We are currently trying to get this SDK to a full version 1 release. Most API calls are working properly, save for the few mentioned in the changelog.
- Create a Shopify Partners account, and create a new Application.
- Make sure you have a dev-store ot test on
- Follow the installation instructions in the README to get your environment set up
- Make sure an issue ticket exists, if working on a bugfix
- Create a new branch with a descriptive name
- Complete your local work
- Add required tests for any functionality you are creating / modifying.
- Ensure all tests pass before submitting a pull request
- If test fail, pull requests will be automatically rejected
When tests are run, we initialiez the '\Shopfiy\Shopify' global with 'test = true'. Now
when it instantiates the Client, it instead opts for TestClient. The TestClient parses
request URLs and methods, and returns the necessary mock response from ./data
You can also use this functionality for testing, so as not to hit a rate limit. Be aware though,
that there is no linear relation between IDs. If you call products/1 or products/2, you will
get the same response.