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Import ckb cli keystore from&to Neuron wallet

Quake Wang edited this page Jan 17, 2023 · 2 revisions

Import ckb-cli keystore to Neuron wallet

First copy the keystore to a tmp json file.

$ cp ~/.ckb-cli/keystore/UTC--2020-11-11T11-11-24.222222222Z--{lock-arg} tmp-keystore.json

Then edit the json file, remove fields if exists: ["ckb_root", "origin", "hash160"], and only keep ["version", "id", "crypto"].

And then use Wallet > Import Wallet > Import from Keystore to import the tmp-keystore.json file.

Import Neuron wallet to ckb-cli

$ ckb-cli account import-keystore --path "Wallet x.json"

ckb-cli and Neuron use the keystore in different way

  • ckb-cli use master key (path=m) as primary key, show in account list, default private key used by wallet transfer, please also notice that ckb-cli can use BIP44 address speace too.
  • Neuron currently only use BIP44 address space (path=m/44'/309'/0').