You can use Google Cloud Container Builder to generate and push container images to under your project id.
In Google Cloud Platform:
- select Container Registry > build triggers
- select GitHub as source and authenticate
- select your fork of kube-cert-manager repostory
- create trigger and use cloudbuild.yaml for build configuration
When changes are pushed to your repository, Container Builder will build and publish a new container to${PROJECT_ID}/kube-cert-manager
. The image will be tagged with git sha1 and latest
for convenience.
To kick off a container builder job with your local copy of the source code:
$ git clone
$ cd kube-cert-manager
$ gcloud container builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml .
To review jobs created by container builder:
# Obtain the job UUID:
$ gcloud container builds list
$ gcloud container builds describe 6924166d-34e0-42ab-bcf7-b2fadcc35a2d
$ gcloud container builds log 6924166d-34e0-42ab-bcf7-b2fadcc35a2d