composer require mugoweb/mugoweb/ibexa-bundle:dev-master
Afterward, you need to enable the bundle in config/bundles.php:
MugoWeb\IbexaBundle\MugoWebIbexaBundle::class => ['all' => true],
If you'd like to use the features location quick finder or Location query tester, you would need to load the routes.yml file of this bundle. Tip: use a path prefix to avoid path conflicts.
php bin/phpunit vendor/mugoweb/ibexa-bundle/tests/
For a given location ID, following path redirects to the full view of the corresponding content object:
It allows you to fetch Locations for a given LocationQuery string.
Use this path to access it:
To enable add following to your service configuration:
# Enable to log user variation hashes
class: MugoWeb\IbexaBundle\Service\DebugHashGenerator
$cachePool: '@ibexa.cache_pool'
php bin/console ibexa:trash:purge <limit>
Command to purge items from the trash
Here is an example:
$query = QueryStringParser::getQueryObject(
'ParentLocationId:123 and ContentTypeIdentifier:article',
Consider to use the QueryStringParser instead. A different way to generate the LocationQuery. You can use it then for the find or search service. Here is an example:
$locationQuery = LocationQuery::build(
'Subtree:' . $parentLocation->pathString . ' and (ContentTypeIdentifier:article or ContentTypeIdentifier:folder ro ContentTypeIdentifier:blog)',
'Location\Priority: ASC',