Releases: munkireport/munkireport-php
Munkireport 2.0.10
2.0.10 (June 30, 2014)
This release has some changes to the way preflight scripts are handled:
- scripts with a non-zero exit status will not terminate a munki run. If you rely on this behaviour, you should move your script to
- all scripts (including preflight) are aborted after 10 seconds. Munkireport will emit a warning when a timeout is reached.
- Better widget sorting (thanks to @nbalonso)
- jQuery 2.1.0
- Bootstrap 3.1.1
- Date display fixed in install history and client detail
- AD module (thanks to @nbalonso)
- MySQL create table now uses default innodb and utf-8
- FV users in security listing (thanks to @diwanicki)
- Preflight scripts handling improved
- ARD info fields
- CPU info (thanks to @joshua-d-miller)
- Add your custom css and js files to MR
- External (and internal) displays tracking (thanks to @nbalonso)
- Display vendor strings added (thanks to @diwanicki)
- Bluetooth device tracking (thanks to @gmarnin)
- Site name on login page (thanks to @gmarnin)
- Client uptime reporting
- Added postflight.d and preflight_abort.d
- verbosity is now controlled by munki (with munki or and up)
There are some changes in the database setup, if you are upgrading from a previous version, you should:
- Make a backup of your database
- Add the following line to config.php:
$conf['allow_migrations'] = TRUE;
This will automatically migrate your database to the correct version.
For more info about upgrading, visit
- If you come from a previous release and you want to add new report items, you have to push your clients a new pkginfo file.
Munkireport 2.0.9
Munkireport 2.0.8
2.0.8 (March 5, 2014)
- Speed improvement for MySQL users through indexes
- Speed improvement for SQLite by dropping permissions check
- Better session handling
- Improved error handling/reporting for db queries
- updated Font Awesome to 4.0.3, moment.js to 2.5.1
- fixed AD Information report (thanks to @nbalonso)
- fixed automated warranty check
- Spanish translation update (thanks to @nbalonso)
This is mainly a bug fix release, but the improved error handling/reporting is certainly a nice feature!
There are some changes in the database setup, if you are upgrading from a previous version, you should:
- Make a backup of your database
- Add the following line to config.php:
$conf['allow_migrations'] = TRUE;
This will automatically migrate your database to the correct version.
- If you come from a release before 2.0.7, you have to push your clients a new pkginfo file.
Munkireport 2.0.7
2.0.7 (Februari 11, 2014)
- Updated disk_info for 10.5 clients
- Updated to Bootstrap 3.1.0
- Improved error handling
- Compatible with MySQL sql_mode = TRADITIONAL
- Automated warranty check
- Filevault Escrow (thanks to @gmarnin)
- SSH link in client view (thanks to @timsutton)
- Added LDAP Bind info (thanks to @rsaeks)
There are some changes in the database setup, if you are upgrading from a previous version, you should:
- Make a backup of your database
- Add the following line to config.php:
$conf['allow_migrations'] = TRUE;
This will automatically migrate your database to the correct version.
- If you want your clients to trigger warranty check, you have to push a new client version.
Munkireport 2.0.6
2.0.6 (Januari 14, 2014)
This is a small bug fix release that fixes #66.
There are some changes in the database setup, if you are upgrading from a previous version, you should:
- Make a backup of your database
- Add the following line to config.php:
$conf['allow_migrations'] = TRUE;
This will automatically migrate your database to the correct version.
Munkireport 2.0.5
2.0.5 (Januari 13, 2014)
- Updated to Bootstrap 3.0.2
- Fixed printing
- Fixed disk_info reporting
- Fixed munkireport counters when munki server unreachable
- Fixed purchase date calculation
- Moved to modular reporting
- Added german localization (thanks to @fridomac)
- Added proxy support for Apple Warranty Lookup
- Added LDAP authentication
- Added AD authentication (thanks to @nbalonso)
- Extended AD bind reporting (thanks to @nbalonso)
- Added support for https redirecting (thanks to @nbalonso)
- Documentation updates
- Some UI changes
There are some changes in the database setup, if you are upgrading from a previous version, you should:
- Make a backup of your database
- Add the following line to config.php:
$conf['allow_migrations'] = TRUE;
This will automatically migrate your database to the correct version.
- If you want your clients to get the new directory services report, you have to push a new client version.
Munkireport 2.0.4
2.0.4 (December 2, 2013)
- Added some support for 10.5 clients
- Fixed some casing issues for Linux servers
- Fixed GB column in machine report
- Added client authentication
- Added directory services report (thanks to @gmarnin and @nbalonso)
- Added ability to disable modules
- Improved listing views
- Improved search in listing views
- Added munki version widget (thanks to @nbalonso)
- Added memory widget (thanks to @nbalonso)
- Documentation updates
- Small UI changes
- Database migration support
There are some changes in the database setup, if you are upgrading from a previous version, you should:
- Make a backup of your database
- Add the following line to config.php:
$conf['allow_migrations'] = TRUE;
This will automatically migrate your database to the correct version.
- If you want your clients to get the new directory services report, you have to push a new client version.
Munkireport 2.0.3
2.0.3 (November 10, 2013)
- Fixed disk size issue on MySQL
- Preflight does not stop munki when report server is down
- Moved to bootstrap 3.0.1
- Added network module
- Length menu now includes all
- No_auth authentication method
- Pending munki and apple updates widgets (thanks to nbalonso)
- Documentation updates
- Small UI changes
Munkireport (October 30, 2013)
- Fixed case issues for Linux hosts
- Fixed filevault status reporting module for 10.9
- web.config now has better protection for database (on IIS servers)
- Fixed filevault, diskreport and localadmin install scripts
- Added local admin module
Munkireport (October 23, 2013)
- Fixed installer script
- FIxed installer plist
- Improved multiple table lookups
- Delete clients from list view
- Search field clear button
- Responsive tables
- Security listing (with filevault status)