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Chris edited this page May 1, 2019 · 18 revisions

Coc list is created to make working with lists of things easier, ex: locations & extensions.

Coc list is inspired by denite.nvim. It's faster and doesn't require python support (mostly, you still need python available for vim8).

List features

  • Insert mode and normal mode, use insert mode for filter and normal mode to do everything else.

  • Actions for items, each list provides different actions. You can create key-mappings for them and type <tab> to run one of them.

  • Multiple selection, you can do multiple selection in different ways:

    • Press <space> to toggle selection of an item.
    • Drag your mouse to select items.
    • On normal mode, select lines in visual select mode and then press <space> to toggle selection of lines.
  • Commands for previous list:

    • :CocListResume reopen last list, restore window and cursor position.
    • :CocNext do default action with next item.
    • :CocPrev do default action with previous item.
  • Different match modes, coc use fuzzy match by default, but you can change to use strict match or regex match.

  • Interactive mode, use --interactive in :CocList command to start list in interactive mode, when activated, all items would be fetched on input change, and the list was sorted and filtered by list implementation.

    • Some source like symbols (use workspace symbols feature of language server) only works on interactive mode.
    • Interactive is only available when the list supports it.
  • Default key-mappings, check out :h coc-list-mappings for default mappings, you can override them by use "list.normalMappings" and "list.insertMappings" in configuration file.

  • Auto preview feature: the preview window would be adjusted when cursor moved in list window. 2019-01-25 00_10_59

  • Number select feature, add --number-select to :CocList command, then your can type 1-9 to do default action for that line of item.

  • Parse ansi from item label, list can pass labels with ansi code, and the colors would be parsed and highlighted as expected

    screen shot 2019-01-25 at 12 54 20 am

    Using highlight form output of ripgrep

  • Mouse support, you can click to change cursor position, use double click to select item and do default action, and use drag to select multiple items.

  • Advanced fuzzy score, for items with location, the match of filename will have a higher score, beginning of path segment have higher score

    screen shot 2019-01-25 at 1 06 16 am

    Only best match characters get highlighted

  • Input history, you can use <C-n> and <C-p> on insert mode to navigate command history list, the list is filtered with CWD and fuzzy match of current input (when not empty).

Checkout :h coc-list for detailed documentation.


  • When list is open, you can still use mouse to scroll other vim windows.

  • Create custom key-mappings for do action easier, for example:

    "list.normalMappings": {
      "t": "action:tabe",
      "v": "action:vsplit",
      "s": "action:split",
      "d": "expr:GetDeleteAction"
    "list.insertMappings": {
      "<C-t>": "action:tabe",
      "<C-w>": "command:wincmd k"
  • You can move to another window when the list is opened, the prompt would be deactivated then.

  • Use variables g:terminal_color_{0-7} to customize ansi highlight colors, same as terminal colors of neovim :h terminal-configuration.

  • Press ? on normal mode to get help. screen shot 2019-02-04 at 8 16 29 am

Builtin list sources

  • outline outline of current document, provided by language server or ctags.
  • sources loaded completion sources.
  • symbols search workspace symbol.
  • commands registered coc commands.
  • location latest jump locations.
  • services registered language client services.
  • extensions installed extensions.
  • diagnostics diagnostics of current workspace
  • links links of current document, provided by language server.
  • lists available list sources.
  • output current output channels.


Some coc extensions make use of list feature:

  • coc-lists provide some basic lists, including files, mru, grep etc.
  • coc-snippets provide snippets list.


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