This is a tool to benchmark the performance of an mqtt broker. It works by launching an arbitrary number of publishers and subscribers in parallel. These workers both publish and subscribe to the same topic and either send or recieve a fixed number of messages.
The easiest way to install pymqttbench is use pip:
pip install pymqttbench
Alternatively you can clone the repo with:
git clone
then install it using pip:
pip install ./pymqttbench
Alternatively you can run:
cd pymqttbench && python install
however using pip is recommended.
After installing pymqttbench you simply run it with the:
pymqttbench --hostname $BROKER_HOST
command. This single command will launch both the publishers and subscribers workers simultaneously and benchmark their performance. This way you don't have to worry about synchronizing multiple commands to run a benchmark.
The hostname parameter is required to tell pymqttbench the hostname
of the broker. This is the only required field, but there are several other
options exposed for how to connect to the broker. --port
is used to specify
the port if you're not connecting on the standard port, 1883
. --username
and --password
are used to specify user authentication if needed. Similiarly
can be used to specify a trusted CA certificate to verify the TLS
connection on the broker. There is also the --topic
parameter which
is used to specify a topic to use for the benchmark, by default pybench is
used. Note that all of these settings are used for both the publishers and
Outside of mqtt connection options there is also the --brief
flag which is
used to print a colon separated list of benchmark results instead of the default
human readable formatted output. The format for this output is:
Subscriber Count:Publisher Count:Subscriber Mean Duration:Subscriber Duration Std. Deviation:Subscriber Avg. Throughput:Subscriber Total Throughput:Publisher Mean Duration:Publisher Duration Std. Deviation:Publisher Avg. Throughput:Publisher Total Throughput
After pymqttbench knows how to connect to the broker you can tune the benchmark
to your specific needs. There are several axes you can adjust the bechmark on,
the first being the number of publishers and subscribers. This is configurable
with the --pub-clients
and --sub-clients
flags. By default each is set
to 10. The next option you can tune is the number of messages that the
publishers will send, with --pub-count
, and the number of messages the
subscribers will listen for, with --sub-count
. It's worth pointing out that
the subscribers do not pair with an individual worker like in some other
benchmarking tools, but instead listen to the same topic that all the publishers
publish to. In addition with adjusting these options you'll likely want to
change the publisher timeout, --pub-timeout
, and the subscriber timeout,
, which describe how long the benchmark will wait for the worker
to either publish or recieve the specified message count.
You can also set how large the message payload is with --msg-size
takes the number of bytes to use. By default it uses a 1024 byte payload. The
last tuning option is --qos
which is used to specify the qos level to use
for benchmarking. By default qos 0 is used.