messages" : "加载更早的消息", + "Retry response generation" : "重试响应生成", + "Error updating title of conversation" : "更新对话标题时出错", + "Untitled conversation" : "无标题对话", + "Error generating a title for the conversation" : "生成对话标题时发生错误", + "Error deleting conversation" : "删除对话发生错误", + "Error fetching conversations" : "获取对话时发生错误", + "Error deleting message" : "删除消息时发生错误", + "Error fetching messages" : "获取消息时发生错误", + "Error creating a new message" : "创建新消息时发生错误", + "Invalid response received for a new conversation request" : "收到无效的响应,无法建立新对话请求", + "Error creating a new conversation" : "创建新对话时发生错误", + "Error generating a response" : "生成响应时发生错误", + "Error regenerating a response" : "重新生成响应时发生错误", + "Error loading messages" : "加载消息时发生错误", + "Loading messages..." : "正在加载消息……", + "The text must be shorter than or equal to {maxLength} characters, currently {length}" : "文本必须少于等于{maxLength}字,当前为{length}字", "Cancel editing" : "取消编辑", "Submit" : "提交", + "Type a message..." : "输入消息……", "Thinking..." : "正在思考……", "You" : "您", "Message copied to clipboard" : "消息已复制到剪贴板", @@ -82,12 +126,20 @@ "tool" : "工具", "integration" : "集成", "complete AI documentation" : "完整AI文档", + "AI provider apps can be found in the {toolLink} and {integrationLink} app settings sections." : "AI提供程序可以在{toolLink}和{integrationLink}应用设置模块找到。", + "You can also check the {aiAdminDocLink}" : "您也可以查看{aiAdminDocLink}", + "AI image generation smart picker" : "AI图像生成智能选择器", "AI transcription smart picker" : "AI转写智能选择器", + "No suitable providers are available. They must first be enabled by your administrator." : "没有可用的合适提供程序。它们必须先由您的管理员启用。", "Assistant options saved" : "助手选项已保存", "Failed to save assistant options" : "助手选项保存失败", + "Getting results…" : "正在获取结果……", + "Run in the background and get notified" : "在后台执行并接收通知", "Cancel" : "取消", + "You will receive a notification when it has finished" : "您将在完成后接收到通知", "Your task has been scheduled" : "您的任务已排期", "Nothing yet" : "暂无", + "You have not submitted any \"{taskTypeName}\" task yet" : "您尚未提交任何“{taskTypename}”任务", "Succeeded" : "成功", "Cancelled" : "已取消", "Failed" : "失败", @@ -97,6 +149,7 @@ "Result" : "结果", "This task is scheduled" : "此任务已排期", "Unknown status" : "未知状态", + "_{n} image has been generated_::_{n} images have been generated_" : ["已生成{n}张图像"], "_Generation of {n} image is scheduled_::_Generation of {n} images is scheduled_" : ["生成{n}图像已排期"], "Start recording" : "开始录制", "Stop recording" : "停止录制", @@ -105,15 +158,39 @@ "Choose file" : "选择文件", "Choose a file" : "选择一个文件", "No file selected" : "没有选择文件", + "Choose a value" : "选择值", "Upload from device" : "从设备上传", + "Select from Nextcloud" : "从云端选择", + "Pick one or multiple files" : "选择一个或多个文件", + "Remove this media" : "移除此媒体", + "Download this media" : "下载此媒体", + "Share this media" : "分享此媒体", "Share" : "共享", + "Could not upload the recorded file" : "无法上传录制的文件", + "Output file share link copied to clipboard" : "输出文件分享链接已复制到剪贴板", "Could not copy to clipboard" : "无法复制到剪贴板", + "Pick a file" : "选择文件", + "Clear value" : "清除值", + "Type some number" : "输入一些数字", + "The current value is not a number" : "当前值不是数字", "Advanced" : "高级", + "Copy output" : "复制输出", "Copy" : "复制", + "Choose a text file" : "选择文本文件", + "Unexpected response from text parser" : "非预期的文本解析器响应", + "Could not parse file" : "无法解析文件", "Result could not be copied to clipboard" : "结果无法被复制到剪贴板", + "Upload file" : "上传文件", + "Could not upload the file" : "无法上传文件", + "Could not upload the files" : "无法上传文件", + "Your task has failed" : "您的任务执行失败", "Failed to schedule your task" : "您的任务排期失败", + "Submit the current task's result" : "提交当前任务的结果", + "Assistant error" : "助手错误", + "Please log in to view the task result" : "请登录以查看任务的结果", "This task does not exist or has been cleaned up" : "此任务不存在或已删除", "Failed to schedule the task" : "任务排期失败", + "Failed to get the last message" : "获取最后一条消息失败", "Failed to process prompt; unknown user" : "提示词处理失败;未知用户", "Failed to get prompt history; unknown user" : "获取提示词历史失败;未知用户", "Failed to get outputs; unknown user" : "输出获取失败;未知用户", @@ -137,29 +214,85 @@ "Generation not found" : "生成结果未找到", "Multiple tasks found" : "找到多个任务", "Transcript not found" : "找不到转写", + "No text to image processing provider available" : "没有可用的文字转图像处理提供者", + "Image request error" : "图像请求错误", + "Image generation not found." : "无法找到图像生成", + "Retrieving the image generation failed." : "检索图像生成失败", + "Image generation failed." : "图像生成失败", + "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "无法从数据库获取图像文件名称", + "Image file not found in database" : "数据库中找不到图像文件", + "Image file not found" : "找不到图像文件", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "请为免费提示任务类型安装一个AI文本处理提供程序以启用此功能。", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "请安装一个文本转图片提供程序以启用此功能。", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "请安装一个语音转文本提供程序以启用此功能。", + "Writing style" : "撰写风格", + "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "描述您想要使用的撰写风格或提供范例文档。", + "Source material" : "来源材料", + "Describe what you want the document to be written on." : "描述您想要撰写文档的主题。", "Type some text" : "输入一些文本", "Output" : "输出结果", + "Copy output text to clipboard" : "复制输出的文本到剪贴板", + "Reset the output value to the originally generated one" : "重置输出值为最初生成的值。", "Reset" : "重置", + "Text Generation" : "文本生成", "Audio transcription" : "音频转写", + "Unknown Result Type" : "未知结果类型", + "The task ran successfully but the generated text is empty." : "任务执行成功但生成的文本为空。", + "Run a task" : "执行任务", + "Edit Title" : "编辑标题", "Generate Title" : "生成标题", + "Text generation content" : "文本生成内容", "The text generation task was scheduled to run in the background." : "文本生成任务已排期在后台运行。", + "Estimated completion time: " : "预计补全时间:", + "This can take a while…" : "这可能需要一段时间……", + "Some generations are still being processed in the background! Showing finished generations." : "部分生成仍在后台处理!显示已完成的生成。", + "Loading generations…" : "正在载入生成……", + "Include prompt in the final result" : "在最终结果中包含提示词", + "Unexpected server response" : "非预期的服务器响应", + "The processing of generations failed." : "生成处理失败。", + "The processing of some generations failed." : "部分生成处理失败", + "Text generation error" : "文本生成出现错误", + "Unknown text generation API error" : "未知的文本生成API错误", "Prompt" : "提示", "Result {index}" : "结果 {index}", + "Run in the background" : "后台执行", + "Record Audio" : "录制音频", + "Choose Audio File" : "选择音频文件", + "Reset recorded audio" : "重置录制的音频", + "No audio file selected" : "未选择音频文件", + "Selected Audio File:" : "已选的音频文件:", + "Choose audio file in your storage" : "选择您的存储中的音频文件", + "Choose audio File" : "选择音频文件", "Copy result" : "复制结果", "Audio input" : "音频输入", "Unknown input" : "未知输入", "Running..." : "正在运行……", "Unknown error" : "未知错误", + "Task result was copied to clipboard" : "任务结果已复制到剪贴板", "Image generation" : "图像生成", + "Edit visible images" : "编辑可见的图像", + "Click to toggle generation visibility" : "点击切换生成可见性", "Generated image" : "已生成的图像", + "This generation has no visible images" : "此次生成没有可见的图像", + "Estimated generation time left: " : "预计剩余生成时间:", "The image(s) will be displayed here once generated." : "图像生成后将在此处现实", "This image generation was scheduled to run in the background." : "此图像生成已排期在后台运行。", + "Image generation failed" : "图像生成失败", + "Rate limit reached. Please try again later." : "已达速率限制。请稍后再试。", + "Unknown server query error" : "未知的服务器查询错误", + "Failed to get images" : "获取图像失败", "Include the prompt in the result" : "在结果中包含提示", + "Number of results" : "结果数目", + "Enter your question or task here:" : "在此输入您的问题或任务:", + "Preview text generation by AI" : "预览AI文本生成", "Notify when ready" : "准备完毕时通知", "Submit text generated by AI" : "提交AI生成的文本", "Regenerate" : "重新生成", "Preview" : "预览", "You will be notified when the text generation is ready." : "当文本生成完成时你将会收到通知", + "Notify when ready error" : "就绪通知发生错误", + "Unknown notify when ready error" : "未知的就绪通知错误", + "The task could not be found. It may have been deleted." : "找不到任务。它可能已被删除。", "Schedule Transcription" : "转写排期", "Successfully scheduled transcription" : "成功排期转写", "Failed to schedule transcription" : "转写排期失败", @@ -170,6 +303,15 @@ "Show/hide advanced options" : "显示/隐藏高级选项", "Advanced options" : "高级选项", "A description of the image you want to generate" : "描述你想生成的图片", - "Copy link to clipboard" : "复制链接到剪贴板" + "Image generation cancel error" : "图像生成取消发生错误", + "Unknown image generation cancel error" : "未知的图像生成取消错误", + "Unexpected response from server." : "非预期的服务器响应", + "Image generation error" : "图像生成错误", + "Unknown image generation error" : "未知的图像生成错误", + "You will be notified when the image generation is ready." : "您将会在图像生成就绪时收到通知。", + "Copy the link to this generation to clipboard" : "复制此生成的链接到剪贴板", + "Copy link to clipboard" : "复制链接到剪贴板", + "Image link copied to clipboard" : "图像链接已复制到剪贴板", + "Image link could not be copied to clipboard" : "图像链接无法复制到剪贴板" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/l10n/zh_HK.js b/l10n/zh_HK.js index ca3df3b3..3164ba8b 100644 --- a/l10n/zh_HK.js +++ b/l10n/zh_HK.js @@ -37,16 +37,12 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Chat with an AI model." : "與 AI 模型聊天", "Artificial Intelligence" : "人工智能", "Process and transform text" : "處理與轉換文字", - "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "此應用程式帶來了一個使用 Nextcloud 文字處理功能的使用者介面。\n\n其讓使用者可以啟動文字處理任務,在任務完成時收到通知並檢視結果。\n小幫手也會出現在「文字」等其他應用程式中,可以輕鬆處理文件的某些部分。\n\n更多關於小幫手 OCS API 與前端整合可能性的詳細資訊請見\n[開發者文件](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### 如何使用它\n\n出現新的右標題選單條目。點擊後,將顯示小幫手,您可以選擇任務類型與\n設定要處理的輸入文字。\n\n規劃好任務後,其將作為背景作業執行。完成後,您將會收到其中顯示結果的通知。\n\n其他應用程式可以與小幫手應用程式整合。例如,文字將在每個段落旁邊顯示一個行內按鈕,直接選擇一個任務類型來處理該段落。以這種方式選擇任務將會開啟包含該任務的助手,且預先選擇並設定輸入文字。\n\n在[使用者文件](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user)中有更多詳細資訊與螢幕截圖。\n\n## 功能\n\n在小幫手中,可用任務清單取決於透過其他應用程式安裝的可用提供者。\n這代表了您可以完全自由地決定哪些服務/軟體實際執行您的文字處理任務。\n\n### 文字處理提供者\n\n到目前為止,[大型語言模型](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)以及 [OpenAi/LocalAI 整合](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) 應用程式包含了文字處理提供者:\n* 總結\n* 擷取主題\n* 產生標題\n* 從免費提示中取得答案\n* 重新表述(僅限 OpenAI/LocalAI)\n* 情境作家:產生指定樣式的文字。可以透過範例文字來描述或提供樣式。\n\n已知提供者:\n* [OpenAI/LocalAI 整合](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [文字轉影像 Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### 音頻轉文字(音訊轉錄)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAI/LocalAI 整合](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [本機 Whisper 音頻轉文字](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", "Select which features you want to enable" : "選取要啟用的功能", "Top-right assistant" : "右上角的小幫手", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "要使用此功能,請安裝至少一個人工智慧文字處理提供者。", "AI text generation smart picker" : "人工智慧文字產生智慧型挑選程式", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "要啟用此功能,請安裝免費提示任務類型的人工智慧文字處理提供者。", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "文字到圖像智慧選擇器", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "請安裝一個文字到圖像提供者,以啟用此特點。", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "音頻轉文字智能選擇器", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "請安裝一個音頻轉文字提供者,以啟用此特點。", "Image storage" : "圖像儲存", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "圖像産生閒置時間 (days)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "直至圖像産生後的天數,如果未被檢視,則將其刪除", @@ -228,6 +224,10 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "無法從資料庫擷取影像檔案名稱", "Image file not found in database" : "資料庫中找不到影像檔案", "Image file not found" : "找不到圖像檔案", + "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "此應用程式帶來了一個使用 Nextcloud 文字處理功能的使用者介面。\n\n其讓使用者可以啟動文字處理任務,在任務完成時收到通知並檢視結果。\n小幫手也會出現在「文字」等其他應用程式中,可以輕鬆處理文件的某些部分。\n\n更多關於小幫手 OCS API 與前端整合可能性的詳細資訊請見\n[開發者文件](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### 如何使用它\n\n出現新的右標題選單條目。點擊後,將顯示小幫手,您可以選擇任務類型與\n設定要處理的輸入文字。\n\n規劃好任務後,其將作為背景作業執行。完成後,您將會收到其中顯示結果的通知。\n\n其他應用程式可以與小幫手應用程式整合。例如,文字將在每個段落旁邊顯示一個行內按鈕,直接選擇一個任務類型來處理該段落。以這種方式選擇任務將會開啟包含該任務的助手,且預先選擇並設定輸入文字。\n\n在[使用者文件](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user)中有更多詳細資訊與螢幕截圖。\n\n## 功能\n\n在小幫手中,可用任務清單取決於透過其他應用程式安裝的可用提供者。\n這代表了您可以完全自由地決定哪些服務/軟體實際執行您的文字處理任務。\n\n### 文字處理提供者\n\n到目前為止,[大型語言模型](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)以及 [OpenAi/LocalAI 整合](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) 應用程式包含了文字處理提供者:\n* 總結\n* 擷取主題\n* 產生標題\n* 從免費提示中取得答案\n* 重新表述(僅限 OpenAI/LocalAI)\n* 情境作家:產生指定樣式的文字。可以透過範例文字來描述或提供樣式。\n\n已知提供者:\n* [OpenAI/LocalAI 整合](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [文字轉影像 Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### 音頻轉文字(音訊轉錄)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAI/LocalAI 整合](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [本機 Whisper 音頻轉文字](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "要啟用此功能,請安裝免費提示任務類型的人工智慧文字處理提供者。", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "請安裝一個文字到圖像提供者,以啟用此特點。", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "請安裝一個音頻轉文字提供者,以啟用此特點。", "Writing style" : "寫作風格", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "描述您想要使用的寫作風格或提供範例文件。", "Source material" : "來源資料", diff --git a/l10n/zh_HK.json b/l10n/zh_HK.json index 725b16f7..e5db8822 100644 --- a/l10n/zh_HK.json +++ b/l10n/zh_HK.json @@ -35,16 +35,12 @@ "Chat with an AI model." : "與 AI 模型聊天", "Artificial Intelligence" : "人工智能", "Process and transform text" : "處理與轉換文字", - "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "此應用程式帶來了一個使用 Nextcloud 文字處理功能的使用者介面。\n\n其讓使用者可以啟動文字處理任務,在任務完成時收到通知並檢視結果。\n小幫手也會出現在「文字」等其他應用程式中,可以輕鬆處理文件的某些部分。\n\n更多關於小幫手 OCS API 與前端整合可能性的詳細資訊請見\n[開發者文件](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### 如何使用它\n\n出現新的右標題選單條目。點擊後,將顯示小幫手,您可以選擇任務類型與\n設定要處理的輸入文字。\n\n規劃好任務後,其將作為背景作業執行。完成後,您將會收到其中顯示結果的通知。\n\n其他應用程式可以與小幫手應用程式整合。例如,文字將在每個段落旁邊顯示一個行內按鈕,直接選擇一個任務類型來處理該段落。以這種方式選擇任務將會開啟包含該任務的助手,且預先選擇並設定輸入文字。\n\n在[使用者文件](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user)中有更多詳細資訊與螢幕截圖。\n\n## 功能\n\n在小幫手中,可用任務清單取決於透過其他應用程式安裝的可用提供者。\n這代表了您可以完全自由地決定哪些服務/軟體實際執行您的文字處理任務。\n\n### 文字處理提供者\n\n到目前為止,[大型語言模型](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)以及 [OpenAi/LocalAI 整合](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) 應用程式包含了文字處理提供者:\n* 總結\n* 擷取主題\n* 產生標題\n* 從免費提示中取得答案\n* 重新表述(僅限 OpenAI/LocalAI)\n* 情境作家:產生指定樣式的文字。可以透過範例文字來描述或提供樣式。\n\n已知提供者:\n* [OpenAI/LocalAI 整合](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [文字轉影像 Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### 音頻轉文字(音訊轉錄)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAI/LocalAI 整合](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [本機 Whisper 音頻轉文字](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", "Select which features you want to enable" : "選取要啟用的功能", "Top-right assistant" : "右上角的小幫手", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "要使用此功能,請安裝至少一個人工智慧文字處理提供者。", "AI text generation smart picker" : "人工智慧文字產生智慧型挑選程式", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "要啟用此功能,請安裝免費提示任務類型的人工智慧文字處理提供者。", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "文字到圖像智慧選擇器", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "請安裝一個文字到圖像提供者,以啟用此特點。", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "音頻轉文字智能選擇器", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "請安裝一個音頻轉文字提供者,以啟用此特點。", "Image storage" : "圖像儲存", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "圖像産生閒置時間 (days)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "直至圖像産生後的天數,如果未被檢視,則將其刪除", @@ -226,6 +222,10 @@ "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "無法從資料庫擷取影像檔案名稱", "Image file not found in database" : "資料庫中找不到影像檔案", "Image file not found" : "找不到圖像檔案", + "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "此應用程式帶來了一個使用 Nextcloud 文字處理功能的使用者介面。\n\n其讓使用者可以啟動文字處理任務,在任務完成時收到通知並檢視結果。\n小幫手也會出現在「文字」等其他應用程式中,可以輕鬆處理文件的某些部分。\n\n更多關於小幫手 OCS API 與前端整合可能性的詳細資訊請見\n[開發者文件](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### 如何使用它\n\n出現新的右標題選單條目。點擊後,將顯示小幫手,您可以選擇任務類型與\n設定要處理的輸入文字。\n\n規劃好任務後,其將作為背景作業執行。完成後,您將會收到其中顯示結果的通知。\n\n其他應用程式可以與小幫手應用程式整合。例如,文字將在每個段落旁邊顯示一個行內按鈕,直接選擇一個任務類型來處理該段落。以這種方式選擇任務將會開啟包含該任務的助手,且預先選擇並設定輸入文字。\n\n在[使用者文件](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user)中有更多詳細資訊與螢幕截圖。\n\n## 功能\n\n在小幫手中,可用任務清單取決於透過其他應用程式安裝的可用提供者。\n這代表了您可以完全自由地決定哪些服務/軟體實際執行您的文字處理任務。\n\n### 文字處理提供者\n\n到目前為止,[大型語言模型](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)以及 [OpenAi/LocalAI 整合](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) 應用程式包含了文字處理提供者:\n* 總結\n* 擷取主題\n* 產生標題\n* 從免費提示中取得答案\n* 重新表述(僅限 OpenAI/LocalAI)\n* 情境作家:產生指定樣式的文字。可以透過範例文字來描述或提供樣式。\n\n已知提供者:\n* [OpenAI/LocalAI 整合](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [文字轉影像 Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### 音頻轉文字(音訊轉錄)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAI/LocalAI 整合](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [本機 Whisper 音頻轉文字](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "要啟用此功能,請安裝免費提示任務類型的人工智慧文字處理提供者。", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "請安裝一個文字到圖像提供者,以啟用此特點。", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "請安裝一個音頻轉文字提供者,以啟用此特點。", "Writing style" : "寫作風格", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "描述您想要使用的寫作風格或提供範例文件。", "Source material" : "來源資料", diff --git a/l10n/zh_TW.js b/l10n/zh_TW.js index e3056fa2..54cb470c 100644 --- a/l10n/zh_TW.js +++ b/l10n/zh_TW.js @@ -37,16 +37,12 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Chat with an AI model." : "與 AI 模型聊天", "Artificial Intelligence" : "人工智慧", "Process and transform text" : "處理與轉換文字", - "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "此應用程式帶來了一個使用 Nextcloud 文字處理功能的使用者介面。\n\n其讓使用者可以啟動文字處理任務,在任務完成時收到通知並檢視結果。\n小幫手也會出現在「文字」等其他應用程式中,可以輕鬆處理文件的某些部分。\n\n更多關於小幫手 OCS API 與前端整合可能性的詳細資訊請見\n[開發者文件](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### 如何使用它\n\n出現新的右標題選單條目。點擊後,將顯示小幫手,您可以選擇任務類型與\n設定要處理的輸入文字。\n\n規劃好任務後,其將作為背景作業執行。完成後,您將會收到其中顯示結果的通知。\n\n其他應用程式可以與小幫手應用程式整合。例如,文字將在每個段落旁邊顯示一個行內按鈕,直接選擇一個任務類型來處理該段落。以這種方式選擇任務將會開啟包含該任務的助手,且預先選擇並設定輸入文字。\n\n在[使用者文件](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user)中有更多詳細資訊與螢幕截圖。\n\n## 功能\n\n在小幫手中,可用任務清單取決於透過其他應用程式安裝的可用提供者。\n這代表了您可以完全自由地決定哪些服務/軟體實際執行您的文字處理任務。\n\n### 文字處理提供者\n\n到目前為止,[大型語言模型](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)以及 [OpenAi/LocalAI 整合](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) 應用程式包含了文字處理提供者:\n* 總結\n* 擷取主題\n* 產生標題\n* 從免費提示中取得答案\n* 重新表述(僅限 OpenAI/LocalAI)\n* 情境作家:產生指定樣式的文字。可以透過範例文字來描述或提供樣式。\n\n已知提供者:\n* [OpenAI/LocalAI 整合](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [文字轉影像 Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### 語音轉文字(音訊轉錄)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAI/LocalAI 整合](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [本機 Whisper 語音轉文字](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", "Select which features you want to enable" : "選取要啟用的功能", "Top-right assistant" : "右上角的小幫手", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "要使用此功能,請安裝至少一個人工智慧文字處理提供者。", "AI text generation smart picker" : "人工智慧文字產生智慧型挑選程式", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "要啟用此功能,請安裝免費提示任務類型的人工智慧文字處理提供者。", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "文字轉影像智慧挑選程式", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "要啟用此功能,請安裝文字轉影像提供者。", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "語音轉文字智慧型挑選程式", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "要啟用此功能,請安裝語音轉文字提供者。", "Image storage" : "影像儲存", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "影像產生閒置時間(天)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "直到影像產生後的天數,如果未被檢視,則將其刪除", @@ -228,6 +224,10 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "無法從資料庫擷取影像檔案名稱", "Image file not found in database" : "資料庫中找不到影像檔案", "Image file not found" : "找不到影像檔案", + "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "此應用程式帶來了一個使用 Nextcloud 文字處理功能的使用者介面。\n\n其讓使用者可以啟動文字處理任務,在任務完成時收到通知並檢視結果。\n小幫手也會出現在「文字」等其他應用程式中,可以輕鬆處理文件的某些部分。\n\n更多關於小幫手 OCS API 與前端整合可能性的詳細資訊請見\n[開發者文件](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### 如何使用它\n\n出現新的右標題選單條目。點擊後,將顯示小幫手,您可以選擇任務類型與\n設定要處理的輸入文字。\n\n規劃好任務後,其將作為背景作業執行。完成後,您將會收到其中顯示結果的通知。\n\n其他應用程式可以與小幫手應用程式整合。例如,文字將在每個段落旁邊顯示一個行內按鈕,直接選擇一個任務類型來處理該段落。以這種方式選擇任務將會開啟包含該任務的助手,且預先選擇並設定輸入文字。\n\n在[使用者文件](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user)中有更多詳細資訊與螢幕截圖。\n\n## 功能\n\n在小幫手中,可用任務清單取決於透過其他應用程式安裝的可用提供者。\n這代表了您可以完全自由地決定哪些服務/軟體實際執行您的文字處理任務。\n\n### 文字處理提供者\n\n到目前為止,[大型語言模型](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)以及 [OpenAi/LocalAI 整合](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) 應用程式包含了文字處理提供者:\n* 總結\n* 擷取主題\n* 產生標題\n* 從免費提示中取得答案\n* 重新表述(僅限 OpenAI/LocalAI)\n* 情境作家:產生指定樣式的文字。可以透過範例文字來描述或提供樣式。\n\n已知提供者:\n* [OpenAI/LocalAI 整合](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [文字轉影像 Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### 語音轉文字(音訊轉錄)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAI/LocalAI 整合](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [本機 Whisper 語音轉文字](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "要啟用此功能,請安裝免費提示任務類型的人工智慧文字處理提供者。", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "要啟用此功能,請安裝文字轉影像提供者。", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "要啟用此功能,請安裝語音轉文字提供者。", "Writing style" : "寫作風格", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "描述您想要使用的寫作風格或提供範例文件。", "Source material" : "來源資料", diff --git a/l10n/zh_TW.json b/l10n/zh_TW.json index d21ba587..86c3836d 100644 --- a/l10n/zh_TW.json +++ b/l10n/zh_TW.json @@ -35,16 +35,12 @@ "Chat with an AI model." : "與 AI 模型聊天", "Artificial Intelligence" : "人工智慧", "Process and transform text" : "處理與轉換文字", - "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "此應用程式帶來了一個使用 Nextcloud 文字處理功能的使用者介面。\n\n其讓使用者可以啟動文字處理任務,在任務完成時收到通知並檢視結果。\n小幫手也會出現在「文字」等其他應用程式中,可以輕鬆處理文件的某些部分。\n\n更多關於小幫手 OCS API 與前端整合可能性的詳細資訊請見\n[開發者文件](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### 如何使用它\n\n出現新的右標題選單條目。點擊後,將顯示小幫手,您可以選擇任務類型與\n設定要處理的輸入文字。\n\n規劃好任務後,其將作為背景作業執行。完成後,您將會收到其中顯示結果的通知。\n\n其他應用程式可以與小幫手應用程式整合。例如,文字將在每個段落旁邊顯示一個行內按鈕,直接選擇一個任務類型來處理該段落。以這種方式選擇任務將會開啟包含該任務的助手,且預先選擇並設定輸入文字。\n\n在[使用者文件](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user)中有更多詳細資訊與螢幕截圖。\n\n## 功能\n\n在小幫手中,可用任務清單取決於透過其他應用程式安裝的可用提供者。\n這代表了您可以完全自由地決定哪些服務/軟體實際執行您的文字處理任務。\n\n### 文字處理提供者\n\n到目前為止,[大型語言模型](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)以及 [OpenAi/LocalAI 整合](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) 應用程式包含了文字處理提供者:\n* 總結\n* 擷取主題\n* 產生標題\n* 從免費提示中取得答案\n* 重新表述(僅限 OpenAI/LocalAI)\n* 情境作家:產生指定樣式的文字。可以透過範例文字來描述或提供樣式。\n\n已知提供者:\n* [OpenAI/LocalAI 整合](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [文字轉影像 Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### 語音轉文字(音訊轉錄)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAI/LocalAI 整合](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [本機 Whisper 語音轉文字](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", "Select which features you want to enable" : "選取要啟用的功能", "Top-right assistant" : "右上角的小幫手", "To be able to use this feature, please install at least one AI text processing provider." : "要使用此功能,請安裝至少一個人工智慧文字處理提供者。", "AI text generation smart picker" : "人工智慧文字產生智慧型挑選程式", - "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "要啟用此功能,請安裝免費提示任務類型的人工智慧文字處理提供者。", "Text-to-image smart picker" : "文字轉影像智慧挑選程式", - "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "要啟用此功能,請安裝文字轉影像提供者。", "Speech-to-text smart picker" : "語音轉文字智慧型挑選程式", - "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "要啟用此功能,請安裝語音轉文字提供者。", "Image storage" : "影像儲存", "Image generation idle time (days)" : "影像產生閒置時間(天)", "Days until generated images are deleted if they are not viewed" : "直到影像產生後的天數,如果未被檢視,則將其刪除", @@ -226,6 +222,10 @@ "Image file names could not be fetched from database" : "無法從資料庫擷取影像檔案名稱", "Image file not found in database" : "資料庫中找不到影像檔案", "Image file not found" : "找不到影像檔案", + "This app brings a user interface to use the Nextcloud text processing feature.\n\nIt allows users to launch AI tasks, be notified when they finish and see the results.\nThe assistant also appears in others apps like Text to easily process parts of a document.\n\nMore details on the assistant OCS API and frontend integration possibilities in the\n[developer doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### How to use it\n\nA new right header menu entry appears. Once clicked, the assistant is displayed and you can select and task type and\nset the input you want to process.\n\nThe task might run immediately or be scheduled depending on the time estimation given by the AI provider.\nOnce a task is scheduled, it will run as a background job. When it is finished, you will receive a notification\nfrom which the results can be displayed.\n\nOther apps can integrate with the assistant. For example, Text will display an inline button besides every paragraph\nto directly select a task type to process this paragraph. Selecting a task this way will open the assistant with the task\nbeing pre-selected and the input text set.\n\nMore details and screenshots in the [user doc](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user).\n\n## Features\n\nIn the assistant, the list of available tasks depends on the available providers installed via other apps.\nThis means you have complete freedom over which service/software will actually run your AI tasks.\n\n### Text processing providers\n\nSo far, the [Large language model](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)\nand the [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) apps\ninclude text processing providers to:\n* Summarize\n* Extract topics\n* Generate a headline\n* Get an answer from a free prompt\n* Reformulate (OpenAi/LocalAi only)\n* Context writer: Generate text with a specified style. The style can be described or provided via an example text.\n\n### Text to image (Image generation)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Text2Image Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### Speech to text (Audio transcription)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAi/LocalAI integration](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [Local Whisper Speech-To-Text](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)" : "此應用程式帶來了一個使用 Nextcloud 文字處理功能的使用者介面。\n\n其讓使用者可以啟動文字處理任務,在任務完成時收到通知並檢視結果。\n小幫手也會出現在「文字」等其他應用程式中,可以輕鬆處理文件的某些部分。\n\n更多關於小幫手 OCS API 與前端整合可能性的詳細資訊請見\n[開發者文件](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/developer)\n\n### 如何使用它\n\n出現新的右標題選單條目。點擊後,將顯示小幫手,您可以選擇任務類型與\n設定要處理的輸入文字。\n\n規劃好任務後,其將作為背景作業執行。完成後,您將會收到其中顯示結果的通知。\n\n其他應用程式可以與小幫手應用程式整合。例如,文字將在每個段落旁邊顯示一個行內按鈕,直接選擇一個任務類型來處理該段落。以這種方式選擇任務將會開啟包含該任務的助手,且預先選擇並設定輸入文字。\n\n在[使用者文件](https://github.com/nextcloud/assistant/raw/main/docs/user)中有更多詳細資訊與螢幕截圖。\n\n## 功能\n\n在小幫手中,可用任務清單取決於透過其他應用程式安裝的可用提供者。\n這代表了您可以完全自由地決定哪些服務/軟體實際執行您的文字處理任務。\n\n### 文字處理提供者\n\n到目前為止,[大型語言模型](https://github.com/nextcloud/llm#readme)以及 [OpenAi/LocalAI 整合](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai) 應用程式包含了文字處理提供者:\n* 總結\n* 擷取主題\n* 產生標題\n* 從免費提示中取得答案\n* 重新表述(僅限 OpenAI/LocalAI)\n* 情境作家:產生指定樣式的文字。可以透過範例文字來描述或提供樣式。\n\n已知提供者:\n* [OpenAI/LocalAI 整合](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [文字轉影像 Stable Diffusion](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/text2image_stablediffusion)\n\n### 語音轉文字(音訊轉錄)\n\nKnown providers:\n* [OpenAI/LocalAI 整合](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/integration_openai)\n* [本機 Whisper 語音轉文字](https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/stt_whisper)", + "To enable this feature, please install an AI text processing provider for the free prompt task type." : "要啟用此功能,請安裝免費提示任務類型的人工智慧文字處理提供者。", + "To enable this feature, please install a text-to-image provider." : "要啟用此功能,請安裝文字轉影像提供者。", + "To enable this feature, please install a speech-to-text provider." : "要啟用此功能,請安裝語音轉文字提供者。", "Writing style" : "寫作風格", "Describe the writing style you want to use or supply an example document." : "描述您想要使用的寫作風格或提供範例文件。", "Source material" : "來源資料",