Name | Offset | Length | Description |
0x0 | 4 | Interrupt State Register |
0x4 | 4 | Interrupt Enable Register |
0x8 | 4 | Interrupt Test Register |
0xc | 4 | Alert Test Register |
i2c.CTRL |
0x10 | 4 | I2C Control Register |
i2c.STATUS |
0x14 | 4 | I2C Live Status Register |
i2c.RDATA |
0x18 | 4 | I2C Read Data |
i2c.FDATA |
0x1c | 4 | I2C Format Data |
0x20 | 4 | I2C FIFO control register |
0x24 | 4 | I2C FIFO status register |
i2c.OVRD |
0x28 | 4 | I2C Override Control Register |
i2c.VAL |
0x2c | 4 | Oversampled RX values |
i2c.TIMING0 |
0x30 | 4 | Detailed I2C Timings (directly corresponding to table 10 in the I2C Specification). |
i2c.TIMING1 |
0x34 | 4 | Detailed I2C Timings (directly corresponding to table 10 in the I2C Specification). |
i2c.TIMING2 |
0x38 | 4 | Detailed I2C Timings (directly corresponding to table 10 in the I2C Specification). |
i2c.TIMING3 |
0x3c | 4 | Detailed I2C Timings (directly corresponding to table 10, in the I2C Specification). |
i2c.TIMING4 |
0x40 | 4 | Detailed I2C Timings (directly corresponding to table 10, in the I2C Specification). |
0x44 | 4 | I2C clock stretching timeout control |
0x48 | 4 | I2C target address and mask pairs |
0x4c | 4 | I2C target acquired data |
i2c.TXDATA |
0x50 | 4 | I2C target transmit data |
0x54 | 4 | I2C host clock generation timeout value (in units of input clock frequency) |
Interrupt State Register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "fmt_threshold", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "rx_threshold", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "fmt_overflow", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "rx_overflow", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "nak", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "scl_interference", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "sda_interference", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "stretch_timeout", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "sda_unstable", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "cmd_complete", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "tx_stretch", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "tx_overflow", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "acq_full", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "unexp_stop", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "host_timeout", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 17}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 180}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:15 | Reserved | |||
14 | rw1c | 0x0 | host_timeout | target mode interrupt: raised if the host stops sending the clock during an ongoing transaction. |
13 | rw1c | 0x0 | unexp_stop | target mode interrupt: raised if STOP is received without a preceding NACK during an external host read. |
12 | ro | 0x0 | acq_full | target mode interrupt: raised if ACQ FIFO becomes full. This is a level status interrupt. |
11 | rw1c | 0x0 | tx_overflow | target mode interrupt: raised if TX FIFO has overflowed. |
10 | ro | 0x0 | tx_stretch | target mode interrupt: raised if the target is stretching clocks for a read command. This is a level status interrupt. |
9 | rw1c | 0x0 | cmd_complete | host and target mode interrupt. In host mode, raised if the host issues a repeated START or terminates the transaction by issuing STOP. In target mode, raised if the external host issues a STOP or repeated START. |
8 | rw1c | 0x0 | sda_unstable | host mode interrupt: raised if the target does not assert a constant value of SDA during transmission. |
7 | rw1c | 0x0 | stretch_timeout | host mode interrupt: raised if target stretches the clock beyond the allowed timeout period |
6 | rw1c | 0x0 | sda_interference | host mode interrupt: raised if the SDA line goes low when host is trying to assert high |
5 | rw1c | 0x0 | scl_interference | host mode interrupt: raised if the SCL line drops early (not supported without clock synchronization). |
4 | rw1c | 0x0 | nak | host mode interrupt: raised if there is no ACK in response to an address or data write |
3 | rw1c | 0x0 | rx_overflow | host mode interrupt: raised if the RX FIFO has overflowed. |
2 | rw1c | 0x0 | fmt_overflow | host mode interrupt: raised if the FMT FIFO has overflowed. |
1 | rw1c | 0x0 | rx_threshold | host mode interrupt: raised if the RX FIFO is greater than the high threshold. |
0 | rw1c | 0x0 | fmt_threshold | host mode interrupt: raised when the FMT FIFO depth is less than the low threshold. |
Interrupt Enable Register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "fmt_threshold", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "rx_threshold", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "fmt_overflow", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "rx_overflow", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "nak", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "scl_interference", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "sda_interference", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "stretch_timeout", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "sda_unstable", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "cmd_complete", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "tx_stretch", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "tx_overflow", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "acq_full", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "unexp_stop", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "host_timeout", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 17}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 180}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:15 | Reserved | |||
14 | rw | 0x0 | host_timeout | Enable interrupt when INTR_STATE.host_timeout is set. |
13 | rw | 0x0 | unexp_stop | Enable interrupt when INTR_STATE.unexp_stop is set. |
12 | rw | 0x0 | acq_full | Enable interrupt when INTR_STATE.acq_full is set. |
11 | rw | 0x0 | tx_overflow | Enable interrupt when INTR_STATE.tx_overflow is set. |
10 | rw | 0x0 | tx_stretch | Enable interrupt when INTR_STATE.tx_stretch is set. |
9 | rw | 0x0 | cmd_complete | Enable interrupt when INTR_STATE.cmd_complete is set. |
8 | rw | 0x0 | sda_unstable | Enable interrupt when INTR_STATE.sda_unstable is set. |
7 | rw | 0x0 | stretch_timeout | Enable interrupt when INTR_STATE.stretch_timeout is set. |
6 | rw | 0x0 | sda_interference | Enable interrupt when INTR_STATE.sda_interference is set. |
5 | rw | 0x0 | scl_interference | Enable interrupt when INTR_STATE.scl_interference is set. |
4 | rw | 0x0 | nak | Enable interrupt when INTR_STATE.nak is set. |
3 | rw | 0x0 | rx_overflow | Enable interrupt when INTR_STATE.rx_overflow is set. |
2 | rw | 0x0 | fmt_overflow | Enable interrupt when INTR_STATE.fmt_overflow is set. |
1 | rw | 0x0 | rx_threshold | Enable interrupt when INTR_STATE.rx_threshold is set. |
0 | rw | 0x0 | fmt_threshold | Enable interrupt when INTR_STATE.fmt_threshold is set. |
Interrupt Test Register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "fmt_threshold", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "rx_threshold", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "fmt_overflow", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "rx_overflow", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "nak", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "scl_interference", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "sda_interference", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "stretch_timeout", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "sda_unstable", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "cmd_complete", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "tx_stretch", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "tx_overflow", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "acq_full", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "unexp_stop", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "host_timeout", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 17}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 180}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:15 | Reserved | |||
14 | wo | 0x0 | host_timeout | Write 1 to force INTR_STATE.host_timeout to 1. |
13 | wo | 0x0 | unexp_stop | Write 1 to force INTR_STATE.unexp_stop to 1. |
12 | wo | 0x0 | acq_full | Write 1 to force INTR_STATE.acq_full to 1. |
11 | wo | 0x0 | tx_overflow | Write 1 to force INTR_STATE.tx_overflow to 1. |
10 | wo | 0x0 | tx_stretch | Write 1 to force INTR_STATE.tx_stretch to 1. |
9 | wo | 0x0 | cmd_complete | Write 1 to force INTR_STATE.cmd_complete to 1. |
8 | wo | 0x0 | sda_unstable | Write 1 to force INTR_STATE.sda_unstable to 1. |
7 | wo | 0x0 | stretch_timeout | Write 1 to force INTR_STATE.stretch_timeout to 1. |
6 | wo | 0x0 | sda_interference | Write 1 to force INTR_STATE.sda_interference to 1. |
5 | wo | 0x0 | scl_interference | Write 1 to force INTR_STATE.scl_interference to 1. |
4 | wo | 0x0 | nak | Write 1 to force INTR_STATE.nak to 1. |
3 | wo | 0x0 | rx_overflow | Write 1 to force INTR_STATE.rx_overflow to 1. |
2 | wo | 0x0 | fmt_overflow | Write 1 to force INTR_STATE.fmt_overflow to 1. |
1 | wo | 0x0 | rx_threshold | Write 1 to force INTR_STATE.rx_threshold to 1. |
0 | wo | 0x0 | fmt_threshold | Write 1 to force INTR_STATE.fmt_threshold to 1. |
Alert Test Register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "fatal_fault", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 31}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 130}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:1 | Reserved | |||
0 | wo | 0x0 | fatal_fault | Write 1 to trigger one alert event of this kind. |
I2C Control Register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "ENABLEHOST", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "ENABLETARGET", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "LLPBK", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 29}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 140}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:3 | Reserved | |||
2 | rw | 0x0 | LLPBK | Enable I2C line loopback test If line loopback is enabled, the internal design sees ACQ and RX data as "1" |
1 | rw | 0x0 | ENABLETARGET | Enable Target I2C functionality |
0 | rw | 0x0 | ENABLEHOST | Enable Host I2C functionality |
I2C Live Status Register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "FMTFULL", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "RXFULL", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "FMTEMPTY", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "HOSTIDLE", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "TARGETIDLE", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "RXEMPTY", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "TXFULL", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "ACQFULL", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "TXEMPTY", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "ACQEMPTY", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 22}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 120}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:10 | Reserved | |||
9 | ro | 0x1 | ACQEMPTY | ACQ FIFO is empty |
8 | ro | 0x1 | TXEMPTY | TX FIFO is empty |
7 | ro | x | ACQFULL | ACQ FIFO is full |
6 | ro | x | TXFULL | TX FIFO is full |
5 | ro | 0x1 | RXEMPTY | RX FIFO is empty |
4 | ro | 0x1 | TARGETIDLE | Target functionality is idle. No Target transaction is in progress |
3 | ro | 0x1 | HOSTIDLE | Host functionality is idle. No Host transaction is in progress |
2 | ro | 0x1 | FMTEMPTY | FMT FIFO is empty |
1 | ro | x | RXFULL | RX FIFO is full |
0 | ro | x | FMTFULL | FMT FIFO is full |
I2C Read Data
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "RDATA", "bits": 8, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": 0}, {"bits": 24}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:8 | Reserved | |||
7:0 | ro | x | RDATA |
I2C Format Data
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "FBYTE", "bits": 8, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": 0}, {"name": "START", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "STOP", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "READB", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "RCONT", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "NAKOK", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 19}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:13 | Reserved | |||
12 | wo | 0x0 | NAKOK | Do not signal an exception if the current byte is not ACK'd |
11 | wo | 0x0 | RCONT | Do not NACK the last byte read, let the read operation continue |
10 | wo | 0x0 | READB | Read BYTE bytes from I2C. (256 if BYTE==0) |
9 | wo | 0x0 | STOP | Issue a STOP condition after this operation |
8 | wo | 0x0 | START | Issue a START condition before transmitting BYTE. |
7:0 | wo | 0x0 | FBYTE | Format Byte. Directly transmitted if no flags are set. |
I2C FIFO control register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "RXRST", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "FMTRST", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "RXILVL", "bits": 3, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "FMTILVL", "bits": 2, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "ACQRST", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "TXRST", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 23}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 90}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name |
31:9 | Reserved | ||
8 | wo | 0x0 | TXRST |
7 | wo | 0x0 | ACQRST |
6:5 | rw | 0x0 | FMTILVL |
4:2 | rw | 0x0 | RXILVL |
1 | wo | 0x0 | FMTRST |
0 | wo | 0x0 | RXRST |
TX FIFO reset. Write 1 to the register resets it. Read returns 0
ACQ FIFO reset. Write 1 to the register resets it. Read returns 0
Trigger level for FMT interrupts. If the FIFO depth falls below this setting, it raises fmt_threshold interrupt.
Value | Name | Description |
0x0 | fmtlvl1 | 1 character |
0x1 | fmtlvl4 | 4 characters |
0x2 | fmtlvl8 | 8 characters |
0x3 | fmtlvl16 | 16 characters |
Trigger level for RX interrupts. If the FIFO depth exceeds this setting, it raises rx_threshold interrupt.
Value | Name | Description |
0x0 | rxlvl1 | 1 character |
0x1 | rxlvl4 | 4 characters |
0x2 | rxlvl8 | 8 characters |
0x3 | rxlvl16 | 16 characters |
0x4 | rxlvl30 | 30 characters |
Other values are reserved.
FMT fifo reset. Write 1 to the register resets FMT_FIFO. Read returns 0
RX fifo reset. Write 1 to the register resets RX_FIFO. Read returns 0
I2C FIFO status register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "FMTLVL", "bits": 7, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": 0}, {"bits": 1}, {"name": "TXLVL", "bits": 7, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": 0}, {"bits": 1}, {"name": "RXLVL", "bits": 7, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": 0}, {"bits": 1}, {"name": "ACQLVL", "bits": 7, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": 0}, {"bits": 1}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31 | Reserved | |||
30:24 | ro | x | ACQLVL | Current fill level of ACQ fifo |
23 | Reserved | |||
22:16 | ro | x | RXLVL | Current fill level of RX fifo |
15 | Reserved | |||
14:8 | ro | x | TXLVL | Current fill level of TX fifo |
7 | Reserved | |||
6:0 | ro | x | FMTLVL | Current fill level of FMT fifo |
I2C Override Control Register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "TXOVRDEN", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "SCLVAL", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "SDAVAL", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 29}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 100}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:3 | Reserved | |||
2 | rw | 0x0 | SDAVAL | Value for SDA Override. Set to 0 to drive TX Low, and set to 1 for high-Z |
1 | rw | 0x0 | SCLVAL | Value for SCL Override. Set to 0 to drive TX Low, and set to 1 for high-Z |
0 | rw | 0x0 | TXOVRDEN | Override the SDA and SCL TX signals. |
Oversampled RX values
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "SCL_RX", "bits": 16, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": 0}, {"name": "SDA_RX", "bits": 16, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": 0}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:16 | ro | x | SDA_RX | Last 16 oversampled values of SDA. Most recent bit is bit 16, oldest 31. |
15:0 | ro | x | SCL_RX | Last 16 oversampled values of SCL. Most recent bit is bit 0, oldest 15. |
Detailed I2C Timings (directly corresponding to table 10 in the I2C Specification). All values are expressed in units of the input clock period. These must be greater than 2 in order for the change in SCL to propagate to the input of the FSM so that acknowledgements are detected correctly.
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "THIGH", "bits": 16, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"name": "TLOW", "bits": 16, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:16 | rw | 0x0 | TLOW | The actual time to hold SCL low between any two SCL pulses |
15:0 | rw | 0x0 | THIGH | The actual time to hold SCL high in a given pulse: in host mode, when there is no stretching this value is 3 cycles longer as tracked in issue #18962 |
Detailed I2C Timings (directly corresponding to table 10 in the I2C Specification). All values are expressed in units of the input clock period.
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "T_R", "bits": 16, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"name": "T_F", "bits": 16, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:16 | rw | 0x0 | T_F | The nominal fall time to anticipate for the bus (influences SDA hold times): this is currently counted twice in host mode as tracked in issue #18958 |
15:0 | rw | 0x0 | T_R | The nominal rise time to anticipate for the bus (depends on capacitance) |
Detailed I2C Timings (directly corresponding to table 10 in the I2C Specification). All values are expressed in units of the input clock period.
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "TSU_STA", "bits": 16, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"name": "THD_STA", "bits": 16, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:16 | rw | 0x0 | THD_STA | Actual hold time for start signals |
15:0 | rw | 0x0 | TSU_STA | Actual setup time for repeated start signals |
Detailed I2C Timings (directly corresponding to table 10, in the I2C Specification). All values are expressed in units of the input clock period.
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "TSU_DAT", "bits": 16, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"name": "THD_DAT", "bits": 16, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:16 | rw | 0x0 | THD_DAT | Actual hold time for data (or ack) bits (Note, where required, the parameters TVD_DAT is taken to be THD_DAT+T_F) |
15:0 | rw | 0x0 | TSU_DAT | Actual setup time for data (or ack) bits |
Detailed I2C Timings (directly corresponding to table 10, in the I2C Specification). All values are expressed in units of the input clock period.
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "TSU_STO", "bits": 16, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"name": "T_BUF", "bits": 16, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:16 | rw | 0x0 | T_BUF | Actual time between each STOP signal and the following START signal |
15:0 | rw | 0x0 | TSU_STO | Actual setup time for stop signals |
I2C clock stretching timeout control
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "VAL", "bits": 31, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"name": "EN", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31 | rw | 0x0 | EN | Enable timeout feature |
30:0 | rw | 0x0 | VAL | Clock stretching timeout value (in units of input clock frequency) |
I2C target address and mask pairs
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "ADDRESS0", "bits": 7, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"name": "MASK0", "bits": 7, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"name": "ADDRESS1", "bits": 7, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"name": "MASK1", "bits": 7, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"bits": 4}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:28 | Reserved | |||
27:21 | rw | 0x0 | MASK1 | I2C target mask number 1 |
20:14 | rw | 0x0 | ADDRESS1 | I2C target address number 1 |
13:7 | rw | 0x0 | MASK0 | I2C target mask number 0 |
6:0 | rw | 0x0 | ADDRESS0 | I2C target address number 0 |
I2C target acquired data
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "ABYTE", "bits": 8, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": 0}, {"name": "SIGNAL", "bits": 2, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 22}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name |
31:10 | Reserved | ||
9:8 | ro | x | SIGNAL |
7:0 | ro | x | ABYTE |
Host issued a START before transmitting ABYTE, a STOP or a RESTART after the preceeding ABYTE
Value | Name | Description |
0x0 | NONE | ABYTE contains ordinary data byte as received |
0x1 | START | ABYTE contains the 8-bit I2C address (R/W in lsb) |
0x2 | STOP | ABYTE contains junk |
0x3 | RESTART | ABYTE contains junk, START with address will follow |
Address for accepted transaction or acquired byte
I2C target transmit data
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "TXDATA", "bits": 8, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": 0}, {"bits": 24}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:8 | Reserved | |||
7:0 | wo | 0x0 | TXDATA |
I2C host clock generation timeout value (in units of input clock frequency)
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "HOST_TIMEOUT_CTRL", "bits": 32, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:0 | rw | 0x0 | HOST_TIMEOUT_CTRL |